Build Madness

Chapter 314: Expert Ge Starts Classes

The satellite project cannot be rushed. Even if the launch is confirmed, various assessments must be made, insurance purchased, and so on.

In addition to the purchase of components from Huaxia Nine Institutes, the teams of both parties went back and forth to Ice Bear, and it took ten days and a half months just to negotiate.

In the follow-up, the satellites will be assembled, the launch vehicles will be debugged, the orbits of the satellites and the parent star will be determined, and weather conditions that do not meet the launch conditions will be ruled out...

Ge Xiaotian reckoned that it would be pretty good to be able to finish these before July.

He was going to take this time to study the 'True God Tower'.

Regarding the various strange formations inside, Dao One Monk One and Dao Two Monk Two explained to him before that this is not the legendary fantasy formation, but the use of Sudoku, Rubik's Cube, color, space, mechanism and other factors. , a combined puzzle game.

Of course, if it is applied to other fields, such as mechanical engineering, construction engineering, thermal weapons..., it can also play a big role.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian copied all the formation layout and building structure of the first ten floors into the drawings, so that the talented students of the Architectural Design and Research Institute can figure it out and see if they can design corresponding commercial houses.

Is the space utilized?

If a house with an internal area of ​​100 square meters is combined with these factors, through construction and decoration, it can achieve a use effect of 150 square meters, or even 200 square meters.

However, before that, he had to preside over the grand foundation stone laying ceremony of Jinxiuchuan University City.


The wind and cloud flow, the sun and the moon rotate...

April 1st.

In the past few days, the top students of the Architectural Design Institute have felt unprecedented pressure.

Not only them, even the scholars and researchers of Dongshan Kent University, and even several industry leaders in the capital, were almost bald.

Ten drawings!

Sudoku, space, mechanisms, seem to be mixed with optics, bionics, psychology...

Very complicated!

However, it was marked: Tiancheng Elementary Steel Structure Basic Practice Course (textbook)!

Forget about the elementary level, we have recognized the basics, but what the hell are the textbooks in brackets? !

Are there such advanced textbooks?

Professor Hu of Dongshan Kent University, as the director of Tiancheng Design Institute, was immediately 'sieged'.

"Little Hu, say a few words!"

"Teacher, I didn't hide it on purpose, it's because I really don't understand!"

"Fuck, I took my own school, but forgot my alma mater? Wings are hard? You white-eyed wolf! Dududu..."


"Little Hu, tell me!"

"Teacher, I really don't understand..."

"I bother!"


"Little Hu!"


"I feel that it's time to think about it, move it for you..."


Professor Hu is in a hurry.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian, who followed Taoist Monk 1 and Taoist Monk 2, who had just figured out square formations, circular formations, sparse formations, and number formations... that is, the basic ten formations, was dragged into the exclusive chat room of Dongshan Jianda.

"Hey, so many people?"

Entering the room, there were seven or eight hundred people.

Professor Hu secretly sent a text message: "Don't talk nonsense, we use the phonetic teaching system!"


It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 people listening to the lecture!

The phonetic teaching system is an 'excellent course' recorded by Tiancheng through the Jinxiuchuan Special Team and the Education Bureau from various universities in Dongshan, either by spending money, entrusting relationships, or donating buildings.

Because, except for the part of the teachers prepared for technical secondary schools, the rest basically belong to the on-the-job employees.

It's definitely fine to let them operate, but lecturing...

Even if you pass the qualification certificate, you will probably tremble standing on the podium...

Therefore, according to the various majors of the technical secondary school, find the corresponding colleges and universities, and record the courses into videos during the lectures of famous lecturers, or in free time, and then re-edit, interspersed with notes...

After the technical secondary school started, the substitute teacher played the audio and video in class, and the students who didn't understand raised their hands to ask questions on the spot. The teacher paused the audio and video, gave a popular explanation, and then conducted spot checks before get out of class ended.

Who didn't listen carefully and forgot about 'pre-job adaptation'?

Of course, substitute teachers also regularly organize to study in various colleges and universities...

