Build Madness

Chapter 311 'Guaranteed to save you from death'

"What?" Boss Wanshi didn't seem to hear clearly.

"GLONASS Navigation System!"

"Golas? Never heard of it!"


Are you into technology?

Ge Xiaotian explained the matter of Ice Bear's satellite launch in an easy-to-understand way, "How is it? Are you interested in shooting a few?"

"Hiss... little brother, what you are playing is not a little big, but... very big!"

"It's been agreed by the higher authorities, and the only thing left is to sign an agreement with the guarantee company. Of course, several insurances have to be bought."

"Brother, brother is not as capable as you!"

The boss of Wanshi sighed deeply, "If you build an electric car, you can earn tens of millions in half a month; if you build a community, you can earn 300 to 400 million in the first quarter; even if you play a game, you can earn 700 to 800 million in a month...

As for me, I worked so hard to borrow 500 million yuan, and almost took the group into it, only to squeeze out more than a billion yuan, which is not my own...

Your project, as you said, needs more than 20 satellites to cover the whole world. Now there are only seven satellites, and three of them are nearing the end of their lifespan. How many satellites do we have to launch? This is simply a bottomless pit!

Brother kindly advises you, forget it, let's do business in a down-to-earth manner! "

Being rejected, Ge Xiaotian was not discouraged, not to mention this era, even in the future, few people in China would dare to play satellites, "If you say, launch a satellite, you will get your money back in one year, and you will make a profit in two years, and then three years later. Doubling your earnings every year, can you shoot or not?"

"Hiss..." Boss Wanshi suddenly felt a little pain in his stomach...

With the phone in one hand and a pen in the other, Ge Xiaotian spread out the draft paper that was custom-made from Sun Paper and printed with Tiancheng's special words, "First of all, we can sell cheap navigators!"

"I have carefully calculated that Tiancheng is in charge of the graphics processor, and your side is in charge of electronic components and motherboards. The Great Wall processor is used, BYAD's lithium-ion battery is used, and the display screen is from Shencheng Tianma Microelectronics. The two-inch screen of the card is from them. As for the customization, Mr. Yu helped to introduce it, and it is trustworthy. The shell material is made of fiber metal developed by Tiancheng’s resident research laboratory, or engineering plastics such as polycarbonate and polyether ether ketone.”

"In general, you manufacture components and assemble products, and I purchase raw materials, design, research and development, packaging, and sales, and the shares are divided into 30-70."

"After launching the satellite, we have the right to use it and can directly install the navigation system. If the cost of the satellite is not included, the cost of each navigator... is less than five hundred red notes!"

"Currently the cheapest GPS navigator on the market costs tens of thousands. Even if it is installed in large quantities on cars, it will not be less than four thousand."

"Do you know why it's so expensive? Monopoly!"

"At present, Huaxia has about 8 million cars, and there are very few with navigation systems, not to mention agricultural machinery and motorcycles..."

"Let's make less money. Each unit sells for 2,500 yuan. Even if one out of ten people buys it, we can still sell one million units. Let alone two billion yuan!"

"Also, there are more and more people buying cars now. In 1998, there were only one million cars in China. In 1999, there were five million cars. Only in April this year, the number has exceeded eight million!"

"We can earn two billion this year, maybe four billion next year, and that's not counting the dividends of the GLONASS system shares that Ice Bear gave us..."

"Brother, the world has changed. We have entered a new era. From now on, this is the world of the Internet."

"One step ahead, one shot faster than others, the opportunity is fleeting!"

"The most important thing is that we have a thorough understanding of navigation equipment this year, and will make a lot of money next year. When the GLONASS system covers China in the next year, other navigation equipment will probably spring up. At that time, we will withdraw from the navigation industry and I will help you design another one." An epoch-making product, a smart phone—to protect you from death... No, it's love to death!

Using the resources of manufacturing navigators, as long as it matches the corresponding mobile phone system, Wanshi Financial Technology can easily manufacture this product...

My earning ability, Ge Xiaotian, is obvious to all. This mobile phone can make at least tens of billions in profit. It will definitely make you a big shot in the technology industry and surpass Bill! "


Hearing the crisp sound, Ge Xiaotian stopped talking and asked in doubt, "Brother?"


