Build Madness

Chapter 333 K.O Competition

Chapter 333 K.O Competition

Ge Xiaotian was very obedient, and stayed in Yun County for three consecutive days without saying anything.

During the period, I went to a toy factory and a flour mill with Brother Hao.

The former invested five million to update the production line and molds, and gave red envelopes to pretty girls by the way.

The latter directly demolished and rebuilt, and asked Brother Hao to come forward and apply for a comprehensive service center integrating heating, water supply, and property management.

In this day and age, flour mills belong to the "surplus" enterprises, like the towns below, which one has no small workshops?

As for Tiancheng, since he has his own flour mill, and if he re-establishes a supply chain for this flour mill, what construction is there, and everyone can sell flour together.

Therefore, profitable enterprises are retained, unprofitable enterprises are eliminated, and everything serves the real estate.

Director Sun went to Bianzhou to take up his post yesterday, and he stopped in Yun County after receiving a call.

We had a meal together at noon, knowing that Xiaolan would go with me, the elders drank too much on the spot, and didn't pack up and set off again until this morning...

Well, everything is in the wine!

And today.

It's like the old saying in Jishi: You can question everything, but you can't question Tiancheng's ability to make money and the speed of construction!

The 'pot lids' on both sides of the Shisuo landmark were removed overnight. Even though the open-air arena needs to install omnidirectional cameras, monitors, audio equipment, and 'elegant' seats, etc., after three days of emergency construction, it will be completed in the afternoon.

Various advertisements were also hung on the exterior wall of the Shisuo building in the past two days.

It's a pity that the LED display is still too expensive. If you want to buy two yuan for this building, you need at least hundreds of millions of red notes.

Ge Xiaotian was a little moved at first, but after hearing the word "import", he directly rejected the plan and changed it to a lightweight fiber plastic frame in the style of a "folder". One advertising wall can play three kinds of advertisements in turn.

Energy saving, environmental protection, safety, long-lasting...

The martial arts competition was as expected.

After the local leaders heard about it, they applied to their superiors without saying a word.

After hearing about it, the leaders of He City came to give guidance in person.

These days, as long as it is legal, there is nothing you dare not do!

The first day was publicized, the second day an advertisement was played, and the third day all sixteen contestants appeared.

Six Taoist priests, six monks, two fierce champion swordsmen, and two ugly heavy cavalry.

The first two are mainly skill-based, elegant in appearance, and tend to be fantasy.

The latter two... just do it if you don't accept it, if you hit me ten punches, one punch is enough for you!

Number, profile, hobbies, specialties...

It was printed into a book and flowed to various places in Dongshan...

At the same time, all kinds of surrounding areas are also working overtime, not only the Yunxian toy factory, but also printing factories, mold factories, toy factories, etc. in Jishi, Xiangxian, Wenxian, and townships at all levels.

Naturally, Tianyu Group will not miss this big show, update the props of "Shenlong Legend" as soon as possible, hire people to draw comics, write short stories, invite screenwriters and directors, and open a new chapter in film and television...

For the surrounding counties and cities, and even the people in Dongshan, Tiancheng has never stopped.

But once Tian Cheng has a project, it must be a sensation.

As early as yesterday, the hotels and hotels in the small county were full.

The vigorous first match will be officially held at 3:00 pm on April 13th.

Location: Arena No. 5, Ancient City, Yun County. (In order to attract popularity, the venue varies)

Tickets: Sold out outside, 10,000 red notes per person in the front row, limited to 50 people.

Anyone buy it?

Originally not.

But when Ge Moumou, chewing gum, wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker, and under the protection of two iconic bodyguards and countless sky guards, entered the arena, the tickets were sold out in just two minutes.

"Mr. Ge, I am the owner of xx factory, and I have the opportunity to cooperate with you..."

"Ge Dong, I am the general manager of xx company, do you have time to have a light meal together?"

"Mr. Ge, I am the chairman of xx company..."

"President Ge, I want to become a member!"

Traveling so far, Ge Xiaotian is either at the construction site, at the office, or on the road...

Tiancheng employees' feelings towards their boss, except for some rumors, almost all think that they are approachable, generous, considerate to their subordinates, and have some 'funny' attributes, including the girls from the toy factory who just got the red envelopes, think so too.

But for the masses outside, even business owners, members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce...

Ge Baiyi is a dangerous person who takes all black and white!

It was rumored that Sun Paper, which was on the thigh, still asked the leader of Jishi Mayor Baitou to match up with Ge Baiyi.

As for Wanshi Financial Technology, it took hundreds of millions of money as collateral to get a large number of orders from Tiancheng. (The money for entrusting the production of two million one-card cards has not been settled.)