In order to prevent others from laughing at him, Ge Xiaotian called it a good name: Every class of ours is a professional quality class, all our teachers are the kings of practice, and we have the most famous external teachers and lecturers in Dongshan and even in China!

As for the effect...

At present, the video of the excellent class with notes and explanations has been recorded, and the price of a single session is almost 10,000 yuan!

Due to the signing of agreements with major universities and education bureaus, it is only spread in Jinxiuchuan...

Because of this, foreign colleges and universities have followed suit, and opened the online teaching mode through Tiancheng's text chat room sub-module in advance...

Whether it is good or bad is temporarily unknown.

However, if this kind of behavior is used reasonably, it will definitely help improve the teaching level of third-rate colleges and universities.

Ge Xiaotian checked the time, put on the headset, turned on the voice, and unfolded the first array: the phalanx.

With a cough, the wheat is banned collectively.

Countless question marks immediately popped up on the screen...

Ignoring these contents, he opened the mouth and said:

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm richer than everyone here combined!"

Professor Hu, Dean xx, Leader xx: "..."

"We'll only have one class, and we'll only talk about one blueprint. The rest is exclusive to Jinxiuchuan students! If teachers and students from other schools want to learn, then...transfer schools, change jobs, or get admitted!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"The phalanx is very simple. If it is divided into nine squares, there are about 12 areas."

"Everyone has played Sudoku, but they must have never entered the Sudoku room."

"The 12 areas are not arranged horizontally and vertically to calculate the numbers, but like building blocks, push objects of different shapes in each area to the core position and assemble them into cubes."

"After forming 12 squares, combine them again to form a building, that is, the building going to the next floor. No, it is the result!"

Ge Xiaotian was a little unaccustomed to explaining alone, "It's basically like this for customs clearance."

"Then let's talk about the architecture involved."

"It seems unbelievable to combine more than one hundred structures into four buildings in the drawing, but in fact, more folding concepts are used in it."

"And the concept of folding is what this class is about."

"Contemporary architecture does not pay attention to space, and even light is rarely involved. It only pays attention to the most basic issues such as form, structure, and aesthetics."

"There are many factors in the design of the folding concept, such as space science, optics, psychology, bionics..."

Ge Xiaotian sent several pictures to the public screen, "Tiancheng has made buildings with a folding concept a long time ago, such as the Crescent Landmark, the Lotus Sales Office, and the UFO Gymnasium, through hydraulic propulsion and electric transmission... to produce the effect that Party A wants .”

"In the past, limited by building materials, it was difficult to achieve the ultimate utilization of building space, and it also required a lot of calculation formulas..."

"However, computer technology is becoming more and more developed, and new engineering materials are becoming more and more complete. In terms of structure, we only need to input data to come up with corresponding solutions..."

"Therefore, I personally believe that the concept of folding is a new discipline born out of brainpower and inspiration, saving construction costs."

"We want to make a big difference in the folding concept, now all we need to do is: use our imagination!"

"Of course, learning should start from the basics. Let's talk about space architecture and several factors that affect the concept of folding."

"Architectural space science... Go back and ask your respective instructors, omit!"

"Light science, I believe everyone knows that the same room, gray, green, white, gives people different feelings..."

"Psychology, the same volume, by changing the length, width, and height, people feel different..."

"Bionics, everyone must have heard of this term, but what does it have to do with architecture?"

"You should have heard of the Sydney Opera House and studied its structural form and structural approach. It looks like a shell, but it is actually a reinforced concrete arch rib structure. It is a bionic work."

"If light, psychology, and bionics... are interspersed with architectural purposes..."

"For example, can an eggshell-shaped building increase indoor lighting?"

"For example, by adjusting the decoration layout, can the airflow change and heating method of the special-shaped building be changed? Energy saving effect?"

"In addition to residential buildings, we can also explore more buildings, such as stadiums, large factories, or railway stations, airports..."

"Long-span structural buildings like this need to take into account noise resistance, heat insulation, dust resistance, shock resistance, compression resistance, and tensile resistance..."

"How can it be improved by folding concept and architectural space?"

"This again involves arch bridge theory and suspension cable structures..."

"Ignoring the basic structure, let's directly study the statically indeterminate hingeless arch structure form..."

