Build Madness

Chapter 315 One Card (6,000 words)

"He Laoshi escaped from Wei Changfeng, saying that He Shun told him in prison that only you can keep him now!"

"..." "Have you watched too many underworld movies?"

Leave it to your opponent?

I'm not afraid that I will throw He Laoshi into the canal...

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly fell silent.

He really didn't dare to throw He Laoshi into the canal... Could it be that He Shun has seen through everything as he is about to be executed?


The Yuanhua smuggling case!

This is not a case led by He Shun, but a case involving more than 50 billion yuan and tax evasion of more than 30 billion yuan in just three years. It is the largest financial case since the founding of Huaxia.

How much was the richest man last year? Ten billion? 20 billion?

Look at this case again!

There is no comparison at all.

Although the home of the case is not in Dongshan, although He Shun is only a small ringleader, and although the main reason for the other party's death sentence is the shooting incident, no one can guarantee whether He Honest is involved in the smuggling case.

Out of the mud but not stained, that is an ancient poem.

Some things, once entangled, are like yellow mud and rotten crotch, it is difficult to explain clearly.

Moreover, Tian Cheng's reputation in the local area is completely two extremes...

Ge Xiaotian is now doing his best to avoid any scandal, violence, or deceit...

Because he has touched finance.

For an industrialist, the taste has changed. Will his position in the future be finance or industry?

According to Ge Xiaotian's original idea, it was to get to know more industrial leaders and carry the banner of a technological power.

Of course, he can completely cut out the finance.

This is also the main reason why he has been holding back in Jinxiuchuan recently.

Is the candidate...

Just find any strong man, especially Nong Qijiu.

"Boss, are you honest?"

Ge Xiaotian stuffed a little white rabbit candy into his mouth, "Forget it, I won't see you for a while, you arrange Tianwei, find a way to send him to Lisuo, and after I finish dealing with Jinxiuchuan, satellite and card affairs, I will go to Dongshan The prison visits He Shun who is in 'Qiuhouwenzhan' and see what he has to say."


Putting down his phone, he looked up and saw Xu Ling, who had been digging out the pigsty for a few days, came back.

Darker, stronger, and more masculine.


"Yeah!" Ge Xiaotian stared at the backstage of One Card without raising his head, and nodded in response.

"I've read a few recent documents. Our company's players are so good, why do we need to recruit sports talents?"

"The Education Bureau requires that 2% of the total number of special students in this period must be recruited, a total of 160 students, 20 in basketball, 20 in football, martial arts... sports news, physical education, sports culture... and also require the next XBA league, There must be no fewer than two players under the age of 20 on the pitch during each match."

The former may be for the Dongshan Games or the Olympics.

And the latter, that is, the regulations for XBA, Ge Xiaotian has heard a little bit, it seems that AA also has it, it is to train the younger generation.

It's just that this rule was broken by various clubs later...

"Then, isn't the standard for Tiancheng's first-level and second-level athletes too harsh?"

"Potential is forced out, dreams are made by fighting, and victory is won! We have no shortage of training equipment, nutrition funds, and medical technology. Therefore, what I want is not to be qualified, but to persevere and be ruthless to myself. strength!"


"Where are there so many problems, hurry up and deal with the piled things!"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand and continued to stare at the all-in-one card relational database management system.

This thing has many eyes.

For example, safety office, health supervision, Jishi supervision, Dongshan General Bank, Huaxia official...

Therefore, the Network Security Department, Computer Technology Department, and the seconded personnel from the Scientific Research Department, who moved to Tianyu, are all on alert at this moment to avoid hackers.

At present, Tiancheng has 30,000 employees, and Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has 70,000 small partners. With only 100,000 cards, the capital of the card has piled up to 3 billion.

And the remaining 2 million, spent 210,000 in the morning, and got 1.5 billion...

What about the rest?

Perhaps, when I wake up tomorrow, I will become Zhenge Ten Billion!


Xiangxian No. 4 Middle School.

Inside the brick gymnasium.

clap... clap...

The orange-red basketball slapped the smooth concrete floor, and then went straight to the basket through a parabola...

Three do not stick!

Huang Zhipeng, the owner of the basketball, wiped the sweat from his forehead, did twenty push-ups, and picked up the basketball.

too tired!

