Build Madness

Chapter 287 Virtual Economy One Card


What surprised Ge Xiaotian was not taking out 400 million as a bonus.

Just like what he thought before, as long as Shenlong Legend doesn't mess around, it can guarantee to make seven or eight billion yuan.

This small amount of money is spent in the early stage to attract players, which in disguise is equivalent to building one's own reputation, which is a good thing!

After all, it is impossible for Tianyu International to only operate Legend of the Dragon, and there will be go-karts, Audition, 3D comprehension masterpieces, etc. in the future.

Even if he spends all the money Legendary earns on players, developers, and servers, Tianyu still won't pay.

Auxiliary tourism, as an advertising platform, to create offline operations...

Which one does not make money?

Moreover, today, March 13th, is still early before September 1st, and there are two major version updates in between. Four hundred million is not a problem at all.

To his surprise!

As soon as 'Ge Erdan' goes online, it encounters various 'interactions' that players at this stage cannot do!

for example:


The screen is full of fireworks worth 99 yuan, the player 'Ruhua' confesses to you: Ge Baiyi, I want to give you monkeys! ! !

Player 'Cuihua' confesses to you...


Swish Swish Swish!

The chat box was instantly swiped by a world speaker worth 9 yuan.

'Ge Baiyi, shit! '

‘Ge Baiyi, do you dare to come up with 400 million? '

'Goutuoge Baiyi is online, everyone scold! ! ! '

'Boycott Ge Baiyi, start with me! '

'Resolutely don't buy fashion, everyone brush up! '

‘You sabis, don’t you spend money playing the world trumpet? '

‘You’re Shabby, who are you scolding? '


The world channel is more lively...

"Gao Song, go to the backstage and have a look, how much money did I earn in the two minutes I was online?"

a long time.

"350,000 yuan treasure, 350,000 red notes!"

"How about I let them scold for a while?"


"You're unemployed!"


"The money came so fast!"

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette and went directly to the character selection page. While creating a new character, he said, "It seems that your planning team has implemented the gameplay I listed before very well!"

Gou Jihua said modestly: "It's all well cultivated by the boss!"

"We will do this in the future, not only learn how to create gameplay, but also teach players how to play, and write corresponding strategies!"

"Don't worry boss, we can do it!"

"Well, how is the Treasure Pavilion doing?"

"The review has been passed!"

"Then make an announcement: In order to protect the interests of every player, Tianyu International has grandly launched the 'Legendary Treasure Pavilion', where players can buy or sell game items in this server as they like, and even buy and sell accounts in the whole region , you only need to pay a 1.5% handling fee, and you can completely avoid being cheated..."


"In addition, let the finance department send a group of people to be responsible for controlling the price of each server. Legend of Dragon is like the real world, such as the Peter principle, Matthew effect, the law of barrels, zero-sum games, inflation, etc., all kinds of economic Learning effect may happen, understand the financial system in the game, and let the financial department bring technical secondary school students to simulate operations in batches!"


"I don't understand? For example, the output of gold coins is excessive, the price of goods has increased significantly, and certain types of equipment are flooded, and the price of goods has dropped sharply. A certain player bought tens of thousands of gold coins to buy potions, and the number of gold coins in this server has decreased. rate, to improve this point? We can let economic and financial students improve these factors under the leadership of the teacher. In the future, when they enter the society, the game corresponds to reality, gold coins = currency, equipment = products, monster spawning = manufacturing... as long as the idea Correct, this is equivalent to all actual combat."

"I understand a little bit! Then let's divide the background database into the Economics Office of Tiancheng Vocational Technical Secondary School!"

"Well!" Ge Xiaotian flicked the soot, "Add some interesting ways to play in the leisure area, such as making food, through realistic cooking recipes, launch biscuits, steamed buns, fried rice with eggs, topped noodles, fried pork with sharp peppers, etc., according to the difficulty of collecting ingredients , add some attributes, then set some dark dishes, and choose some nice names, such as looking up at the starry sky, love among the stars... to attract more casual players!"

