Build Madness

Chapter 289: UFO Gymnasium

UFO Stadium.

It covers an area of ​​135,000 square meters, about two hundred acres.

The total construction area is 90,000 square meters.

There are three floors underground and five floors above ground.

There are 9,000 seats in the normal state, and the inverted bowl shape can accommodate 16,000 spectators.

The function settings meet: basketball, handball, volleyball, badminton, gymnastics, weightlifting, martial arts and other competitions.

At the same time, it can also meet theatrical performances, assembly exhibitions, national fitness and other activities.

The supporting building area is 300,000 square meters, including the operation department, security department, training ground, supermarket shopping malls, holiday hotels, mountain villas, garbage disposal stations, etc.

The total investment is 200 million yuan, and the actual investment is 100 million yuan.

Engineering grade: special grade.

Design service life: 150a

Construction period: January 10th - April 10th. (The main body is completed, the decoration is not yet completed)

This is Tiancheng's first 100 million level project.

In order to win it to Xiaoqingshan, the construction funds were borne by Tiancheng alone.

Looking at this disc-shaped building complex full of sci-fi atmosphere, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Pat on the leg is similar to the auxiliary mold used by Forrest Gump when he was a child, and he walks towards the public toilet that is still in a sci-fi style, exactly like the Red Police Apocalypse Tank.

Take a closer look at the two cannon barrels, men on the left and women on the right.

Flying this way, I almost suffocated...

In the morning, I drank two cups of light salt water and flew to Zaoshi on Mi-26 to see the progress of the cinder road.

The local construction team worked very hard, but it took only half a month to repair five miles. It is estimated that they will have to wait until the end of the month for construction.

Then fly to the Canal Development Zone to inspect the small commodity market.

Heihu changed his ways and turned to good, and worked hard to dig ditches, and now he can lay the market.

However, the No. 3 base will be transported to Siberia, and the No. 2 base will help Yun County build an ancient city at Brother Hao. This project needs to be delayed.

Then inspect the Canal CBD.

The lotus sales office is being hoisted. The lotus petals are more than 30 meters high and more than 20 meters wide, which is a bit threatening, but there is nothing wrong with it overall.

The rest of the projects are carried out step by step, such as road construction, electricity supply, water supply...

Then inspect the affordable housing.

Due to the huge size of the project, only the basic items are being done. In addition, the construction funds in Xiangxian County have not yet arrived, so it is estimated that it will not be completed until September.

The progress of the hub system is fast and it has already started to be put into use.

Logistics transshipment, express distribution, tourist collection and distribution, bus refueling...

Chatted with veterans for half an hour, then flew to Wen County to see classmate Xiao Huang.

Unexpectedly, the leaders of Wenxian County were particularly enthusiastic, holding hands, and insisted on chatting on the construction site for two hours. If they didn't shirk, they would probably have a meal at noon.

After hurriedly refusing, it was already half past twelve when I arrived at the UFO gym.

"Go back and decorate this Mi-26 into a business jet for me!"

Lao Hong also ran over, looking like he wanted money again, and he couldn't leave even an inch to go to the toilet. He patted his chest and sprinkled a large amount of water, "No problem!"

"Stay away from me!"

Old Hong grinned, but leaned closer, and whispered, "Boss, have you heard about the incident in North America?"


"Their Internet economy bubble burst, and our opportunity has come!"

"I don't understand!" With so many companies suing Tian Cheng, Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to mess around anymore.

Otherwise, the North American Congress will impose sanctions on Tiancheng alone, not allowing North American scientific researchers to enter Tiancheng, or not allowing Tiancheng to operate in North America, how will they earn money from foreigners as foreign exchange in the future?

"Boss, they sued us, it's not a problem if we just wait for the court hearing!"

"Just kidding." Ge Xiaotian walked out of the toilet, feeling that the gadget on his leg was really exciting, "Give me this leg as well, it's best to add an electric booster system!"

