Build Madness

Chapter 296 Brothers Gather Together Tianba Concept Car

The meeting room of Tianyu Film and Television Base.

After signing the live broadcast cooperation agreement, the radio station leader did not return to the capital, but planned to stay and watch the game.

Ge Xiaotian didn't have time to accompany the other party, so he asked Gao Song to bring the eloquent and humorous Shuai Bo to accompany him and play in Xiaoqingshan.

As a film and television person, getting in touch with your immediate boss in advance can also be regarded as expanding your network.

"Boss, did you forget something?" Dao Er reminded after everyone left.

"Broadcasting Building?" Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "They can't decide!"

Hearing that the leader of Huaxia TV came to talk about the live broadcast, his first reaction was to talk about a big project.

Years ago, the reason why he gave the scene drama version of Outlaws of the Marsh to local stations and Dongshan Station for free recording was that he planned to let the major stations make some money first, and then collectively build a broadcasting building.

To this end, he prepared two sets of plans.

One is that Tiancheng took the land to be responsible for the construction and rented the radio station.

The second is that Tian Cheng is only responsible for covering, and the rest belongs to the radio station.

The times are developing, and electronic intelligence technology is becoming more and more mature. The old radio station buildings or courtyards should have been eliminated long ago.

The construction of the Broadcasting Building can not only improve the image of the local area, but also add a landmark.

However, on the way here, after some understanding, Ge Xiaotian discovered...

I don't know the age, or the difference in time and space, or the geographical location of Huaxia TV is the reason for the capital.

If you want to talk about the project of the Broadcasting Building, it is useless to find the director of the team leader, at least you have to find the leader of the capital city who is at the same level as the general manager, or one level higher.

Moreover, like this kind of building, no matter what, it has to invite external bids...

The broadcasting building designed by Tiancheng not only has all-weather safe intelligent building control system, double substation power supply system, intelligent central air-conditioning system, multi-directional and convenient elevator layout, office automation property management, public information service, smart card management system, but also a closed-circuit monitoring system , anti-theft alarm system, communication automation system, fire linkage system...

It can fully meet the recording and live broadcasting of TV music recording, TV lectures, large-scale variety shows, large-scale celebrations and other programs.

To put it simply, this is a complex of super digital film and television production base + 5A intelligent office building.

With so many functions, it is difficult to explain it simply by relying on the bidding documents. The real effect can only be reflected through PPT, renderings, and realistic drills.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian stopped the idea of ​​discussing the project with the other party, and decided to wait until he moved to the capital.

As for selling the radio station building to Dongshan Radio Station...

Just think about it.


Walking out of the Tianyu film and television base, there are people coming and going outside.

With the expansion of the ancient city, the warmer weather, and the players attracted by Legend of the Dragon, Xiaoqingshan Development Zone became more and more lively.

In addition to the old items, now added...

Bejeweled Maze: Daoyiyier used brick walls and green plants to design a large Jiugong Bagua array in the former Tiancheng residence. Tracks are installed in some places, and the formation can be adjusted at any time. Players enter and look for dolls, toys, red envelopes, coupons hidden in many corners, up to three per person, and they can be taken away for free as long as they come out. If you can't get out, you have nothing.

Aircraft model competition: The remote control system research room launched a wireless remote control small speedboat. Tourists only need to pay ten yuan to receive a set of one-foot-sized model boats for a unique sailing competition in Green Lake. There are 20 people in each round, and the first place can take away the ship model for free.

River Adventure: When the river thawed, many "robbers", "beasts" and "monsters" suddenly appeared on the way to the East Lake (played by the staff of the tourism development zone). 'Gunfight'.

Three projects are not too many, but with many scene dramas, commercial streets, entertainment areas, grand theaters, and the under-construction happy rush forward and other projects, it is enough to fill the ancient city of Qingshan with an area of ​​3,000 mu and nearly 2 million square meters .

If it is expanded in the future, it can only extend from the Xilu Mountain Col and along the river to Daqingshan...

With a wise business vision, Ge Xiaotian strolled around the ancient city of Qingshan, and happened to meet Brother Hao who came from Yun County.

Big back hair, black scarf, open woolen coat, stand collar sweater, Cheng Liang's big leather shoes...

"Tsk tsk, you can be regarded as a bit of a boss!"

"Hey..." Brother Hao scratched his head with a silly smile, and accidentally tore off his wig, revealing a round 'gourd'.

"Fake?" Ge Xiaotian was immediately amused, "Where's Xiaolan?"

"Stay over there and take care of the construction site." Seeing his boss's bald head, Brother Hao directly threw the wig into the car.

"Well, let's go home and take a look at my old lady, wife and children. The leaders will be there tomorrow morning, and then the ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held."

"Don't worry, I haven't been back for a long time, let's go for a spin!" Brother Hao said, a little sighing, "In less than a month, Xiaoqingshan is a new world!"