"Brother, are you still listening?"



Ge Xiaotian patted the receiver, and could only hear vaguely... It seemed to be the sound of an ambulance.

? ? ?

What the hell?

Someone in the company is sick?

Really pick the time!

He didn't get a reply, and Ge Xiaotian sighed in disappointment, and found Lao Pang of Sun Paper.

"Little brother, long time no see, find a time to get together?"

"Brother, I'm busy here!"


"I wonder if you've ever heard of... a navigation system?"

"Have you heard, GPS?!"

"No, I have a big project in my hands!"

a long time.

"At that time, the paper distribution truck can be seen everywhere, which is exactly the same as the logistics route in my hub plan... Not only can it provide emergency rescue, but it can also improve work efficiency, save labor costs, and increase salary in disguise... ..."

"In the production workshop, we can rely on the navigation system and remote control system to manufacture AGV automatic guided vehicles, and realize automatic operation and automatic charging through computer control... It can even be said to create an unmanned workshop!"

"In this way, Sun Paper, which we have just reorganized, cooperates with the Canal CBD single-family office building, the newly built large factory building, and this high-tech model and information management. A large-scale job fair will be held with a new look. The market value will definitely increase. Soaring!"

"With money, we can expand our operations, expand production, seize domestic and overseas markets, and dominate the paper industry..."

"How about it bro? Shoot one?"

"Beep beep..."

? ? ?

‘Why did it hang up inexplicably? '

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone, thinking of Boss Wanshi, he suddenly realized.

These two people don't want to do it, so they are looking for reasons to postpone it!


How disrespectful!

If you don't do it, I will do it myself!

Opening the ERP system, Ge Xiaotian looked at the budgets of Tiancheng's various projects again...

At present, the funds that can be used are only 500 million in the notary office.

The project has been approved by the above, and more than 60 million Franklin can be exchanged for one application.

Of course, in the offshore company account, there are Legendary agency fees and recharge fees in North America, Japan Island, Nanbangzi, South Asia and other regions, as well as advertising fees sold through the Legendary platform.

Because these areas are different from the Amur agency, the agency fee is only 500,000 Franklin, but the recharge fee is very high, which adds up to about 20 million Franklin.

Plus the 60 million to apply for trade...

A total of 80 million!

It's a bit difficult to launch a satellite alone, but Maozi's one-arrow three-star project has completed 60%, making up for the 30 million funding gap, and can be launched on an auspicious day...

However, this project of Amur is likely to be used to replace the three satellites that are at the end of their lives.

If the current number of satellites in the GLONASS constellation remains the same, the navigation area will still only cover Ice Bear.

Therefore, it is necessary to launch the second round of a three-star arrow to cover China...

This is what worries him the most.

Glonass has zero profit, and the civilian market is also almost zero. If the coverage in China is not covered in the early stage, how can Tiancheng make money with it and continue to invest in the second round?

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the news and found that Jishi had signed a friendship city agreement with Amur to carry out cooperation in education, agriculture, industry, medical care, etc...

It seems that it's time to talk to Mr. Governor!

Let Ice Bear suspend the old satellite elimination plan, first deploy the new three satellites to the corresponding constellations in China, and then the two parties sign the second round of the one-arrow three-star plan to eliminate the old satellites.

It's a pity that Wanshi Financial Technology and Sun Paper dare not play.

Otherwise, if you invest more in the early stage and take more shares, you can have some right to speak, and then ask for help in managing the Amur monitoring station by visiting and learning, and take the opportunity to quietly "assign a key" to let your own Red Eagle Alliance As soon as the Taoist monk got part of the control, he slowly studied the core of the satellite...

Perhaps in the near future, this thing might really be called 'Glonus'!

Of course, if the other party doesn't turn their backs, we must not reveal our secrets. This is just a kind of insurance, so as to save people from turning their faces and denying others.

"such a pity!"

Just as Ge Xiaotian sighed a few words, Boss Wanshi suddenly called.

Press the answer button, a heart-piercing cry came from the phone:

"Brother, take me to fly!!!"

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