Build Madness

Chapter 323 Brother Hao's Decision

‘Blue-faced Dou Erdun, steal the royal horse! '

‘Red-faced Guan Gong, fight Changsha! '

After eating a meal, Jiushou looks like half a hundred years old, with rosy complexion, walking with wind, humming and singing facial makeup, and posing as an old lady, rushing into the Jishi compound, heading straight for the leadership office, no one dares to stop along the way...

Shaobaitou was discussing matters with the office director, when he saw a familiar figure, he quickly got up, "Dad, you are here!"

"I didn't expect that, in the face of such a severe task, that little guy would agree so readily!" Jiu Suo was full of praise, "It's rare, rare to have such awareness at such a young age!"

The young and white-headed leader frowned, always feeling weird.

"In the future, I have to introduce Senior Qian and the leaders to us, a new generation handsome in China!" Nine all points were still unfinished, "However, that kid is also very busy, otherwise we can chat more!"

The young white-headed leader felt even more weird in his heart, that kid couldn't even my dad...

"Hey? What expression do you have? You are a local leader. The entrepreneurs under your jurisdiction dare to work hard. How about you? Protection? Support? Courage? Look at the rumors and rumors on the street, let me tell you..."

Watching Lao Tzu scolding his son, who was his immediate boss, the director of the office who was discussing matters next to him secretly thought that something was wrong, picked up the copywriting on the desk, and prepared to run away.

However, the three pots of mother tree Dahongpao that Jiusuo just drank seemed to have a magical effect. This would make the eyes and ears sharp, and happened to catch a glimpse of the title on the copy.

"Wait! This is... an application for 'Hundreds of people going to North America for a job fair'? Tiancheng's?"

The director of the office did not dare to neglect, and replied respectfully: "Yes, leader!"

"Applied so soon?" Jiusuo couldn't help giving a thumbs up when he thought of someone shouting 'Arrange personnel to go to North America to build equipment in the afternoon', "Dare to do it, dare to do it, and think of a cover method, wonderful Approved! Must approve!"

"Dad, this is an official matter of the city!" The leader Shaobaitou was startled.

Do you know what they are going to do?

Tiancheng's finance department shorted 3dfx's stock, and was going to poach people's old background, and by the way, poach a group of elites from other technology companies!

Moreover, 3dfx and 'Microsoft', Nvidia, xx Remote Control System Research Institute, xx Aerospace, and Nanbangzi xx enterprises have not withdrawn their charges against Tiancheng yet!

I don't know what kind of trouble it will cause me this time.

It is said that he also offended a North American naval captain...

"Official business in the city?" Jiusuo narrowed his eyes, "Who said that? It is obviously a mission related to the future of aerospace, and it is an official business of the entire China! Approve!" Jiusuo stretched out his hand, and the secretary behind him immediately handed over the phone, "You If you don't approve... I'll call senior Qian or the head chief!"

"Dad, things are not what you think..." The young leader wanted to explain, but was interrupted.

"What are you doing stupid?" The Nine Institutes ignored it, turned around and left, "You don't have to go back to your hometown to sweep the grave, and you have done your utmost filial piety by handling this matter for me!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly sighed, "Son, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult since ancient times. The motherland is at a critical moment of development. As a leader, you should set an example and put business first!"


Looking at the distant figure, the young leader seemed to see Director Sun walking out of Tiancheng...

‘Why do I suddenly want to beat Ge? '


Sending Jiusuo to the VIP team, Ge Xiaotian settled two major events.

Satellites are just waiting for investment and launch.

The investment is handed over to the planning department, and the internationally renowned satellite management agency is contacted for reference, and the province is fooled by Maozi.

Then find some free time, let the ice bear Amur issue an invitation letter for a visa, and then fly over to have a look, observe the test firing process by the way, and touch your own farm and No. 3 base, everything is ok!

And advanced components...

To become a technical consultant in the newly established enterprises of the nine temporary positions is almost equivalent to having a 'national treasure' figure in Tiancheng, which is of great significance.

When the matter is confirmed, posting this news on all the corporate websites under Tiancheng, it should cause a huge sensation...


Walking on the square to the Crescent Office, Ge Xiaotian suddenly missed Lao Hong a little bit.

Although this old man is very unreliable and likes to mess around, it is undeniable that this guy is a lucky general!

Good luck!

It is rarer than a fierce general!

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and dialed the number there.

It took a long time for the bell sung by Little Star to be answered.

The cold wind whistling in the earpiece, mixed with the creaking sound of machinery crushing heavy snow...

It's cold enough!

"Hello? Boss!" Lao Hong's voice was loud.

"Old Hong, Siberia is a bit cold, remember to wear more clothes!"

"Boss, I'm so touched! Are you going to transfer me back?"

"Hehe, I feel that only by working there can you calm down your fiery heart!"


"Well, pay attention to your body, drink more ginger water, and don't catch a cold!"