For the whole morning, almost all his strength was exhausted.

Dribbling, shooting, leapfrog, high leg lifts, crab steps, back and forth running, push-ups...

As the saying goes, poor culture is rich in martial arts.

In fact, for Huang Zhipeng, who is from a poor family, he is not suitable for taking the road of sports.

Can't afford basketball shoes, rent training equipment, eat nutritious meals...

So much so that at the age of 15, he grew to a body of 1.9 meters, which looked like a telegraph pole from a distance.

But if a person wants to stand out, he must know something.

Huang Zhipeng's academic performance is average, and his height and basketball talent have become his only advantages.


Two months before the senior high school entrance examination, Xiangxian No. 1 Middle School issued a new rule: Special enrollment for sports examinations requires a deposit of 8,000 yuan for "three years of unchanging volunteers"!

Although the college entrance examination will be refunded in full after the college entrance examination in three years, but in order to support his training, the family has done its best, and the two younger brothers have to go to school, so they can't afford so much money.

And just relying on cultural subjects, it is even more impossible to enter the No. 1 middle school...

Time, life, everything is over!

Huang Zhipeng was very unwilling.

He didn't want to go home to farm, let alone go to a technical secondary school to learn electric welding.

But life has to go on...

After a short break, Huang Zhipeng walked outside the three-point line with a basketball that was almost worn out.

Take a deep breath and shoot.


Pick up the ball, shoot it.


One, two...ten...

Grab the ball, dribble, jump, dunk...



After landing, Huang Zhipeng didn't go to pick up the ball, but took off his tattered pull-back shoes, put them next to the basketball hoop, put on his coat and cloth shoes, and walked out of the basketball hall.

In the future, he may never have the chance to touch the ball again.

how many years?

It seems that from the age of six... to now, fifteen, nine years!

"This pair of hands that have been batting for nine years should be able to swing a hoe."

Huang Zhipeng didn't look back, and went straight to the director's office of the sports school.

He's going to drop out of school, he's going to work...

However, when he walked out of the stadium, he met Jiang Tao, who was at the same table and a good buddy who skipped class and surfed the Internet, and came back over the wall.

"Hey? Your training is over!"


"Let's go eat!" Jiang Tao said, moving his fat buttocks, and turned around like a tumbler on the top of the wall, "You don't know, my character exploded today, I wore two heavy helmets, and I was all ' Burial love' They are in seconds, five hundred yuan in hand!"


Huang Zhipeng was depressed, "You go, I will go to the cafeteria later."

"Today, the cafeteria is closed on Saturday, so you can have some cake!" Jiang Tao called "Vulture" from the top of the wall, and shouted through the high wall, "Quickly find out, big brother made a fortune today, and I will take you to open meat!"

Thinking of Jiang Tao's frequent treats to dinner during junior high school training, Huang Zhipeng said seriously: "Taozi, thank you! Good brother..."

"That's right! Good brother, cut the legend!" Jiang Tao yelled, feeling uncomfortable, "It's a brother, climb out and cut me!"


Huang Zhipeng opened his mouth, and the emotions that were brewing disappeared in an instant. This funny guy said, "Study hard!"

"Like a fart, I hack legends for a few days, and I earn more than my parents in a month!"

"Be careful that Tiancheng will send you a notice. Look at the group of students doing odd jobs on the construction site. One is worse than the other. It is said that someone lost more than 30 catties a week!"

"What are you afraid of? I use the mobile phone number and address of the network administrator brother. We both play the same number, and we can't find me!" After Jiang Tao finished speaking, he kicked the high wall, "Come out quickly, stupid! Damn it! , I was at the intersection just now, and I saw how crowded it was, so I ran up to have a look, who knew that I couldn't hold back all of a sudden, queued up to get a card, and put all the five hundred yuan I earned today into it!"

Thinking of the imminent farewell, Huang Zhipeng jumped up to the wall in twos and started skipping class for the first time in his life, "All-in-one card? What the hell?"

"You play golf and don't hear anything outside the window, so you don't know about the card?" Jiang Tao said, taking out a strange card with a thickness of half a centimeter, the size of a cigarette case, and a two-inch screen.