"If you don't come back for a year, you probably won't be able to find a home!"

Brother Hao turned around and looked at the previous farmhouse area. There were ancient buildings all around, and there was no small farmyard. "Now I can't find it!"

"The farmhouse was moved to the east side of the entertainment area and contracted to the village. Your family moved to the staff dormitory on the east side. Ask your wife for the house number!"

"Hey, it's such a big deal, you didn't tell me when you called!"

"What a big deal!" Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, thinking that he hadn't eaten at noon, so he went straight into the tavern.

After the first year, I haven't seen Ren Zhongqiang for nearly two months. The old man's hair is all white, but he is still in good spirits.

"Little boss, come back!"

"Why are you so busy? If you have anything to do, just leave it to the apprentice!"

"Not authentic!" Ren Zhongqiang walked into the back kitchen, tinkered for a while, and brought out some refreshments, "Half a month ago, two guests from Xiangjiang were commenting here, saying that the taste is not good, so I cook for them myself. satisfy."

"Running to the mainland to eat the taste of Xiangjiang, these two people are free!" Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, picked up the pastry, and motioned for Brother Hao who came with him.

The latter shook his head, "I ate three slices of scallion pancakes at noon, and they are still a bit topped!"

"Old man, you have been in Xiangjiang for so many years, you should know many old chefs, right?"

"I recognize it! I called them a few years ago, but..." Ren Zhongqiang sighed, "It's a bit of a fluke, I bought a house earlier, and the house price hadn't plummeted when I sold it. But the few people I knew A friend who took out a loan to buy a house, but got blood mold!"

"What?" After Ge Xiaotian came back, he really didn't pay attention to Xiangjiang's house price.

However, according to memory, the past few years seem to have been a period of shock.

"I bought a house for 500,000 yuan. I paid the down payment and paid for it for several years. Now the house price has plummeted. The house is only worth 200,000 yuan, but the monthly payment is still the same, and the salary has been greatly reduced. Not enough to repay the mortgage... After one of the loans was cut off, he was urged by the bank and jumped off the building directly..."


Ren Zhongqiang picked up the pipe and lit it, his eyes wandered, he shook his head and sighed, "Life is hard!"

'You've never seen a harder one! ’ Ge Xiaotian’s heart was also a little heavy, but thinking of some people who sold their houses in Shencheng and went to Xiangjiang to buy a house... for a while, I didn’t know what to say.

In the silence, Teddy suddenly rushed in, "Boss, you are here!"

"Yo, you're back too!" Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "The 500 million loan was taken?"

"Small things!" Teddy took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and swayed, "Look, a sports car!"

"What brand?" Hearing that he got the loan, Ge Xiaotian immediately called Director Sun, don't ask a bank for a loan for the XBA League, and directly use the capital turnover of Dataai's construction.

"Plymouth Hunt! 750,000 limited edition!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian put down the phone, a little speechless.

To be honest, the price of sports cars these days really can't touch his nerves. Even the top sports cars, such as the just launched Porsche Carrera GT, cost at most three million.

Now is the world of mid-to-low-end sports cars, all kinds of Japanese and American cars are shoddy, and occasionally a model that stands out from the crowd, it is likely to be a flash in the pan.

Therefore, in the 1990s, many car companies either went bankrupt or changed hands, and when they encountered a bigger economic crisis a few years later, even GM needed North America's help.

Well, Ford carried it himself.

"Boss, can't you give me some feedback?"

"Is there any good reaction? Didn't I tell you that Wuling Rongguang will be put into production soon, and you will die later?"

"I saw your car, it's unreliable!" Teddy cried sadly, "We agreed at the beginning, I bought a sports car at a high price, but you gave me a van..."

"What van? Wuling is the scooter for you!" Ge Xiaotian opened his notebook and found the Tianba series folder, "Look!"

"What?" Teddy, Brother Hao, Mr. Ren, and the brothers Lao Qin and Li who had just walked in looked at the screen together.

"Wuling series are popular models, while Tianba series... are all gas turbines!"

Ge Xiaotian clicked on the video...

In the early morning, Ge Xiaotian, who is handsome and handsome, came back from a morning run, drank the special drink for Nanwa, picked up the Xixiang specialty beef and vegetable sandwich, ate it, and walked to the garage.

Press the button, and the rolling door will automatically rise, revealing a glamorous black SUV in front of everyone.

Bull head logo, rice-shaped wheels, wide body, thick and honest front...

In the screen, Ge Xiaotian tapped the car key to unlock it, and used the car key to transfer the SUV out of the garage...

"It's amazing!" The people watching the video from behind whispered.

"No, Boss, your leg?" Teddy leaned down and looked under the table, "Isn't it still limping, why is it inside?"

"Animation effect!"

