Build Madness

Chapter 300 Mess!

After two days of deliberation, the XBA professional league with an additional 400 million prize money, finally... still failed to cover up the explosive news of Shenlong Legend.

too difficult!


Legend of Shenlong opened a new area again, and Ge Baiyi lost 800 to 100 million yuan!

What? to play basketball?

The XBA bonus before and after adds up to only 500 million.

Fifteen teams got it, and there were professional players joining, so ordinary people obviously couldn't get it.

And games, as long as you have a computer, you can click the mouse, call friends, twenty districts, twenty guilds, each guild has 200 people, and 4,000 people share equally, obviously the chances are even greater!

Didi Didi...

Recharge point cards, recharge ingots, buy fashion and wigs in the mall, buy gold coins in the treasure house, buy equipment...

Coincidentally, the leisure area launched a 'home system'.

Who has the easiest money to earn?


Buy a virtual table, buy a virtual chair, buy a virtual villa, buy a virtual scene... buy more, get more!

In addition, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce settled in Legend of Shenlong, and you can enjoy a 20% discount when you place a computer order from the virtual mall, and guarantee that the goods are licensed and delivered to your door within Dongshan!

the next day.

March 22.

At four o'clock in the morning, Ge Xiaotian was woken up by Gao Song's phone call.

I slept too late last night, and I'm still confused.

"Boss, the total profit has exceeded 1.2 billion! It's incredible!"


"By the way, the boss, the players in the leisure area jointly requested the official to increase the number of tickets for the XBA League, and they all want to buy it!"

"Sell it!"

"They also want to have a meeting with you!"

"See you!"

"Good boss!"

Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian continued to sleep...

five o'clock in the morning.

'Bang bang bang! '

"Open the door!"

A familiar yet unfamiliar passionate soprano voice rang out, causing Ge Xiaotian, who was sleeping, to tremble violently, turning over and getting up.

'Bang bang bang! ’ seemed to be stomping on the door.

"Sir, I'm sorry, please don't disturb our hotel customers' night rest!"

"Go away! My son is inside!" After the deep male voice finished, he went "Kang Bang Bang" again.

Immediately afterwards, the soprano sounded again, roaring with tears: "Qin, let go of my son!!!"


Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao couldn't get through on the phone in the early morning, so Ge ​​Xiaotian knew that the other party was on his way, and because he was worried that Qin Ming would be beaten, he lived in the opposite room.

What should come is still here!

However, with such a long delay, if you take a plane, you must have arrived long ago, but in the past five hours...

In order to avoid being beaten up himself, Ge Xiaotian called the hotel security, "What are you doing to eat? Your boss has been woken up!"

"Boss, there are too many of them!"

"No matter how many people there are, there are as many as me?"

"No, it's... Riot, five trucks, more than a hundred!"


Hearing that there was a riot, Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to go out rashly.

Make a few phone calls first, and then call for Dao Erseng Er, who lives in the next room after the quarterly meeting last night and serves as secretary and bodyguard.

Xu Ling?

I have already gone to the pigsty to dig out manure.

It is estimated that seeing the Taoist priest's clothes and brocade cassocks in the middle of the night, the people outside were stunned. When Dao Er opened the door for him from the outside, the corridor was very quiet...

Ge Xiaotian walked out with a cotton mop, and what he saw was a pair of men and women with wide-eyed eyes, and dozens of strong men in green clothes who retreated in unison.



Do I look like a villain? !

Ge Xiaotian rubbed the corners of his eyes, feeling a little cold, buttoned up his pajamas, and yawned, "What are you doing? It's late at night, why don't you let people sleep?"

"Who are you?" The leading anti-riot stepped forward.

"Where are you from?" Ge Xiaotian knew the military headquarters, but not Riot Control.

"personal I.D!"

Ge Xiaotian went back to the house obediently, and took out...the certificate of the militia company in Sancha Township, "I have reason to suspect that you secretly..."

Hoo hoo...

At this moment, strange noises came from outside.

Hearing the sound, the leader of the anti-riot turned his head to look at the window in the corridor, just in time to see two Mi-26s hovering in mid-air with their searchlights turned on, five armored vehicles wrestling with trucks one-on-one, and ten guns dragged by mules Cone...

Take a closer look, there is a dense cloud below, all wearing body armor, armed with militias that look more like special soldiers...

How do you know the opponent is a militia?

Banner: We are the militia!

"Where is this?"

"Wow even Ke Mutu Sancha!"

The leader of the anti-riot saluted, "Shut up the team!"

"Third brother, you can't leave!" The man left behind suddenly panicked.

"Sorry, there is no kidnapping incident here! You are a civil dispute, and I will notify the local security office." The explosion-proof chief said businesslike, and left without looking back.

Ge Xiaotian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, quickly disbanded the team below, walked towards the man, stretched out his palm, "Shen Zhipeng, Mr. Shen?"

"Ge Xiaotian!" Before the man could answer, the woman, who was like ribs and could see folds and veins on her neck, waved and clapped her palms away, "If my son has..."

"Me!" Ge Xiaotian raised his finger, pointed at himself, and then swayed from side to side, "I'm most afraid of being threatened by others!"

Shen Zhipeng pushed Zhong Xiaoxiao's arm away, "Sorry, Mr. Ge, I want to see my son!"

"The two of them drank too much, and they should have slept through this meeting!"

"Can you do me a favor? I want to see him now!"

"That's right! I didn't cause the matter. What do you want me to do? It's very difficult for me! Be polite, won't the matter be resolved?!"

Ge Xiaotian motioned to say two.

The latter shook his shoulders and leaned against his right back!


The door flew!

The joint defense system is also ringing!

"I'm sorry boss, I didn't hold back!"

"Hey! This door is more than 20,000 yuan, electronic monitoring, anti-theft system, alarm system..., you ruined it all at once, why don't you go to get the room card?!"

Shen Zhipeng fell in love with Zhong Xiaoxiao...

Is it so high-end?

However, Shen Zhipeng reacted quickly, instead of rushing in immediately, he took out a card and offered it with both hands: "Sorry for disturbing me tonight, fifty thousand!"

Ge Xiaotian was not polite, and threw the card to the hotel manager, "After the door is repaired, the rest will be distributed to the customers who settled in tonight, as spiritual compensation, remember, Ge Baiyi sent it!"

"Good boss!"

Shen Zhipeng clasped his fists, pulled and still stood there dumbfounded, looked at Zhong Xiaoxiao in Dao Er stupidly, and walked quickly into the guest room...

The sound of the flying door had awakened the two people in the guest room, who were getting dressed quickly.

Seeing the two people walking in clearly, Lao Qin's expression was particularly bright.

But Shen Wen asked in surprise, "Mom?"

"You! Go home for me!" Shen Zhipeng stepped forward to hold his son's hand with a grimace.

"Let me go! I don't know you!"

"What did you say?!"

"My name is Qin Wen!!!"


It exploded!


They fought on the spot.

However, Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao faced off against Lao Qin who had been exercising a lot, and his son Qin Wen...

'Father and son soldiers in battle! '

Ge Xiaotian couldn't bear to look straight at him, so he glanced at him and said, "It's all your fault, the door is broken!"

"It's okay boss, I can install it again!"

"Oh? That's good, let's go!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the sky, went back to the house and changed into a set of sportswear, and went to the multi-functional restaurant while thinking about Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao.

According to the performance of the two just now, it is obvious that Shen Zhipeng is more stable and more communicative.

However, according to the investigation results given by the Ministry of Intelligence, Zhong Xiaoxiao has more rights in Dongshan Jianlian.


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