Build Madness

Chapter 313 We Are Brothers!

Lao Pang's visit changed Ge Xiaotian's mind.

He has been out of his mind for a long time...

After all, it can be crushed with strength, so why waste brain cells?

Wouldn't it be beautiful to keep on guard against Dongshan Jianlian, and push it in the future!

But from today's point of view, it is necessary to speculate carefully, after all, this old man's identity is a bit special...

Sun Paper is different from everything fintech.

The latter is at the helm of Boss Wanshi, who has a background in finance. Although he is engaged in business, he is good at controlling the group's trend with financial means, relying on acquisitions and mergers to make up for his own shortcomings in research and development capabilities, so that the group can become an established listed company.

This is also the basis for the cooperation between the two parties.

Tiancheng has research and development capabilities, while Wanshi Fintech plays the role of a "foundry".

Help manufacture low-end graphics cards, all-in-one cards, claw machines, driving computers, electric vehicle controllers...

As long as the orders continue, even if Tiancheng doesn't give money, Wanshi Financial Technology will still make money.


The production workshop is running around the clock, the situation is very good, the stock has been rising...

Therefore, Wanshi Financial Technology, which was almost overturned by the Internet financial turmoil some time ago, is like a dying bronze saint, who has obtained a brand-new small universe bestowed by Tiancheng, and integrated several bankrupt North American technology companies into himself, overcame obstacles, and advanced to silver. keep going...

That's why, when he heard that Tiancheng was able to help him get the qualification of a high-end component manufacturing company, Boss Wanshi was so excited, 'Finally going to be promoted to gold! '

In other words, Wanshi Finance and Tiancheng have become allies of "friendship, mutual assistance, and solidarity".

And Sun Paper...

Lao Pang belongs to an industrialist whose roots are Zheng Miaohong. In the early 1980s, he grew step by step from a small papermaking workshop to the largest private papermaking enterprise in Dongshan with assets of 200 million last year.

At the end of last year, with the full support of the leaders of Shaobaitou University, it acquired Jishi Paper Mill, Yanshi Pulp and Paper Mill, and a certain renewable resource recycling company, sales company, trading company, etc. at a low price, and started the reorganization and launched the first round Financing, the second round of financing... will soon be listed on the A-share market.

During the financing period, Tiancheng also participated in it, that is, the last time the young white-headed leader was the host, Lao Pang took the order and asked Tiancheng to help build a single office building, warehouse, and large factory building in the form of arrears, which is equivalent to an alternative 'Finance Lease'.

Later, Sun Paper handed over part of He Shun's cement workshop to Tiancheng's logistics department. Although part of the funds were deducted, most of the funds were not paid.

According to the agreement, Lao Pang will help Tiancheng win a piece of land worth 20 million red notes in the future.

But this does not mean that Sun Paper has no money now.

According to the survey results of the Chamber of Commerce's Public Information and Intelligence Department, the other party's total assets have exceeded 2 billion, and another 1 billion in loans is about to arrive.

It stands to reason that with the skyrocketing capital of the company, Lao Pang's shares must have dropped significantly, but he still holds 85% of the shares now!

The details... there must be something.

To put it another way: Lao Pang is half-dressed in official clothes, holding local shares in his hand.

Therefore, Tiancheng and Sun Paper are just partners, and they will not become allies in the future.

In order to buy time for thinking, Ge Xiaotian cheerfully invited Mr. Pang of the paper industry into the reception room, and asked the supervisor outside to serve tea.

I went to the toilet again...

In fact, for Sun Paper, there was no need to launch a satellite at all.

When Tian Cheng gets out the navigation equipment, buys it or rents it, he will still be able to get the 'unmanned operation workshop' mentioned on the phone.

It was also out of this idea that he called to ask.

If you can vote, you can vote, if you can't, it won't hurt your peace...

But the other party ran over quickly, looking very anxious...

Obviously not to make money.

'Half-length official uniform! '

Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of something.

The young and white-headed leader definitely hopes that Tiancheng will invest and attract more 'foreign capital' for the local area.

It roughly means that Jishi is equivalent to a circle, and the fish (money and bank loans in the pockets of ordinary people) in the circle are almost exhausted. If you want to continue to grow, you have to go outside the circle and cast a net to hoard the fish (money) to the circle...

This is called benefiting the local...

If Tian Cheng had no money to cast a net, would Sun Paper, which he strongly supported, play a big role in helping Tian Cheng?

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian gradually realized a deeper meaning.

Obviously, the young and white-headed leaders must be very entangled in this meeting. On the one hand, they want to facilitate the investment in Glonass projects, and on the other hand, they are unwilling to bring in all the important and obedient local companies...

Therefore, let Sun Paper only invest and not participate.

‘Old Pang is here to send money! '

'That one billion loan! '

However, now that he thought of this, Ge Xiaotian definitely didn't want to do this.

Sun Paper must be brought in!

This is called risk sharing!

In the future, when something happens, everyone will carry it together, with a bright future, comparable to the young whiteheads that always exist...

Well, this year they are all big bosses, how many can they hug...

After deciding on his thoughts, Ge Xiaotian washed his face, pulled himself together, and walked into the reception room.

Business belongs to business, personal relationship belongs to personal relationship.

Lao Pang is not bad, knowing the position of Sun Paper, he helped Tiancheng from other aspects, such as introducing Wanshi financial technology, and attracting several large enterprises to become bronze VIPs of the chamber of commerce...