"Isn't this a great job?"

"Can you pay attention to the important points? Look at the car!" Ge Xiaotian slapped the back of his head, and his winter hat flew up, revealing a big bald head.

"???" "Why are you out?"

"It's convenient! You don't need to wash your hair, you and Xiaohao are like this!" Teddy said, touching Brother Hao's 'gourd'.

The latter showed no expression on his face, fiercely showing his arm with the blue dragon tattoo, and pressed his rough hand directly on top of Teddy's head, "What are you doing?"

"'s okay!"

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, rubbed the back of Brother Hao's head, "Watch the video!"

Qi Feifei rolled her eyes, "The three of you are enough!"

However, before the words were finished, Daxiang and Li Shu walked into the tavern side by side with shiny heads and melon seeds, "Boss!"

"Damn!" Ge Xiaotian was startled, "Why are you two naked?"

Li Shu replied: "Our clockwork plan has been pushed to the countryside of Heshi. The sky is dry and everything is dry, and there is dust and mud everywhere. After working on the construction site for a day, my hair will be in locks. It is inconvenient to wash and remove. Pick it up." Also refreshing!"

"What about you, Daxiang!"

"He lied to me!" Daxiang pointed at Li Shu angrily, "He said that the company required... I checked the recent official website, brother Hao needless to say, you are gone, Teddy is gone, and Lao Hong is gone too... so I!"

"Pfft..." Qi Feifei burst into laughter, "The weather is getting warmer, Lao Hong is getting old, and he is a little bit bald, so he shaved!"


Ge Xiaotian patted the table, "Okay, watch the video!"

The screen changes, and Ge Xiaotian inside sits in the SUV, fastens his seat belt, and starts the car...

'buzz buzz...'

"What is the sound of an airplane taking off?"

"Pure ethanol + liquid oxygen gas turbines, the way of converting power to kinetic energy is completely different from that of internal combustion engines... I can't understand what I'm telling you, so read carefully!"

After the SUV is started, the noise is reduced, and it starts slowly on the road.

Drive out of the canal CBD and drive on a highway that you have never seen before.

The SUV starts to speed up, 60km/h, 80km/h, 100km/h...

After a long time, a sign resembling a wine bottle popped up on the electronic screen of the center console. As the driving time progressed, the liquid inside kept rising... Moments before it overflowed, the words 'Energy Saving Available' popped up on the screen.

The driver raises his hand and presses the button next to the gear.

The camera changes, revealing a round and plump car butt.


The four and a half feet wide and five centimeters thick exhaust pipes below suddenly spewed out two streams of air...

The camera switches to the car's power system, which shows that the turbine and the motor have been disconnected, and the kinetic energy generated by the 'exhaust gas' is being used to drive the car...

Half an hour later, the liquid in the wine bottle on the electronic screen of the center console gradually ran out...

The turbine is again connected to the electric motor to generate electricity to propel the car while collecting exhaust gas...

At the same time, the SUV drives into the snowy mountains, turns on the heat...

The SUV drives into the tropical rainforest and turns on the cold wind...

'Ordinary cars can run 600~800km with a full tank of fuel'

‘Tianba series, spend the same money, but can run 800~1200km’


The words 'concept model' are displayed on the video screen.

As the SUV was walking, it suddenly ran out of fuel and the exhaust gas was exhausted. The driver pressed a button on the center console...

The camera cuts to the roof, revealing a two-meter-long, one-meter-wide solar-electronic panel.

And the battery icon next to the fuel consumption in the car is showing 'charging'...

two hours later...

The SUV hit the road again and drove into the Tiancheng gas station...

The screen jumps rapidly, switching back and forth among several styles.

'Tianba, beyond your imagination...'

'Tianba, change your future...'

‘Tianba, you deserve it! '

In the end, the picture freezes on a domineering flagship car that looks like a military jeep, but is thicker and thicker, and the whole body is dark, with the bull head logo flashing...

'Moo! ! ! '

The sound is mixed with the SUV starting sound...

Video ends.

"Damn it!" Teddy jumped up straight away, "I'm going to be the last one like this!!!"

"Boss, I don't want the Tiger Head Ben, I want the last one too!" Brother Hao stared at the black off-road vehicle flying over the mountains in the picture, and subconsciously clenched his fists.

Daxiang's Adam's apple twitched, "Boss, can I get this car with my five-year salary?"

Ge Xiaotian smiled triumphantly, and was about to speak, but found several bald heads walking in the door.

Hei Hu, Jishi Xiaolu, Earth and Stone Fang Laozhu... Even Shu Dahong of Hongtu Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. is like this bird.

"Who are you?" Ge Xiaotian was completely lost.

Could it be that at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the UFO Gymnasium tomorrow, Tiancheng's capable generals will face all kinds of flashing lights from the news media with their bald heads? !

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