Build Madness

Chapter 310 All things financial technology

When Ge Xiaotian stayed up all night, worrying about how to spend the 2.3 billion in Jinxiuchuan office...

In the Finance Department of Crescent Landmark in Xiangxian County, Director Sun activated the 'One Finger Zen' on the keyboard.

Financial expenses:

Nanwa large cement plant construction + equipment, 150 million.

2,000 mu of land in Zaoshi New City + Panlong River management and contracting fees, 200 million yuan.

Zaoshi new city infrastructure budget, 300 million.

The purchase cost of high-precision machinery for the automobile factory is 200 million yuan.

Automobile factory painting workshop (including electrophoresis), 100 million.

Automobile factory trial production workshop, stamping factory, welding factory, 300 million.

The production and assembly workshop of pure ethanol tanks, liquid oxygen tanks, anti-shock and explosion-proof equipment in the automobile manufacturing plant, 100 million yuan.

The budget for the infrastructure construction of Jinxiuchuan Business District is 200 million yuan.

The project funds of two colleges and universities in Jinxiuchuan University City are 50 million.

Jinxiuchuan Reservoir management budget, 20 million.

The second phase of investment in the hub plan, buying container transport vehicles, buying small transport vehicles, purchasing electric three-wheeled delivery vehicles, and setting up logistics points in major cities in Dongshan, 100 million.

The cost of the three roads of Datai Road and Bridge is 60 million.

Donate 20 million yuan to the construction of basketball courts in various local schools. (Proclaimed 100 million)

Total spending: 1.8 billion.

Company account balance: 2.06 million

(There are 500 million in the XBA league notary office, 2 million is the lending interest of Wanshi Fintech for the first week, and the remaining 1.8 billion is the three-day interest.)

Unbilled charges:

Year-end due loans, 1.4 billion.

"Oh, I'm out of money again!"

Director Sun sighed, glanced at the stock market quotations on the computer next to him, and immediately cheered up, "3dfx shares have fallen again, continue to short."

"In addition, transfer a sum of money from the offshore company, notify Xiao Huang and the personnel department, as well as Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, Tianyu Group, Sun Paper... to form a recruitment team, ready to go to North America for talent hunting!"

A new financial person asked curiously: "Director, why don't we buy 3dfx at the bottom?"

"What do you want that empty shell for?"


"First make their company unable to survive, and then make their employees unable to survive. Only then will we have the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits brought by short selling and completely take down the other party!"

"Spend... Spend other people's money and hire other people's employees?" The new financial manager was shocked.

"Since the other party wants to sue us, let's let him go bankrupt first!" After speaking, Director Sun shook his head, "Oh, it seems that you still have a long way to go to become a cashier in Tiancheng!"

Immediately afterwards, Director Sun casually divided the 2 million into five parts and distributed them to the bank cards of the personnel from the Finance Department who went abroad...


Company account balance: 60,000.


"Sixty thousand?!"

Ge Xiaotian refreshed the ERP page in disbelief, and the account balance was indeed 60,000.

"Why did it disappear in an instant?!"

Open the list of expenditures, and the densely packed projects to be built come into view...


In other words, I have been addicted to 2.3 billion ideas for a whole morning like a chicken blood? !

Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a little uncomfortable...

Ding! Ding!

At this time, two prompts popped up on the computer.

An encrypted email beginning with the Aerospace Council.

A regular email with a password reminder.

Click on the latter, and enter the password into the former according to the question...

Encrypted emails Expand...

To Mr. Ge:

"Ice Bear can make rockets and space shuttles, but it cannot mass-produce or even independently manufacture electronic components. Most electronic components need to be imported..."

"Affected by the complete blockade of Europe and North America, Ice Bear has completely lost the ability to manufacture new satellites..."

‘The Glonass navigation system currently has seven satellites, one for backup, two for maintenance, and three more at the end of their lifespan…’

‘The Liberty City ‘Three Stars with One Arrow’ project was made public as early as 1996, but the actual progress is only 60%, lacking a third satellite...’

"Based on the cooperation between Huaxia and Ice Bear in aerospace, the advanced electronic components independently developed by our institute, as well as the new navigation system, are compatible with GLONASS..."

"If your company wants to become a high-end electronic component manufacturing enterprise, please contact... The Nine Institutes will provide technical and personnel support..."

After flipping through more than a dozen pages of documents mixed with data and pictures, Ge Xiaotian found the signatures. In addition to the old man who approved the purchase of the T80, there were also nine institutes who made an appointment to meet on April 3.

It seems that he was wrong before.

The other party's appointment was not for the gas turbine, sell the order!