"Tiancheng membership card!"

Jiang Tao put the card on his waist, straightened up like a construction site owner, and raised his head, "I'll buy a leather bag later, doesn't it look like it?"

Huang Zhipeng answered irrelevantly: "Can this thing make calls?"


"Can it be used as a pager?"


"Then what are you doing hanging around your waist?"

"Handsome!" Jiang Tao said as he walked, "This is a good thing! Let's go to the steamed stuffed bun shop on the right side of the main entrance today. That shop is a member of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and you can pay with a card. I eat two baskets, you eat... three baskets Is it enough? Forget it, eat more today, five baskets, pack if you can’t finish it, save it for dinner at night.”

"You want to kill me!"

"Don't interrupt, let me do the math... 10 cages per cage, 70 cages per cage, 25 cents each, 17.50 yuan! 20% off, only 14 yuan! Damn, you saved 3.50 yuan! No, I just recharged 500, and I got 20 free... Haha, thank you Tiancheng, thank you Boss Ge, I never thought that I could really have a free lunch in my lifetime!"

"True or fake?" Huang Zhipeng took the thick card and found several characters jumping on the screen.

'April 1st, the anniversary of the all-in-one card, the random free order activity started. If you swipe the card to spend, you may get a big gift package with as much money as you spend. The winning rate is too high. I dare not say it. I. '

'April 1st, the anniversary of the one-card card, recharge and cashback activities have begun. Recharge savings, get one yuan for every 100, get 20 for every 500, and get 100 for every 2,000... The more you recharge, the more you get! '

"On April 1st, congratulations to the Tiancheng team for winning the first season of the XBA Men's Basketball Professional League Championship. Boss Ge hereby prepared a 200ml Xixiang free-flow fruit and vegetable drink for all card users. Each person is limited to one bottle. The quantity is limited, first come first served Come on, come to Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone... Let's grab it!"

"On April 1st, congratulations to the Tianyu team for winning... the runner-up. Chairman Gao Song hereby prepared 200ml of Nanwa fresh milk for all..."

"On April 1st, congratulations to the Tianheng team for winning... the third place. Chairman Qi Feifei hereby prepares Luxi Fat Beef Hot Pot... base ingredients, first come, first served, and a discount on fat beef rolls for all... Great deal!"

"April 1st..."

"April 1st..."

Huang Zhipeng and Jiang Tao squatted in the corner, flipping through it with relish for a full hour, before they came back to their senses, "That's all?"

"I guess the memory is not enough?"

(Similar to the storage function of a mobile phone card, 16k, too many advertisements, only 80 can be stored. If you connect to a computer and install the one-card software, it will be updated. After adding the navigation system, you can use the satellite network for real-time broadcast)

Jiang Tao took back the card, "Shall we go to Xiaoqingshan to get free drinks?"

"We need to take the bus. We're not residents of Xingyue Bay. It's only one yuan for the round trip!"

"Swipe the card, during the event, the first time is free!"

"Is there still this function?"

"How about you get one too?"

"Forget it, I'm going to drop out of school."


"The No. 1 High School of the County issued a new regulation. Special enrollment in sports requires a deposit of 8,000 yuan..."

Jiang Tao was stunned, "Isn't this a scam?"

"It is estimated that the school specially set the threshold. This year, there are too many ordinary students who want to be admitted to No. 1 Middle School through special sports recruitment."

"What the hell!" After Jiang Tao finished speaking, he got up and walked to the store, and then walked back again dejectedly, "Mom and Dad are going to do business in the small commodity market. here you go..."

"It's okay!" Huang Zhipeng patted his shoulder, "When you are free, come to the village to play with me, and treat you to a fire-roasted egg!"


Can that thing be eaten?

Jiang Tao's eyes turned, "Why don't you go hack legends with me? Let's play another account, plus me and the network administrator, maybe we can earn 8,000 yuan before school starts!"

"I think you are playing crazy!"

"It's okay, let's join Burial Love, and we still get paid every month... No, I'm not old enough... Let's play secretly!"

As Jiang Tao said, he pulled Huang Zhipeng up, "Let's go, I'll give you a gift first!"


