Build Madness

Chapter 301 Brother Tian, ​​lead the fashion!

At five o'clock in the morning, the hotel guests were already woken up by yelling and cursing, and then kicking the door.

These days, people who come out to travel on weekdays are either rich or expensive, and they have a temper!

It is said that in room No. 1 of Tianzi lived a big brother who came from the Xishan mine and liked to cut legends. He smoked turquoise heather pipes and Dunhill was all over his body.

It is said that there is a big brother from Baishan Heishui who also likes to cut legends in Room A of Tianzi. He has big gold chains as prayer beads and more than a dozen tattooed brothers!

It is said that the number one room in Tianzi...

It is said that the number one room in Tianzi...

They are all famous people!


"Drill, drill! Sorry for disturbing everyone, our big boss, Mr. Ge, apologized and prepared a free breakfast buffet for everyone!"

"Pork bone porridge, chicken porridge, fish porridge, vegetable porridge, beef brisket porridge..."

"Crispy pickled cucumbers, green peppers in red oil, dried five-spice radish, hot and sour kelp shreds..."

"There are also high-quality pastries: purple sweet potato cake, crystal cake, glutinous rice cake..."

When Ge Xiaotian walked through the lobby and came to the multifunctional restaurant, the manager of the restaurant was comforting the temperless 'Gods'.

Well, the customer is god.

"Boss, I didn't send out your 50,000 yuan, minus the cost of repairing the room door, but replaced it with a free buffet..." The general manager of the hotel came to report.

"Good job!"

Ge Xiaotian patted his shoulder, glanced at the "Gods" who were paying attention to him, nodded, and walked away from the hotel.

Go out and turn right.

Zhuangmo fritters, tofu nao in spicy soup, one yuan and five can be full.

Coincidentally, Brother Hao and others who got up busy were also there.

Want a breakfast, say hello and squeeze, share a small Maza with Takamatsu...

The head of the sports operation department said: "Boss, the white horse drawn from Tianheng Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. and the VIP convoy formed by Tiancheng's Hutouben have already set off at four o'clock in the morning, plus two helicopters. At around eight o'clock, leaders from various places and Key partners are almost there."

Ge Xiaotian dipped the deep-fried dough sticks into the Hu spicy soup, gobbled it up, and waved his hands vaguely, "Don't report to me, you just need to understand that if something goes wrong, what will happen to you!"


The managers of the sports operation department stopped eating, wiped their mouths, stepped on the electric car, and went straight to the UFO stadium.

Brother Hao, Da Xiang, Li Shu and others were a little gloating.

"Boss, what happened last night?"

"Old Qin has an extra son!" Ge Xiaotian briefly talked about Shen Wen's surname change last night.

Gao Song, who was drinking eight-treasure porridge next to him, immediately sprayed, "Is this guy mentally ill?"

"No, he lacks fatherly love and motherly love!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't mean to laugh at Shen Wen, but felt that the development of the whole incident was a bit funny.

In the future, with economic development, the number of migrant workers will increase rapidly, and there will be more and more left-behind children.

Even if you don't stay behind and live with your parents, but due to the pressure of life, parents are busy with work, and they can give less and less love to their children...

Although Shen Wen is an adult, he must have fantasies about a happy family.

Humorous, knowledgeable, willing to take the initiative to contact him, and show love to Lao Qin, coupled with doubts about his own life experience...

Not surprising at all.

Just like the show in the future where the children of the rich go to the countryside to exercise, isn't it the same that many people don't want to go back...

Brother Hao, who already has a child and is about to give birth to another child, has the deepest understanding, "It's difficult!"

"So, this is our plan for next year. After the city is built, how to operate it? Improve work efficiency, reduce the pace of life, and spend more time with children, parents, girlfriends, shopping, watching games, watching Movies, or playing games at home, cooking, every family enjoys it. This is called: urban life satisfaction, which drives urban tolerance and directly affects the number of holiday tourists and permanent residents.”

Brother Hao and the others brightened their eyes, "The boss is smart, everything is prepared in advance!"

"What a yarn, do you understand the concept of 'supplied first'?!" Ge Xiaotian knocked on the table and began to conduct surprise checks on his subordinates.

But he didn't notice at all that the big brothers who were supposed to eat buffet in the multi-functional restaurant actually took the younger brother straight to the barber shop...


ten o'clock in the morning,

This is a day when the spring rain is as moist as crisp.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony of UFO Stadium was held grandly.

According to Ge Xiaotian's personal understanding.

Unlike the groundbreaking ceremony, the ribbon-cutting ceremony has no special meaning.