"That's it, you are busy, don't bother!"


After making the phone call, Ge Xiaotian felt refreshed and came to Crescent Moon's office.

In the negotiation area, four young girls in princess outfits lined up obediently to watch the "Dog Baby" that was filmed a while ago, no, it was "Water Margin Boy".

Seeing their boss, the four of them stared wide-eyed, and quickly picked up the tablecloth, wiped the walls, mopped the floor, placed chairs, and tidied up the cabinets...


Ge Xiaotian was a little puzzled.

I took a few little guys out for dinner before, and they were all familiar, chirping, and full of energy, but this meeting is like a mouse meeting a cat...

Just now X wanted to go over to ask, but saw Director Sun in a suit and leather shoes and sunglasses, leading a dozen financial personnel, preparing to go downstairs.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh...boss!" Director Sun quickly took off his sunglasses, and said calmly, "That's right, those companies in North America are suing us one after another. I plan to go and deal with it."

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and felt that being sued all the time was a troublesome thing, and it would also affect the corporate image, "Okay, bring more funds and Tianwei, and try not to cause trouble."

"Good boss!"

"I won't send it off, go early and return early!"

Lao Sun is prudent in his work, not as unreliable as Lao Hong, so Ge ​​Xiaotian feels very relieved about him.

Walking into the office, Xu Ling was dealing with the card.

"How much?"

"8.2 billion, including the XBA professional league's 500 million deposit and recent earnings, the available funds are 9 billion."

"Take out 200 million yuan to set up a manufacturing company, and invest in technology, equipment, and personnel, and let Wanshi Fintech spend 1 billion yuan to be responsible for management and operations."

"Share ratio?"

"He two, we eight!"


"In addition, take out 1 billion as the GLONASS system investment budget. Take out 3 billion for emergency, and save someone from looking for a card. The rest of the funds..."

Ge Xiaotian turned on the ERP system.

Last time, 2.4 billion yuan has been allocated to all projects, and now there is no need for additional investment.

Therefore, the remaining 4.8 billion...

Is it to expand the engineering department, capture several cities other than Jishi, Heshi, and Jifu, and continue to lay the 'foundation' for Tiancheng, or...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the map and found the capital.

Or buy a batch of courtyard houses, and then win the fifth ring area from the capital to the airport?

But no matter how you choose, the upper limit of housing prices is there, and you are destined to not make too much money at this stage...

Or enclose land, hoard land...


Xingyuewan Sales Office, Yun County.

Crescent Moon and Star Tower belong to the exclusive landmarks of Xiangxian County, it is impossible for Tiancheng to make a set for every Xingyue Bay community.

As the saying goes, what is rare is the most precious, so the sales office in Yunxian County designed the lock-shaped practice stones according to the signboard of the local "Town of Martial Arts".

The bottom 12 floors are steel-concrete structures, the top is steel structures and sightseeing passages, and there are revolving cafes and revolving restaurants on both sides of the stone lock.

The overall construction area is 130,000 square meters, which belongs to commercial buildings, and the whole building is priced at 180 million.

Sell ​​it when someone buys it, and rent it if no one buys it.

Anyway, the more you store this thing, the more valuable it will be, even if you drop it in your hands, you can still use it for a loan.

Brother Hao spent the time after the new year very well.

Tianhao Real Estate Development Company has acquired three pieces of land in a row, and they are flourishing in the subordinate counties of He City. By the third quarter, they are fully capable of entering the suburbs of He City, and then connecting with the counties below...

Xiaolan is also doing well.

Tianlan Construction Co., Ltd. has been supplemented by personnel provided by Tiancheng Labor Dispatch Company in Xiangxian County. Now it has grown to four engineering teams.

It was evening, and the two sat in the office, arguing over several newspapers.

Brother Hao believes that, as the number one general in Tiancheng, if someone insults his company, he must be the first to stand up!

But Xiaolan thinks that the boss knows about this matter but has not acted all the time, so he must have other plans, so it is not appropriate to act lightly.

"The boss is so busy, I guess he doesn't know about these bad things!" Brother Hao patted his notebook, "I suspect that Wei Changfeng is behind the scenes, and he will be punished tonight!"

Xiaolan was very confused, "Call me and ask?"

"Xiao Lan!" Brother Hao lit a cigarette, took off his wig, and showed a shiny bald head, "As a subordinate, we can't always ask the boss about some things, we need to take the initiative to carry them!"

"I see!"

"Since you understand, then call someone and take a small path..."

"No, Brother Hao, even if we do it, we must find out who is behind it!" Xiaolan opened the webpage and searched, "In the afternoon, a newspaper published a news saying that Zhong Xiaoxiao was in the dark. According to some news, this newspaper is run by a friend of Wei Changfeng!"

"So, Wei Changfeng wants to bring disaster to the east?"

"It's also possible that you want to push the blame!"

"Let's go, let's go to this newspaper first!"

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