Build Madness

Chapter 325

‘It’s more than 1,500 miles from Dongshan to Jiangnan, Brother Hao will definitely not drive there in a foolish way. '

‘Yun County belongs to He City, and there is only one train passing through Ji City every day. '

‘Train 1162 arrives at Heshi at 5:30 in the morning, arrives at Jishi at 7:30, and then transfers to the Beijing-Shanghai line...’

‘Now we’re leaving at six in the evening, obviously Brother Hao doesn’t plan to take the train either. '

‘There is no airport in He City. The small town airport in Ji City is actually a military airport, which is of a transit nature. Unless special routes are opened like Zhu Lao, Dongshan Gaojian, and Governor Amur, they cannot go to the south. '

‘The nearest airports are Jifu in the north, and Xushi in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions in the south. '

'Calculated by distance...'

'Nine times out of ten it is the latter. '

‘Xu City is located in the south of Zaoshi New City, and it is also the terminal of Tiancheng Canal and Nansi Lake, otherwise Zaoshi would not be called the south gate of Dongshan. '

'The boss sent the black tiger to intercept, only need to control a main road, two small roads, and a train station. '

After thinking about this, Xu Ling looked up at the time, five minutes had passed.

‘Hey, the boss is the boss, and this result can be reached in a second or two! '

'My brain needs more practice! '

Patting her forehead in distress, Xu Ling had another doubt in her heart, "Boss, why didn't you call Brother Hao?"

"I think that setbacks and tribulations are opportunities to enhance my abilities. In order to cultivate outstanding young people like Brother Hao, I would rather be a bad person!"

Ge Xiaotian asked Heihu to beat Brother Hao because he wanted to see if Heihu had the courage, or execution ability.

Tianwei is a system arm, and the two sides will definitely not fight.

Heihu has been with him for a while, and it's not like that to dig 'holes' all the time.

Chatting with the leader another day, contracting a section of the canal renovation project, can also be regarded as conveying the message of 'Tiancheng can do anything' to the superior.

As for the newspaper...

The companies that attacked Tiancheng have already been controlled by the hackers of Tianyu Network Subsidiary. Editing and typesetting are all carried out under their noses. If there are rumors about Tiancheng again, it will be easy to close down...

At that time, it is entirely possible to use this partnership with the Aerospace Research Institute to push the other party into the abyss, and even pull out some of the relationship networks of the people behind it...

'It's no wonder you believe me! '

Xu Ling simply ignored the matter of Heihu walking away from Brother Hao, and put down today's work summary, "Boss, your elder brother called and said that he will go home to visit the grave tomorrow."

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian was a little curious. Could it be that Ge Wangwang, a heartless guy, has changed his nature?

"In addition, Director Sun invites you to have a drink or two at Guyue No. 2 store tomorrow night."

"Seeing outsiders like this? Why don't you just call me!"

"One more thing. Through the promotion of the XBA professional league, some well-known singers plan to hold a concert at the UFO Stadium. Since we didn't report the rental standard, the venue operation department would like to ask..."

"No rent!" Ge Xiaotian stood up, chewing gum, and decided to call Bureau Sun. If he is not busy, he will drink the wine tonight, "I am the master of my site. From now on, only our own artists will be cultivated there, or... ...join us!"

"Then..." Xu Ling turned her eyes, "The venue is idle during this time, so let's hold a concert by ourselves?"

"How many worthy singers are there?"

"Three, Shuai Bo, little star Tong Ying, and... you!"


Seeing the boss's doubts, Xu Ling explained: "If you can get it, it will be a hit. The song you gave has already been rehearsed, and recording an album is not a problem."

"Is that what I asked?"


"I want to say, why is there me inside?"

"You don't know how popular you are now?" Xu Ling was very surprised, "The entertainment companies over there in Xiangjiang have come to you to sign a contract and buy song authorization... However, after seeing the scale of our company, they went straight away. I did not report to you."

"..." "How long is the UFO Stadium vacant?"

"There will be three friendly basketball matches in early April. The Magic Capital Oriental Team, the Beijing Army, and the Beijiang Industrial Team will be on the 6th, 10th, and 14th. The tickets are already sold out."

"There are no plans for the second half of the year. In May, the No. 1 player meeting, the No. 2 Shenlong Legend public beta, and the No. 3 Wuling Glory press conference..."