"One card! This thing is in the whole county, no, it's the whole city. I heard that it will be popularized in the whole Dongshan. You will be able to use it sooner or later!"

"Is there a fee?"

"One hundred deposit!"

"forget about it!"

"If you don't want to use it someday, as long as the card is undamaged, you can get a full refund!" Jiang Tao continued to pull Huang Zhipeng unquestionably, "Just keep it as a souvenir! Every time you swipe the card, you will think of me...this feeling, haha! "


"By the way, have you brought your student ID?"

"Take it..." Huang Zhipeng was still hesitating.

"That's good. The information must be true, or you will be blocked. If you want to do it later, you will probably have to find Ge Baiyi in person. Don't be dragged to move bricks if you fail to get the card."

"I want to move bricks..."

"Be more promising, you are so big..." Jiang Tao was halfway through speaking, suddenly thought of basketball, and sighed, "By the way, we are not stupid, why can't we learn it!"

"Ghost knows!"



The office is located inside a Pioneer bus.

There are many one-card promotional posters pasted outside the car, and the words "free blood donation" can still be vaguely seen in the covered places...

At the front door, there were many telephone lines pulled from the nearby Internet cafe, and several staff members were sitting inside typing on their computer notebooks.

Very formal, very professional, and very tall...

Huang Zhipeng and Jiang Tao came to the scene, and the long queue almost formed a WW shape.

"so many people?"

"That's right, I queued for more than an hour in the morning! In fact, the shops under the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce also have acceptance points, but everyone only recognizes Tiancheng's brand and vehicles, and dare not go to other places at all, for fear of being cheated."

Jiang Tao said, looking at the Internet cafe next to him, happened to see an empty seat, and immediately took out a hundred yuan from his pocket, "You line up first, I'll go to the meeting, and call me when we're done, let's go eat!"

"Okay!" Huang Zhipeng looked around and could vaguely hear a few words of conversation coming from inside the car.

"Zhang xx, 56 years old, non-retirement, medical history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases...establish medical records...height...weight...blood type to be information none."

"Precharge 500 and get 20 free. This amount cannot be cashed and can only be used for consumption."

"I know, I know, then...comrade, are you really an employee of Tiancheng?"

"Here, my employee card number is 3*27. You can use your card to inquire about my position through the computer, and you can also leave a message online. If you are not satisfied or satisfied, you can leave a message for me. No Typing, just use voice."

"Trustworthy, trustworthy!" The aunt carefully folded the cards with a handkerchief, stuffed them into her bosom, and got out of the car with a smile on her face.

Then he walked into the retail store next to it with the logo of 'Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce', took out the handkerchief from his pocket, peeled it off layer by layer, and showed the card, "Take a bag of matches!"

"Fifty cents a pack (ten boxes), 20% off by card, 40 cents!"

The aunt glanced at the balance and sighed: "Not only is it cheaper to buy things, but the money is also nineteen and sixty yuan more!"


On the other side, in the Internet cafe.

The network administrator who met once in the morning went somewhere, and was replaced by an old man who had never met.

Jiang Tao knocked on the cash register desktop, "Go online!"

"Swipe your card first!"

"Huh? Can I use the card?"

"It must be used. If you don't use it, you won't be able to find a place to surf the Internet in Quanji City!"

"Then... why is it useless in the morning?"

“Just opened at 10am today!”

"Okay!" Jiang Tao took out the card.

"It used to cost five yuan an hour, but now it costs two yuan to swipe the card. The number on the machine is the card number. After turning on the machine, follow the login prompts and set the password yourself!"


Hearing that the Internet fee has been lowered, and he can play for several more hours a day, Jiang Tao immediately sat in the empty seat like a chicken blood...

When the phone was idle, there were loud noises of parents beating their children in the distance

"Another unlucky kid who sneaked onto the Internet and got caught, what a pity!"

Jiang Tao pouted, a little gloating.

Pick up the mouse, click the virtual keyboard to enter the account number...

'Connecting to the database...'

'In two minutes...'

'According to the files of the Security Office and the Education Bureau, the registration information is: Jiang Tao, male, 15 years old, in the third year of junior high...'

'Turn on the camera...'

"High technology!"

Jiang Tao quickly sat up straight. Although we are fat, our handsomeness can cover up everything!