As for the people who had clinked glasses with Ge Baiyi in the chamber of commerce, which one was not a bronze VIP?

Of course, as long as you enter the above sequence, everything will be released!

Today is your chance!

Buy a ticket, sit and chat...


With a smile on his face, Ge Xiaotian took each business card carefully, and had a serious conversation with the other party.

Some time ago, he thought it was time to go out and meet other entrepreneurs.

To launch a satellite, only the boss of the paper industry and the boss of everything are obviously a little light.

If we pull more batches, we will be grasshoppers on a rope from now on... No, we are passengers on a boat. If the boat capsizes, we can help tow it, and maybe we can turn the boat back.

And seeing Ge Baiyi being so 'easy to touch', a group of bosses became even more enthusiastic...

The two parties come and go, all kinds of politeness, and then agree to have a meal in the evening.

Everyone is happy, the game begins.

"It's worth the ticket!"

"No, I have to tell my friend when I go back, and ask him to come and watch the game!"


the other side.

Ge Xiaotian sat back in his seat, and when he saw the leader of Heshi City Chen entering the venue, he quickly got up, "Leader, hello, hello!"

"I've heard about Mr. Ge's name for a long time, and when I saw him today, he is indeed a man of talent! Welcome to Heshi, if you need anything in the future, just let me know!"

"The leader is too generous, I haven't had time to thank the leader for taking care of Tianhao, Tianlan, and Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce during this time..."

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

While chatting, a dull ancient bell sounded in the distance.

The temporary steel structure greenhouse is slowly closed under the drive of the motor to form a super big tent.

The lights came on, and the surrounding 'Tuo' who came from the construction site cheered, cheered, and whistled...

The atmosphere is there in an instant!

The live cameramen of Dongshan Station and Local Station are in place...

The referee is in place...

The host is in place...

Shuai Bo: "Audience friends, welcome to the first K.O, the scene of the martial arts competition!"

Little Star: "This season is exclusively sponsored by Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce! If you drink good wine, you can drink Jingyanggang, pure sesame aroma!"

"Drink the flower crown, strengthen your feelings, inherit the majesty of the great man, and promote the heroism!"

"Sand melon seeds, the kernels are mellow..."

"Song General Martial Arts School..."


"Now announce the K.O rules of the martial arts competition..."

"Read the rules of external challenges..."

"I invite Daoist Mo Yunzi from Baishan Heishui and Qianshan Taixu Temple!"

"I would like to invite Master Kongshan from Shandi, Luzong Huasheng Temple!"

"Game start!"

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Fists and feet are facing each other, moving around...

Even though the local radio station revealed that three nights ago, there were masters fighting in the training square, the scene resembled a martial arts movie, but today witnessed it with their own eyes, and the dozens of bosses who paid to enter the venue still couldn't help but rub their eyes.

And off-site, home appliance shopping malls...

"Cao Te, isn't it too fake?"

"I rely on, palm, finger bone, fist bone, wrist bone, shoulder impact, close body lean, six-inch punch?"


"The master actually took it!!!"

"Damn it, give me a close-up!"

"Five upside-down kicks in the air? Upside-down version of Ti Yunzong? Daochang Niubi!"

"What the hell, the audience shouted a fake, I really want to beat them up!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with the fake, it looks good!"

"The master crossed his legs...Thomas gyrated?!"

"Fuck you, it's called the Desperate Chain Kick!"

"Why do I have the illusion of watching the real version of King of Fighters?"

"Don't talk nonsense... Damn, Taoist priest embraces yin and yang, and he is going to gossip, he is going to be overwhelmed!"

"Master, get out of the golden bell!"

"Fart, the master doesn't know how to cover a golden bell, but knows how to subdue demons!"

"How do you know so much?"

"Buy a manual! It costs five yuan a book, and it has the names and brief introductions of their respective skills!"


"There are newsstands at every intersection!"

on site.

The fight lasted for five minutes, and the first quarter ended, and the supporters who were calling for fakes also took the opportunity to rest.

Ge Xiaotian found a network cable, turned on the computer, entered the text live broadcast room, and prepared to see the reaction of audience friends...


As expected, the scene of everyone cracking down on counterfeiting did not come, but instead...

"Make a movie!"

"Shabi Tianyu, with such a good actor, they actually use it to compete!"

"It's definitely good to make a fairy tale drama!"

"No, martial arts movies will definitely become popular!"

"Sabi Tianyu!"

"Sabi Tianyu!"

Boss Ge: Shabi Tianyu!


"Sapige ten billion!"

"Sapige ten billion!"

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