"You think too much, unless you recruit the biotechnologists from the North American military who cooperate with Steadicam to study the mechanical exoskeleton that many countries are secretly researching!"

"That thing is difficult?"

"It's harder than studying robots!"

"Isn't it?" Ge Xiaotian knew that at the time of traveling, mechanical exoskeletons had already been used in the field of warfare, such as Ice Bear's Warrior-21, Huaxia's xx armor, and North America's ONYX, all of which were installed.

This is not science fiction. In this time and space where he lives, in this time period, there should be an original version of this thing!

It is not groundless that the pioneers of military technology have used them for thirty years.

"What do you think is difficult?"

Lao Hong thought for a while, "Connect the nervous system, control the brain, and control the command center by voice..."

"..." Ge Xiaotian was slightly sluggish, "What are you doing? Put your consciousness into a chip, install it on the robot's main board, and prepare to live forever?"

"A very good idea! It fits well with the metaphysics that Dao Yi taught me!"


Another person who was fooled by Dao Yi began to agree that the end of science is metaphysics!

Ge Xiaotian kicked the object on his legs, "It's simple, just set up a power assist system, manual control, and generate corresponding power according to the changes of skeletal muscles. The skeleton imitates my lifting and walking, and the exoskeleton imitates my walking... In the future, I can move bricks without stopping!"

Lao Hong was full of surprise, as if looking at a fool, "We have a remote control system, get a robotic arm, install two wheels, set the corresponding program, and only need one person to control the start and end with a handle, and build a few more robotic arms. One person in the brick factory is enough, why move bricks?"

"What look do you have?"

"Admiring eyes!" Lao Hong replied seriously with a solemn expression.

"Go away!" Ge Xiaotian decided not to pay any attention to this old man.

"No, boss, please don't interrupt me, huh? What did I want to say before?" Lao Hong was confused for a moment, and immediately realized, "Boss, I know what you are worried about, that North America will target us! But, we can Take the opportunity to set up a scientific research institution in North America! Now only a small amount of foreign exchange is needed to acquire those bankrupt companies and recruit countless scientific researchers. As long as we develop new products and new technologies, we can ship them to China. With low manufacturing costs, hit the international market..."

"Hehe, you're overthinking! New technology? New product? Do you think that after you research it, there is a chance to spread it to China? What we are doing is industry, not finance. If we don't go public, we won't get any benefits there. I can arrange it for you!"

"Eh..." Lao Hong scratched his head, "Then let's put the research institute in Siberia? You have a relationship with the Ice Bear Navy..."

"Interest relationship! Lao Hong, we need to recognize the reality!" Ge Xiaotian sighed, "The world is not so beautiful. If you go abroad, you will encounter gun battles, food poisoning, North American Navy Captain Tullus' black and white. , are just the tip of the iceberg!"

Old Hong was speechless.

Ge Xiaotian patted his shoulder, "I only believe in my motherland!"

"Then we can't do nothing, can we?"

"Who doesn't say anything? Those companies that sued Tiancheng have no time to take care of us now, so they take advantage of the opportunity to develop! What should be copied, what should be imitated, what is the Red Eagle Alliance doing? Hackers! They were all hackers last year I don’t believe that I can hack into the North American Black Palace website, and with the internal support of the Y2K team and North American scientific researchers, we won’t be able to get the information that belongs to us!”

"Hiss..." Lao Hong took a deep breath and gave a thumbs up, "On the vicious and cunning, this old man is willing to bow down!"

"Your salary will be gone again next month!"


"Remember, science and technology are the primary productive forces. Now imitation is just opportunistic. Some things still need to be done by yourself! Think about it, when you, Lao Hong, will stand on the Nobel Prize podium and shout confidently and proudly." 'We have been imitated, never surpassed!', how exciting?"

"Hiss..." Lao Hong took another deep breath and fell into deep thought.

Ge Xiaotian grinned and walked towards the flying saucer.

along the way.