By the way, tidy up your hair!

‘The location is determined: Xiangxian No. 4 Middle School Sports School, East Crossroads, Xinyu Internet Cafe, Machine No. 23. '

'Please set a password! '


‘Successful login, do you want to open Legend of Dragon? '

"Fuck, it's really high-tech! Can it even detect that I'm playing Legendary?" Jiang Tao quickly clicked OK.

'Please enter the Dragon Legend Pass. '


'Search for login records...'

'Please wait patiently, no internet fee will be consumed during registration...'

'five minutes later……'

'Search successful...'

'Sorting out...'

'five minutes later……'

'According to the online and offline time, remove Sun xx (network administrator)'s online time, and generate Jiang Tao's online time...'

'Another five minutes passed...'

‘In the last month, there is a 99% chance that you will be online at 8:00 p.m. and go offline at 8:00 a.m., almost all night. '

"Fuck, although the reaction is a bit slow, this system can even calculate the night time? It's so amazing!"

Jiang Tao was so surprised that he couldn't help shouting at the top of his voice: "Tiancheng, Niu...fuck it, Mom? Why are you here?"



The front door of the bus.

Huang Zhipeng was already at the front of the line, completely oblivious to what was happening in the Internet cafe.

"Next person!"

"Huang Zhipeng!"

"Native place!"

"Xiaohu Town, Big Yellow Village."

"Look up the corresponding information, Huang Zhipeng, male, 15 years old, in the third year of junior high school, no history of disease, height test, barefoot 193... Oh, really tall, weight 72kg, too thin! Look at your muscular skin, sports student?" ( Junior high school status does not show special strengths, and there is no national second-level athlete standard for Millennium)

"Yes, a basketball player."

The staff member raised his head, took out a few documents and walked towards the car door, "Follow me!"

"Huh? This... big brother, I didn't fake it!"

The staff ignored it, and started to lengthen the benchmarks on both sides of the bus, "Come on, run up and try to get higher! Of course, if you don't want to enter the sports class of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, or don't want to get Tiancheng bursaries, scholarships, free tuition, free board and lodging and other subsidies , You can also give up this test!"


Tiancheng Technical Secondary School!

Huang Zhipeng knows where it is, and after watching the XBA professional league, he also wants to go there.

Unfortunately, this year's enrollment quota is full.

"Do you want to do it or not? You are all old men, hurry up!"

"Do it, do it!"

Hope came too suddenly, Huang Zhipeng was a little dizzy, and confirmed in disbelief: "Is it possible to enroll if you pass the qualification?"

"No, you are a freshman, you need to take the unified examination, and then apply for Tiancheng Secondary Vocational School. But don't worry, other subjects don't matter, you must pass the ideological and moral character!"

"This is my forte!"

"Then test it!"

Huang Zhipeng took a deep breath, rested for a while before, and recovered from the exhausted physical strength of the morning training. He relaxed his body, ran up, swung his arms, and kicked the ground...


"3.35m!" The staff looked at the form, "15 years old, pass the grades, meet Tiancheng's second-level basketball player standard!"

"How much is level one?"

"Three meters four.

"Phew, if I'm full, I'll definitely get a level!"

The staff member shook his head, "Level 1 is nothing, it's just entry level, black iron 3.5, bronze 3.6, silver 3.7, gold 3.8, supreme 3.9, king... Well, it hasn't been born yet."


"Standing long jump!" "Passed, level two."

"Run 20 meters back and forth five times." "Score qualified, level two."

"Three thousand sit-ups."

"Report to the coach, I didn't eat!"

"Do or not?"



In order to cover up the explosive gold-absorbing function of the card, Ge Xiaotian and the planning department worked out a concealment method.

For example, medical assistance, recruitment, poverty alleviation and support, some sensational events, promotion of their own products...

But there is never a shortage of caring people in the world.

In other words, flies don't bite seamless eggs...

When Tiancheng established the super nursing home project invested in Xiang County, several reports swept across China...

"Is he a new generation of business genius? Or a new generation of business crook?"

"Is he the richest man in Dongshan, or a giant liar in Dongshan?"

"On the conspiracy behind Tian Cheng..."

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