Build Madness

Chapter 288

Ge Xiaotian was skeptical, and answered the phone call from Boss Wanshi.


"Brother Ge, I'm sorry, I called you so late!"

"You're welcome, I didn't sleep by chance, I'm young and energetic, how have you survived until now?"

"Working overtime!" The boss of Wanshi Financial Technology seemed to light a cigarette, "The 'Internet Financial Bubble' broke out in North America, and major technology companies have closed down one after another. I almost lost it!"


"Oh, the stock has plummeted, and more than 20 million Franklins have been lost!"

"That's a lot!" Although Wanshi Finance is a listed company, it has shrunk by 160 million red notes for no reason, and it has not gone bankrupt, which means...the market value is high and rich!


"in trouble?"

"Sure, the big shareholder is here, from Malabazi..."

"..." A seemingly civilized boss also started to swear, "What's the matter?"

"Over there, the Internet economy bubble burst and many technology companies went bankrupt. This is the opportunity for our Huaxia Technology Company to develop. I want to expand the group, but the shareholders have suffered a loss and want to withdraw their capital..."

"How much do you need?" Ge Xiaotian said, opened the webpage, and searched for the latest news in North America.


The screen is full of news about stock selling, the Nasdaq plummeting, trillions of Franklin disappearing in an instant, and half of the Internet companies going bankrupt...

"Brother Ge, I need at least 500 million in emergency! But Sun Paper has just been reorganized, so I can't help for the time being. The bank will not dare to approve our group loan for a while. I originally called you, but dialed Later, I suddenly saw big news on the Internet... saying that you lost 400 million playing games, and Tian Cheng probably has no money left, it's over!" Boss Wan Shi was a little discouraged.

Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

God, I lost 400 million playing games!

The 300 million point card leaves 200 million, plus the final payment of 200 million from Xingyuewan in Jishi City, I have 400 million in my hand, okay? !

If there is another wave of scraping from other branches, there will be 500 million in minutes!

Ge Xiaotian squeezed out the cigarette butt, and quickly searched for news from Huaxia.

'Madden! Ge Baiyi plans to jump off the building! '

'All the wheelchairs that Ge Baiyi lost were sold to Chen Feng! '

'The story that Ge Baiyi and I have to tell! '

Yarn story!

Ge Xiaotian X dropped the page, a little suspicious of how these online news passed the censorship.

"Brother, I can lend you 500 million yuan, with a daily interest of 4/10,000. There is no rolling interest, and the maximum is one month. I have many projects here, and I need money."

"Ah? Good! It's a deal!" Boss Wanshi was ecstatic, "Brother, I won't say much about being grateful. Don't worry, the money will definitely be returned after a week!"

"Well, let the finance department communicate later."

Ge Xiaotian is not worried that the other party will take the money and flee privately, because the funds cannot be taken abroad at all, and they will lose money...

With the Internet bubble in North America, Huaxia Internet and technology companies ushered in a new development.

As for investing in Wanshi Financial Technology...

Sending charcoal in a timely manner is always much more than taking advantage of people's dangers.

They are all engaged in business, and they help as much as they can.


"Brother, I lent you 500 million, the claw machine chip and the one-card chip that I just decided to manufacture, but I have no money to pay."

"Let's owe it first!" After receiving the funds, the boss of Wanshi was very high-spirited and heroic.


The news of Ge Baiyi's death became inexplicably popular!

Very hot!

The fire is all over Dongshan, and the fire is all over China.

In the past few days, apart from the news of the bursting of the Internet economic bubble in North America, it seems that there is only one major news left.

Someone was discussing Ge Baiyi's family history.

Some people are discussing the origin of Ge Baiyi's name.

Someone was discussing how much money Ge Baiyi had...

There are many opinions on the forum, each expressing their own opinions, and several anonymous professors popped up for detailed analysis...

The legend of Shenlong follows closely the footsteps of the news, the more popular there is, the more players there are...

The server opened one after another, and 40 million was thrown out one after another.

By the third weekend of the district opening, Ge Baiyi had already lost 600 million yuan!

Fifteen groups of servers are full!

The number of people online throughout the day exceeded 360,000!

Regardless of Novice Village or Beach City, as long as there is an open space, there must be a large group of players standing.

Thanks to Ge Xiaotian's foresight, the development team added teleportation veterans in the safe area, increased the interface field of view, expanded maps at all levels, and prepared server groups in advance...

More than 90% of the players have no lagging phenomenon.

But with the continuous influx of players, various Caodan gameplays have also appeared.

For example, dozens of players stripped off collectively, ran to the mine to block the door, and had to pay money if they wanted to enter the mine.

If the player who wants to enter does not pay and chooses to become popular, a large group of players waiting to kill the famous name will immediately run out from nearby...

There are also many players who leapfrog to advanced maps, relying on crowd tactics to pile up... skeletons.

It is said that a certain ten-thousand-man army organized against the leader of Woma and wanted to establish a guild in advance. In the end, the whole group was destroyed more than a dozen times, and they collectively lost three levels, while the leader of Woma only lost a trace of blood...

There are new posts appearing on the official forum almost every second, such as discovering the Palace of the Corpse King, discovering the Valley of Sealing Demons, discovering the Dragon God, discovering the Stone Tomb Array, discovering the Pig Cave, discovering the Zuma Temple, discovering the Red Moon Demon...

It wasn't until then that people discovered that Tianyu International had quietly opened all the maps!

In the forum, the official also gave a map of the world surrounded by fog.

"This world is too big!"

"Unexpectedly, after more than ten days of messing around, we only finished exploring a small corner!"

"Didn't you hear what the official forum said? According to internal information, the development team has already started making maps three years later!"


"Wait! Story? There are missions in this game?"

"What the hell... just now I was brushing chicken, and somehow got the title of 'hen killer'!"

"true and false?"

"Really! I have it too, mine is 'Reindeer Master', and the kill prompt is 500!"

"I also got it, 'The Butcher's Favor', and gave me a level 20 demon subjugation, attack 6-11, Taoism 1-2, so handsome! But I don't remember what I did!"

"You are awesome, boss, take me!!!"

"Just now I recharged 500 yuan for the point card, and got a green title of 'Little Famous'!"

"Does the title have a color?"

"I recharged two thousand and gave me a blue title of 'Mingzhen Township'!"

"Wo Cao, how much did you charge for the one with the golden title?"

"mmp, what the hell is that 'Family Entangled'? Why is it still glowing?"

"What are you looking at, go up!"

"Aren't you stupid? People rushed to order cards... What a fool, they dropped ingots!"

"Quickly block that 'Crazy Street', the number one on the rich list, the font above the head is still beating!"

Some people like to charge money to play cool, some like to buy medicine to level up, some like to join in the fun, some like to PK hacking...

Although the age limits the upper limit of the number of players, and the number of red bills in the pocket determines the amount of consumption, but after the number of players exceeds 300,000, Legend of the Dragon's gold-absorbing ability seems to have been sublimated...

At the same time, the news of the opening of ten groups of foreign servers also spread throughout China...

However, the players didn't know that there would be a national war in the future. They went to the foreign server to see, except for the English translation, it was almost the same as the Huaxia District. …

March 20th.

When the game operation comes to an end, and they get a total of 600 million, "no loss, no profit" profit, the first phase of the military training of Jinxiuchuan technical secondary school students will officially end.

At this point, the trainees began to experience life in the morning and enrich life with military training in the afternoon.

And Ge Xiaotian is also preparing to return to Xiaoqingshan.

Because the UFO Stadium is complete!

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