Build Madness

Chapter 337 Gao Song and Director Sun

Gao Song sent Mr. Ge out of the Tianyu Film and Television Base as if he was paying respects to the Lafayette.

After that, take a deep breath, find an empty corner, take out your phone, and dial a number.

"Hello? Director Sun!"

"How? The boss agreed?"


"What? Did you not mention this to the boss?"



"Really mentioned!"

"How many words did you mention?"

"One sentence..." Gao Song felt guilty, and after finishing speaking, he quickly added: "But it's very long!"

"What the hell... I'm going to North America to help you find technicians for Tianyu. I've recruited all the people, and I'm just waiting to fly to Huaxia. I want you to persuade the boss to sign an employee document. Just mention it?!"

"I... Ever since the boss fed Lao Hong, who likes to mess around, to the dog, the whole company has panicked. I dare not talk about other businesses!"

"God fed the dog! Do you really believe it?"

"Ah Huang is fat like a pig, can I not believe it!"

"..." Director Sun on the other end of the phone seemed to be almost choked, and took a deep breath, "Old Hong went to Siberia, and I bought him a plane ticket! The Dahan employee card that Ah Huang used for dinner, I guess it didn't exist before. I have eaten the food in the big canteen, and when I encounter meat, I have no restraint, so I eat like a pig!"


"Also, other businesses? Are computers considered other businesses for you Tianyu?"


Gao Song was silent for a moment, then suddenly sighed.

How could he not know the truth about Lao Hong's going to Siberia, it was just used as an excuse.


It is precisely because he understands computers and how difficult it is to build a computer of his own that he didn't answer Director Sun's words.

Tiancheng indeed has scientific researchers recruited by 3dfx, and has perfected a new generation of voodoo graphics card (voodoo). At present, the performance of this graphics card is not inferior to the latest generation of Nvidia.

However, the most important core Glide API of the Voodoo graphics card has begun to lag behind, all the researchers have left, and subsequent versions cannot be developed at all.

(Glide API: a dedicated 3D API specially designed for the voodoo graphics card series 3D accelerator card, which is equivalent to Direct3D in DirectX now.)

Moreover, to build a computer, it is not enough to only have a graphics card, but also chips, memory, and a motherboard...

In addition, software, drivers, plug-ins, network adapters, various component interfaces are required...

How many software and hardware R\u0026D and production departments do you need?

This is no longer a question of whether it is difficult or not, but simply impossible!

Lao Hong, Lao Sun and the others seem to have a very special patriotic feeling.

Perhaps because of Tian Cheng's rapid growth, these old men who had gone to night school or even college but were depressed, saw another kind of hope, and always wanted to do some 'unrealistic' things.

Just like Lao Hong, he wanted drones wholeheartedly. After half a year, he did recruit a lot of technical talents and made a lot of achievements, but he also offended many North American giants.

If there is a restriction on Tian Cheng's entry, how can the boss go to build a house there to earn extra money in the future? How does Tianyu release movies to make money at the box office?

This has always been the biggest difference between Tiancheng's "young faction" and "elderly faction".

The young men are radical, but they all follow the boss's plan and work hard.

The old school is calm, but in their spare time, they always want to do something to "hard fight North America". (In the 1980s and 1990s, there were anti-imperialist ideologies in elementary school and high school textbooks)

Director Sun went to North America, said hello in advance, and asked him to persuade the boss to engage in computer technology...

Gao Song felt that if he mentioned it, the boss would definitely make his own decision.

Tian Cheng is not short of money now, so let's talk about it.

Do it, then start.

If you don't do it, it means that there are risks and the expected returns cannot be achieved.

The boss of the Young Boys Party has always been convinced of all decisions, so naturally he won't say much.


On the surface, he is the chairman of the board, but in fact he is a small supervisor!

Thinking of this, Takamatsu felt a little embarrassed...

How should I evade Director Sun?

think carefully……

He decided to come all the same.

"Director Sun, the 3dfx graphics card is really awesome. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If you can find the R\u0026D team of Glide API, and then find two software and chip companies that can compete head-to-head with Microsoft and Internet, maybe It really can make a comeback!"

"Hey! I really found it! The chief designer and team of Glide API R\u0026D, and the main designer of the 3D accelerator card!"

"???" Gao Song was a little unbelievable, grinned, and found an excuse again, "Grandpa, the computer doesn't just have a graphics card..."

"Is the CPU? The company has already bought it, wait a minute, let me see what it's called..." "Sai, Rui, Ke, S... Cyrix!"

Gao Song scratched his head, "Isn't it acquired by VIA?"

"Do you understand me? Ever since the boss planned to develop 3dfx, I have been eyeing the same type of CPU electronic technology company..."


"Xiao Gao! For the sake of Tianyu, I fought my old life. Graphics cards and processors are not a problem. The motherboard is looking for Wanshi Fintech. I heard that they have also acquired a number of companies. In the past few years, memory and hard disks have been in continuous decline in the stock market. Crash, it’s perfectly fine for us to pick an opportunity to make a fortune. As for the others...we have all obtained the qualifications of advanced component manufacturing companies, and there will always be opportunities to contact better technology research and development departments, is that a thing?”

"..." Gao Song hurried out of the film and television base, wanting to see where the boss is, he couldn't stop this job!

It's a pity that 666 has already left...

"Also, you may not know that the software research and development department composed of the Y2K team, the Red Eagle Hacking Alliance, and foreign computer talents is currently developing the "Dragon System" based on Linux..."

"Master, that's designed for smart handhelds!"

"You are so young, do you understand computers?"


