Build Madness

Chapter 324 Chen Feng's past

Crescent Landmark Office.

Ge Xiaotian is still worrying about how to spend the 4.8 billion yuan.

In terms of value preservation only, it is obviously appropriate to go to the capital to hoard land or invest in courtyard houses.

Chatting with the Jiu Institute, there is a small courtyard of 500 square meters over there, and now it is only a million or so.

If there are no restrictions, 4.8 billion, it is estimated that you can buy a large piece.

Twenty years later, a building worth tens of millions is simply unaccountable.

However, the 4 billion funds came from the One Card.

The all-in-one card is closely related to the expansion of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and indirectly affects the prosperity of Tiancheng Plaza, which affects the sales performance of its own real estate.

If you want to promote the one-card to all regions of Dongshan, or even the whole of China, you must let the people who use the card taste the sweetness, attract more users, improve your own supporting facilities, and sell more houses.

How to taste the sweetness?

From time to time, there will be a discount, or a big promotion for free, or get as much as you charge...

Is it cheap, everyone loves it.

So here comes the problem.

With so many discounts, how can Tian Cheng afford it?

It must be in a short period of time, turning 4.8 billion into 9.6 billion, or even 19.2 billion, the amount keeps rolling up like this...

And the method...

Finance is really awesome, but without the support of industry, no matter how awesome it is, it will be over.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian's thinking has always revolved around real estate.

After all, this is their biggest advantage!

Enclosure, construction, peddling, withdrawing funds, enclosing land...

First come ten Tiancheng Squares, then twenty large communities, and the corresponding wonders...

Gradually clearing his mind, Ge Xiaotian opened the map, wrote and drew, and selected investment locations.

At this time...

"Boss, the headquarters sent a message saying that Brother Hao and Xiaolan have gone to Jiangnan with 20 security guards!"

"Huh? What did you do?" Ge Xiaotian took the tea made by Xu Ling and took a sip. He suddenly discovered that even the ordinary Maojian tasted better than the mother tree Dahongpao that he had never drunk in another time and space. pure!

That thing is simply inferior jasmine!

Sure enough, the tea leaves are all fried!

"Boss, it might be because of this!" Xu Ling took out a stack of newspapers.

In China, private individuals do not have the right to run a newspaper office. If they want to publish newspapers and periodicals, they have to be affiliated or an agent, or contract the layout.

However, after entering the Internet age, under the impact of Internet media and numerous DM magazines, the living space of various newspapers has become increasingly narrow.

Like some third-rate or even low-rate tabloids, in order to make a living, as long as they do not involve "excessive content", they will "serve you" with a little money.

There are even some tabloids that exist in name only and have been secretly 'acquired' by companies, turning them into propaganda tools for the latter.

This is also the reason why newspapers below the region were integrated by the General Information Administration a few years later.

The layout of the newspapers and periodicals in front of me is a bit messy, and it seems that they are in a hurry to publish.

At first glance, it looks like a 'no-name army'.

There wasn't any negative news about Tiancheng, it just publicly accused Dongshan Jianlian and Jifu Commerce and Trade of suppressing local rookie companies by all means.

The main body of the short story is clear, the text is full of emotion, allusions are cited, short and powerful, deeply touching, and it is easy to arouse readers' resonance...

Ge Xiaotian read it roughly, and looked through the others, probably meaning the same.


It always feels like something is missing.

According to the routine of criticizing articles, the first half is accusatory, the middle part arouses readers' sympathy, and the tail should be dark, right?

If he was asked to write this article in another time and space, he would definitely arrange a few lovers for Shen Zhipeng, and a few complicated couples for Zhong Xiaoxiao!

"It's so strange!" Ge Xiaotian rubbed his chin, "Find such an awesome 'teacher' who cuts off the most important part!"

If you don't touch the dark, and don't pick thorns, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced.

"Boss, is this Wei Changfeng expressing his opinion?"

"Guess so!"

"But I don't understand why he did that!"

"What else!" Ge Xiaotian put down his teacup, got up and taped the "4.8 billion investment roadmap" he had just sketched on the wall, "He Shun is over, although Wei Changfeng really wants to enter Jishi, and then take advantage of the opportunity The entire Dongshan retail market, but we Tiancheng is not a vegetarian now, he came from afar, and he can't get local support, so naturally he has to go back!"

Xu Ling suddenly realized, "Does he want to?"

"Sell the 4S store, even sell the garden area, Changfeng Building, and the Shunhe office building left by He Shun."

"So, he had contact with Shen Zhipeng..."

"Sure, after all, they belong to the same front!"

"Boss, Wei Changfeng showed us his favor, does it mean that Shen Zhipeng cheated on Wei Changfeng, Wei Changfeng is not reconciled and plans to join us?"

"What are you thinking!" Ge Xiaotian patted the paper on the wall, "Wei Changfeng won't show affection to us. He probably wants to numb us or stir up disputes between us and Dongshan Jianlian. Blame Shen Zhipeng , Zhong Xiaoxiao, this is just the beginning, there must be some tricks behind!"


"Then how do we defeat him?"