The ribbons used in the ribbon-cutting are a substitute for the cordon around the outside during the construction period, used to stop curious people and avoid accidents.

Now that the project is completed, the cordon is removed, and a ceremony is held, which can be regarded as telling people outside: you can come in!

Therefore, in line with the concept of thrift and family management, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was kept simple.

No hot air balloons, no colorful flags everywhere, and no various banners...


The landing of the UFO Stadium is of great significance to Jishi.

It is the first large venue in the region.

It is also the first large-scale steel structure building in Dongshan that adopts "artificial intelligence" and "new electrification".

It is also the first private sports venue in China.

At the same time, three new local companies have been added: sports operation company (management of gymnasium, business attraction of shops, holding ball games), sports business development company (management of teams, formulation of ball games), and sports culture communication company (publicity, public welfare, equipment).

Therefore, many leaders came to congratulate.

Ge Xiaotian shook hands with the familiar faces he met several times a month and thanked them one by one.

Those in Dongshan, Jifu, Jishi, and surrounding areas...

And waved with many people who came to hear the news.

Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian walked to the gate of the UFO Stadium and held the microphone.

Just about to speak...

After such a delay, the rain was over and the sky cleared, and the bright spring light flooded the earth, illuminating a large area of ​​bare...

Click, click, click, click!

The camera flashes continuously, freezing this scene...

Then, it quickly spread to various regions...


Dongshan, a barber shop.

'A cup of Erguotou, oh, choking tears...'

"Life is clean and the end is ugly. A good man never looks back. If you want to go..."

Accompanied by pop music, many young people suddenly poured in.

"Boss, shaved!"

"Boss, scratch it!"

"Boss, isn't it cleaner?!"


These are strange times.

People's pursuit of hairstyles has become difficult for the older generation to understand.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, all kinds of solid colors, all kinds of explosions, and all kinds of straightening boards are fine.

What does light mean? !

"My brother has this hairstyle, handsome, awesome, and ruthless!"

"They're all like this, but I'm not like this... I can't blend in!"

"My classmate is always bullied. Just now, those who bullied him apologized and called him brother! I want to shave too!"


Ge Wangwang was full of grief and indignation, pointing at several new members who were naked, "Traitors!"

Of course, some places don't allow baldness at all.

But it's hard to stop people's pursuit of fashion.

The barbers secretly changed the concept and promoted an old hairstyle named 'Caliper'...

This hairstyle has very quickly replaced the rich city hair with three to seven points and four to six points...


UFO Stadium.

Ge Xiaotian didn't know that he led the fashion, he was accompanying the leaders to inspect the venue facilities.

"At present, the overall hard and soft decoration has been completed, and some details have been delayed until after the event."

"The seat is made of foldable light steel..."

"Lighting equipment adopts..."

"The court boards are made of..."

"Audio equipment……"

"Each area has its own fire protection system..."

"The 'inverted bowl' mode will only be activated when the safe passage is ensured..."

After visiting the arena, training ground, team medical department, etc., a mighty group of people tried the "customized meal" in the athlete's cafeteria.

The leaders will not leave today, and tomorrow they will participate in the opening ceremony of the first season of the XBA professional league.

After eating and drinking enough, continue to inspect the rebuilt Xiaoqingshan.

Ge Xiaotian did not participate.

Because Jinx from the Remote Control System Research Institute called.

"Boss, North American professional teams have contacted! Due to labor disputes last year, the schedule in the first half of this year has shrunk. Five teams have ended the regular season ahead of schedule and have already boarded the plane."


Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and felt that there should be no problem.

Immediately called Takamatsu and decided to start the propaganda first.

The popularity of the legend of Shenlong broke through the age limit and completely surpassed another time and space.

One set of servers almost a week!

Against this background, without publicity, countless news and topics will naturally be born, so that the promotion of the XBA professional league failed to cause the slightest sensation.

In this way, the tickets for the first few games are supported by local people, but what about the next few games?

"Issuing an announcement, in order to promote sportsmanship, spread sports culture, show sportsmanship, and embrace a healthy life, during the XBA professional league, the service of Dragon Legend will be suspended!"

Gao Song took a deep breath, "Boss, is there any compensation?"



"It's not impossible. You arrange someone to quietly spread a message on the forum. All players who buy tickets to the XBA professional league will register with their real names. The explosion rate may be greatly increased in the future! Well, this is a hidden attribute!"

"???" Gao Song swallowed his saliva and instantly understood what it meant.

"After the service is suspended, the news that five professional teams from North America will participate in the XBA Professional League and compete for a prize of 500 million will be posted on the official websites of each subsidiary and partner. In addition, news, newspapers..."

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