Build Madness

Chapter 293 Crazy Dog

After a month of intensive construction on the Datai Road Bridge, the road leading to the UFO Stadium in Sancha Township has been repaired.

In order to take care of Gejia Village and Xiaoqingshan, the road as a whole is S-shaped.

The lower part bypasses Gejia Village, the upper part bypasses Xiaoqingshan, and leads to the entrance of Daqingshan on the east side.

In Daqingshan, the road is another S, the bottom bypasses the UFO Stadium, the upper part bypasses supporting facilities, and then enters the parking lot.

The reason why the gymnasium is placed in the south, close to Xiaoqingshan, and the supporting facilities are placed in the north, in a desolate place, is because a few hundred meters to the northwest is the river!

It was also the place where I saw the transport ship when I was trekking through the heavy snow with Mr. Yu and the others.

In fact, the UFO gymnasium is not the main body of supporting facilities, it is just a project.

The river is the main body!

Advance bravely in the rapids, rush forward happily along the river, and arrange an ancient thieves road next to it!

If the new energy research and development is strong, and the light rail is developed, perhaps the dream of the "roller coaster" that I had at the beginning may become a reality.

Set up a rail car in Daqingshan...

Wearing two sets of leg braces and walking on the wide asphalt road, Ge Xiaotian suddenly turned to look at the UFO Stadium in the north.

"Dao Er, have you ever heard of Disneyland?"


"You are real!"

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Ge Xiaotian gestured to the rolling mountains, "All the ancient Chinese myths are embodied here, one for each mountain, connected with stories..."

"You have money again?"

"Don't you think this is a spectacle even more spectacular than... the 'Gate'?"


"Most of the Chinese myths belong to the fairyland of floating clouds. Just add some stone carvings, houses, bamboo forests, and green plants to create that kind of atmosphere! The most important thing is that there is no need for drastic construction, which is equivalent to protecting the environment and promoting tourism in disguise!"

Dao Er thought for a while, "Do a few pilot areas first?"

"Well, I'll leave this matter to the team that grows vegetables in the mountains. Think about it in your free time!"


The Jinxiuchuan technical secondary school campus was completed, and the main base returned to the mountains again. After the No. 2 base helped Yun County build the ancient city, it went to Xiang County to build a small commodity market.

Base 3?

Ge Xiaotian opened the system map and dragged it a few times. More than 20 strong men were carrying AKM on their backs, logging, quarrying, and mining in the ice and snow...

It's a pity that a strong man can't summon a strong man, only the monarch can do it himself.

It seems that when the Zaoshi project comes to an end, he needs to make a trip to Siberia.

now go?

It's too cold, let's talk about warming up.

"Drop two hundred people to the Ice Bear Farm!"

"Good boss!"

Strolling out of Daqing Mountain, I met Shuai Bo who was riding an electric car and was about to enter the mountain.


"Hey, when did you dye your hair? It's still all dry and yellow?"

"Hey, last night's performance was complete, and I thought it was pretty good, so I'll keep it!" Shuai Bo said, shaking the little center point on his head.


"Boss, I have a good script!"

"Then let's shoot!" Gao Song was promoted to the chairman of Tianyu, and Shuaibo rose to become the general manager of Tianyu Film and Television...

I don't know if this guy can become a movie king in the future.

"Boss, would you like to take a look first?"

"I trust you!"

"No, there are a lot of characters in it, we need you...your loyal little brother to play the role!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, loyal brother? Could it be... this guy discovered the identities of the strong men?

"It's rhubarb!"

Shuai Bo patted the script and opened the first page, "Crazy basketball!"


"The script is like this!" After handing out the script, Shuai Bo pointed to the UFO stadium in the distance, "I also had a sudden inspiration, and suddenly thought of these, boss, please help me to supplement!"


"I am a rural teenager with a basketball dream. I exercise in the morning, attend classes during the day, and dribble at night. However, I was born with malnutrition, underdeveloped motor cells, and poor physical fitness. I was always bullied every time I played basketball at school... One day, when I was running in the mountains, I accidentally fell into a ravine, and then found that a strange saucer-shaped aircraft had crashed in the ravine..."

"Afterwards, several dog-like dogs walked out of the aircraft, fat, fat, short, and thin. Rhubarb patted his shoulder. Translator: Hello, human!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian always felt that this scene seemed familiar.

"After some communication, I found out that this is a group of tourists from Wang Xing, commonly known as: Wang Xing people!"

"Dogs want to repair the flying saucer, but they need a lot of gold. After some discussion, they decided to teach me how to play and help them go outside to earn money to buy gold!"

"The training ground is the UFO Gymnasium. They invited me to eat various dog food to supplement nutrition, use various sci-fi equipment to exercise physical fitness, and personally taught me how to dribble and pass people..."

"Finally, one day I will play ball!"

"First a wave broke out in the school, and then participated in various competitions, helping the dog to repair the spaceship, I became a star, and they also left the earth."

After listening to it, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, "The script is pretty good, and the plot is simple and clear, but what is your position? Science fiction? Funny? Inspirational?"

"Ah... a little bit of it?"

"No, to be clear, for example, science fiction, then we will highlight the science fiction color of Wang Xingren, but the best way to reflect science fiction is a war movie!"

"So, funny + inspirational?"

"This is fine!" Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "The script needs to be refined, such as the shape of rhubarb, is it the captain?"


"Sunglasses, cigars, gold necklaces, military ranks, special dog uniforms, especially the walking posture... Have you seen Teddy?"

"I've seen it!"

"Yes! Let Rhubarb learn Teddy's rap!"


"Rhubarb's younger brother should also have characteristics. For example, find a bull-headed terrier to be the vicious vanguard of the dog. He has a hot temper and will always say: ah! Like a cat!"


"Others, Colonel Shar-Pei, Commander Pitbull, Secretary Corgi... In general, use your imagination to reflect the national system of dogs! Filming is different from filming TV, you must pay attention to every detail !" Ge Xiaotian patted the script, "In addition to character, you also need to add your attitude towards you, which dogs want to get close to you, and often help you. Which dogs want to kill you and eat meat, but in the end they are caught by your perseverance. Impressed, changed for the better."

"I understand a little bit!"

"To put it simply, dogs are all kinds of ups and downs on the road of life, and you represent the sportsmanship that some sports enthusiasts have! Of course, this is just my suggestion, how to do it is up to you to decide!"

Shuai Bo nodded, "By the way, boss, the post-production of the ancient war film has been completed, when will you find time to watch it?"


"Crazy Box is ready to shoot, first go to other places to shoot, wait for the Canal CBD to be completed, and then shoot the Silicon Valley hotel scene..."

"It's all trivial, don't tell me!" Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "This year, I want five movies!"


"has a problem?"

"It's definitely fine!" Shuai Bo shook his head quickly.

"Each box office must exceed 50 million!"


"has a problem?"

"Sure no problem!"

"Just tell me if you have any questions, the boss is not unreasonable!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he stepped into the ancient city of Qingshan.

However, before he had time to appreciate the elegant demeanor after reconstruction, the mobile phone rang again.


"What's the matter?"

"Boss, the leader of Huaxia Radio Station is here!"


"They said they want to see the strength of our 15 teams. If possible, Channel 5 will broadcast it live!"

"How much?"

Gao Song was shocked: "The broadcast rights of the North American Professional Basketball League are free, do we want money?"

"Can the strength be the same?"

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