Build Madness

Chapter 297 Hello, My Name Is Shen Wen

A neat circle of suits with bald heads directly affects the business of the tavern.

Although it was 3:30 in the afternoon, there was an endless stream of customers who came here to consume. Seeing such a strong lineup, they left halfway...

Ge Xiaotian resisted the urge to kick the table and curse, and led the crowd to Guyue Qingshan Store.

He's going to make the time to call the Millennium Q1 meeting.

However, passing by the barbershop, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse that Gao Song, who was supposed to be playing with the radio station leader, had already shaved half of his bald head...


Ge Xiaotian laughed out of anger, and greeted Shuai Bo who was squatting at the door smoking a cigarette, "Why did you two run out?"

"Boss, the leaders gathered the staff of Huaxia TV's Dongshan office to process the video of the warm-up match recorded in the afternoon, as well as the photos of the training room and staff cafeteria, and prepare to produce an exclusive interview program for the XBA professional league, which will be broadcast tonight out."

"Oh? It seems that I want to promote it in advance so as to increase the ratings!" Ge Xiaotian nodded, "Why did that guy get a haircut?"

"Just now we walked to the entrance of the tavern, and saw that it was full of..."

"It's poisonous!" Ge Xiaotian grabbed Shuai Bo's withered and yellow middle part. He wanted to say that you had to keep it for me, but he never get rid of it!

"I scraped it a long time ago to make an ancient war movie!"


Not to mention, among the group of people, except for himself, Shuai Bo is the most solid!

With a big bald head and an army coat, he looks like a bandit up close, but a bum from a distance...

By the way, no man's land!

Ge Xiaotian looked up to the sky and sighed, what kind of people are these!

"Tomorrow, put on a wig for me!"

"Boss, long one and short one?" Shuai Bo took over the withered and yellow middle part, and didn't put it on anymore, looking left and right, hehe hehe, he was so silly.

"If I say long, will you all give me the whole shawl? If I say short, will you all give me the whole red orange yellow green..."

Thinking of the color, Ge Xiaotian thought of the five little Huang brothers...


At some point, several reporters jumped out, picked up the cameras and pressed the shutter...

Two of the female reporters rushed forward with microphones in hand, "Mr. Ge, hello!"

"Sorry, you got the wrong person!"


"My name is Ge Wangwang!"

"???" The female reporter was stunned.

"Ge Xiaotian is a cripple, sitting in a wheelchair, look at me..." Ge Xiaotian patted his legs covered by fat sweatpants, "Healthy mind and body!"

"Pfft..." Brother Hao, Qi Feifei and the others burst into laughter.

"Mr. Ge, don't be joking. We are reporters from Jishi Radio Station. We have met before. You bumped your leg. It will be two months soon. With the miraculous Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital here, it should be almost fine, right?"

"No, I'm really Ge Wangwang!" Ge Xiaotian turned around and left, deciding to go to the crew to find a wig to put on.

"Mr. Ge!"

However, another female reporter stopped her and took out a few photos from the file, "Mr. Ge, if you are Ge Wangwang, who is this person?"


Ge Xiaotian took the photo, saw the portrait on it clearly, couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Damn it, you idiot!"

Ge Wangwang even dyed his hair pure green, and even made an afro!

What's even more amazing is that he held a banner in his hand: The Burial Love Family, waiting for you to join!


"This stuff is crazy!!!"

Ge Xiaotian laughed so hard that he pointed at Shuai Bo and Gao Song who had just walked out of the barber shop, "Go, empty their camera film and tape!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ge, we will definitely not broadcast it!" The female reporter asked the cameraman to hand over the film and tape indifferently, "Can I ask you a few questions?"

"What's the problem?" Ge Xiaotian didn't destroy the photo that Ge Wangwang couldn't bear to look at, but directly returned it to the female reporter.

It is estimated that the guy deliberately posted it on the Internet, making it known to all passers-by.

However, the Burial Love family should be from Audition, why did it appear now?

"Mr. Ge, can we be more formal?"