However, after hanging up the phone just now, it is estimated that Shaobaitou already knew about Tiancheng's decision to invest in Glonass...

'Little spy! '

Although Ge Xiaotian was indignant, he didn't care much about it, after all, he was also a younger brother...

Lao Pang put down his teacup and said with a loud smile, "Brother Ge, I thought about it on the way here. I am a paper-making company, and investing in satellites is a bit of a problem. Now that Sun Paper has completed its reorganization, funding is not a problem. There is an emergency loan prepared for listing, about one billion yuan, which can be dismantled to Tiancheng first, and we don't need any shares or interest, as long as Tiancheng can help us build AGV automatic tractors and automation equipment at a lower price in the future!"


Confirming the previous conjecture, Ge Xiaotian secretly smiled in his heart, and immediately feigned anger: "Brother, what are you talking about! We have been together for so long, we have been fighting He Shun together, promoting local development together, and revitalizing private enterprises in Huaxia. Brother Company, now that there is such a good project, it is natural to share the blessings and make money together!"

Before Lao Pang opened his mouth, Ge Xiaotian continued to persuade: "You throw the money to me, and I will use it to make money. It's okay to make less money. In case I make 18 billion with Wanshi Financial Technology, I will borrow it." Does the money give you the profit, or not? Just like the recent case of borrowing money from a neighbor to buy a lottery ticket, and a dispute arose after winning the lottery, don’t you think it’s hurtful?!”

Old Pang opened his mouth...

Ge Xiaotian slapped the table hard, "For the brother company, what the hell, I won't do this broken satellite project!"

"Don't, don't!" Lao Pang immediately became anxious.

Before he came, he had met the young leader, who was on a mission!

If the Glonass project is messed up by him...

its not right!

I'm here to send money!


Ge Xiaotian pretended to take out his mobile phone, "I'll make a phone call with Boss Wanshi. For the sake of harmony between the brother companies, we won't invest in this project that can earn 18 billion yuan. I believe he can~understand~understand~!"

Lao Pang's face darkened, 'Boss Wan Shi is afraid he wants to hate me to death! ’, grabbed the phone with his hands, and kindly comforted him: "Brother, we are in business, so we can't be so loyal..."

"My second son, Ge, is based on the principle of being a man, working on a project, expanding a market, and making friends..." Ge Xiaotian shouted the slogan at the top of his voice, rushed into the office, picked up the landline phone...

Lao Pang hurriedly stopped him again, "Brother, if you have something to say, speak up, how can you say you won't vote if you don't vote for such a big project!"

Damn, what happened!

I am so difficult!

Ge Xiaotian became even more energetic, winking secretly, red eyeballs, coupled with bloodshot eyes from not sleeping all night, "Old Pang, are you my brother!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

I'm already from your grandpa's generation, so I'm really a brother!

By the way, this guy won't be drinking again, right?

Thinking of the abnormal behavior of someone during Zhu Lao's inspection, Lao Pang took advantage of the gap between his shoulders and gently leaned up to sniff...


Aware of this scene, Ge Xiaotian shuddered suddenly, does this hometown have special vulgar habits? !

Damn, I treat you like a brother!


Seeing the strange eyes, Lao Pang was also embarrassed...

The two make eye contact...

For a while, the atmosphere in the office was a little frozen...

After a long silence, Lao Pang took two steps back, avoiding this young man who might be too big, "Well, my god, I'll go back and think about it. After all, there are other shareholders. For such a big project, there must be a meeting!"

"No...don't worry!" Ge Xiaotian stopped jumping, and said weakly and extremely seriously: "Brother, um, we are brothers, and we can earn money together for the matter of satellites!"


‘Did you misunderstand the word brothers? I suddenly don't want to be your brother...'

Old Pang cupped his hands and staggered away...

Staring at his back, Ge Xiaotian frowned, ran back to the office, quickly turned on the computer, logged into the information management system dedicated to the Ministry of Intelligence, and called up Lao Pang's investigation report.

Apart from drinking a little wine, I have no special hobbies!

What happened just now? !

Ge Xiaotian took off his sports jacket and smelled it carefully.

I just took a shower at noon, except for the smell of food in the cafeteria, the rest is full of soap smell...

Could it be that Lao Pang likes this taste?

"Long-lasting fragrance, cool mint..."

"It smells really good!"

"Looks like I've lost my mind."

Ge Xiaotian picked up his mobile phone and found the VIP supplier from the ERP system of the chamber of commerce, "Hello? I'm Ge Xiaotian, yes! Send a few boxes of soap to Lao Pang of Sun Paper, for a long-lasting fragrance..."


Old Pang's thoughts were in a mess.

He didn't know whether he was worried about the satellite project, or the orientation of his little brother...

Logically speaking, Li Xiuxiu is so beautiful and the two of them are young, it shouldn't be!

I must have missed it!



Lao Pang returned to Jishi by boat, thinking about the whole journey in his heart...

Arriving at the Ancient Canal Town, he took out his mobile phone and contacted the leader of Shaobaitou, intending to ask how to solve Tiancheng's need for money, but they told him to talk to him at night, and now he is accompanying Mr. Governor to inspect the Nanwa Animal and Plant Breeding Base...

In desperation, Lao Pang had no choice but to go to the company.


As soon as I arrived at the gate of the factory area, I saw a small three-wheeled courier with the word "Tian Tian" parked next to the guard room. The young man in Tiancheng's express uniform got out of the car and took out boxes of soaps from the compartment... …


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