In other words, Tiancheng invests in the GLONASS navigation system, and Ice Bear purchases advanced electronic components from nine institutes, a win-win situation for all three parties.

However, this also shows that the above has agreed to invest in Glonass.

After all, Beidou is "compatible" with GLONASS, and now opening up the market for the latter is equivalent to "borrowing a knife" to expel GPS. When Beidou goes online, it can be used with GLONASS, and the civilian market can be opened in an instant...

Of course, the ground monitoring station needs to meet and talk, this thing is estimated to be built by the 'Nine Institutes' themselves, and when the time comes, Tiancheng will be authorized to carry a few iron frames to use for surveying and mapping...

As for the 'component manufacturing company', it can be regarded as a 'meeting gift' for Tiancheng, or 'compensation', or an appointment as a 'Beidou user', or... currently no one is engaged in this kind of thing.

It's a pity that Tiancheng does not have the ability to research satellite technology and produce electronic components...


Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of Wanshi Financial Technology, the main supplier of his own components, who had just returned a 500 million loan...

I heard that this girl got rich recently!


Everything Financial Technology Group.

"It's gone up, it's gone up!"

"Break through twelve five!"

"Break through twelve eight!"

"Thirteen and fifty!"

"Thirteen seven!"

"Limit up!"

"Chairman, according to today's trend, if there is no stock price retracement tomorrow, the daily limit will continue."

The boss of Wanshi put out the cigarette butts, "As the saying goes, if prosperity is extreme, it will decline, and if it rises for a long time, it will fall. Pay attention to observation, and resolutely avoid repeating Tianding Technology's old path and enter a period of failure!"


"How much money is currently available?"

"One and a half billion and seventy million!"

"Collect more intelligence, pay attention to details, and see if you can take the opportunity to acquire a few more North American technology companies!"

"Good director!"

The boss of everything heaved a sigh of relief, and took the coffee brought by the secretary, "Thanks to Tiancheng's 500 million life-saving money, otherwise, the shareholders' shares would not be recovered, and those old fellows would definitely not agree to the acquisition plan, so that they would miss this opportunity." A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Chairman..." The secretary suddenly hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

"On the 14th, when Tiancheng's 500 million loan came into the account, they commissioned us to produce 100,000 pieces of one-card at a cost of about 50 yuan, and another 10,000 sets of simplified one-card at a cost of 20 yuan, with a total payment of 5.2 million. On the 18th, Tiancheng entrusted us to produce 1 million one-cards, with a total payment of 50 million. Yesterday, on the 25th, Tiancheng increased the total order quantity to 2.1 million...even if according to your request, five A fraction of a million is used to pay the interest for the second week of the 500 million loan, and now Tiancheng owes us 110 million in payment..."

"so much?!"

"Not only that, they..." The secretary hesitated again.


"They also placed an order for 100,000 sets of driving computers for us, a total of 200 million yuan, and they didn't give us a penny!"

The corner of Boss Wanshi's mouth twitched, and he immediately took out his phone.

However, just as he was about to call Ge Laoer, the caller ID popped up.

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

Boss Wanshi decided to ask for money, but that's 300 million yuan, and the interest alone is enough for him to go tonight...

"Hey, little brother..."

"Brother, big business is coming, do you want it?"


"Order for advanced satellite components!"

"Wo Cao, how do you know how many aerospace technology companies I have acquired?"

"???" On the other end of the phone, Ge Xiaotian was stupefied. Didn't you go to take back the shareholders' shares? When was the aerospace company acquired? How many more?

"Little brother, you have a wild way. Which region is the order? North America? Europe?"

"No, it's China and Ice Bear!"

"Hiss..., your way is very straight!"

"There are technical and personnel support, but I guess you need to reorganize a company."

"It's not a problem, the key is, which components?"

"Wait, let me check the mail... 40nm receiver, compatible with GLONASS and GPS... three-in-one chip, I don't understand the English behind it..."

"It can be done, but it takes time to form a new company!"

"Need it? Probably not..." Ge Xiaotian thought of the nine institutes who had made an appointment to meet, "So, on April 3rd... on the 2nd, let's meet in the Auto Trade City in advance!"


Putting down the phone, Boss Wan Shi jumped up excitedly, "Big support is here!"

"???" The secretary was a little confused, "Chairman, does Tian Cheng owe us money?"

"talk about it later!"

Didi Didi...

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang again.

Ge Er Er!

Boss Wanshi is in a better mood. For such a big business, he can think of himself, which shows that this brother who dared to lend him money really has him in his heart!

Turn on the answer button and call out cordially: "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Brother, I have a big project here!"


"Have you heard of the GLONASS navigation system?"

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