Build Madness

Chapter 283 Shocking Appearance

March 8th.

Tiancheng Secondary Vocational School, which had been delayed for more than half a month, finally announced the opening of school!

The registration time is from the 8th to the 11th, the number of places is limited, and there will be no waiting after the expiration date.

Students who have registered go directly to Jinxiuchuan, where they will be picked up by car and sent to receive military training items.

Newly registered students need to go to the opposite side of the main entrance of the Jifu compound and pay the first-year tuition fee of 1,200 yuan.

It includes tuition, board and lodging, books, tuition and miscellaneous fees, school uniform and bedding, etc.

In other words, only 3,600 yuan is needed to sign a targeted transfer agreement, and the child can have a stable job in three years.


Tiancheng went bankrupt?

Have you read the news?

In the past few days, there have been endless news about Ge Baiyi.

First won the Jishi Advanced Individual Award, and then won the Dongshan Top Ten Outstanding Youth, the Pioneer of Private Enterprises in China...

And Tiancheng has successfully become a key supporting enterprise of Dongshan, China's top ten potential private enterprises, China's Innovation and Technology Progress Award...

There are more than a dozen densely packed!

This is in full swing!

Of all the companies with these honors, which one is not a listed company?

For a while, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School became a hot topic that people talked about.


Jinxiu River.

Dozens of buses with the logo of "Tiancheng Secondary Vocational School" came and went, transporting wave after wave of students and parents who came to report.


After getting out of the car, you will be faced with a barren ravine full of desolation, two large construction sites in full swing, a dusty and rugged cinder road, and nearly a hundred towering sentry towers evenly distributed around a five-meter-high protective plate... Regardless of the students , or parents, all worried.

Especially in the distance, there are four extremely huge transport helicopters parked side by side, twenty scoured iron bumps, and twenty transport vehicles...

What is this for?

Look at the hundreds of camouflage men standing around...

Is this a prison?

"Dad, this Tiancheng Technical High School?"

"Or... maybe it is!"

"I want to go home!!!"

"This..." The expectant parents hesitated for a moment, but when they saw the propaganda slogans surrounding militarized management, and many media reporters carrying cameras on their shoulders, they suddenly became ruthless, "Don't you dare! Don't talk about going home, in the future you If you dare to run out from here and go to the Internet cafe, I will break your leg!"

"No, I want to go home!"

The originally elated start-of-term report turned into a wailing meeting in an instant...

Some students even ran away.

However, no matter how fast you run, can you outrun helicopters and fast armored vehicles?

Moreover, within a radius of fifty li, there are only two small villages near the urban area, all of which have signed an agreement with Tian Cheng, and no one would dare to take in the runaway students when they come to do business in the future.


Run thirty miles to exercise first, and then catch it back...

Of course, some people also had trouble.

For example, Liu Beibei and the others.

In order to recruit students, this group of people fooled a lot of ruthless people in the Northeast, saying that there is an Internet cafe here, but now they come here from a thousand miles away...

This group of brothers has been surrounded by many...

"Instructor, they want to beat me!"

"Don't move, put your hands up!"


The first day of reporting is sure to be chaotic.

But there is an instructor team composed of military elites, and a large number of Tianwei security guards to maintain order, so there is no need to worry too much.

Ge Xiaotian's headache now is...

One, talk to local leaders about road construction.

Roads are extremely important to Jinxiuchuan.

The cinder road is only used for building materials transportation, and it mainly leads to the Zhaowanghe Wharf in Tai City, and the one-way lane connecting Jifu is only.

To think about Tongji Mansion, one needs a serious and dignified avenue.

Tiancheng's three roads were contracted by Datai Road Bridge, and they were busy for the time being, but Tiancheng could assign some personnel to Teddy's flag to build this 50-mile-long asphalt road.

The second is to talk to the leaders of the Education Bureau about the procurement of teaching materials.

Generally speaking, school textbooks are uniformly ordered by the Dongshan Education Bureau, and auxiliary textbooks are recommended by local teaching and research institutions.

However, the courses of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School are complicated, many of which are new majors, and many of them are targeted delivery, which is very troublesome.

After talking and talking, the final result: ordinary course textbooks ordered by the Education Bureau, specialty majors, and pilot majors, Tiancheng figured out a way to solve it himself!

The third is the optical cable!

Although this thing has been around for a long time, Millennium is limited to special development zones, important departments and key universities.

Not to mention the Canal Development Zone, Jinxiuchuan, which has two colleges and universities, is currently unqualified. This is also the main reason why Tianyu International has set up its servers in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province.

Fortunately, Mr. Yu went out in person and negotiated the project.

But what I never expected was that the fiber optic cable had just been opened, and it was intercepted by a brainless thief for a hundred meters last night!

Optical cables, not copper core cables, are full of glass fibers, and have no recycling value at all. Steal them and make wool!

"I don't care how many 'famous' people are around, before tonight, clear away the obstacles... By the way, take the leader to experience the majestic momentum of Mi-26!"

"Good boss!"

It is not without reason that camouflage is so popular.

Tiancheng owns four heavy-duty transport planes, and usually only uses two of them. In order to save maintenance costs, he planned to smash one for research, but he did not expect that the 80-type abandoned iron lump used a gas turbine, so Ge ​​Xiaotian rented one of them. Give camouflage, use for maneuvers.

The location of the exercise is naturally Jinxiuchuan!

And time, last day of reporting!


It was another three days of busy work.

The number of students who came to report has exceeded 8,000.

The number seemed astonishing, but based on the all-China propaganda and the fact that it was in Dongshan, a populous province, this amount was not too much.

Of course, this is just Ge Xiaotian's own idea.

In the eyes of the leaders, so many were recruited in the first session...

If there is no corresponding document, I really want to close this school immediately.

But in any case, the report gradually came to an end.

Since the school has not yet opened, students and parents have all gathered in a temporary camp in the southern region.

The benefits of the Tiancheng family's great business were immediately manifested.

If you live in Datongpu and eat big pot meals, you will never be hungry.

Three o'clock in the afternoon on the 11th.

The reporting office is still working, but tens of thousands of parents and students have already arrived at the gate of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School according to the notice.

Ge Xiaotian boarded the rostrum that had been prepared long ago.

"Welcome parents, leaders, and people from all walks of life to attend the military training ceremony of Tiancheng Secondary Vocational School."

"Before the official start, I originally had a lot to say to the students who are about to enter school, but after seeing the parents' expectations for their children in the past few days, I just want to say: Enter Tiancheng , I believe we can do it! Don’t abandon, don’t give up, let every child have their own bright future!!!”

Before he finished speaking, Ge Xiaotian clenched his fist and raised his right hand.

Almost at this moment, the tall protective panels surrounding the technical secondary school fell to the ground at the same time.

Nearly a hundred sentry towers also collapsed at the same time.

At the same time, a quaint, fairyland-like ancient building complex was displayed in front of countless people.

next moment.

The four transport planes hummed, and twenty big guys roared fiercely. The performance prepared for the opening ceremony of the military training officially began with countless people stunned!

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