Build Madness

Chapter 299

Hearing the names of Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao, Qin Ming was stunned for a long time.

After reminiscing about the past, and then looking carefully at Shen Wen, I just feel that my brain...

It exploded!

picture! so similar!

Eyebrows, nose, mouth!


In fact, after he was released from prison that year, he went to Jifu to find Zhong Xiaoxiao, and also met Shen Wen who was four or five years old.

When asked about her life experience, Zhong Xiaoxiao said that the child had a miscarriage...

From then on, he never thought that the child was still alive.

But seeing Shen Wen now...

"How old are you this year?" Qin Ming stepped forward, looked directly at the handsome young man in front of him, and asked tremblingly.


"Eighty years?"


"Eighty years, eighty years..."

Qin Ming muttered, his eyes turned red instantly, "Yes! Yes! You are my son!!!"

Shen Wen, who has always been gentle and elegant, suddenly lost his composure, and even changed the tone of Mandarin, "What?!"

"you are my son!"

Ge Xiaotian shuddered violently, feeling bad.

According to the information collected by the intelligence department, after Zhong Xiaoxiao and Shen Zhipeng ran back to their hometown, they closed their doors on the grounds of recuperating from illness, gave birth to Zhong Shiyu, and then threw them to the boss of the Zhong family to raise them, and then married Shen Zhipeng quickly...

Shen Wen and Zhong Shiyu were indeed in the same year!

It's just that there is a first month and a twelfth lunar month.

In other words, not long after Zhong Xiaoxiao gave birth, she became pregnant again!

This issue……

"Old Qin, hold on!" Ge Xiaotian quickly pressed Qin Ming who wanted to hug Shen Wen.

These days it is popular to say that boys follow their mothers and girls follow their fathers.

Lao Qin likes to exercise, the older he is, the better he is. Shen Wenshuai is handsome, with a raised eyebrow like Lao Qin, or a nose like Lao Qin, I guess many people will believe it...

If Lao Qin insists that Shen Wen is his son...

This is great fun!

After all, Shen Zhipeng knew about the relationship between Zhong Xiaoxiao and Qin Ming.

Moreover, within Dongshan Jianlian, Zhong Xiaoxiao's status and rights by virtue of her own means are much higher than Shen Zhipeng's!

Otherwise, it would not be Zhong Xiaoxiao who built the road in Jinxiu City.

Men love face, even though Shen Zhipeng knows that Shen Wen is his own, but in the face of rumors...

Ge Xiaotian doesn't like to use this method to deal with competitors at all.

"Let go of me!!!" Lao Qin was anxious.

"Hurry up, drag this guy away!" Ge Xiaotian signaled Brother Hao to get Shen Wen away, and asked Gao Song and Shuai Bo to hold Qin Ming down.

The whole scene was chaotic, and the reporters who hadn't left were dumbfounded.

"Ge Xiaotian!"

"Brother Qin, he's not, don't worry!" Ge Xiaotian knew that no matter in another time and space or this time and space, children have always been Qin Ming's heart disease.

‘Why don’t you tell him about Zhong Shiyu? '

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly realized something.

If it runs through the whole event, can it coincide with another time and space?

Lao Qin saw Shen Wen by accident, and felt that it was his son, who was in trouble with Dongshan Jianlian. Zhong Xiaoxiao couldn't bear the pressure brought by the rumors, so he transferred Zhong Shiyu back to China. The father and daughter recognized each other, and the matter subsided. But Lao Qin offended Dongshan Jianlian, and couldn't get along in the construction industry. Father and daughter were united, and embarked on the catering and retail industry...


It's just that this time and space happened ahead of time because of its own existence.

However, the intelligence department is not omnipotent. It can reverse the existence of Zhong Shiyu, but it cannot find Zhong Shiyu.

At this juncture, if you tell me, will Qin Ming believe it?

Ge Xiaotian sighed and motioned for everyone to let go, feeling...

Let the two families figure it out on their own!

"Boss, Boss Qin is hugging Shen Wen!" Shuai Bo kindly reminded.

"Everything is up to fate!"

Brother Hao leaned over, "Boss, just let that kid go?"

"Otherwise? Help others train younger generations? Or let him help us move bricks?"

Brother Hao opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say: Huyou! Don't care how awesome the other party is, let's talk when he's lame!

Ge Xiaotian patted him on the shoulder, "A person as good as us, getting along with a rookie at his level, are you going to pull him to our level and beat him?"


"Besides, if such a blatant incident happened, it is estimated that even he himself will doubt his own background."

A circle of bald heads thoughtfully raised their thumbs up uniformly, "The boss is still smart!"


"What the hell are you thinking about!"

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, walked into the conference room, "A meeting!"

There were faint noises in the distance.

"go away!"

"Son, wait for me, I am your father!!!"

"You crazy!!!"


Tiancheng Millennium's first quarter summary meeting was different from usual.

Ge Xiaotian didn't say too much this time, but asked Brother Hao and others to take turns on the stage, introducing each other's project progress and goals for the second quarter...

The content is basically the same as in the email.


After Tianhao Subsidiary waited for Xingyue Bay in Yunxian County to get on the right track, they moved to Shanxian County and took over a large flour mill from C sold out...

