Build Madness

Chapter 336 Chapter 335 Challenger New Game

'Turn on the compensation mechanism...'

'This game aims to serve the players, and protect the players' own safety as the mission...'

'According to the evolution results, eliminate dangerous solutions...'

'Negative Compensation Free Manhattan Project...'

"No! I want this, world peace!"

'Negative Compensation Free Edition Apollo Program! '

"Nest grass!"

'Negative Compensation Free Edition Space Exploration Program! '


'Negative Compensation Free Edition Human Genome Project...'


'Negative Compensation Free Edition Eureka Project...'

"do not talk!"

'...Fit with the player's preferences and get the best compensation plan! '


"According to the current technology level, unlock the appearance of all buildings at this stage, and you can build the characteristic buildings of this civilization without other civilization town centers, including Big Ben, Broadway, Lighthouse, Pyramid, Museum, Great Library, Sky Garden, Oxford University , Mocos Theater, Eiffel Tower and other wonders!"


"The statistics are over, next time... goodbye!"

"..." Ge Xiaotian was a little numb.

"What happened to my house?"

"You think I really like building houses?"

"It's not forced by you!"

"So a large group of strong men have to feed, and the appetite is almost six or seven times that of ordinary people. Is it easy for me?"

"You can't deny technology compensation just because I like building houses!"

Ge Xiaotian turned on the system while complaining, and checked the list of newly added buildings...


"Damn it, isn't this too cocky to look at?"

"Byzantine castle? Roman church?"

"Great Baroque? Feminine Rococo? Classical Renaissance?"

"Woshima wooden house?"

"An old Indonesian temple?"


If it is packaged and sold to European and American nobles, or local tyrants in the Middle East...

Why are you posting it!

This kind of building, from the appearance to the decoration, Tian Cheng must have been able to do it before, but...

It takes half a day of hard research, and half a month to prepare materials, how can there be...

Ge Xiaotian pointed to the open space, "God said, there must be a house!"

"So, I have a house..."

After finishing this action, Ge Xiaotian paused, and suddenly fell into deep thought...


Make a big red robe...

Get a sterling silver cross...

Recreating a classic pocket watch...

By the way, there are thick books...

Ge Xiaotian stretched out his right hand, tapped his left shoulder, tapped his right shoulder, and tapped his forehead...

Didi Didi...

Feeling addicted, Brother Hao called.

"Boss, have you been to Amur yet?"

"no, what happened?"

"A challenger has come, and the opponent is very strong!"


"From the Siberian training camp!"

"???" When Ge Xiaotian helped the heavy cavalry to fabricate their resumes, he specifically asked Lao Yang, and also entrusted the other party to inquire about the Bingxiong border guards. They all denied the existence of the Zhukov training camp, and now?

"North American, the other party likes to play Shenlong Legend. After seeing Tang Sen's information, he directly found the agent and flew over overnight."

"Is there any information about him?"

"Yes! North American players helped to sort it out, but it looks fake to me!"

"How fake?"

"Black boxing player, nicknamed Tomahawk, height 196, weight 125kg, won 143 black boxing games, 114 of which killed opponents, 400 kg squat 200 times, can break 50 cm diameter wooden stakes, can use bare hands Cutting off a three-centimeter steel pipe... is worth 300 million Franklin."

"It does sound fake, but it might be true!"



"I haven't even heard of it!"

"There are so many things you don't know!" In another time and space, Ge Xiaotian entered a black boxing venue with a client. It is said that the boxers inside are called "machines" in the outside world. Some won hundreds of fights in a row, and some killed hundreds of people. But most of the losers have only one loss.

Most importantly, half of the top ten black boxing rankings are from China!

Of course, he always thought the client was exaggerating because the game he was watching wasn't great.

And now, let's see.


Li Long and the others can break wooden stakes as thick as bowls, not to mention the strongest heavy cavalry at this stage.

This group of people held the steel bars with bare hands, but saved a lot of electricity bills.

As for Townsend's data...

Although he can't beat Daochang Master, he is not weak.

Moreover, ordinary troops can learn throwing knives, and heavy cavalry can also learn skills.

At the beginning, three heavy cavalry were needed to fight against the Daoist leader, but now they can basically be alone...passively beaten.

After all, Master Daochang belongs to the skill stream, and heavy cavalry belongs to the battlefield weapons!

"Boss, arrange for him?"


"It's already noon!"

"Then let the other party rest for a day, arrange it until tomorrow night, and make more time to advertise. By the way, we are a regular game, and put an end to those messy things!"


Putting down his phone, Ge Xiaotian found Tang Sen's information from the system.

System personnel do not have blood bars, but they are similar to farmers and have status bars.

Healthy, Normal, Tired, Injured...

If there is an accident in the game...

It seems that a master has to be arranged to be the referee, if the other party is disobedient...


Sitting in the headquarters for an afternoon, Ge Xiaotian made a list of new buildings and made several sales plans before returning to Gejia Village.

I don't know why, once in and out, it seems like a lifetime away.

Standing at the gate of the newly built ancient city, looking at the small green hills and the green wheat fields...

People took off their heavy sweaters and padded jackets, and changed into thin clothes one after another. Some young ladies, influenced by the game, put on robes and Hanfu...

"Before you know it, summer is here!"

The flowers, plants and trees on both sides of the asphalt road leading to the UFO Stadium have been carefully pruned and are already covered with green leaves. On the wooden pedestrian bridge, many tourists are taking pictures of the ancient city.

The Gejia Village in the distance has been disguised and gradually integrated into the overall environment.

