Build Madness

Chapter 302 I am the second child at home

After Dragon Legend issued an announcement, the service was suspended at 5:00 am on March 23.

The official statement is not the original words of Boss Ge Da, but...

"Update the equipment map. Due to the huge resources and insufficient development team, this maintenance will take two days. We will also recruit people with lofty ideals with computer application technology to join Tianyu International."

"Adjust the map connection and add a world map. Due to the cumbersome data and insufficient staff in the development team, this maintenance will take two days..."

"Add seasonal changes, and corresponding activities, due to technical complexity..."

"Add some hidden attributes, and increase the corresponding gameplay 'edge'..."

"This update will take a week, sorry for the inconvenience caused to players."

"Friendly reminder: The XBA professional league is about to start. According to inside information, there will be five North American professional teams participating..."

Early in the morning, after Ge Xiaotian checked the content of the announcement, he went to the forum to browse the player's reactions. The posts were almost all positive energy:

‘Legend of the Dragon, come on! '

'Tell Ge Baiyi that the bonus can be reduced, and it is better to hire a few more technical R\u0026D personnel'

‘Slow work leads to careful work, we can afford to wait! '

‘Ge Baiyi is too picky, why don’t you hire more developers? '

'He's almost losing money, how can he have money to recruit people? '

‘No, he is engaged in architecture, except that he played games at first, and then he went to Jinxiuchuan University City. I heard that the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the UFO gymnasium was yesterday...’

‘Yeah, the bald hairstyle is nice, I don’t know if there will be one in the game! '

‘Damn it, it’s true, a bald-headed weight helmet, and a big horse-slasher in his hand! '


"It's a pity that I can't go online..."

There are no insulting words, and there are not many groups who complain, and some even help to introduce many big names in the game development industry...

"This year's players are really...cute!"

Ge Xiaotian understood that Gao Song passed the test.

Yesterday morning, I made a surprise inspection of the progress of Brother Hao and others in the construction industry. In the afternoon, I talked with Takamatsu about the promotion of the XBA professional league and the suspension of the Dragon Legend. In fact, it was also a test for him.

Such a popular game, if it is true according to what he said, because the service of the game is suspended, it is estimated that it will draw the hatred of countless players in an instant...

Not only for him, but also for the game, even the bulletproof glass in my hometown can't hold it...

Therefore, Takamatsu needs to consider various issues and promote XBA.

It now appears that he did.

What? What can I do if I can't do it?

Gao Song, the chairman of Tianyu, resigned due to disobedience to the instructions of his boss Ge Da, and hastily suspended the operation of Legend of the Dragon, which caused heavy losses to players and Tianyu International...


Some posts are just a little bit unbelievable.

‘Is this arena real? '

'? ? ? '

‘I thought it was a computer desktop! '


'I thought it was a movie promotional poster! '

"You guys are so out, two days ago someone said this is a gymnasium, you guys..."

‘Stupid for playing games? Huaxia Wutai has opened up a column for the XBA professional league, and you guys just realized it? '

‘Shh, delete the post quickly, don’t let the GM know, or else we need to step up the supervision to prevent addiction! '

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

I spent a total of 500 million on all kinds of publicity, and now the opening ceremony of the game is about to be held, so many people who have access to the Internet don't know the truth...

"There should be another forced update!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, turned off the post about buying tickets to increase the game's explosive rate, got up to wash, and then went straight to the next room.

Yesterday, Lao Qin, Shen Zhipeng, and Zhong Xiaoxiao not only made a fuss at the Qingshan Security Office, but also went to the Qingshan Hospital for a paternity test...

It's a pity that Chinese medicine can't do DNA or chromosome comparisons, so Dao Yi can only use his mysterious and mysterious, nonsense, but real qi-watching technique to observe.


"Using metaphysics to explain, this child's fate has changed, causing her to be reborn. Using Western medicine to explain, this child has a genetic mutation during the embryonic period. Is the root cause... Zhong Xiaoxiao should have been in the... Places full of radiation and many chemicals, or have experienced serious diseases such as viruses and bacterial infections."

This reminded Ge Xiaotian of Zhong Xiaoxiao's skinny appearance, and her natal family's fertilizer business.

