Build Madness

Chapter 294 Warm-up match

Logically speaking, with the operation model of the XBA professional league, it is absolutely guaranteed to make a profit by handing over the broadcast rights to Huaxia TV for free.

Even if Huaxia TV asks Tian Cheng for advertising fees in turn, as long as it does not exceed five million, Ge Xiaotian will not lose money.

However, consider things holistically.

XBA is a newly created event, which is of a commercial nature and is completely different from other major leagues.

In other words, it is not official and has no background.

The other party was able to come, mainly because of the sensation caused by the high prize money, and there were no important events at the moment.

According to the plan, two years later, the XBA will expand to 64 teams. The preseason, regular season, playoffs, All-Star Game, etc. will start in April and are estimated to last until October, and then the football game will start.

So here comes the question, time conflicts with other official leagues, who will be broadcast by Huaxia TV?

The answer is definitely not Tiancheng!

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian wanted to hand over the broadcasting rights to local stations.

Not Dongshan, but the counties and cities below, including many other provinces, are in full bloom!

Each place only needs 20,000 yuan to get the live broadcast or broadcast rights of this season.

How many places are there in China?

What? don't want?

Then talk to the local leaders, whether to build a gymnasium, Tiancheng contract + operation, joint venture construction, and help introduce the XBA professional league, Sancha Cup football game for free, followed by boxing, Sanda, spear, fencing, and then give Form two teams locally!

How tempting?

Unfortunately, no matter how good the plan is, Ge Xiaotian has to accept a fact.

The consequences of offending others!

Forget it, strength is the most important thing!

After smoking a cigarette, he pondered for a long time, and decided to show the leaders a look at the XBA warm-up match first, and then talk about it after opening their eyes.


Step into Tianyu Film and Television Center.

A documentary about Mr. Zhu meeting someone is being played in the hall...

Afterwards, the picture flowed, and there was a documentary film of Mr. Yu hugging someone's shoulder and whispering...

Afterwards, tanks, airplanes, armored vehicles, and the swords of the old man of the military department were unsheathed...

The music is deep and shocking, it is the mass...


Looking at the leaders of the radio station who were watching attentively, Ge Xiaotian was full of black question marks.

"Boss?" Gao Song quietly stepped forward.

"What are you doing? Do something!"


Ge Xiaotian pouted towards the big screen, "Video!"

Gao Song was a little puzzled, "What's wrong? Enterprise Glory, it's been over a month, and there are still various certificates and awards..."

'What a clever little ghost you are! '

"Mr. Ge!" The middle-aged men who watched the video came back to their senses and stood up to greet him.

Ge Xiaotian squeezed out a smile, "I've been waiting for a long time, leaders!"

"I can't talk about it..." The leading middle-aged man also had a stiff face, "This time we are here to talk about the live broadcast of the XBA professional league. I wonder what your company thinks?"

Ignore the level of the team directly and get to the point!

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "Leader, let's move to the UFO Stadium first to watch a game?"

"We believe that Tiancheng has the absolute strength to successfully hold this league..."

"No, no, Tian Cheng is pragmatic! Seeking truth from facts, it's best to record a video and go back to discuss it..."

"It's too troublesome, let's sign the contract directly!" The middle-aged man said, taking out a stack of documents.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at it, it was different from the local TV station, high-end, grand, "Leader, let's talk about it after watching the game, there are some things that I can't explain!"

Seeing that he couldn't resist, the middle-aged man had no choice but to nod.

In other words, he also wanted to confirm the strength of Tiancheng Enterprise's team.


UFO Stadium.

Although it is still being renovated, it does not prevent a warm-up match.

The hired Huaxia A-level referee led two first-level referees into the arena, and four other first-level referees were scattered in the four corners.

The black-clothed Tiancheng team and the yellow-clothed Tianyu team, which are resident in the arena, are ready to go.

All-round monitoring is on...

Debugging of lighting equipment...

Live DJ audition...


The leaders of the radio station were amazed to see so many strong men.

Especially those two iron tower giants who were close to two meters two made everyone feel the aura of iron-blooded army soul...


What's even more incredible is that all the work required for the game is very formal!

Although Ge Xiaotian knew that the elite units were very strong, he had only enjoyed three-on-three. This was his first time watching an official game. With some expectations, he explained: "Leader, the rules we adopt are in line with international standards. Ten minutes per quarter, free throws Five seconds..."


"Then let's get started!"

In international competitions, the jump ball is only played in the first quarter, winning the right to serve, and also the right to serve in the third quarter, while the losing side gets the right to serve in the second and fourth quarters.

In the field.

The two center forwards roared and soared into the sky, vacated the ball, and landed firmly with a bang.

The huge momentum made the corners of the leaders' eyes twitch and they were stunned.

The Tianyu team got the ball, and the small forward went straight...

Tiancheng's center forward didn't have time to turn around, and the big and small forwards started to encircle... Tianyu's small forward entered the penalty area strongly, and the moment he rode and shot, he pushed the ball behind his back...

Tianyu's power forward roared, smashing dunks...

The leaders couldn't help standing up...

However, Tiancheng's center forward had already returned to his position, and the moment the opponent spread his belly, he took the ball off, and then, a long pass...

Tiancheng's shooting guard catches the ball, jumps from the free throw line, flies into the air, and dunks...


"I rely on it!"



Dazzling offense, clean cap grabs, flying dunks...

However, this is just the beginning!

Passing three levels in a row, riding and shooting head-on, a hard bar from the center, a large-style dunk, a dry three-pointer...

The ear-piercing scream of sneakers rubbing against the backboard, the muffled sound of muscles colliding with each other, the roar of beasts from tough guys...

Exciting, passionate, explosive!

Ten minutes, eleven dunks, six wild three-pointers, no fouls, no rest, no mid-range shots...

The end of the first quarter, 20:20

The leaders' Adam's apple surged, and they looked at the muscular men in the rest areas on both sides, full of disbelief in shock.

"So many players, where did you invite them?"

"Those who practice hard work, those who dunk, used to load trucks and unload soil, and have strong waist and abdominal muscles. Those who pitched balls used to throw bricks... Oh, I guess you don't know what throwing bricks is. It was when building bungalows and small western-style buildings. , It’s inconvenient to use a crane or something, so they just throw it up two by two, no need for people to pick it up, arrange it accurately, without damage, and the master wall builder can pick it up and use it!”

"???" The leaders obviously didn't believe this kind of nonsense.

However, the Tianyu shooting guard really got up and picked up the two stepping bricks used for decoration, looked left and right, and walked under the backboard. Swinging his arms up and down, he gently tossed the two red bricks...

The heavy bricks drew a graceful arc in the air, and gently landed on the backboard...

No sound!

The leaders believe it!


It's too...too...

The mood of everyone at this moment can no longer be described in words...

The only female leader in the team asked, "Mr. Ge, can I interview them?"


The female reporter walked up to Tianyu power forward, "Hello, you look so strong!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"Seeing how good your game is, you must like basketball very much?"



The power forward rolled his eyes, "If you don't play, you have to move bricks. If it were you, which one do you like?"


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