Build Madness

Chapter 322 Advanced Component Equipment

In the meeting room, there was no sound.

Ge Xiaotian thought carefully, thinking about how to go to North America to purchase a batch of equipment...

Seeing his silence, Jiusuo might feel that what he said was too exaggerated. He took a sip of tea, savored it for a long time, and explained:

"Actually, it's not as difficult as you think!"

"Spacecraft, or satellites, are basically divided into seven subsystems: propulsion system, power management system, attitude determination and control system, communication system, command and data processing, thermal system, structural and mechanical systems."

"Your company is responsible for manufacturing the advanced components of the 'Attitude Determination and Control System'."

"It contains antenna positioning, solar array, star tracker, sun sensor, global positioning system, inertial measurement system, rate gyro, thruster control module, reaction wheel, control moment gyro..."

"A single device is mainly composed of digital registers, electrical power solutions, operational amplifiers, voltage references, low-speed analog converters (ADCs), digital-to-analog converters (DACs), and comparators."

"At its root, it's just some small electronic products."

"If it was placed more than ten years ago, or even a few years ago, in North America and Europe, you can find any technology company to manufacture, or rent or purchase equipment."

"However, in the past two years we have been blocked by technology over there... Your company is also engaged in technology, I believe you can understand the difficulties."

Jiu said, opened the front page of the information, pointed to the first set of equipment, "This is the method of manufacturing 'tubular carbon molecules', and the method of manufacturing recording equipment... Corresponding electronic devices include transformers, electron tubes, radiators, etc. Among them, transformers It uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to change the alternating current..."


Ge Xiaotian looked up at the page, saw the portrait of the equipment, couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

Why is this thing a bit like my own remote control system research institute, useless equipment piled up in a large warehouse?

Some are like dining cars, some are like desks, some are like wardrobes, and some are like cotton gins...

These are all the 'stolen goods' that Lao Hong brought to Vladivostok by ship from North America, and then transported back by Mi-26...

From Air California...what's the name?

Ames Research Center?

I can't remember exactly.

I heard from Lao Hong that when he was digging remote researchers, he saw these things are exactly the same as those shown in science fiction blockbusters. If you know how to use it, when you go to that stop, it will naturally be compelling.

It's a pity that Tiancheng has never developed electronic products, even the one-card, claw machine, and driving computer all use common devices on the market.

In addition, these things take up extra office space and are thrown into the warehouse.

It is estimated that it has been covered with a thick layer of dust...

No, you have to go to verify and verify!

Things that the Aerospace Research Institute can't handle, but we pile up in the warehouse as sundries?

impossible? !

Will be shot!

Thinking of this, Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath.


Immediately, he covered his stomach with both hands, "Ouch!"

"???" The Ninth Institute was about to introduce the next set of equipment. He raised his head when he heard the wailing, saw him like this, and asked with concern, "Are you all right, Mr. Ge?"

"Ouch!" Ge Xiaotian half-bent, stood up with his legs crossed, and grabbed the materials in Jiusuo's hands, "You keep waiting for me to learn, my stomach hurts! I will study and study while squatting, and I will give you an answer when I come back! "

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Jiusuo was startled, and when he came back to his senses, a certain person had already run away, picked up the teacup, smelled the fragrance, and couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder there is such an achievement at such a young age. It's money!"

Xu Ling: "..."

What kind of bad idea did this guy come up with?

The toilet is not over there!


For the owner of Guyue Hotel, being able to be next to Tiancheng's thigh is simply wonderful.

In the past, I couldn’t make ends meet and needed to rely on my old cousin (Ju Sun) to take customers. Now I have opened six branches, Guyue Qingshan store, Jishi Yunhe store (the one that Heshun came to in the city), Wenxian branch, and Yunxian branch , Jinxiuchuan branch, and this No. 2 store in Xiangxian County, the next step is Zaoshi, Heshi, the hometown of garlic, and the hometown of mutton soup...