"Remember, there is no such thing as defeat in a business war, it is either banned or annexed!"

"Then we?"

"Student Chen Feng is going to jump out of the Five Elements. I believe he really wants to confront his brother-in-law. When the time comes, let him test the local attitude of Jiangnan!"

Xu Ling was a little puzzled, "By the way, boss, why does Chen Feng hate his brother-in-law so much?"

Ge Xiaotian sat back in the chair, feeling that the words he had drawn were a bit ugly, "You have been Chen Feng's assistant for several years, have you met his children and his wife?"

"Ah... I really haven't seen it before!"

"This news is a bit secret, it was Hei Hu's father who got it from Chen Feng's relatives!"


"Chen Feng's family is very poor. Both his parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by his sister. Later, his sister married Wei Changfeng because of her beauty, but who is Wei Changfeng? Twenty-five years ago, his father was from Jiangnan. This one!" Ge Xiaotian raised his middle finger, and then felt that it seemed impolite to his secretary, "Well, where to sit! That's probably what it means!"


"Wei Changfeng fell in love with his sister's... Well, it's beautiful. Wei Changfeng's father is high-ranking and powerful, and his mother is also in business. He was pampered and well-off since he was a child. How could he think highly of Chen Feng?"

"It seems that being well-matched is really important!"

"Whether it's important or not varies from person to person!" Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "Because of family reasons, Chen Feng has a strong self-esteem and has a deep relationship with his sister. In order not to be looked down upon by the Wei family, he took the initiative to cut off contact."

"Ah...every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite!"

"Hey, you are quite touched! But, this is not the end. Chen Feng's sister cares about this younger brother very much. Does the sister and brother love each other deeply? Every once in a while, she wants Wei Changfeng to help Chen Feng!"

"So, with Shangpin Construction Engineering?"

"No, that happened later! At that time, Chen Feng was so arrogant that he started his own business and rejected Wei Changfeng's help several times!" Speaking of this, Ge Xiaotian suddenly sighed, "Twenty years ago, Chen Feng got married, married A village girl gave birth to a fat boy!"

"And this?"

"Listen to me!" Ge Xiaotian picked up the teacup, "After his sister heard about it, she wanted to go back to her hometown to see her nephew no matter what she said!"


"Wei Changfeng had already taken over his mother's company at that time, socialized at noon, drank a lot of wine, drove a 'Ladaniva', um, a very old Jeep, similar to an SUV, and brought his six-year-old son , the one-year-old Wei Wei and his daughter-in-law ran over from Jiangnan!"

"Wei Changfeng still has a son?"

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian sighed, "The reform and opening up had already taken place at that time, and Chen Feng also became a small contractor in the village. Oh, by the way, without any help from Wei Changfeng!"

"According to the situation at the time, it was really not easy!"

"With money in the family, it can be regarded as having a reputation. Wei Changfeng put away his contempt for a little bit, got out of the car, and followed Chen Feng, as well as the surrounding villagers and elders, and Chen Feng's wife who came out to greet him with a half-year-old child. Take the initiative to say hello."

"It's not bad!"

"At this moment, an accident happened! Wei Changfeng got out of the car and didn't turn off the engine. Chen Feng's sister got out of the car and greeted Wei Wei, but forgot the six-year-old Wei family boss in the car. It started..."

"Then what?"

"It's said that fate is really elusive! There is a river in front of Chen Feng's hometown. The car hits no one, but Chen Feng's wife and the child in his arms. The car and people all fall into it!"


"The boss of the Wei family survived, but Chen Feng's wife and child are gone!"


"Chen Feng was heartbroken, and fought with Wei Changfeng. Wei Changfeng was wronged, so he just left...Maybe out of guilt, or maybe because of Chen Feng's sister, Wei Changfeng secretly helped Chen Feng a lot, and only then did he have Shangpin Jiangong, oh, by the way, Shangpin is the name of Chen Feng's son."


"Later, Wei Changfeng's eldest son gradually grew up and understood many things. He blamed himself for his uncle Chen Feng and often came to visit him quietly. There was a car accident..."


"Yeah!" Ge Xiaotian couldn't help taking out a cigarette, "Later, Chen Feng's sister cried and hurt her body because of excessive grief, and she couldn't conceive again. But mothers are expensive for their children, and without a boy, she was squeezed out by the Wei family everywhere. For a while, Chen Feng went to Jiangnan, and it was said that he was beaten badly..."

"Oh, these two families..." Xu Ling sighed, and was a little curious, "Didn't Chen Feng remarry later?"

"No, he put all his mind on his career. Until three or four years ago, this guy probably felt that he had no successors. He suddenly wanted a son, so he found a son..." Ge Xiaotian smiled strangely, "I found a son with a big butt." Round waist, widow with five children..."


Xu Ling was silent for a long time, then suddenly remembered something, "By the way, boss, brother Hao and Xiaolan went to Jiangnan!"

"It's okay, I just sent a text message and asked Heihu from Zaoshi to take someone to stop him! That kid left his post privately during working hours, so he needs to be beaten up!"

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