Build Madness

Chapter 295 Live broadcast cooperation agreement

The female reporter obviously didn't expect the player to answer like this.

However, as a leader in the industry and at the leadership level, his response was extremely quick.

"For an outstanding player like you, Mr. Ge must not be willing to let you go back to move bricks!"

'You do not understand! ’ The player shook his head and sighed secretly, without answering.

"So, how do you usually train? You know, ball skills are very different from high-intensity labor. The former requires stretching and flexibility, while the latter requires muscle stiffness and rigid movements after a long time..."

"We have the most complete and effective recovery training room in Dongshan. We have the most reasonable and advanced nutritionists and medicated dietitians in Dongshan. We have the sportsmanship of hard work, positiveness, and never admit defeat... By the way , have you ever seen the sun at four o'clock in the morning in Dongshan?"


Ge Xiaotian has been listening to the conversation between the two with his ears upright. Seeing that his players are becoming more and more unreliable, he quickly took over the conversation, "Leader, this is the end of the warm-up match. You have also seen the level. Let's go to the training room at the back and have a look." ?”

"I can't wish for it!" The female reporter interviewed the players, and it was originally a middle-aged man who ordered them to do so. Everyone wanted to understand why Tiancheng had so many excellent players.

"this way please!"

Ge Xiaotian led the crowd into the passage through the mountain and came to the northern supporting facilities area.

On the right is the Holiday Inn and a dozen villas scattered on the mountainside, as well as shopping malls, supermarkets...

On the left is a long series of venues that resemble steel structure exhibition halls, including training grounds, preliminaries, small cafeterias...

Step into the training room.

There are many kinds of equipment inside, full of mechanical sense and technological style everywhere.

The remaining three teams that did not participate in the warm-up match are training in full swing.

"As the player said, we do have the most complete and effective recovery training room in Dongshan, such as this kind of arm strength training equipment with red, yellow and green warning lights, which can be used according to the athlete's height, weight, Body fat percentage, etc., set a certain value. Athletes wear sensor equipment and monitor it all the time during exercise. No problem, green light. Fatigue, yellow light. Limit, red light!"

"Of course, this is just a reference. People's potential is endless. Only by breaking through ourselves can we become stronger!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, and patted another treadmill, "Don't look at it as an ordinary treadmill, but when you turn on the computer directly in front, it will emit a few low-radiation infrared rays around. Athletes wear matching induction equipment, During the running process, if there is a wrong posture, messy steps, rough breathing, unstable heartbeat, etc., it will give prompts, allowing athletes to adjust and correct immediately!"

"This is a semi-intelligent assistive cushion for sit-ups..."

"This is an electromagnetic induction bench press..."

"This is an automatic ball spitter. As long as the basketball runs out of the court, it will fall into the outer guide rails. It is the same as billiards, but the current technology cannot automatically recover the basketball in the court..."

"This is……"

"This is……"

Leading the dull leaders through all the training programs, Ge Xiaotian stepped into the athlete's restaurant.

"We have Dongshan, and even Huaxia, the most senior nutritionists, dietitians, and health nurses..."

"Here, we can customize pure natural and pollution-free drinks from Nanwa, dishes from Xixiang vegetable base, and beef and mutton from Sancha Township according to the player's own situation... Well, Luxi yellow cattle, small-tailed Han sheep, The leaders should have heard that the nutritional value is very high!"

"The health nurse will maintain communication with the trainers and coaching staff at all times according to the physical condition of the players, and reasonably arrange the work and rest time and training time of each player..."


Go into the team doctor's room.

The Taoist monk has been waiting for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian ignored the doubtful eyes of the Taoist priest and monk, and introduced:

"Sports can improve people's physical fitness, but in order to reach the competitive level, one needs to stimulate one's own potential. High-intensity exercise will inevitably cause injuries, such as bruises, swelling, contusions, rheumatic pains, joint pains, muscle soreness, and Troublesome chondritis, synovitis, tendonitis, muscle spasms, strains and tears, ligament ruptures, meniscus injuries, etc., therefore, need to be equipped with highly skilled team doctors!"

"Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a Chinese medicine research institution established by our company in conjunction with many medical universities and well-known hospitals. It has world-class Chinese medicine theory and medical technology, including Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, cupping..."

The leaders had never heard of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and were skeptical at first, but after seeing the cooperation agreement signed with Jifu Military Region Hospital... tried a few injections one by one...

Believe it!


Walking around the UFO stadium like a horse watching flowers, everyone returned to the Tianyu film and television base again.

The next step is to talk about the live broadcast agreement.

Ge Xiaotian has already figured out how to strive for his own best interests. At least, this short season of this year can be handed over to Huaxia TV. After all, the league is about to start, and there is no time to travel to other provinces, counties and cities to discuss one by one.

The middle-aged man in the team leader whispered to the other leaders, "We can set aside a five-second advertising spot for Tian Cheng during the pause and rest periods of each game!"

"It's too short!" What Ge Xiaotian wanted was also this thing, which can be used to promote electric vehicles and one-card cards.

"Mr. Ge, we can sell at least two million advertising spaces for five seconds!"

"Leader, do you think I'm short of money?"

"Eh..." The middle-aged man suddenly laughed, "Could Mr. Ge plan to sponsor a few advertising spaces?"

"Sponsorship is a matter of time, but it must be in one set, not five sets!"

"Oh?" The middle-aged man smiled even more, "Ten seconds!"

"Fifteen seconds!" Ge Xiaotian took out his cigarette and gave way, "You should know that I am going to build several cars belonging to China, the first generation of Wuling Rongguang, the engine research is completed, and the safety performance is almost tested. For a self-developed, designed, and produced car, why should the advertisement be placed before or after our set of news?"

The middle-aged man nodded, but did not let go.

Ge Xiaotian is not in a hurry, "In addition, the gas turbine we have researched has also achieved some results. Mr. Zhu has personally inspected the project. The luxury brand, Tianba series, is estimated to be able to build a test model in the middle of this year. The first turbine car... put it How about ten or twenty seconds in the advertising space of a program?"

"Deal!" The middle-aged man stretched out his palm.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Thank you leader for taking care of me!"

"I don't know which type of advertisement Mr. Ge plans to launch?"

"During the break in the first half, we will launch a bicycle advertisement, and Tianyu will prepare it later and submit it for review!"


"In the second half, we launched an advertisement about the future smart home life, which is actually promoting the 'one card'!"

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