Build Madness

Chapter 281 University City Project Approval

Jifu compound.

Although Mr. Yu took two positions and needed to attend the National Assembly, but due to Zhu Lao's inspection, he left a lot of work, so he had to appoint office staff to go to the capital on his behalf, while he himself stayed in Dongshan.

After a busy morning, the noon news begins.

'A three-foot wooden sword embraces the world, a decision decides the country...every time you strike, you are angry...I am here, a brother, come...'

Mr. Yu took the strong tea from the secretary and pointed to the promotional advertisement of Tianyu International, "Remove this! It's so nonsense, even a blind person can tell that this is a promotional game!"

"Good leadership!"

"By the way, call Ge Xiaotian and tell him that this game is too hostile. If something goes wrong, I will let him go in and squat for two years!"

"Good leadership!"

Mr. Yu stretched himself, and walked to the window with his thermos in his arms, "Why is it so noisy outside?"

"It's been two days, many parents have come here, surrounded the registration site of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School every day, and even smashed a piece of glass yesterday!"

"Huh? Shout out to Grandpa, I wish you a promise, this kid really thinks he's a grandson?" Mr. Yu suddenly laughed as he said, "Let that kid deal with it quickly!"

"Leader, so many parents are not here to make trouble."


"This game launched by Tiancheng has attracted many students who dropped out of school and stayed at home. The parents couldn't bear it any longer and rushed to urge Tiancheng to start school! There are also thousands of parents who heard that the school is managed militarized and they can learn a skill. To prepare the groundwork for the recent big news, I came here to help my child apply for school!"

Mr. Yu was stunned, "Hey, before Liu Beibei and the others begged their grandpa to sue grandma and advertised for recruiting students everywhere, this kid has attracted so many active signups with just one game?!"

"Perhaps, it was just an accident that Liu Beibei and the others helped Tiancheng recruit students. Mr. Ge has his own plans..."

Mr. Yu nodded after thinking for a moment, "Maybe, that kid is really bad, and his mind is full of golden ideas! By the way, don't go to the advertisement, but this game is indeed very hostile. Give it to the director of Tianyu Chang...what's his name?"


"Well, let him know that there is a problem, and I will let him go in and squat for half his life!"


"Prepare the car and go to the Education Bureau. There are many restrictions on Tiancheng's enrollment plan, and we need to discuss it with them... Wait!" After taking two steps, Mr. Yu put down his teacup and tapped his finger on the table, "Almost caught in the trap!"


"Think about it, the admissions office is just opposite the compound. If the parents make a fuss, I'm sure I'll know. I don't need that kid to ask me, I'll help him out of it!"

The secretary was thoughtful, "Indeed!"

"No, I have to wait for his call!"


The secretary wanted to laugh, but didn't dare to laugh, so he could only prepare the car in advance, after all, the leader didn't say no...


Jinxiu River.

After listening to Liu Beibei's words, Ge Xiaotian was greatly surprised.

Triggered a chain reaction so quickly?

Games and Internet addiction have always been synonymous with parents' abhorrence.

To launch a legend, according to the registered address, identity information, and phone number, once it is determined that the other party is a minor, it will quietly generate a letter to parents and an admission notice to Tiancheng Secondary Vocational School based on the IP address.

As for the authenticity of the identity and address, when the point card rewards are issued, they will call to confirm.

Not only this game, but also follow-up karts and so on.

If it continues, as long as it is not exposed, there will be no shortage of students for vocational technical secondary schools.

'All the little friends around me disappeared one by one, don't you panic? '

'While playing around, my mother suddenly rushed into the Internet cafe, are you surprised? '

'Come to the school and chat with your roommates, damn it, you are the one who robbed monsters! Is it surprising? '

This is his enrollment plan!

As for Liu Beibei and the others helping recruit students... well, it was also an accident.

There was another surprise.

Two-line virtual host is very difficult to handle, and modifying textures, maps, and adding interesting gameplay is not as simple as imagined...

Therefore, the vocational technical secondary school was originally scheduled to start on the 16th of the first month, so it was delayed until now.

It's just that I never expected that in less than a week, the parents would come to the door!

After Ge Xiaotian was surprised, he suddenly felt... a little chill on his back.

The parents reacted so quickly, it is estimated that many smart people would be able to guess Tian Cheng's coquettish operation. If it becomes a classic case again, and let the 'bad kids' know the reason for coming to school, I am afraid...the Taoist monk must be transferred here as a Bodyguard!

Of course, after a few years, this group of high-achieving students will definitely be grateful to 'Senior Ge'!

Moreover, the name of Thunder Dharma King will also make these children rejoice.

"Boss, are we going to accept it or not!" Liu Beibei became even more anxious when he saw that the boss was silent.

"Accept! Why not accept?"

"The real boss? Didn't we exceed the enrollment limit?"

"Who said that?"

Ge Xiaotian would not have dared to accept all of them before Mr. Zhu inspected them, but now...

It's time to experience what a "green light all the way" is!

Mr. Yu, come on!


Jifu compound.

"Leader, it's three o'clock in the afternoon!"




"But the parents of those students gathered more and more, and the road was blocked..."

Mr. Yu picked up the phone, put it down again, scolded with a smile, and found a way for himself, "This brat is probably too busy to ask me in time! Well, yes, that's it, let's go, help him first !"


Jinxiu River.

The 7,000 mu of wasteland plus the 1,000 mu of land donated by the total amounted to 5.3 million square meters.

This does not include a large reservoir and two low mountains.

According to the agreement, after the reservoir is repaired, Tiancheng will be responsible for the maintenance and operation.

The mountain can also be used, but the ownership still belongs to Jifu.

The initial planning had been done years ago, and it was also sent for approval. It was a special case, and there was almost no trouble.

The overall layout of Jinxiuchuan University Town is in the shape of a 'well', all sidewalks are replaced by overpasses, and intersections are also replaced by roundabouts with central islands.

On the far right side of the word "well", Ge Xiaotian originally planned to build a small symbol of the magic city, but there are still nine wonders to be completed, and one can be thrown here at that time.

What is it?

The first monk and the second monk are already collecting relevant documents, who knows what the system will generate.

The upper part of the well is Higashiyama Kenda, the middle part is the technical secondary school, and the bottom part is Dongshan Art College.

On the far left is the shared open-air sports center, and there are supermarkets, shopping malls, and residential buildings in the four corners...

Although the overall look is quite satisfactory, due to the addition of a large number of flyovers and roundabouts, it is entirely possible to hold F4 racing championships in the future...

Moreover, if there are other colleges and universities to settle in in the future, the 'well' will spread around, and as long as the land is okay, it can be built continuously.

At present, the campuses of Higashiyama Kent University and Higashiyama Art College are full of building materials, and three engineering departments with more than 2,000 people are in the process of sorting out.

EFGH Xingyuewan, Jishi has handed over the house, and two engineering departments will come soon.

When the black tiger digs and plays with the stinky water ditch and the small commodity market is completed, the reservoir will be reinforced, and then join the construction of the campus.

According to the plan, not counting the Ministry of Transport, about 5,000 people will be involved in the construction.

In addition, Datai undertook the construction of three roads, and Teddy will also move here.

As for Tiancheng Secondary Vocational College...

Now a five-meter-high protective plate has been built around it, surrounded by many sentry towers.

Ge Xiaotian stepped into the gate, and the wooden gate was quickly closed, keeping Liu Beibei and others out.

'The third-level town center has been laid out! '

"Build ten universities, twenty residential buildings, two markets..."

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