Although the number of shares is rapidly decreasing, the money earned is increasing. With a car and a house, the days are getting more and more prosperous...

Therefore, Boss Guyue is more and more attentive to his work, and he is working almost 24 hours a day, especially this No. 2 store.

I have received county leaders, Shaobaidou, Dongshan Yuzong, Jifu leaders, military leaders, and foreign guests from Amur, and I wish the old!

Today, I heard that Mr. Ge led an old man with gray hair and an assistant with a gun to eat here. Boss Gu Yue went to the battle in person and transferred the old clerk who had been trained for a long time to serve.

Tea, with no name and no brand, the best!

Wine, with no name and no license, is the best drink!

The dishes are full of color, fragrance and simplicity!

This is the impeccable highest standard of Ben Guyue Hotel!

"Boss, Mr. Ge has a stomachache!"

"What?" Boss Guyue's face froze, "What kind of water did you use?"

"Disinfectant water... No, it is pure natural and pollution-free mountain spring water that has been tested and tested from the snow-capped mountains of Siberia."

Boss Guyue frowned and didn't ask for tea.

Because the tea is made by him and the owner of the teahouse in Jishi, he went to Wuyi two days ago and spent 150,000 to buy a 20-gram mother tree Dahongpao.


Boss Guyue has smelled the fragrance of tea and asked an expert to test it. It is absolutely true, 'Could it be...'

"In the future, prepare a teapot for Mr. Ge and use water from Ge's Village!"

"Um... what kind of tea do you use?"

"The tea sold in the Gejia Village Supermarket!"

“There are so many kinds!”

"Then use jasmine!"


Ge Xiaotian did not go to the Auto Trade City by car in a foolish way, but came to the Crescent Office,

Inform the research institute to log into the voice chat room...

Then ask the manager of the customer service department to scan the information and send a fax, or take a picture and send a picture...

"Boss, this is a stepper lithography machine!"

"Do we have any?"

"There must be, otherwise how to develop a card?"

"what about this?"

"This is a dielectric deposition device..."

"This is a reactive ion etcher..."

"This is an electron beam evaporation table..."

"This is a wafer growth system..."

"This is a Hall Effect test system..."

"This is a semiconductor device analyzer..."

"This is an impedance analyzer..."

"Boss, these devices are basically available on the market!"

"Then in our warehouse?"

"Low-noise probe stations, CV testers, spectrum analyzers, power device test systems, transistor aging systems, atomic force microscopes, infrared thermal imaging cameras, variable temperature Hall effect testers... most of them are high-end products that are currently not available in China. instrument."

"It's more complete than in this information?"

"The research direction is different, and the equipment used must be different." Jinx summed up the language, "Think about it, boss, how many satellites and spacecrafts are launched in the world in a year, or even five or six years? Many components need Independent manufacturing, not mass production. Like the one-card, driving computer, claw machine controller, remote controller, and navigator currently being produced, which motherboard is not 10W+ and requires millions of components , tens of millions, or even billions..."

"That is, we can't manufacture the nine advanced components they need?"

"How is it possible? When our ultra-clean laboratory is successfully established, it will be able to surpass 80% of the electronic device research institutions in the world in an instant, and it will naturally not be a problem to manufacture advanced components."

"..." Ge Xiaotian really didn't know that his family was so awesome.

"The only trouble is that if we accept their orders from the Nine Institutes, it will probably take up our research and development time. The larger the order volume, the more time it will take up."

"It doesn't matter, it's time to leave it to Wanshi Fintech... Wait, what do you mean, we can also build satellites?"

"Huh? No, no, boss, you're confused. What we manufacture are components, not 'complete machines'... To make an analogy, just because we can make tires doesn't mean we can make cars."

"We can build cars!"

