Build Madness

Chapter 319 Wei Changfeng Wants to Run


On the southwest side of the garden area, the Shunhe 4S store office.

Wei Changfeng moved his obese body, put down the black book, lit a heather pipe, and puffed.

Now he no longer expected to kill Tian Cheng.

Having been in business for so many years, to be able to make the company into the top ten in the south of the Yangtze River, no matter what, you need to have a little vision.

If you use martial arts novels to describe Ge Lao Er, this is the white-browed hero, Su Zhenzhen and the like.

In other words: protagonists!

The development is too fast, the energy is too fierce, and the supporting role of him is a little bit overwhelmed.

So, he was going to... slip away.

Mountains don't turn, water doesn't turn, people don't turn around, let's meet again someday!

"Master, Shen Zhipeng is here." The housekeeper walked in and said softly.


Wei Changfeng rubbed the sandalwood beads and stood up, made a Namaste to Amitabha, the natal Buddha he enshrined, and walked into the living room next to him.

Not long after, Shen Zhipeng strode forward with his head held high and his chest held high.

"Mr. Wei, how are you doing recently?"

Wei Changfeng's fleshy face trembled, and he squeezed out a smile, "It's all right, sit down!"

"This 4S store is really high-end. Just one is equivalent to two Tianheng Auto Trade City." Shen Zhipeng had not been in the construction industry for a long time. Zhong Xiaoxiao's Dongshan Jianlian, the construction projects were mostly conventional buildings, and he knew little about steel structures. few.

"Mr. Shen thinks, how much is this exhibition hall worth?"

"Only in terms of construction cost and decoration, how come it costs five million?"

"Eight million!" Wei Changfeng narrowed his eyes, "I heard that the Jifu Chamber of Commerce plans to enter the auto trade industry to test the waters?"

"I do have that idea."

"How about we strengthen cooperation and talk about the 4S store?"


"To tell you the truth, investing in Changfeng Mansion, going to the Huayuan area for He Shunkang, and losing the business war against Tiancheng, Changfeng Industrial is now having a bit of difficulty in cash flow."

Shen Zhipeng nodded ambiguously, but didn't speak.

Wei Changfeng sat slumped in the solid wood chair, puffing on a briar pipe, "Currently, the Shunhe 4S store is the only Ford authorized dealer in East China, and the advantages can be imagined. My idea is to open one in Jiangnan, corresponding to Dongshan Yaohu , to expand chain services.”

"Same as Tianheng Auto Trade?"

"That's right, but all our parts and accessories are original!"

"very nice!"

"Since the Jifu Chamber of Commerce is preparing to enter the auto trade industry, why not let us make the 4S store bigger and stronger together!"

"I don't know how much Changfeng Industry can pay?" Shen Zhipeng was a little moved in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Mr. Shen, we have sales, authorization letters, foreign trade and foreign exchange, distribution channels, and 20 million Franklin in North America. Your chamber of commerce will offer 10 million. Let's open it!"

"Hehe!" Shen Zhipeng took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the calculator, "Mr. Wei, your show car comes from a manufacturer. Apart from the funds needed to build the showroom, it doesn't actually cost much. After all, 20 million Franklins belong to the purchase deposit."

"What does Mr. Shen think?"

"Why not..." Shen Zhipeng typed out five million in the calculator, "This price!"


"Deduct part of the construction fee for the garden area and Changfeng Building!"

"Are you kidding, Mr. Shen, I spent 200 million in this store, and you will give me 5 million?"

"Of the 200 million, 160 million is a deposit, which is yours. The remaining 40 million is nothing more than these show cars and stock cars. I don't want it either." Shen Zhipeng put away his phone, "Wei In short, I know that since the establishment of this Auto Trade City, it has only sold a few hundred vehicles."

The fat on Wei Changfeng's face trembled slightly, "The price is too low, no matter how much it costs 10 million!"

"Mr. Wei, as you know, the acquisition of this 4S store by the Jifu Chamber of Commerce has no real impact on Tiancheng, let alone Tianheng Automobile Trade. It is just a forerunner for us to enter Jishi to test the waters. You It feels like we are willing to spend 10 million just to test the waters?"

"Eight million, cost, takeaway service salesperson!"


"Hey, Mr. Shen, six million!...Okay, five million is five million!"

"Takeout service salesperson!"

"..." Wei Changfeng frowned.

However, even if the auto trade sector was disposed of at a cost, he did not lose anything, and took the opportunity to complete the asset transfer.

Garden area?

Go when sold out!

Cheung Fung Building?

Let go of rent collection!

In this way, he will have no burden in Jishi...


Ge Laoer still owes me 20 million!

