Build Madness

Chapter 320 University Town Project Summary

It is true that the will needs to be tempered, but the immature heart occasionally needs to be beaten with chicken blood, or a few bowls of delicious chicken soup.

At the bonfire party, Ge Xiaotian turned into Master Yu, talking about life with the students and looking forward to the future...

"Everyone has something to pursue, some want wealth, some want status, some want freedom..."

"However, when your talent cannot support your ambition, then you should calm down and study; when your economy cannot support your dream, then you should work steadily!"

"People do drop out of school, and so do I!"

"At that time, I had no money, so I had to go to work and took many detours, but now we have another chance and a new life given by our parents!"

"Can't you learn?"

"do not be afraid!"

"Just like what Zhu Xi, an agent of the Song Dynasty, said: if you don't memorize books, you can remember them after familiarity.

"It means that if you can't remember the things in the book, you can master them as long as you read more; if you don't understand the truth, you can understand it by using your brain more; therefore, learning is not as difficult as imagined! But if you don't have great If you don’t have ideals and aspirations, you will find that you lack the motivation to move forward!”

"Now let's set a big goal first, then set up countless small goals, and complete them step by step!"

"Don't be afraid of being single-handedly, so what if you are lonely and brave. On this road ahead, you can cry, but you can't be cowardly!"

"If you don't want to accept your fate, just go for it. I always believe that if you give, you will get something, whether it is big or small, sooner or later, and you will never let down your efforts."

"There is a gap that you always envy the success of others, but you dare not start yourself."

"Now that we have started again, we must use our own efforts in exchange for success!"

"Then success will be like a big slap on the face of those who used to look down on you, as loud as you want, as cool as you want!"


Ge Xiaotian opened his hands and embraced the sky, "Just like me!"

the end.

The voice changed:

"Students, junior girls, remember! The future is ours!"

"The strength of the motherland is also closely related to us."

"Let us be diligent and conscientious, do things in a down-to-earth manner, with unshakable determination and unwavering belief, rely on our own wisdom and will, to jointly create prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, A brand new China with the rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness!"

"The flowers and branches are beautiful in the spring, and the fruits are luxuriant in the autumn. Let's encourage each other!"



A thunderous commotion broke out in the playground, and more than 8,000 students were all excited, and there was no holiday.

"Go to military training!"

"Go move bricks!"

"Go kill pigs and sheep!"

It is estimated that these children will not be able to sleep at night!

Ge Xiaotian winked at the dumbfounded Xu Ling, and got up to leave.


Looking around, he always felt that there seemed to be something missing in such a vast, beautiful and unique campus.

Along the rugged path, thinking while walking...


In other schools, no matter the teaching building or the gate, there are all kinds of slogans.

'Stay to cultivate morality, learn to cultivate morality'

'Unity, diligence, truth-seeking, innovation'

'Civilized, disciplined, knowledgeable, enterprising'

But my own house has nothing but the school gate made of marble archway.

Ge Xiaotian stopped, and Xu Ling, who was writing quickly with a notebook, just bumped into his back.

"What are you busy with?"

"Remember what the boss said just now!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian looked down, and just caught a glimpse of the twenty-four characters, "Tomorrow, I will find the Propaganda Department... no, I will find Tianyu Advertising Media, and ask them to give me the twenty-four characters in red letters on a yellow background, or Yellow letters on a red background, in the form of a combination of hollows, make twelve plaques, evenly surrounding the campus of the technical secondary school!"

"Good boss!"

"Let everyone who enters Jinxiu River see these twenty-four characters at the first time!"


"Even if there are tall buildings in the future, they can't be covered by me!"


After a few instructions, Ge Xiaotian was still a little worried, so he made a special call to Gao Song, in order to show the boss's importance...

"If you can't do well, Lao Hong is your role model!"

I don't know which leader to accompany Gao Song, Chairman Gao, who just finished drinking, sobered up instantly...

Putting down his mobile phone, Ge Xiaotian walked out of the technical secondary school campus contentedly, and came to the Jinxiuchuan library assigned to the teaching plan department.

This is a library that belongs to the entire university town.

Follow the plan.

The main building, with a construction area of ​​500,000 square meters, is mainly composed of comprehensive books.

Branches, with a construction area of ​​700,000 square meters, are divided into specialties, including architecture, agriculture, medicine, art, light industry... about 45.

The reading room is parallel to the venue, with about 50,000 seats, including lounges, cafes, discussion rooms, and debate venues.

There are also two remote storage libraries composed of computer rooms, with a construction area of ​​30,000 square meters, which are used to store various databases, electronic periodicals, electronic books, and multimedia resources.

At present, the main library has just been completed, and temporarily has 500,000 paper collections and 200,000 digital resources.

Ge Xiaotian's goal is to include all technical books in the world.

As for literature, classics...

It's an antique, forget it.

Jinxiuchuan University Town has been positioned as a science course from the very beginning, there is no need to study philosophy, zz...

