Build Madness

Chapter 285 Hello, Brother Tian! (Add more updates for the lord 'White Clothes Dyeing Shuanghua

The military exercises will last for two weeks.

Except for the performance of the first day's "Victorious No. 1 Highland" (one of the two short mountains), the follow-up has nothing to do with Tian Cheng.

After all, some things are classified. It is not easy to fight for a "photographing right" by renting Mi-26 and conscription after three years.

The military training ceremony is over,

The iron-blooded men rushed to the depths of the southern mountainous area overnight.

And the students will train for a week, build up their physique, and then...

Experience life every morning and military training in the afternoon!

Civil engineering, architectural design...moving bricks.

Animal husbandry, basic medicine...killing chickens, pigs and sheep.

Mechanical maintenance, all kinds of driving... car washing, doing odd jobs.

Information technology, mechanical and electrical majors... pulling wires and network cables.

Fire safety, beauty and fitness... shoveling ashes, holding steel bars.

Marketing, accounting and finance... Loading and unloading building materials, counting goods.

Gourmet cooking...pick and chop vegetables.

Legal secretarial...stitching and mending.

Upholstery, graphic design... cleaning.

More than 8,000 students, according to what they have learned, are allocated reasonably and managed in a unified way. I believe that in the next six months, they will all have a very fulfilling life!

Moreover, before school starts, you can know what you will do in the future, and you can make your own choices, or change your major.

Ge Xiaotian thinks this is very good!

Orientation training, it seems that there is no need to find a job in the future, but if you are not happy, how can you ensure that you are dedicated to your job?

Only by understanding, understanding, and being interested can we better use the system university to quickly acquire knowledge points...


After arranging all this, two days have passed.

March 13th.

Ge Xiaotian took the No. 888 Hutou Ben to the scenic hotel where he held a press conference with Mr. Yu a year ago.

These days, it is very difficult to run private schools in the wilderness.

Arranging thousands of Heavenly Guards to maintain order is not to prevent students from escaping, but more to guard against 'outsiders'.

Hard to believe without experiencing it.

In another time and space, he was contracted for an infrastructure project of a private college, and when the project was about to be completed, the chairman actually slipped a card, asking him to help 'see the situation'!

What are you looking at?

Shock the local hooligans or ruthless gangs in nearby villages and towns!

This college is also located in the wilderness, the difference is that it has an old campus.

The project lasted for three years, and in the second year, sophomore teachers and students from the old campus moved to the new campus.


In addition, I was slaughtered for riding a broken three-wheeler, I was slaughtered for going out to eat, and my school valuables were lost...

It seems to have thousands of teachers and students, but for such a person, not to mention that security is not effective, even the chairman's car was smashed twice, and he received countless threatening phone calls...

This was definitely not done by Ge Xiaotian.

Taking people's money, eliminating disasters for others, and calling on the right-hand assistant to wipe out all the factors that threaten the university...

However, this high school suffered more violent retaliation, and even the nearby villagers got involved...

Until the end of the project and the intervention of the Local Security Agency, the matter was not completely resolved.

Another time and space is another time and space, Ge Xiaotian does not want his university town to fall into this vicious circle.

Therefore, as soon as the optical cable theft incident occurred, the military leaders were immediately invited to accompany their own personnel to arrest it.

Pull the tiger's skin and pull the banner.

Although the principal culprit was not caught, all the well-known local people were notified.

Let's sit down and talk.

Good chat, everyone is happy.

bad chat...

Accompanied by the hotel owner, Ge Xiaotian drove the wheelchair into the banquet hall.


Looking around a room of three to four hundred square meters, with no less than twenty tables, and a dozen and a half children who stood up with obsequious faces...

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help frowning, "What's the matter? You don't give me Ge Xiaotian face? Didn't come?"

"Hello, brother Tian!" A skinny young man who was comparable to Wu Dalang came up and picked up the Huaxia cigarettes that seemed to have been prepared a long time ago. Hand it over, "Brother Tian!"

"Where are your local ruthless people?"

"Brother Tian, ​​isn't it at your construction site?"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian looked at Li Hu.

The latter shook his head, "Tianwei has just been transferred here, and he hasn't had time to catch..."

"No!" The skinny young man shook his head hastily, "New years and years, the security center has cracked down several times. Anyone who has committed crimes or has a bad reputation in the local area will be locked up. Half a month ago, I heard that there was a man named Liu Beibei's people, with many security guards, guarded the front and back doors of prisons and detention centers... Those who were locked in, even if they were released, did not return home. Later, a big gangster sent a sum of money to his family , we just found out that they are all at your construction site."

"That's it!" Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered something!

Once he called Liu Beibei, and the other party said that the head of the donkey was not the right ponytail, saying that it recruited 3,000 colleges and recruited 500 capable people.

These five hundred...

Are you catching too much? !

"Brother Tian!" The skinny young man lit up his lighter nervously, "Catch me too!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian was surprised, he didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to send him to the door for labor reform!

However, before he could react, the half-children behind raised their hands one after another.

"Brother Tian, ​​catch me!"

"Brother Tian, ​​I want to go in too, I want to play legend? I want to join the Burning Legion!"

"What the hell?!"


Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, built by Tiancheng.

Sky Entertainment International, Dragon Legend.

The campus of the vocational technical secondary school actually uses the beach city layout...

If it didn't happen at the same time, if someone didn't give a public speech, perhaps few people would doubt the identity of 'Ge Erdan'.

But putting all these together, after a little investigation, someone soon found out the identity of the boss behind Tianyu, and speculated that Ge Baiyi led the employees into the game as trustees...

After all, apart from the young and fun-loving Ge Baiyi, few people would do this!

As a result, in chat rooms, forums, and live broadcast rooms, the words "goutuo" and "resist" have been swiped on the screen, and the online rate is ten to seven.


There are always surprises.

For example, the poor Chen Feng and the dog-headed military strategist Chen Ergou, I don't know if they committed it stupidly or on purpose.

He even raised the banner of the "Resistance Legion", recruited troops, stationed in the "flame", and issued a 3,000-word hero assembly order.

That literary talent, that style of writing, seems to make people see that Zhuge Kongming is preparing to launch the Northern Expedition...

The players watched with enthusiasm, turned the anger brought about by the 'dog care' into the motivation to play the game, and joined Chen Feng's camp one after another...

The game that was almost broken by someone, not only didn't reduce the popularity, but became even more popular!

At least, last night, that is, March 12th, the night of the second weekend of opening the district, the number of online users exceeded 150,000!

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