Build Madness

Chapter 334 What am I doing?

With the temporary suspension of the Dragon Legend server update, hundreds of thousands of players flooded into the text live broadcast room according to the official "Friendly Reminder".

When there are more people, there will be more comments, and there will be many trolls.

Some of them don't invest in movies, but work behind closed doors...

Some people make tens of billions of money to make money, they don't update the new profession of Dragon Legend, and they become monks...

Some sprayed the scene with dogs and made a fuss...

Some radio stations in other provinces do not rebroadcast...

In short, no one complained about the martial arts competition.

This made Ge Xiaotian extremely disappointed.

If no one calls 'fake', no one 'cracks down on fake', how can they attract those famous fighters?

Looking up at the ring, the second quarter of the competition has already begun, and Daoist Mo Yunzi once again fought with Master Kong Shan.

The moves of the two people are fake in the real, fake in the fake, false and real, but they are smooth and smooth, punching to the flesh, very visually impactful...

Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian had a thought.


In the millennium, there are few entertainment programs of its own, and with the influence of traditional Chinese culture, if there is a fighting match, it may not be as popular as a "fake match"!


Glance at the comments in the text live room.

The wind direction is a bit biased, and the players actually started discussing:

'Dragon Legend Game Sticker'

"Shenlong legend technical transformation direction"

"Legend of Shenlong's New Class Guess"

‘Where to buy the cassock of the great master’

"How to put the Daoist hair in a bun"

'The referee shoes are pretty good'


I can't turn a serious and regular fighting match into a new cosplay product launch, can I?

After closing the notebook, Ge Xiaotian suddenly had the urge to cover his face and smile wryly.

I've been so busy for three days, what are you doing? !

"Boss Ge?"

"Oh? Hello, hello!" Hearing the call and seeing who was coming, Ge Xiaotian quickly got up and shook hands with the boss of the first sponsor of the Wulin Championship.

"Boss Ge, the professional ethics of Tianwei Security is really good!"

"Thank you for your support!"

Ge Xiaotian immediately understood that the other party's winery had purchased the property package of Tianwei Security Fire Company.

The AB set meal that was ordered for Hongtu Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. has now been divided into dozens of categories. It is not only sold to members of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, but also to large and small government-owned enterprises.

Ambulances, fire trucks, helicopters, water and electricity rescue vehicles, 3,000 ordinary soldiers, 5,000 elderly people, 500 professional technicians, and 200 drivers make up Tianwei Property. Trade, ranked in the top five in Tiancheng as a whole!

The supervisors are naturally the former head of bodyguards: Li Long and Li Hu.

"Boss Ge, I believe in Tianwei's ability, and I also believe in the ability of the two bodyguards beside you, I don't know..."

"You say!"

"I wonder if it is possible to hire two personal bodyguards from you who are very skilled, similar to Taoist Mo Yun and Master Kongshan?"

"Oh? Are you in trouble?" Ge Xiaotian likes this kind of business, not only the money comes in quickly, but also the hard work.

"It's not troublesome, but I'm worried about my own safety."

"That's it!" Seeing that the other party didn't want to say more, Ge Xiaotian didn't break the casserole to ask the end, and motioned to go backstage together, "This way please!"

"Boss Ge has a good player now?"

"There must be!" Ge Xiaotian prepared some resumes on the basis of the original identity certificates for his own contestants and even reserve players during these three days.

For example, the heavy cavalryman Tang Sen, whose ancestral home is Dongshan, a hunter in Daxingling, encountered a blizzard, strayed into a bear by accident, entered the Siberian training camp by accident, fought with wild wolves, and fought with black bears. Working around, keeping his own law and order, he was later recognized by Boss Ge's eyes and took him under his command...

Just being a bodyguard, fighting in a fighting game, and not doing anything illegal, there will be a miner champion in the future!

As for Taoist priests and monks, China has a vast land and rich resources, and there are always some places where people are rare. Maybe one day you will be able to find some strange people who practice hermitism.

Some things, the more you explain, the more troublesome, in a word: I have money!

If anyone doubts, please ask Tyson to go for a trip tomorrow...

Ge Xiaotian greeted a few elite soldiers who were sitting in the background resting, patted one of the champion swordsmen and introduced: "My brother has a record of one dozen and twenty, even if the opponent has trolls, he can protect them immediately Your safety! Proficient in short weapons, throwing knives, concealment, tracking..."

The boss of the wine industry shook hands with the champion swordsman, "I don't know the employment fee?"

"Annual salary of one hundred thousand!"

"Yeah!" The boss of the wine industry nodded, seemingly dissatisfied, and turned to look at another group of priests and masters who were warming up, "Who are these?"

"It's not the same level!" Ge Xiaotian's eyes turned, "The things you know are different!"


"Just like my brother, his muscles and iron bones are all made by real training, and they!" Ge Xiaotian raised his chin at the monk, "They all know the techniques of health preservation and unique skills. After hiring, they can teach customers for free!"

The boss of the wine industry was a little unconvinced, "There are really those weird things?"

"The art of health preservation is not about cultivating immortals, but about prolonging life and nourishing qi and nourishing essence. Although it can't make customers invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, it can also reduce disasters and understand some ways to turn good luck into evil!"

"Can you see Feng Shui?"

"That's what they do!"

"..." The boss of the wine industry pondered for a moment, "I don't know the cost?"