"I... I'm just making an analogy. We can make scattered parts, but it doesn't mean we can make satellites. Of course, if the boss wants to do it, I can secretly invite some 'like-minded' friends to join our great 'NT' , Throw your head and sprinkle your blood for the subordinate organization 'Hong'!"

(NT: English abbreviation of natural-Tiancheng, now popular as Gundam, NT also stands for New Human)


This group of foreigners actually set up some inexplicable things.

Ge Xiaotian automatically ignored the second half of the sentence, and pondered for a moment, "Does this also mean that we can manufacture high-end components, but not navigators?"

"It's a little troublesome, boss, the problem we encountered is..."

Jinx sent a document, "We have the ability to manufacture core chips and high-end electronic devices, but the basic software is very troublesome!"

"What's the trouble?"

"Similar to the GPS problem, 'Microsoft' has too many loopholes. If the navigator operating system is developed based on 'Microsoft', it only takes one year to apply a patch to make the instrument card unable to operate!"

"'Microsoft'? Why not use Linux?"

"Boss, although Linux is free, we have to consider software and hardware that can support Linux, such as graphics card drivers, network drivers, sound card drivers..."

"..." Ge Xiaotian didn't understand.

However, he knows that ios, mac os x, Android, domestic systems, etc. are all based on Linux, which is the future trend because it is open source and free.

"Boss, in fact, we can use the symbian system jointly developed by Ericsson, Nokia, and Motorola. If nothing happens, it will be the starting point for smartphones!"

"No!" Ge Xiaotian was furious immediately, did any of these three companies survive?

"Huh? Boss, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Based on Linux, or develop a new system that is the simplest, most understandable, and safest, and does not even need to be updated, but only needs to be upgraded! It belongs to our system!"

"It's hard!"

"I have money!"

"Yes, boss! Resolutely complete this task!"

"Remember, the purpose of our research and development system is: convenient for life, beneficial to life, higher than life! Or in other words: lightly, change the future!"

"Boss, I think, I need to digest!"

"No problem, remember, Lao Hong is your role model!"


Putting down his phone, Ge Xiaotian went back to the hotel, lit a cigarette in the toilet, sorted out his thoughts, summed up the language, washed his face, and walked into the meeting room.

"Mr. Ge, are you okay?"

"It's all right!" Ge Xiaotian put down the documents with many creases due to scanning, "Nine institutes, you continue!"

"There is nothing we can do about the equipment marked with an X in the information. Your company needs to prepare it yourself."

"No problem!" Ge Xiaotian was very heroic, with a sense of righteousness leaking from his whole body.

Jiusuo nodded gratifiedly, sipped his tea, "And our requirements for the manufacturing companies..."

"High precision, light weight, small size, low energy consumption, long life!"

"Suitable for long-term work in space environments, such as radiation, vacuum, and temperature changes."

"With redundant structure and fault detection, processing, repair and other functions."

"It can realize the modularization, standardization and generalization of structure and interface, which is convenient for on-orbit replacement and upgrade!"

"Also, the equipment is also old, accurate and low-quality. In terms of servers, workstations, and microcomputers, your company will definitely need a lot of investment..."

"So, funding may take a lot..."

"I voted for this project!" Ge Xiaotian suddenly stood up and slapped the table, "One billion in the early stage, no, two billion!"


With a nervous performance, Jiusuo's hands trembled in fright, and he subconsciously put away the materials, and the assistant accompanying him even reached out to touch his waist.

Why is this guy always so surprised?

What are you doing? !

Facing puzzled eyes, Ge Xiaotian clenched his fists, "Nine Institutes, don't talk about it, as a new generation of Huaxia's successor, I will not only strive to improve my successor in terms of ideas, knowledge reserves, and ability training. The quality that should be possessed is to throw one’s head and blood for the motherland, to be brave in devotion, to give in practice, in action, and to the best of one’s ability.


"Isn't it just a few sets of small electronic devices? Tomorrow, no, I will send people to North America this afternoon, and try my best to buy the equipment back!!!"


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