Come to Tianyu Film and Television Base.

After Tianyu International became famous, the first floor of the base has been connected to the Internet cafe on the east side, and has become a game zone, responsible for recharging and releasing peripheral products.

A genius game designer is teaching clients how to play the 'Magic Tower' and promoting his self-made 'Practice Hanging Game' in the lobby.

The magic tower is very popular in the casual game of Dragon Legend, but even more popular is the handheld.

This handheld is not a building block, table tennis, snake black and white machine, nor a PSP, but a cheap GBA (Game Boy) that can be inserted into the card, with a color screen, and can play airplane battles, tank battles, fighting passes, and Super Mario. Changing, Xiaoxiaokan, Lianliankan, Magic Tower, Comprehension, one fifty red note requires two AA batteries. A magnetic card with a five-red note, a built-in small battery the size of a fingernail (to record progress), and a magnetic card with one game.

For his own company, apart from architecture, Ge Xiaotian only proposed a few inspirations, and basically seldom asked about it. It is not easy to design such advanced products. Therefore, each person is rewarded with a house.

It's a pity that even in the millennium, with the rapid development of technology, these games still cannot be embedded in the "one card".


"Hi boss!"


"Yeah!" Ge Xiaotian nodded to the employees who greeted each other, and found Gao Song in the film and television area, "Have you found a home for my elder brother's MV?"

"I found it. A media company in South Vietnam has cooperated with us and plans to issue 200,000 copies."

"Looking for money from abroad, before piracy occurs, as long as you don't lose money, even if you make a dollar, you have to throw it out!"


"In addition, I see that her little star, Tong Ying, has been working hard recently. She packs, puts up a ponytail, puts on an ancient costume, hangs a three-foot green peak on her waist, and is accompanied by a few strong men who carry dragons and wear armor. Relying on game agents, one by one. Go to Xiangjiang, Taiwan Province, and Nanbangzi to hold concerts, play a few more songs like "Swordsman Love", and promote the movie "Ancient War" by the way."

"I'll arrange it now!"

"Wait!" Ge Xiaotian led Gao Song to the game development team, "Do you have any good ideas about 3D games?"

"The engine has been preliminarily completed, and the optimization is still ongoing. According to the operation method you gave, the most basic key movement, as well as the functions of left flash, right flash, forward slide, and backward scroll have been programmed."

"One month, you fixed this thing for me?"

"Boss, considering the skill swings forward and backward, as well as the sense of impact, moving spells, and three-dimensional dodging, it is really too difficult."

"What about the value setting?"

"Dodge against heavy hits, defense against knowing, plus movement, armor piercing, combo, bleeding, poisoning, weakness... It's too complicated, it will probably take a year!"

"Then stop it!"

"..." Gao Song was very aggrieved, "The main reason is that there are not enough manpower."

"Go recruit!"

"There are five hundred people! Salaries, electricity bills..."

"Look at the big picture, brother! What did I tell you? What I want is not a game like Legend of the Dragon, but obviously a short-lived game, but an independent IP! It can be martial arts, cultivation, or It is fantasy, even magic, but it must have its own culture, or chivalry, or love, or love and hatred. After ten or even twenty years, your children enter this game and they can also feel that you can That throbbing feeling."

"How much is the investment budget?"

"You are the chairman of Tianyu, you ask me?" Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, "If it were me, I would spend all the money made by Shenlong Legend, write plots, draw textures, art special effects, map editing, custom servers, integration Balance of skills... even open up an exclusive map of European and American styles, and come to a magical cross-server battlefield."

"So much content, level setting?"

"Is level important? Level only represents one factor. We can start with equipment attributes. For example, this year's version 1.0 has an upper limit of 30 levels. Combat power is evaluated according to equipment attributes, and the upper limit is 100. The same is true for corresponding monsters. Promote small version updates based on dungeons and plots. , increasing the combat power to 115/130/150.

Wait until 2.0 next year, a major version update will be released, the upper limit is 35, and the upper limit of equipment combat power is 200...

Dungeons, first open five small books, the nature of the team, from Monday to Friday, updated every day, only need to play one daily, this is called five small.

In addition, open a group book, follow the plot, and update it once a week. On Saturdays and Sundays, everyone will form a lively group, with 20 or 40 people.

Make a boss first kill, copy first pass, no damage, group destruction achievements, and titles, other achievements, commemorative fashion, mall pendants, and dungeon pendants are all adjusted according to the routine of Shenlong Legend. "

Gao Song suddenly realized, "You said it earlier!"


"As you said earlier, we might have already finished the first version! Now a group of people are all worried about the life of the game!"


"As you said earlier, we don't need to adjust the mechanism book to the data book. Many things that have been set before are now all close to the value, which reduces the playability by 60 to 70%!"


"As you said earlier, we have almost started to implant the plot now..."


"You said earlier..."

"You're addicted, aren't you?"


"Huh!" Ge Xiaotian sat in front of the computer, trying to operate the 3D model, "What graphics card is this?"

"One of Nvidia's best this year."



"hard disk?"


"If it is accompanied by stickers, it is probably similar to the door gods and couplets on the gate?"

Takamatsu sighed, "Unless we poach the resources of 3dfx and develop an exclusive graphics card suitable for this game, and then pair it with a large-capacity memory stick, a high-performance processor, and perform extreme optimization, we can achieve the kind of game you mentioned. Fluid and elegant style... In this way, it is equivalent to developing a gaming computer, and the money earned by Legend of the Dragon is definitely not enough, and it needs to be obtained from..."

"Well, there's still something to do on the construction site, so I'll go first."


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