Thinking of this suddenly, Wei Changfeng only felt a toothache.

It was the uncle who owed the money, and the lawyer's letters were sent one after another, and the subpoenas were all sent over, but there was no response there.



They donated one large and two small, three mighty and domineering ancient government-style wooden halls to the intermediate F hospital in the Canal Development Zone.

That momentum...

Tsk tsk, there are ghosts in my heart, even passing by!

Moreover, people also call it the name: in order to match the Chinese style created by the peripheral small commodity market.

Now the intermediate F hospital is busy with relocation, how can they have time to pay attention to him as an outsider.

Knew it!

Only by hanging around in my hometown can I feel at ease.

Wei Changfeng's desire to leave Jishi became stronger.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Shen Zhipeng stood up, "Since Mr. Wei is not happy..."

"Oh, Mr. Shen is really good at it!" Wei Changfeng sighed pretendingly, "Five million is five million, which can be deducted from the garden area or part of the construction fee of Changfeng Building. Later, I will ask the HR department to pass it on to the sales staff. To your company!"

"Okay! Mr. Wei is also quick to talk, very bold!" Shen Zhipeng smiled slightly, and sat back in his chair, "Then let's talk about the show car?"

"Huh?" Wei Changfeng was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood that the other party came rushing to the entire 4S store.

"50% off?"

"50% off! All new cars!"

"Your store can't even sell new cars, let alone this show car? 50% off!"

"You killed me!" The 4S store is not comparable to the Auto Trade City. The purchase price is low, but it needs to share the exhibition hall construction fee and operating expenses equally. The actual cost is higher than that of the Auto Trade City. There is no comparison between the two, let alone a 40% discount!

Go crazy!

"Boss Wei!" Shen Zhipeng stood up again, "This kind of business is a one-off business, whether it succeeds or not, it's just a word!"

"..." Wei Changfeng cursed secretly, knowing that the other party was sure of his decision to transfer assets, so he would give some sweetness first, and buy the 4S store without loss or profit, and then he opened his mouth and asked for a 50% discount on the show car.

Twenty show cars, with an average price of 200,000 yuan, with a 50% discount, the two million yuan was gone in an instant.

"Okay, since Boss Wei doesn't want to sell, let's leave now!"

Shen Zhipeng stepped to the door, "By the way, Mr. Wei, I suddenly remembered that Tiancheng took 5,000 mu of wasteland and a river in Zaoshi New City. This is a big move! Jifu Business League and Dongshan Jianlian may not Fa is staying in Jishi, and we need to concentrate our efforts to guard against Tiancheng. Coincidentally, the contract agreement between our garden area and Changfeng Building has not been signed yet, so the cooperation should be cancelled? It's just a verbal agreement, um, I'm just telling you, goodbye!"

Wei Changfeng took a deep breath.

'Careless! '

"Mr. Shen, wait a minute, 50% off!"

"Well, Ford will also give me the authorization, and the funds will be deducted from the construction fee, and the excess will be refunded and the deficiency will be compensated!"

for a long time.

When Shen Zhipeng left, Wei Changfeng threw the sandalwood beads on the ground and stomped his feet hard, "In order to let my daughter go on the right path, I believe this and that. No need! Move that thing out for me and smash it!"

The housekeeper comforted: "Master, in fact, we are not at a loss. The show car is specially provided by the manufacturer, and the price is very low. After deducting the depreciation fee of the showroom, we can basically protect our capital!"

"I'm angry because of this?"


Wei Changfeng took a deep breath, "It's great to be handsome? No matter how handsome you are, how handsome is Ge Xiaotian? No matter how handsome you are, your son will be someone else's!"

"..." The butler was silently preparing to leave the conference room to deal with the statue.

"Wait!" Wei Changfeng narrowed his eyes, "Zhong Xiaoxiao's public opinion has been fermenting for two days, but the person surnamed Ge didn't respond, probably not aggressive enough!"

"Sir, what do you mean?"

"Let our media expose the news that Zhong Xiaoxiao slandered Ge Xiaotian!"


"Wait, let's add a little bit more fluff, let's say that Shen Wen actually has a younger brother... no, it's a younger sister! The surname is Ge! Ge Xiaotian's fourth younger sister, Ge Sini!"

"???" The housekeeper was a little embarrassed, "I have known Ge Feng, an out-and-out farmer who works in the Northeast all year round, so there is no basis for giving him the whole Sini!"

"You don't care what the basis is, Shen Wen's surname is Qin, and he gave Zhong Xiaoxiao the whole unfounded daughter, surnamed Ge, so people will believe it!"

"Okay, okay!"

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