"Buy out 10 million, ten years!" Ge Xiaotian didn't lie at all, summoning a person needs five million gold, and the price of gold will increase in the future, and the summoning fee will also increase. If the price is 10 million, he still loses money.

But the boss of the wine industry was taken aback, "Boss Ge, I'm sincerely talking about business..."

"I'm also sincerely talking about business. Do you think I, Ge Baiyi, need this little money?"


"Of course, you can also sign up for a year without buying out. It's 1.5 million per year. In general, it's better to buy out." After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he sighed and shook his head. You can ask the old members of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce Yun County Branch, they all know the origins of these people. I also spent a lot of money to invite them out of the mountain, and the buyout price I gave you is equivalent to equal in and out!"

The boss of the wine industry was very tangled, and finally... looked at the champion swordsman again, "I still hire two..."


"Yes! I'd better hire two fighters!"

"Don't you think about Taoist priests and masters?"

"Can't afford to hire..."

"Don't worry, as long as you become a bronze VIP, I believe you will definitely be able to afford it next year!"


"Bronze VIPs are better treated than ordinary members. For example, Guyue Hotel's special promotion of wine products, special wine products for leaders' hospitality, wine products at the opening ceremonies of various competitions, and the company's exclusive basketball team... What is this called? Morning charge Enjoy it early, and enjoy it later... No, it's too late to regret it!"

The owner of the liquor business subconsciously clamped the file bag in the creaking nest...


Hiring bodyguards is just a sideshow.

After receiving 1.2 million, Ge Xiaotian returned to the auditorium.

The fourth quarter, or the fourth round, is drawing to a close.

The martial arts competition adopts a point system. Unless you can't get up, whoever hits the opponent's vitals more times wins.

It's just that a serious game almost turned into an acrobatic show, and basically no one cared about the scoreboard.

In the end, Daoist Mo Yunzhi from Qianshan Taixuguan was superior in skills and won by 1 point.

According to the plan, for the sake of publicity, sixteen contestants will play first.

If the event is hot, then match each other based on the points and enter the knockout round.

The second game is the champion swordsman against the heavy cavalry.

Compared with the first gaudy skill show, these two buddies seem a bit...

I saw the 1.88-meter champion swordsman jumping around, swinging his fists and swinging his legs like a tiger, and then he was slapped out of the guardrail by the heavy cavalry...

Shocked the audience!

The comments in the text chat room almost stopped for two minutes!

The game continues.

The 188 champion swordsman was pinned down by the heavy cavalry...

competition is over.


Yun County, in an old house.

Famous local boxers and apprentices of different sizes stared at the TV.

"Is this fake, or real?"

"According to the changes in the muscles, this palm is very powerful. It is no problem to break a monument and crack a stone. It is absolutely true!"


"Facing opponents, one's heart is as calm as water, one's weakness is not arrogant, relying on one's own advantages, fast and powerful, palms are like iron fans, even though you don't use martial arts skills, you can defeat ten times with one force... One move to control the enemy, this is already The pinnacle of martial arts!"

"Huh? Then... master, Taoist priest and master?"

"It's not the same level!" Speaking of this, the old boxer suddenly felt a little confused, and murmured in a low voice: "I suspect that our sect may have lost its inner strength!"


"Find a way to collect cards, refer to other people's martial arts, maybe you can get them back..."


"No, buy more crispy noodles from Sancha Township, and you can still fill your stomach."


Are you hungry?


In the evening, the martial arts competition was all over Dongshan.

Although it takes time to calculate the ratings, Dongshan Radio has given a guaranteed 80% of the data! (in the province, not nationwide)

As the saying goes, talking about money hurts feelings. Ge Xiaotian didn't ask the other party for the first broadcast fee or live broadcast fee. Instead, he changed a few high-quality advertising spots and handed them over to Da Liu.

The launch of the van will definitely require publicity. The XBA league reserves the advertising space of China Five, plus Dongshan Radio Station...the production of vehicles is small in the early stage, which is enough to cope.

The martial arts competition is basically like this.

Although it deviates from the original intention and turned it into an entertainment program, the effect is far beyond the deadline.

Moreover, I planned to use "fake" to attract outside fighters, but now I can use "famous" to attract more fighters...

As long as you are a professional, you can participate for free!

As for how much can come?

The more the better...

After having dinner with the big and small bosses, Ge Xiaotian returned to the hotel and found Yu Zong's number from his mobile phone.

After waiting for four days, the uncle didn't even reply. Is the Dongshan Fifteen City Plan still in progress?

Turn on the system and watch the countdown to the second quarterly summary.

38 hours and 21 minutes...

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and two more days.

The reason why I didn't go to Amur was because of this.

The possibility of cheating is very small, because the No. 3 base has gone to Siberia, and there are no bugs.

The possibility of winning is also very low, after all, there is no big gift package during the Spring Festival.

Staying around his hometown, he just wants to avoid accidents.

When the countdown is over, go to Amur immediately to get the satellite project done, as well as the issue of planting and selecting seeds on the farm.

But Mr. Yu asked him not to go anywhere...

Ge Xiaotian dialed the phone.


"Hmm!" The person on the other side seemed to be sleeping.

"Are you still working on Dongshan Fifteen Cities?"


"Don't do it? If not, I took the money to invest in Yakutia?"

"What?!" The other side seemed to wake up, and roared: "Ge Xiaotian, is this a small project? I have a four-day meeting..."

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