"Where the suspension cable structure ... this involves continuous computational models, nonlinear differential equations and hyperbolic paraboloids ..."

"So, light, psychology, bionics, materials, structures, mechanisms, and a large number of calculation methods... form the concept of folding, or a brand-new architectural space!"

"It's not as simple as ordinary drawers and cabinets, but a three-dimensional design method. Subsequent intermediate courses will also talk about weather factors, advanced courses will add time factors, and graduation courses will be added... Sorry, super class!"

"Of course, as architects, we can't just consider space utilization, but also take into account construction difficulty and project cost..."

"This is the end of today's class. If you want to understand the concept of folding in depth, or in other words, if you want to understand the new architectural space science, you can apply for Jinxiu Chuan Dongshan Jianda University, Tiancheng Vocational Technical Secondary School, or go through the school transfer procedures and job-hopping procedures as soon as possible... This book University Town Admissions Telephone 666..., 777..., 888..., 999..."

Unblock the chat box.


"I understand, but let me ask you weakly, what about the construction part?"

"What about the construction of Array 1? That's the core content, where the soul is!"

"One knows a hundred tricks, master, continue to talk!"

'Ge Xiaotian left the chat room'


"It turned out to be Bald Ge!"

"Come in anonymously, change your name and leave, I suspect this guy is advertising!"


"No wonder I dare to say that I am richer than all of you combined!"

"I don't believe it, my family has a mine!"

"Brother upstairs, no, big brother, take me to play legend!"


Taking off the headset, Ge Xiaotian stretched.

Of course he can't talk about the construction, but he has talked about all the theory, which can be regarded as helping Lao Hu out of his siege.

These things will not be uncommon in the future, and basically all of them are elective courses.

But it is precisely the elective courses that have created one after another "wizards", "geeks" and "ghosts" who broke through the shackles of fixed thinking and entered a new field.

To put it bluntly, it is inspiration!

No matter what you do, inspiration is important.

But it is undeniable that no matter who they are, they will have good ideas and inspirations, including the ancients.

It's just that what limits practice is material, technology and money!

Materials can be developed, just like leading the world, but they have not been used on a large scale. Carbon fiber metal (high temperature resistance of 3,000 degrees), carbon fiber ceramics (wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance) and carbon fiber resin composite materials (anti- impact, good thermal conductivity)...

There is no lack of technology, with what he learned in another time and space, within ten years, even if Tiancheng does not innovate, he will be far ahead of the steel structure industry, not to mention mechanism skills.


Just earn it, before the end of the year, 10 billion, if you can't do it, go home and farm!

"By the way, my own wheat should be earing, I'll go back to have a barbecue some other day..."

In the speech software, the students quit one after another to digest the knowledge points brought by the experts of Ge University.

Big names in the construction industry gathered in another small room, wondering what they were discussing...

Ge Xiaotian got up and went to the construction site.

After several days of experimentation, the technical secondary school campus has improved many layouts and added 200 guards to ensure the safety of the students.

As for the overall planning of the Tic-Zi Center, tall walls have been encircled and two layers of green dust-proof nets have been cast.

Passing by, one could vaguely hear the thrilling sound of ramming.

The True God Tower is under construction...

The system keeps pace with the times, trains, tracks, steam engines, reinforced concrete...

Strictly speaking, the town center should belong to the industrial era. Unfortunately, the system building options still only have old-fashioned buildings with civil structures.

It seems that the ten wonders must be completed as soon as possible to meet the upgrade conditions.

So the question is, what is the next level?

Emperor 3? Civilized industrial age? Or, evolve into a red alert?

Ge Xiaotian had expectations for the system upgrade for the first time...

Go back to the office and look through the news from the News and Intelligence Department.

Mr. Governor’s visit to Jishi officially ended yesterday, that is, March 31. He took the first batch of exchange students with him and reluctantly set off on his way home...

The young and white-headed leader didn't have any contact with Tian Cheng, but just dealt with the work accumulated in the past few days day and night.

Everything shows that this is a visit activity formed to promote the local economy.