Old Qin looked sad, "If the date of birth is correct, Shen Wen is indeed not my child, but Shen Wen doesn't believe it..."


"A number of forensic medical institutions have been entrusted over there. No matter what happens in the end, the harm to the child..."

"Don't think so much, actually..."

Ge Xiaotian was about to reveal the existence of Zhong Shiyu, but he saw Shen Wen, who looked indifferent, walking in with a duck neck and duck wings and Lao Baigan.

"Uncle Qin, this duck is so delicious, come on, let's make this bottle, and I'll make it with you from now on... Huh? Ge Xiaotian, are you there?"

Ge Xiaotian grinned, and said the second half of the sentence, "Actually, the result is not important anymore."

Old Qin: "..."

Being able to bring riot control from Jifu shows the background of Dongshan Jianlian.

In another time and space, Lao Qin must have suffered a lot when this incident happened.

If it was placed years ago, Tian Cheng might not be able to do anything about it.

but now……

Ge Xiaotian patted Lao Qin on the shoulder, "Follow your heart!"

After that, he walked up to Shen Wen, "Let's get to know each other again, Ge Xiaotian, the second child in the family!"

The latter was confused, "???"

"Brother Qin Bai, you can call me second uncle from now on! Don't worry, in Jishi, as long as you don't do anything illegal, I will protect you. Don't be polite!"



Although Zhong Xiaoxiao wanted to let go of her harsh words several times, and although Dongshan Jianlian was indeed very strong, except for the competition between the two sides in road construction in Jinxiuchuan, strictly speaking, there was no conflict of interest.

When things like confession happened, if the steady Shen Zhipeng could put the overall situation first, he might come to visit soon...


Wei Changfeng and Chen Feng broke up completely. The project outsourcing of Changfeng Building and Jishi Garden area will most likely be done by Dongshan Jianlian.

However, Shunhe business failed, and the Shunhe commercial building was sold to Changfeng Industrial, but the cement, sand and other factories were handed over to Sun Paper in Jishi.

Sun Paper reached a cooperation with Tiancheng to help build single-family buildings and warehouses. Now that Sun Paper has no money, it transfers these factories to Tiancheng.

On the other hand, Da Mao plans to spend tens of millions of dollars to build the largest local cement factory for noise prevention, dust prevention and pollution prevention in Nanwa, and buy a large number of small workshops...

If Tiancheng didn't sell it to Dongshan Jianlian Cement, they would definitely have to transport it from Jifu to Jishi, or even to Zaoshi New City.

Tiancheng has a shipping system, which can ignore the shipping cost.

But Dongshan Jianlian has to consider this aspect.

Before the establishment of the eight-vertical and eight-horizontal railway network, there were many restrictions on railway transportation, and there were toll booths thirty or forty miles away to block the road...

For example, in the future, the case of "cheap grassland cement is shipped to Xishan to earn the difference, Xishan's ordinary price cement is shipped to Dongshan to earn the difference, and Dongshan's high-priced cement is sold to the Northeast to earn the difference" will never happen.

Shen Wen is not Ge Xiaotian's son, and Zhong Xiaoxiao is not Ge Xiaotian's ex-wife. Compared with the high transportation costs, as the actual helm of Dongshan Jianlian, I believe Shen Zhipeng must know which is more important.

Back in his room, Ge Xiaotian pondered for a long time, put this matter aside temporarily, changed his clothes, and headed to the UFO gym.

Since the five North American teams had to fly for 16 hours at the slowest to arrive at Jifu, and then transfer to a helicopter to arrive at Xiaoqingshan, the opening ceremony was scheduled for three o'clock this afternoon.

Familiarize yourself with the venue and restore your state tomorrow, and officially start the first game the day after tomorrow.

Team Tiancheng: Dallas Mavericks!

A very unfamiliar team name, but it was called the Mavericks before.

It is said that it has just been bought by a billionaire. This season, it is one step away from the playoffs, but it has not entered.

It must be money to come to the game.

As for whether it is powerful or not...

Ge Xiaotian didn't know either.

On the road, look at the list...

Michael Finley, Nowitzki, Ceballos, Nash, Parker...

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