Alien-style trash cans, rocket-style long chairs, fragmented street lamps splashing in mid-air, and decorative buildings formed by the remains of broken flying saucers...

From a distance, the overall style really looks like a flying saucer crashed in the mountains and is being besieged by the future legion...

If it's late at night, with various lights...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the sky, it turned from sunny to cloudy, and it is estimated that there will be fire clouds in the evening.

"Xiao Xu, tell Gao Song to wait until five or six o'clock to take a set of high-quality pictures for me and upload them to the official website of Legend of the Dragon!"

"Boss, do you want to hold a player meeting?"

"Yes!" It's good to have a smart secretary, Ge Xiaotian nodded appreciatively.

"However, the style doesn't match a bit, right? If it were held in the ancient city of Qingshan, it would still resonate with the players deep in their hearts. Here..."

"It will be more attractive if there is a contrast!" Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "In other words, you can reach the Marfa Continent by riding this flying saucer!"

"..." Xu Ling rolled her eyes.

"Don't believe me?" Ge Xiaotian stepped into the flying saucer and signaled to the 20 elite troops guarding the 'remote control room' wearing electric shock batons, metal chopsticks around the waist and hips, and armor and body armor, "The flying saucer is taking off!"

rumbling rumbling...

At the top of the vast arc roof, the originally four open 'skylights' suddenly and slowly closed.

The four huge and bright entrances behind them also closed the sunshades at the same time.

The entire stadium was plunged into darkness in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the audience seats on the last four floors, which were no different from ordinary venues, rose one after another...

lights on...

Inlaid in...

Well, the decoration is not finished yet!

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the stunned Xu Ling, a little embarrassed, "Well, when the soft decoration is over, there will be various projection equipment and lighting equipment that are constantly flashing around, which looks more sci-fi!"

"This is unbelievable enough!" Xu Ling ran into the completed basketball court, spun around and looked around, her face full of disbelief, "It's amazing!"

"Shock comes from the unexpected. Players will definitely like to have a special meeting here, or watch a special basketball game here!"

bang bang bang!

More than a dozen burly men wearing basketball uniforms of two colors stepped into the field clapping basketballs.

Extreme Infantry, 185-190cm: Point Guard

Elite shooter, 188-195cm: Shooting guard

Champion Swordsman, 190-200cm: small forward

Extreme Rider 190-200cm: Power Forward

Heavy Cavalry 200-220cm: Center

The best rider walking ahead, dribbling and sprinting...

Near the free throw line, take off, fly into the air, change hands under the crotch, turn around and buckle!


The rest of the dozen strong men slapped their chests fiercely and shouted loudly: "Boss, we are ready!!!"

"Call Boss Yao and tell me that my xba is open!"

First of all, I would like to say sorry to all the readers. The author's account cannot reply to comments. I will explain again that I am not the author of Jurassic. Really, this is the third time.

In addition, after Dao Erseng Er appeared to buy gold with Qi Ye, Ge Xiaotian bought 20 million gold. The general plot is: Qi Ye didn't give money for buying gold, Ge Xiaotian wanted to blackmail the other party, but Qi Ye said he bought it from Huaxia Head Office.

The Taoist monk exchanged it with the gold necklace given to his mother.

Besides, how much money does Ge Xiaotian have?

A few days ago, I wrote a detailed branch list. The valuation is about 3.5 billion. If I sell it to a financial institution to go public, I can get 5 billion as a guarantee. I will definitely not sell pig feet. , Promote all enterprises to the top 500.

A little more.

Some people say that Legendary earns so much, which is a bit fake. The author has calculated the market at that time. It was the first online game in China. The author also experienced it. At that time, he got a top-quality ebony sword and sold it to a player in the same Internet cafe for 300 yuan. At that time, he was playing with two friends on the same account. , Before the new year's day in 2001, I sold gold and sold equipment, and counted the Internet fee and living expenses, and there was still six or seven hundred left per month... I almost gave up on university.

This is the end of the chat, there is another update tonight, please wait a moment.

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