It is estimated that the investment in the GLONASS system will not be made known to the public until April 3, when the nine institutes reach an agreement with Tiancheng.

The XBA Professional League launched a championship battle yesterday afternoon.

It is said that the tickets were fired up to 800, the audience was full, and there were floods of reporters.

The champion is naturally...

No, after a bloody battle, Team Tiancheng lived up to expectations. Under the desperate efforts of the 'injured' captain, they defeated Tianheng Auto Trade in 0.6 seconds...

Very wonderful!

This afternoon, North American Radio Station, Ice Bear Radio Station, Wajima Radio Station, etc., came to the door one after another, wanting to win the exclusive rights to broadcast in various regions...

During the game, several basketball stars were also born.

The indomitable Captain Tiancheng weighed No. 1 'Gorilla',

The lonely Tianheng team rode No. 2 'Brother Pig',

The Tianyu team's No. 3 shooting guard 'Tibetan Wild Donkey', who is steady and ruthless,

Dribbling like a monster, Liu Machinery Team Bu No. 4 'Scud'...

It also shows the ability of players from outside teams who are famous or not.

For example, Dayao, the never-give-up Eastern team in Shanghai,

Liu Dong, a hard-working Beijing Army unit,

This season's outstanding player Hu Dong...

The XBA gameplay has long been spread, and it is no secret that Tian Cheng kept the 500 million bonus, and even the official gave tax-free support.

However, in order to promote the sports events, the officials also issued an ultimatum to Tian Cheng.

In the next season, outside teams will still be introduced in the first round, not limited to A and North American professional teams.

In other words, if Tian Cheng set up thirty teams, then thirty outside teams would have to be introduced.

This is pure abuse!

Of course, this also shows that XBA has succeeded!

In just one week, there were a total of 35 games including star games, skill games, and friendly games, which brought Tiancheng nearly 50 million ticket sales. (Late tickets were fired up)

During this period, Xiaoqingshan Development Zone had an average daily passenger flow of more than 200,000 passengers! (Five games a day, only the audience accounts for half)

Catering, entertainment, retail...

Cumulative consumption... 900 million, net income is one-third.

The income is a bit low, mainly because all the products accumulated after the year are sold out, driving up local prices and increasing various costs...

Especially for the damage and repair of scenic spots, the merchants have shared a lot of money...

Well, all the shared money belongs to Tianle Travel.

In other words, Tiancheng's net income also accounted for one-third of the total consumption...

Tiancheng Real Estate Development and Construction Company did not absorb Tianle's funds. This money will be invested in several projects planned years ago, including the "Wonderland Wonders Project" where every mountain has a fairy house, as well as research and development covering Daqingshan, A rail car (roller coaster) connecting East Lake.

The ever-popular Legend of the Dragon did not lose players because of the suspension of the server, but because of the rumors of the explosion rate, the purchase of ingot tickets, the magic tower gameplay, and the postponement of the first large-scale player meeting to May 1... all kinds of news, the number increased dramatically. Fifty thousand players.

Open new districts, launch new hairstyles, launch a name change card with a three-month cooling-off period...

As of this afternoon, another 'loss'...

Thirty servers, until the sand attack, a total loss of 1.35 billion...

Ge Xiaotian glanced at Sky Entertainment International's financial management system, point card recharge, ingot recharge, virtual props purchase...

Seeing the amount, this guy suddenly has no interest in making money...


Today, April 1st, the all-in-one card is officially launched!

Two million pieces, each with a deposit of 100, which is not counting the money in the customer's savings...

First click on the 100,000 employee cards issued by Tiancheng in advance...

The employees have already stored their wages, including their family assets, in it...

After all, now Tiancheng is more reliable than banks...

On average, each person saved 30,000...

After making a rough estimate, Ge Xiaotian was suddenly startled.

"Do you want to remove the financial module?"

"Industry + finance, this kind of operation method is too special..."

Didi Didi...

Dao Er called.


"Boss, He honestly wants to see you!"


"He escaped from Wei Changfeng, saying that He Shun is in prison..."

Today's 8,000 words is equivalent to 4 updates, make up for the previous day's update, and add updates for the "no nickname" reward, and still owe 28 updates.

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