When he came to the library, Ge Xiaotian checked the progress of the textbook compilation.

Although the purpose of Tiancheng's establishment of the school is to send technical talents for corresponding positions to its own company, if all the technical talents have a high degree of education, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the company's image.

Therefore, the textbooks written need to take into account technology, culture, and morality...

Training employees is related to the future of the company, and the teaching materials must not be watered.

Basic, entry, first grade.

Elementary Technology, Intermediate Technology, Second Grade.

On-the-job internship, exploring advanced technology, third grade.

At the same time, the first grade reviews junior high school knowledge, the second grade studies high school culture, and the third grade reviews and simulates after get off work.

The learning tasks of each stage are all compiled into the 'student card'.

You can check what you should learn after passing and what you should review if you fail.

For those who write teaching materials, the task is very heavy.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian summoned all the gold he had recently accumulated, whether bought or bought, to the monks.

Taoist three monks three, until ten, a total of sixteen.

When the teaching materials are finished, these magical people will be assigned to the new energy development R\u0026D department, or the high-tech product R\u0026D, advanced component R\u0026D and other departments.

Only by firmly grasping the technology in your own hands can you have the opportunity to control the future!


Ge Xiaotian checked the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir's 'drainage' project again.

The Jinxiuchuan Reservoir is not only a source of drinking water for the local people, but also one of the water sources of the Jifu Springs after infiltration.

The design standard of the rebuilt reservoir is once in a hundred years, corresponding to a water level of 252 meters.

The calibration flood standard is once in a millennium, corresponding to a water level of 253 meters.

The dam body is 400 meters long, the top width is 11 meters, and the height is about 55 meters. The slope behind the dam is 1:0.7...

Add 12 overflow holes, each hole has a net width of 16 meters. In addition to the system city gate jack gate, there are spare hydraulic opening and closing gates...

In the design plan, there are two small hydropower stations on each side of the dam, arranged in the form of the back of the dam, four units, with a total loading capacity of 800 kilowatts...

The reservoir is equipped with one main water supply canal, six branch canals, three tunnels, twelve culverts...

There are six branch canals, two of which surround the University City on the left and one on the right, providing a steady stream of water for the lakes of the three schools.

The remaining three branch canals flow to the surrounding wasteland, all the way to the north, and connect to the mother river. (one year duration)

The last one is to cross the Jitai Expressway and connect to the East Lake. This project has not yet been approved, so it is estimated to be a bit troublesome.

The water source of the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir mainly comes from the Jiuru Mountain Waterfall Group, and is also supported by Dongyue Beilu Waterfall Group and Huluyu Waterfall Group. According to the evaluation report, there is no need to worry about cutting off the flow within 30 to 50 years.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian wrote an inscription to the University City: There are mountains and waters to develop!

Return from the reservoir.

The construction process of Dongshan Jianda Campus and Dongshan Art Campus is similar to UFO Gymnasium.

It's just that the foundation pit over there is deep, while the foundation pit here is shallow, and many buildings are multi-storey.

Therefore, the basic project has been completed, and the high-rise buildings have begun to rise...

"Basically nothing!"

After strolling around, Ge Xiaotian asked the office staff to deliver the document package, and climbed into the helicopter to Tianheng Auto Trade City with Xu Ling.


The next day, April 3rd.

The public opinion about Tian Cheng continued to ferment, and the common people had different opinions on this issue.

It is said that two newspaper offices were directly smashed.

The perpetrators are a group of old men from the countryside.

Came by free bus.

Not Sancha Township.

A strange town.

The road was built by Tiancheng, the school was donated by Tiancheng, the house was built by Tiancheng on 'credit', and the medical care was also set up by Tiancheng for free...

In addition, it also includes convenience facilities: helping to sell agricultural products on a consignment, helping to erect canal irrigation systems...

This is the charm of star enterprises!

Let the Propaganda Department, the Legal Department, and the Intelligence Department pay more attention to this matter, Ge Xiaotian packed up and headed to the small town airport.

On the way, I looked through the information in my hand.

Nine Institutes, over 80 years old, are the mainstay of Huaxia Aviation.

Great achievements have been made in spacecraft control systems, navigation systems, automatic control systems, turbine control systems, gyroscopes and inertial navigation systems.

He is the world's first doctor of inertial navigation.

Looking at his selfless and fearless experience, he is a respectable scholar.

The appearance of Jiusuo is almost the same as that of Shaobaitou.

Silver hair, tea-brown glasses, tall and tall, although he is getting old, he is full of energy and looks particularly tough.

"Hello, Jiusuo!"

Seeing the goal of this trip, Ge Xiaotian led Daoyi Er and Seng Yi and Seng Er in formal attire, and stepped forward to greet him.

As the saying goes, if you don't understand, ask.

Tiancheng gas turbine research and development progress, after this exchange, may have a qualitative leap!


Some book friends suggested to change 'Franklin' to 'knife' and ask for opinions. If possible, save three words and change it to 'knife' later.

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