"Wait, let me laugh a little longer!"


for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian calmed down and walked into Guyue Qingshan Store, "Excuse me!"

"Mr. Ge, will you really donate half of the tickets for the UFO Stadium during the XBA professional league period to build Hope Primary School as Tiancheng Public Welfare said?"

"Your question is very non-technical. I think you should ask: Mr. Ge, how many Hope Primary Schools do you intend to donate to build? And I replied: As long as there is a need, we will not, will, stop!"

"..." The female reporter hurriedly signaled the cameraman to re-record.

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "There is no need to ask this question again, the next question!"

The female reporter was slightly stunned, and quickly sat upright: "The small commodity market is about to be completed, but your company has established a financial service limited company at this time, does it mean that Tiancheng will enter the financial trade industry?"

"No, no, no matter now or in the future, Tiancheng will not be involved in the financial industry, we only serve the industry!" Ge Xiaotian said, taking out his employee card from his bag.

Well, everyone from the boss to the employees will use this in the future.

Including: job promotion, job adjustment, performance appraisal, salary evaluation, canteen dining, business trip...

In other words, in Tiancheng in the future, without this card, even eating and bathing would be a big problem.

"This is the employee card issued by Tiancheng, and we will introduce student cards and corporate cards to schools and cooperative enterprises. Soon, we will also launch a mature 'one card' to the society."

The female reporter took the heavy card curiously, and found that there was a black and white screen on it, "Is this a mobile phone?"

"No!" Ge Xiaotian walked to the front desk, selected a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine next to him, confirmed the quantity, and signaled the female reporter to put the 'one card' at the payment counter.


The words -0.5 immediately popped up on the black and white screen.

Immediately afterwards, mineral water fell into the extraction window.

"Oh I see!"

Ge Xiaotian took out the mineral water, "In the future, we will launch this type of vending machine at each construction site to save human resources and operating costs!"

"Does that prove that Tian Cheng also has the ability to spread this kind of thing to the whole Ji city?"

"Yes! In the future, residents who have a one-card card can use this card when taking the bus system, waterway system, including any consumption in supermarkets, shopping malls, Tianwei restaurants, and Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce franchise stores! Especially, when playing Legend of the Dragon, You can also use this to top up!"

"So, what does the One Card have to do with financial services companies?"

"Recharge! One card can be bound to a bank card, but only for large-value payments, such as buying color TVs, refrigerators, cars, and houses, and small payments require recharge. We have opened financial services to protect the interests of card users. , if you deposit 100,000, we will definitely have to pay interest, we can’t let customers suffer, right?”

"Does that mean that Tiancheng will also be involved in the loan business? After all, the bank wants to make a profit..."

"Do you think Tiancheng needs loans to make a profit?"

"Er..." The female reporter smiled embarrassedly, and subconsciously said: "Indeed, Tian Cheng wants to preserve the value of the currency, so he just buys a few pieces of land and puts it away..."

Ge Xiaotian blinked, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it!"


However, what the female reporter said really reassures depositors.

You know, there is a rumor in Jishi that the price of land has doubled when Ge Baiyi goes there...

Just like the Canal Hotel bought years ago, the price of the nearby residential buildings skyrocketed from 800 to 1,500 as soon as the old building was demolished! (not the Shunhe Hotel in Heshun)

"Then, Mr. Ge, do you know how to do insurance business?"

"We, Tiancheng, don't do insurance, because our Tiancheng employees have five social insurances and one housing fund, as well as our own compensation mechanism!"

"What about the car?"

"That's Tianheng's business, you have to ask Qi Feifei... No, Mr. Qi!"

Ge Xiaotian took back the card, and left with mineral water.

However, just two steps away, he met a young man wearing a black windbreaker, who looked like a rich second-generation male protagonist in some urban novels.

Oval face, small broken hair, slender figure, walk with style...

"Hello, my name is Shen Wen!"

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, tilted his head and looked at him: "Shen Zhipeng's son?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, "Do you know my father?"

"No, I know your mother, Zhong Xiaoxiao!"


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