"The CPU is ours, the graphics card is ours, and the motherboard is also ours. We can completely abandon the standard interfaces, hardware, software, plug-ins, and drivers of many manufacturers such as Microsoft and Internet. It only needs to support office work, play Dragon Legend, and 3D games. , do you think this system is difficult to handle?"


"Think about it, Xiao Gao, Huaxia Computer has just started, and it can even be said to be in a blank period. A computer is so expensive. If we only sell it for three or four thousand, or even one or two thousand, we can quickly expand the market with the help of the "Legend of the Dragon". Computers and systems are popularized throughout China, how can software vendors not help us make software? Even if you don’t help us do it, you Tianyu can do it. Isn’t this the same as Microsoft and Internet’s monopoly in North America? Although they are rich, they We have a lot of people in China! When we dominate China and stabilize our market share, we can counterattack North America and Europe with low prices..."

"I can't even refute what you said!"

"Come on, join us, grandpa will take you to fly!"


"Also, about your 3D game, before I came to North America, I stumbled across the plan that Secretary Xu helped the boss organize!"

"Oh?!" Gao Song cheered up quickly.

"It's been too long, I can't remember clearly..."

"You always think slowly, I'm not in a hurry!"

"It says... With the support of the legend of Shenlong, Tianyu Group is on the right track and has begun to diversify, involving songs, movies, novels, game peripherals, electronic toys, special effects OEM, program recording..."


"The central point of entertainment is the content!"

On the other end of the phone, Director Sun in North America's Silicon Valley turned on the computer, found the "3D game planning plan and budget" that the boss asked him to calculate, shook his head and read:

"The center of entertainment must be content, and it must be attractive!"

"Most of the content comes from novels. Otherwise, why are the four major classics and well-known martial arts adapted and adapted, remade and remade?"

"So, novels, games, film and television, peripherals, the four are inseparable!"

"The boss said that cultivation is a big system, divided into body training, Qi training, and foundation building..."

"In addition, there are demon cultivators, devil cultivators, ghost cultivators, and Buddha cultivators..."

"And the magic weapon level..."

"Some funny, touching, passionate clips..."

"According to the above elements mentioned by the boss, let the Department of Literature write a 'cultivation' novel, move the main plot into the game, and divide the side tasks..."

"Then separate the sect, the city, the villain, and the dungeon separately, combine reality, and use helicopters or other auxiliary machinery...

Go to Siberia to record the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and let Tian Cheng build several ancient buildings on the top of the mountain.

Go to Sichuan to record the bamboo forest, and then let Tian Cheng build a few wooden houses in it.

Go to Dunhuang to record the desert, and then let Tian Cheng build an earthen city on the periphery.

Go to the snow area to record Kunlun, and then let Tiancheng be on Mount Everest...

Anyway, where there are strange, unique, and dangerous, there are martial arts.

As for the ancient city, is your home missing?

What to do next?

Like Siberia.

The 'Thousand Mountains Taixu View' in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

Well, with the help of the influence of the martial arts competition, Daoist Mo Yunzi became the master or an important NPC.

School skills are divided into several types of moves according to the style of sword repair, such as long sword and giant sword. In addition, there are secret skills, unique skills that can only be learned by reputation, and even the exclusive skills of elders.


A long sword fluttering in white, with a chest or skirt, or cuffs, a small yin-yang fish, or a gossip picture, both beautiful, fresh and refined, with the skills of the genre, romantic and suave, and the magic damage...

The giant sword is bold and bold, and the linen leather armor is similar to that of Lao Yang. With the skills of the genre, it can be opened and closed, demons and demons, and physical output...

Then make a battlefield set based on the small version...

With the sect, some elements need to be added, such as: origin, inheritance, tribulation, hostility, the purpose is to let players have a sense of mission and belonging!

All in all, is this a movie?

And the Huasheng Temple in Shandi in the Central Plains, Yijiange in Xiaoxiang in Bashu, the National Army in Yanmen Town in the North, Qixiu Square in West Lake in the south of the Yangtze River... the same is true.

Five movies, five protagonists, ten genres, with matching attributes, can give birth to dozens of gameplays.

Different characters, different personalities, and different stories form a magnificent "world of comprehension".

Then create a main plot, run through the entire series, arrange one person, or two people, both good and evil, enemies and friends, make them into NPCs sought after by players, and promote the progress of the game!

Occasionally engage in a few supporting role NPCs, come and go vigorously, leaving an unforgettable slogan, making it into a movie, can also give players some reverie.

Of course, all the content of the movie needs to be understood...even if you don't play games.

And these movies can be used as game CG! "

"At that time, we will cooperate with Tianle to develop the sect's residence into a tourist attraction. It will be a win-win situation!"

After listening to Director Sun's explanation, combined with the equipment and levels mentioned by the boss before, Takamatsu Masai suddenly realized, and a complete game framework suddenly appeared in his mind, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

It must not be said that the day and night are reversed in North America, I forgot to forward it to you!

Director Sun in North America took a sip of tea, "Xiao Gao, think about it, we have everything, and we can set up research and development projects, integrate resources and arrange production when we go back. Do you want to do it?"

"Fuck it!"


"Do you need to apply for foreign exchange?"

"Staying with my old grandson, how can you still ask for money from a junior like you? A small fortune in stocks is enough to fill you up!"

Hearing this, Gao Song secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

All he worries about is asking for money!

As long as he doesn't want money, he dares to do anything!

"Thank you Grandpa Sun!"



(PS: I saw the book review and found that it was sacrificed. Thanks for this tainted milk (mythical version of the Three Kingdoms), and welcome new readers to enter the pit. I took the time to take a look and found that there are quite a lot of people who know about Ge Baiyi. Should I be delighted, or should I worry that I will ascend to heaven?)

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