Ge Xiaotian reached out his hand to stop Xu Ling who wanted to continue reporting, "The popularity is not high, so I won't hold a concert for the time being. After those movies are broadcast, I will hold a large-scale sensational music festival and award trophies on the spot! Now, let Tianyu selects several fresh graduates from the Academy of Arts, signs contracts, rehearses songs and dances, there are flowers, green leaves, popular names, training, and step-by-step growth!"



Shop No. 2, Guyue, Commercial Street, District D, Xiang County.

Director Sun received a call and heard that Ge had time now, so he directly reported the name of a box.

Walking into the hotel and picking up a waiter at random, Ge Xiaotian figured out who was in the banquet one day in advance.

Old faces, young gray heads, development and reform leaders, industrial bureau leaders...

There is also a banquet hall, in which are old colleagues of Bureau Sun in the county and township.

There is something!

Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought that Mrs. Sun was pregnant...

Is this also worth celebrating?

"Haha, I thought you had just met the old man of the Nine Schools, and you would be very busy at night, so I specially arranged it for tomorrow night. I didn't expect that you would come so soon!" Director Sun warmly embraced someone's arm and held him Press beside Shaobaitou.

The latter scowled and turned his head away with a cold snort.


He also moved the chair, as if he didn't care about someone approaching...


What's wrong with this boss?

After Ge Xiaotian greeted the leaders present one by one, feeling a bit bewildered, he took the teacup handed over by the waiter and took a sip.

‘Another low-quality jasmine flower! '

Before he had time to call the hotel manager, the leader of the young white head curled his lips, "Tsk tsk, I am rich, but it is different from others. The teapots are all exclusive. How much does this pot cost?!"


Are you taking gunpowder today?

This pot of inferior jasmine is worth a dime!

There is no way, two yuan and five packs, how much can you get with a pinch?

Unable to understand the big leader's thinking, Ge Xiaotian froze in mid-air holding the teacup, wondering if he had done something wrong.

And the leaders sitting around had long heard the voice from the office in the afternoon, knowing that someone must have fooled the Nine Institutes, and they all suppressed their smiles, watching their noses and noses, noses and hearts...

"Comrade Ge Xiaotian, as a local leader, a poster boy for entrepreneurs, and the deputy company commander of the militia in Sancha Township, you actually engage in special, corrupt, and reputation-seeking activities in front of me!"


I drank all the inferior jasmine flowers, you...

Ge Xiaotian saw that the leader's water glass was empty, so he hurriedly refilled it, "Leader, don't get angry, what's wrong, you can criticize directly!"

The latter subconsciously picked up the water glass and took a sip...

The complexion changes...

for a long time.

Adam's apple surged, and he sighed: "You are so frugal~~~~"

"The leader criticized it!" After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, "No, the leader, what you praised!"


The young white-headed leader sighed again, forget it, this kid is so pitiful, let's just pass what happened at noon today, "Let everyone taste your tea too!"

"Okay, okay!" Ge Xiaotian got up very obediently, and refilled the surrounding teacups.

Then he asked, "I don't know where we are today?"

"Xiao Sun is leaving!" A leader next to him drank tea and almost spit it out, and quickly covered it up.


Director Sun took over the conversation, "I would like to thank the leaders for their support and affirmation of my work..."


Ge Xiaotian looked around, and immediately understood why Bureau Sun wanted to drag him to drink alone tomorrow. There are some things that cannot be said on this occasion.

The young white-headed leader smiled slightly, as if he saw something, "I arranged it, and I wanted to call you here, but I plan to call you after we finish eating!"


How much grievance do we have?

"Retire today, don't talk about official business!" The leader of Shaobaitou raised his glass, "Come on, the first one, let us congratulate Director Sun for his promotion!"


Ge Xiaotian's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at the protagonist of the banquet, promoted again?

The latter grinned, sipped his wine, and thanked him, "The Canal Development Zone has passed the approval and became a municipal district. The city originally planned to transfer me there, but... the superior suddenly gave a notice to go to Bianzhou, Nanhe Province. "


Bianzhou, Bao Qingtian!

It is very close to Dongshan, adjacent to Heshi, and located on the south bank of the Mother River.

If you go in a straight line from east to west, Jishi—Xiangxian—Juxian—Heshi—Bianzhou.

Sancha Township?

Sancha Township is located fifty miles north of Xiangxian County, parallel to Yunxian County from east to west.

In detail, there is another train, which is 1162, the last time I went to Jifu and met the tall man, from Jifu to Xidu, passing through this line.

"I was cleaned up by Mr. Zhu over there, so I went to fight the fire." Seeing Ge Xiaotian's doubts, Director Sun explained.

"I see!"

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