Build Madness

Chapter 284 Virtual and Reality

Shock comes from the unexpected.

The two short mountains were sealed off, and before the military training ceremony started, almost no one knew what Tiancheng Technical High School looked like.

Many people think that militarized management is as solid as it looks, but they never expected...

It turned out to be a huge ancient building complex!

Green bricks and green tiles, double eaves (wu) hall, Xieshan palace, octagonal pavilion...

"Is this a Suzhou garden?"

"No, this is clearly a film and television base!"

"It's worth the tuition of 1,200 yuan!"

"I want to stay and go to school!"

"By the way, if Tian Cheng does this, can he control the child?"

"Look at how many ancient soldiers are wearing armor, holding long knives, and carrying bows and arrows!"


"Wait! Why is this scene so familiar?"

"Beach City!"

"Huh? You also play legend?"

"It's a long story, that day I went to an Internet cafe to find my son..."


That evening.

Internet cafes all over China.

The very popular legend disappeared strangely and was replaced by a uniform video!

In the picture, gunpowder smoke fills the air, guns blare, and countless iron-blooded men bravely move forward...

'Running with the wind, freedom is the direction...'

'Chasing the power of thunder and lightning...'

'Turn the vast ocean...'


'In this turbulent battlefield...'

"Storm boy debuts..."

'In defeating the heavy roar of the fire...'


'Want to fly to the stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun...'

'The world is waiting for me to change...'


One beautiful classic song after another, one shocking exquisite picture after another, one spectacular sea of ​​camouflage after another, one passionate young boy after another...

On the rostrum, the magical Ge Baiyi, who is physically disabled and strong, is sitting in a wheelchair and giving a vigorous speech:

"Flying an airplane, driving an armored vehicle? This is not a dream, as long as you persist in completing the military training, everyone has a chance!"


The atmosphere on the scene has completely exploded...


"Why hasn't this guy finished yet?" A certain player resentfully restarted the computer.

Since the client was forced to update at 5:00 p.m., this screen will pop up the first time you log in to the game.

Can't fork off, can't Esc, if restart...

"Start watching again?!"

The player on the left gritted his teeth and said, "It's been twenty minutes, I'm brushing Orcs!"

The player on the right: "Don't worry, I think all the computers that play legends are like this. Didn't you read the above, two yuan point card compensation!"

"But the half-orc is an NPC, it can move on its own, the ebony sword that I finally obtained, if it is exploded, one hundred yuan!!!"

The player on the opposite side: "Don't make noise, didn't you realize that this is the military training ceremony of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School?"

"true and false?"

"look carefully!"

"I rely on it!"

"Is this a school?"

"Holy crap!"

"Look at the overall layout of the school!"

"Beach City?!"

"This guy actually classifies the school's majors into blacksmith shops, clothing stores, pharmacies..."

"What the hell... I'm going to buy a ticket now!"

"Buy a fart, it will open in September!"

"Ge of Gou Ri...wait a minute, why is it an ancient city again?"

"The ancient city of Qingshan? What is this? Could it be a map from the later stage of the game?"

"Located in Sancha Township? This address sounds familiar!"

"It doesn't matter, buy a ticket and let's go!"

hula la...

The remaining players continue to watch the video...

"There is still a cavalry brigade? Isn't this too neat? Could there be cavalry in the game?!"

"How dare you play! This is bringing the game to reality... It's unbelievable!"

"Some time ago, there was a popular saying on the Internet, how do you say it?"

"There is a kind of company called someone else's company, but in exchange... there is a kind of school called someone else's school!"

"No, there is a kind of military training called other people's military training!"

"I actually want to go to school!"

"No, I want to go on vacation! Think about it, sitting in Beech City and playing legends... By the way, it is said that Xiaoqingshan Development Zone has free ancient costumes to wear..."

A certain player next to him couldn't help it, "Brothers, I'll go first!"


News, newspapers, broadcasts, games, chat rooms, advertising pop-ups...

All kinds of propaganda methods are used, so that the military training ceremony follows the footsteps of the spring breeze and blows to the north and south of the river.

No matter in a remote town or a bustling city, the topics of chatting are always inseparable from 'Jinxiuchuan University Town', 'Private Schools', 'Ancient Architecture', 'Aircraft', 'Nearly 10,000 students enrolled in the first class', 'Qingshan Ancient City ', 'Legend of the Dragon'...

