Build Madness

Chapter 326 'Ge Wangwang: I'm a singer? ! '

The "firefighting" that Director Sun refers to is not firefighting, but a rapid promotion from the local area or secondment from a different place after a certain area has a vacant leader.

The positions that need to be "rescued" are basically the same as those of young leaders or Mr. Yu.

But there are always exceptions to everything.

For example, when there is a vacancy in Bianzhou, the leaders of Nanhe discussed internally and decided to promote a person who can manage the economy, or promote a seasoned and prudent person, or discuss with Dongshan to second XX.

During the firefighting period, the position basically remains the same, and after the firefighting is over, the level is greatly improved.

Although Bureau Sun was in charge of resources before, he was also in charge of the Canal Development Zone. If Bianzhou didn't have one or two, he used to be a deputy.

Of course, this is not the only good thing.

The Canal Development Zone was officially included in the 'roster' and became a district under the jurisdiction of the city, which represented another team in Jishi City.

In terms of choice, priority must be given to Xiangxian County, which has the most rapid local economic development.

As for the vacancy in Xiang County, Sancha Township is given priority...

Taking a quick look at the flowers, Ge Xiaotian paid respects round after round. Take Sun Ju as an example, the atmosphere became more and more active. The more the two chatted, the happier they were.

When I woke up the next day and opened my eyes, I saw something with disheveled hair hanging on my face, and subconsciously waved my fist...

After 0.2 seconds, Ge Xiaotian shuddered violently, forcibly pressed down on his arm, and gently held the smooth long hair.

Fortunately, I didn't type it out, otherwise I would definitely cry for a long time...

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here?"

"Hmph, who is your wife!" Li Xiuxiu was unaware of someone's movements, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and handed a glass of warm water, "Sister Xu called last night and said you drank too much!"

"Eh..." Ge Xiaotian had some impressions of last night, his heart warmed up, he drank the love to cool off, and got up to wash himself up, "Are you going back to your hometown today?"

"I went back to sweep the grave the day before yesterday, and I just came back yesterday." Li Xiuxiu yawned, lay down on the bed,

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian rubbed his head, and then called the negotiation area of ​​Crescent Moon Office, "At noon, I will ask those four little girls to call you to eat steak?"

"No need!" Li Xiuxiu shrank into the bed, covered her head, and said in a muffled voice, "I'll just go to the cafeteria and eat something."

"I feel that the company's atmosphere is a bit weird recently, help me to test it..."

"All right!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished washing, he put his head under the bed, "Mu, I'm leaving!"

"another one!"

"Wooden ah!"

"Hmph, let me tell you, surnamed Ge, don't think you're going to find a wife for my dad, let's just leave it at that, I will never, ever, always, no, will, compromise!"

"……""Wooden ah!"

"another one!"


Back in Gejia Village, three uncles, four uncles, the old village chief, and several elders were squatting at the gate of the security office at the entrance of the village, smoking.

Ge Xiaotian said hello one by one, "Where are Da Mao and Brother Lei?"

"The two of them went to get their hair cut, and they'll be back later!" Third Uncle threw away his cigarette butt, "Talk, I'll go to the supermarket to get some grave-sweeping things."

"Okay!" Fourth Uncle handed a cigarette, "Little God, in June, Xia Mian will pick up the stubble, so the harvest must be quick. You are very familiar with Da Liu Zhuang. Let Fourth Uncle borrow a few machines."

"Small matter!" Ge Xiaotian found Da Liu's mobile phone number, "We also need machines to grow cotton, you can contact Da Liu directly, don't worry, if you are worried, let Qi Ye accompany you, they are brothers who are called brothers. "

"That's all right."

While chatting, on the concrete road leading from Sancha Township to Gejia Village, a few red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple... more complete than the little Huang brothers, and more pure afro heads.

The leader is none other than his elder brother, the violent green version of Ge Wangwang!

Almost at the same time, a piece of background music sounded in Ge Xiaotian's mind.

The South Vietnamese version is wrong...

'Braces girl, Nai He is beautiful'

'Sister has such strong legs'

Before he could stop him, the old village chief stood on the ground with one leg, and the golden rooster was independent, picked up his shoes and rushed up...

"Grandpa, don't, I'm doing makeup for a movie, it's too expensive!"


"Really, if I lie to anyone, I can't lie to you!"

Hearing the conversation between the two parties, Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, and he immediately decided to use all the resources of Tianyu to shoot a MV for Ge Wangwang and his group.

Gejiacun Records is not well-known locally, but it sells well overseas!

From now on, Ge Wangwang will break out of the Asian region and go international!

"Brother, I have a big business, do you want to do it!"

Ge Wangwang came back this time because he wanted to take advantage of the Ching Ming Festival to bring the management of the funeral family to meet his famous younger brother.

What do you mean...

'Look, this is my younger brother, Ge Baiyi! If you do it with me in the future, you will never be treated badly! '

Now that the younger brother of the rich man wants to give business, there is no reason not to accept it.

"Definitely do it!"

"Okay, let's go to Tianyu Film and Television Base after sweeping the tomb later!"

"no problem!"

After chatting for a few words, Comrade Ge Feng called.

"Hey, Dad!"

"Clean up quickly and go to the grave quickly. I didn't go for the Spring Festival. The old lady misses you!"

When the voice came, Ge Xiaotian didn't respond, but Ge Wangwang turned pale with fright.

It doesn't matter anything else, the head must be knocked every year, and if the old man misses the donkey's hoof again, he will probably be the one who suffers.


White face, smoky eyes, pure green afro...