"They basically don't fight, don't level up, and the food they make is useless..."

"Are you stupid? You can open a cross-server market, a purely safe area. Players can enter this area through a portal and choose reasonable trading methods, such as weapons for food, gold coins for food, etc., and players in the leisure area can Own more domineering equipment, and then experience the thrill of torturing monsters... This is equivalent to real foreign exchange transactions!"


"By the way!" Ge Xiaotian named his newly created trumpet "Crazy Cutting Street". "Speaking of practicing trumpets, I guess players haven't born this kind of gameplay yet. Is there a way to restrict the client from opening more?"

At present, there are seven servers in total, and 150,000 companies. This is the real deal, not the kind of scene where one person has more than a dozen accounts.

If the trend of practicing trumpet spreads across the region, it is estimated that more than 20 sets of servers will need to be opened, and the number of online users will increase by hundreds of thousands.

In that way, when power leveling, gold groups, and merchants appear, the huge benefits will definitely lead to transmission gears, plug-ins, auxiliary devices, and so on.

Even if there is no problem with network security, it is a troublesome thing that the system is always attacked.

Of course, practicing trumpet will definitely burn some cards and increase the income of Tianyu International.

But comparing the two, it is better to control.

Otherwise, how would the technical secondary school students led by the teacher make money by blatantly selling gold coins and equipment through the Treasure Pavilion... No, it is through the Treasure Pavilion to control prices? !

The development team discussed for a while, "There are many ways to control multi-opening. We will make such programs as soon as possible and update the client!"

"Yeah!" Ge Xiaotian turned on the GM permission, equipped his "Crazy Street" with the most gorgeous equipment at the current stage, and adjusted the level to level 18, as well as skill proficiency, etc., "Basically there is no problem, Open the upper limit of level 35 at the end of the month, let the "death Ge Baiyi incident" brew for two days. Completely withdraw from the Burning Legion, and go back to my hometown to build a house to make money!"


"Let the players experience the thrill of victory! Only when the players are happy can we make more money. In the future, when your planning team considers things, you must stand from the perspective of the players. Every time you adjust the game, you must think carefully. Will you be happy? Will you resist?!"

"Understood!" Gao Song suddenly thought of something, "By the way, boss, a player found me through customer service just now, planning to pay 20 million to buy Tianyu International!"

"Not for sale!"

"That's what I said too, but the other party suddenly changed his mind and said that 20 million let us cancel the level cap!"


"what is it call?"


'Don't take your annual salary, challenge my pocket money'

"Playing games and smashed a hundred million"

'Taking Sabac alone'

Thinking of all kinds of rumors, Ge Xiaotian grinned. He didn't expect this person to really exist. "According to the fastest spawning speed, how long will it take for players to upgrade to level 35 at this stage?"

"Two months!"

"Two months! Level 35 will be available at the end of the month, and level 45 will be available for the public beta on May 1st... It's almost the same as the original plan, then remove the level restrictions and open the map fully, so that people who are greedy for our company's interests can see what Tianyu is. internationality!"

"In this case, the servers in Ice Bear, North America, and Europe may fall behind by a large margin in the future."

The suppression level, or the internal test, is to wait for the foreign server to go online.

Sand attack in the early stage is a gang battle on the same server, once a week.

The legion is used for cross-server battles in the same region, once a month.

There will be another national founding war between regions, once every six months.

The battle is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more ways to play...

If the gap between the two sides is too big, the Huaxia District will be crushed, which is cool, but it can't make money from foreigners!

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "Is the agent for the foreign service all negotiated?"

"Except that the stick is suing us, North America, Ice Bear, Japanese Island, Malay Archipelago... are all talking about the same thing!"

"Then urge the agent to launch the game as soon as possible, and each version will be updated simultaneously with Huaxia!"

Ge Xiaotian doesn't care about Bangzi's accusation, because the content of the game developed later has surpassed the old legend.

As for North America...