Jifu compound.

"Leader, isn't this too high-profile?"

"He's building momentum!" Mr. Yu rolled up the document in his right hand and slapped the palm of his left hand, "The southern mountainous area is located in a remote place, and the Ji government will not consider developing there in the next 20 years, but go east along Jingshi Road, or To the west. Jinxiuchuan University Town, although nominally a cluster of colleges and universities, is actually a supporting facility built by Tiancheng Community for the purpose of developing real estate. If it is not well-known, who will go there? In the future, sooner or later a 'new urban area' will be formed there!"

"It's amazing!" The secretary sighed a little, but also a little puzzled, "But why did he bring the ancient city of Qingshan with him?"

"Their company is rich and powerful. Didn't they destroy an ancient city when making a movie years ago? Calculate the time, rebuild and expand, and it is almost completed now! And, it is said that the kid bought more than 5,000 computers in order to let the people in the company play legends Put it in Xiaoqingshan Entertainment District, open a super-large themed Internet cafe, and apply for optical cable..."

"Hiss, how much does it cost?"

"It seems that it didn't cost much. Tiancheng poached a lot of backbones from the famous North American graphics card company 3dfx. Relying on the domestic low cost, it reproduced and perfected Voodoo5. As early as half a month ago, it reached cooperation with Great Wall and Qixi respectively..."

"No wonder people want to sue him!" The big secretary suddenly realized, "However, Mr. Ge's talent in business is really nothing to say. A game not only made money, recruited students, but also made Jinxiuchuan famous. Propagating Xiaoqingshan, the economic benefits brought by the follow-up tourists' food, clothing, housing and transportation..."

"But!" Mr. Yu interrupted the secretary's speech, and slapped the documents in his hand on the table, "There are so many lawsuits, I have a headache!"

In the document, not only 3dfx, California Remote Control System Research Institute, California Aeronautical Technology Research Center, but also Nanbangzi xx company... Well, legend!

"Leader, Mr. Ge is so smart, this matter is not as good as..."

"Eh? That's right! That kid has a lot of ideas, why should I have a headache!"


That night.

The beautiful school, the passionate practice, more than 8,000 students unexpectedly all had a kind of... hallucination!

Mmm, hallucinations!

It seems that as long as he stays, he will definitely be able to fly on the plane.

It seems that as long as he puts on the camouflage, he will transform into the group of burly men.

It seems that as long as the military training is over, you can enter that magical campus.



very many!

After dinner, back to their respective camps, the instructors of each class distributed school brochures, school rules, school songs, and military training schedules...

"Wow, the school uniform turned out to be a small suit!"

"And a tie and shoes!"

"What a huge training base..."

"Eh? Crescent Office? Such a luxurious office location, it's not Tiancheng's headquarters? My God!"

"Wow, our school also has a gymnasium? And regularly organize college leagues?"

"Look, look, flying saucer architecture! Lotus architecture! I want to study civil engineering instead!!!"

"Don't yell, look at the camouflage we use for military training, it looks better than the ones worn by the soldiers during the day!"

"Wo Cao, there are six school uniforms, three suits, two work clothes, and one ancient Hanfu?"

A certain classmate gnawed on the duck leg, and said vaguely: "Tiancheng is indeed a conscientious enterprise. With these things plus board, lodging, and teaching materials, one thousand and two is definitely not enough!"

"Employment agreement, how should we say it now, he is also a member of Tiancheng!" A classmate was very proud.

"This feels great!" A classmate said proudly.

"Dad, you go home!" A classmate swelled.

"Mom, you go back too, I will never run away!"

No one knows, but at this moment, Liu Beibei and the others feel chilly in their hearts. The brothers are hiding in the corner, holding flashlights, trembling hands and feet, trembling all over as they look at the newly bought second black leather book. Book……

If you don't read the boss's biography, you don't know what black heart is!

One thousand two?

When did he lose money? !

"This is going to punish us to death!"

"Brother, shall we run?"

"What the fuck, the road to enter Jinxiuchuan has been blocked as early as evening, except for the parents, they can only enter and cannot exit! There are still many security officers checking their IDs, do you have any?"

"Under the age of sixteen, how can I have it!"

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