Affected by another time and space, Ge Xiaotian didn't want to participate in the restructuring of government-owned enterprises at all, but Brother Hao also had his own reasons for doing things. He used them as a mortgage and then transferred them... Forget it, the legal person is not him anyway.

Wen County belongs to Ji City. Xiao Huang discussed with the local leaders for a long time. The establishment is only the engineering department. Except for the trouble of laying the bus system and road repairs, other things are going smoothly...

After Heihu dug the stinking ditches on both sides of the Jishi-Xiangxian National Road, he did not go to Jinxiu River, but went to Zaoshi Panlong River to continue digging, trying to stabilize the old river before Tiancheng's main force marched into the new city...

The basic project of the Lotus Sports Center, Lao Zhu is still digging...

There are five venues, large and small, and the project volume is really huge, about... two million cubic meters!

It is comparable to the workload of three bird's nests.

Due to the huge area of ​​the foundation pit, Tiancheng chose the construction method of digging the pit first and then pressing the piles.

Stabilize the foundation pit safety system, sacrifice investment, ensure quality, improve efficiency with manual and mechanical, and speed up project progress...

After all, six or seven venues, large and small, require thousands of bored piles.

If the pile is pressed first and then excavated, it will not only reduce the excavation efficiency, but also easily cause damage to the pile body and affect the bearing capacity.

The bearing capacity is affected, and the steel structure plan that has been designed long ago is estimated to have to be redone...

Other items...

Affordable housing is no problem.

The hub plans to follow the Auto Trade City and the independent exhibition hall to lay the logistics system...

The site selection of Daqingshan Tiancheng resident has been completed, and the mountain is being leveled, water and electricity and other facilities are being laid...

Overall, the first quarter was overfulfilled, and the plan for the second quarter was ahead of schedule.

Allocate the manpower and material resources of the completed projects, focus on conquering the canal development zone project, then move to Jinxiuchuan in the third quarter, and return to Zaoshi New City next year!

The meeting lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and a group of people had a meal in the hotel.

Satiated with wine and food, the actresses from Tianyu were invited to sing a few songs...

"What a luxurious life!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, feeling corrupted!

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

unknown number.


"Ge, you are too shameless!"

The piercing soprano made Ge Xiaotian frowned, resisting the urge to scold back, and walked out of the Juyi Hall where the singing and dancing was peaceful, "Who are you?"

"I, Zhong Xiaoxiao!"


"The surname Ge, if something happens to my son, I will never end with you!!!"

"What are the three long and two short..." Ge Xiaotian just asked a question, and was shocked to see that in the multi-functional restaurant, Qin Ming and Shen Wen...

"Wo Cao, have you two drunk it?!"

The other side of the phone hung up directly...


As a top student, although Shen Wen can't keep up with Ge Xiaotian's brain circuit, he still has certain abilities.

Facing Qin Ming with a broken mind, he thought of words such as 'age', '80 years', '00 years', combined with the word 'Qin Ming' that would be shouted every time his parents quarreled...

Immediately recognized the identity of this handsome old man.

Originally, I was just curious about the story of my father's generation, so I sat down and had a drink with Qin Ming...

However, after listening roughly, his mentality also collapsed a little.

With a hoarse voice, he reconfirmed: "Winter?" (Winter in the twelfth lunar month)

"Winter!" (The first month is also winter)

Shen Wen couldn't help grabbing the little broken hair, lost his previous stability, and roared in unbelievable pain: "Actually, I should have thought of it a long time ago! Once I overheard my mother whispering to my uncle, saying that he is Qin Naruto, no matter what he does... No wonder! No wonder!"

"Son, don't do this!" Qin Ming showed distressed expression.

"No wonder you left me outside since I was a child, no matter what! I was beaten in elementary school, and neither of them would visit me! I was expelled from junior high school, and only changed me to a high school...the parents' meeting never went. !" (Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao joined the construction company, too busy)

"They are so hateful, they even told me that you had a miscarriage!" Old Qin was full of indignation.

"Miscarriage?" Shen Wen was stunned, looking at the handsome old man carefully, "I remembered, we met each other when I was five years old!"

"Yes!" Tears flickered in Lao Qin's eyes, and he showed a gratified smile, "Just remember, just remember!"

Shen Wen finally believed it, and muttered to himself: "No wonder Shen Zhipeng never let me interfere in the company's affairs, even if my mother asked me to, he would drive me out..."

"Don't worry son, the future is yours for Qin Hei Ya!"


Ge Xiaotian, who was hiding behind and eavesdropping, was dumbfounded, 'Fuck, father and son are united so soon? No, Lao Qin, your daughter...'


Lao Qin is good at chatting.

Just like when the two met at the Donkey Meat Restaurant, although Ge Xiaotian came here through time travel, Lao Qin was able to cater to his topics with his senses, eyesight, knowledge, etc.

And with Shen Wen who lacks fatherly love and motherly love...

The two drank until early in the morning, from sitting opposite to each other, to hugging shoulders and crying, and finally opened a room...

'This is a big joke! '

Ge Xiaotian hurriedly called Zhong Xiaoxiao, asking him to get Zhong Shiyu back to China, but...the phone was turned off!

Looking for someone to ask for Shen Zhipeng's mobile phone number... also shut down.

'Sin! '

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