Graphics card, remote control, aerospace technology, including some plug-ins from Microsoft, this is a real imitation, it is a bit troublesome, wait for the trial!

When the time comes, let the first monk and the second monk talk to the opposing lawyer...


After leaving Tianyu International Channel, Ge Xiaotian entered the channel of Tiancheng Energy Technology Development Co., Ltd.

"Show me the 'one card' you developed!"

As early as after the public transportation system went online, Tiancheng was preparing for the "one card".

It's just that after considering the functions of takeaway and online payment in online stores, this thing has become more and more complicated...

Until a scientific researcher was repairing the pager, he had an idea to keep the screen, buttons, and decoder, remove the heterodyne receiver, add a network receiver, and made the most original version, a U-shield with card swiping function and screen display. !

Plug it into the computer, install the program, the customer purchases the product through the program, the information is fed back to the customer service, and then the order and serial number are generated, and the customer pays the pre-stored amount through the serial number displayed on the card...

Very troublesome.

At that time, the "one card" was like a cigarette box. If it was lost, there was a high chance of being stolen. It was not the "safety card" he wanted at all.

Now after several improvements, the "one card" has gradually become thinner, and has tended to be an ultra-thin mobile phone.

After cooperating with major banks, it also has some UnionPay payment functions.

To recharge the Shenlong Legend point card, you need to recharge on behalf of the mobile phone, and a handling fee will be deducted, which is equivalent to giving money to others for nothing. If Tianyu International wants to launch a recharge card, it is better to add this business to the one-card.

"Six millimeters thick, three inches in size!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the product renderings and knew that this has reached the upper limit of the current Tiancheng Technology R\u0026D department's capabilities.

Later enter functions such as employee identity, bus payment, waterway payment, and online payment.

In other words, with this card, you don't need cash at all to buy things, stay and eat in Tiancheng, and you can enjoy some discounts.

"manufacturing cost?"

R\u0026D department: "Fifty yuan!"

"It's a bit high!"

In order to replace mobile phone verification, make an electronic product that can only be purchased, and will distribute it for free in the future...

Ge Xiaotian felt that he must be rich and inflated.

It doesn't matter if the employees are more than 20,000, it will cost one million.

But for distribution to Jishi customers, millions of people... probably need 100 million to start.

If Dongshan is popularized, or pushed to the whole country...

I'm afraid I'm really going to die this time!

"Can you add some other things, such as MP3, snakes, building blocks, tank battles?"

The R\u0026D department replied: "The game is simple, just replace it with a square black and white screen. But to implement the MP3 function, you need to add a 2.5-inch hard drive. It is estimated that the size is not smaller than a CD player!"

"What about flash memory?"

"The size can be reduced, but the price is high, probably no less than a thousand!"

"Why is it getting more and more expensive!" Ge Xiaotian was a little helpless, and thought for a while, "Pay a deposit! If you pay a deposit of 100 yuan, you can get a 'one card' for free! As long as the equipment is not damaged, when you want to return it, Deposit is fully refunded!"

R\u0026D department: "Then...boss, how many pieces will be produced in the early stage?"

"Encode each device into an identification code, first produce 100,000 pieces, and distribute them to Tiancheng employees, members of the Chamber of Commerce, residents of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, and residents of Canal Development Zone! Another 10,000 pieces will be produced without games and without online payment functions. The cards are issued to the teachers and students of Jinxiuchuan, and they are used for meal cards, water cards, supermarket shopping, etc. Say hello to the planning department and ask the customer service team to come out with a separate group of personnel to apply for financial service institutions to take charge of this aspect! "


After finishing his work, Ge Xiaotian was just about to use "Slash a Street" to find Chen Feng who was hanging up, when his phone rang suddenly.

It turned out to be the boss of Wanshi Financial Technology, whom he met through the introduction of Sun Paper's boss Pang at the auction in the garden area.

It is also the largest supplier of motherboards and chips for Tiancheng Technology R\u0026D Company.

Look at the time, it's two o'clock in the morning!

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