After chatting with Comrade Ge Feng, Ge Xiaotian put down his phone and suppressed a smile, "Brother, I suspect that if you go to Laolin, you will be able to hook up all the little widows in our village who have hanged themselves by drinking medicine in recent years!"


When the third uncle brought the offerings from the supermarket, Da Mao and Brother Lei returned from the village with broken bread.

Seeing Ge Wangwang's appearance, the three of them were dumbfounded...


In the millennium, Tomb-sweeping Day is not yet a legal holiday, but the custom of sweeping tombs has been around for a long time, and there are not a few employees who have asked for leave to return to their hometowns in recent days.

However, since childhood, Ge Xiaotian discovered that it must rain every Qingming Festival.

Just like today, when I left Xiang County in the morning, it was still sunny. It will be past eight o'clock, the sky is full of humidity, cloudy, and drizzle...


The rain was not heavy, so there was no need to open an umbrella. The old village chief led the team, accompanied by Qiye and his second grandfather, and gathered the descendants of the same clan in Gejia Village. A group of people attacked Lao Lin in a mighty manner.

According to the local customs of sweeping graves, from the generation of parents, going back three generations, it is enough to only worship the old man of the family.

But the Ge family village belongs to the same ancestor, and with the old village head, the cohesion will not be broken for a while, and now with the addition of Ge Xiaotian, the "billion boss" who took the lead in getting rich, the clan concept is even stronger.

Therefore, tomb-sweeping in Qingming has become a clan ancestor worship.

Burning incense, burning paper, folding willow branches...

Cultivating soil, weeding, repairing tombstones...

After finishing all this work, Ge Xiaotian and Ge Wangwang went to Nanwa Huanggang to pay homage to his grandma and grandpa, and took a look at the Nanwa Animal and Plant Breeding Base by the way.

There is no shortage of houses, trees can be spawned from the farmland in Daqingshan, zoos use remodeled animal pens, and occasionally drag them to No. 2 base for operation. Dried fruits, drinks, and dairy products, as long as they belong to the "seasonal" category, basically are not. question.

On the way back to Sancha Township, I passed the brick kiln of the distant house Sanjiu.

The chimney was demolished, and the brick kiln naturally ceased to exist. Now this place has become the largest concrete brick and tile production factory in the local area.

With the research and development experiments, the cement owned by Tiancheng has been separated from the six categories, and mass production of waterproof cement, elastic cement, conductive cement, ceramic cement, glass fiber cement, color-changing cement, luminous cement and so on has begun.

The scope of application has increased, and the types of prefabricated parts have also increased rapidly. From hollow bricks, they can be divided into lightweight aerated blocks, fireproof ceramsite bricks, load-bearing multi-hole bricks, fly ash blocks, permeable floor tiles...

Different prefabricated parts require different machinery, increase the investment in production equipment, increase the contracted area of ​​the factory area, and increase the scope of business coverage...

The profits from the brick factory's external sales are basically all invested in it.

Uncle Yuanfang has grown from a small brick kiln owner to a large factory manager.

The workers are all natural. Apart from public relations and receiving some salary, he has almost nothing to do at ordinary times. Last time he was "accidentally injured" by a pure gold fitness ball. He has been honest for a while, and now he likes "root carving" again.

What is the difference between people without pursuit and salted fish?

Ge Xiaotian admired the mentality of the third uncle Yuanfang, so he asked Ge Wangwang to go back first, and stayed alone to learn the most basic knowledge of root carving. At noon, he called the brick kiln owners in several other villages and towns to have a meal together, and it was already afternoon when he returned to Tianyu Film and Television Base. five o'clock.

That night.

Ge Wangwang started the "first song".

'Find an American girl, hold a hunting color...'

‘…Ah monster, what a beauty’

'My girl will get GOOD soon...'

"Fuck, big brother, I didn't realize until now that you can sing better than the four heavenly kings!"

"Ah? Isn't it? I sang sailors in the school dormitory, and they all said I was crying and howling..."

"How is it possible!" Ge Xiaotian pressed the play button...

The timbre is pure, the emotion is sincere, and the technique and musicality are all superb...

After listening to it, Ge Wangwang almost doubted his life, "Is this what I sang?"


"Except for not being able to understand, it's really great!"

"Congratulations to your eldest brother, you are a natural musical genius, and you have the capital to reach the pinnacle of the Chinese music scene!"

"But, this not like me!"

"Equipment problem, it's distorted, rubbish equipment, ruin my brother's future, I'll smash it later!"

"never mind!"

Ge Wangwang was suddenly worried about gain and loss. Women were afraid of marrying the wrong man, and men were afraid of entering the wrong profession. No wonder they learned computers but could not find a way out. It turns out...

"How about I sing another sailor?"

"Well, but, brother, if you really want to be a singer, you must sing with your heart... Well, it means, don't yell, but ah~~~, this kind, or bass~~~"

"What is bass..."


At this time, the tuner in the recording studio quietly waved his hand.

Ge Xiaotian calmly asked Ge Wangwang, Shuaibo and Xiaoxingxing to learn how to sing, then turned and walked into the recording studio.

The tuner wiped off his sweat, "Boss, the workload is too much, I can't tune it!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian's face sank, "At that time, you were recruited here, with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, and you guaranteed me that even if you saw wood, you could tune me into a beautiful melody, and even Dahan could sing Serenade, are you going to fight against me today?"

"No... no, boss!" The tuner's forehead was sweating even more, his lips were puffed up, his face was flushed, he gestured for a long time, and said dejectedly: "Forget it, it's too difficult, I'd better go to Siberia to move stones!"


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