Build Madness

Chapter 338: Ge Xiaotian VS North American Rich Man

Ge Xiaotian does not want to hold on to subsidiaries and independent companies too tightly.

Young people have their own ideas, they must learn to think independently, and then do it boldly, with the planning department controlling the direction, even if they lose money, they can still leave enough capital for the next chairman of Tianyu to turn around...

In fact, Tianyu is rich!

Even if the most profitable Tianyu International is removed, it still has claw machines, shaking machines, electronic remote control toys, song MVs, upcoming movies, cheap GBA and other businesses.

In general, Tianyu is like "one day the same wind will rise, and it will skyrocket to 90,000 miles", directly taking off the title of most money-burning and stepping into the most profitable sequence.

As for computer technology...

A person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to cover everything.

Tianyu can do whatever he wants, he neither supports nor opposes it, and let Gao Song make his own decision, anyway, in the future Tiancheng will definitely develop smart phones and tablet computers with integrated cards.

And the 3D comprehension game...

According to his vision as a future senior player, the computer configuration must be improved.

But according to players at this stage, as long as they can go online and operate, relying on the content and gameplay, they can definitely become beyond the legendary, almost invincible existence.

But then again.

It is indeed the best time to engage in computers.

There are a lot of graphics card manufacturers, there are a lot of chip manufacturers, and the memory continues to crash...

In the bankruptcy, reorganization, and mergers and acquisitions of many manufacturers, with a little preparation and a little operation, even a sneak attack on IBM may succeed.

Is that what you said?

If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about you!


In the afternoon, Ge Xiaotian went for a stroll at the Xiaohu Town Toy Factory to guide and guide the work, and gave examples to illustrate the idea of ​​centralized sales and marketing...

In the evening, I took Dongshan Fifteen City, plus Xu Cheng, and the company managers of the two county-level cities had a chat.

With Mr. Yu's help, the land is almost equal to 'picking'.

In this way, Tian Cheng must take the most suitable plot of land for the Xingyue Bay system, after all, the following counties and towns will be connected in the future.

The land will no longer sign a progress contract due to preparations for the sale of existing homes.

Eighteen cities, 9,200 acres, 3.8 billion, 1.5 billion was used up in an instant.

(Five signed a military order to develop the CBD and asked for 800 acres)

Regional cities are different from county towns, and even the suburbs are similar to canal development zones, with an average of 160,000/mu.

It takes time to acquire the land. Today is just a preliminary communication, follow-up survey, drawing, and implementation of the plan...

Calculate carefully.

Today is April 16th, and it will take about August to complete the whole project.

Originally, Ge Xiaotian planned to release a new movie and use his own theater in Dongshan, but now it seems that he has to wait until October 1 for the second batch of movies to be released.

What to shoot?

The plan was handed over to Director Sun, and after the calculation of Tiancheng's help in covering the expenses of the 'Sect', the project will start when the funds arrive. First, we will make a movie called Qianshan Taixuguan to test the waters.

In addition, the second part of the ancient war "All nations come to congratulate" is also almost prepared.

The main plot is about:

The Great Sui Dynasty unified China through the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, and entered the prosperous age of Kaihuang.

Build the world's first city: Daxing City.

Digging the world's longest artificial river: the Grand Canal.

Re-open the world's most famous trade route: the Silk Road.

Held the first World Expo: Zhangye World Expo.

Get rid of the shadow of war and open a new chapter in China.

This time it embodies the wisdom of the working people and the flourishing demeanor of the Chinese nation.

At that time, I can go to play a guest role as Emperor Yang of Sui...

By the way, there is another movie.

"Crazy Wang Xingren" planned by Shuai Bo himself!

Due to the use of a large number of disobedient dogs, the production is a bit troublesome, and motion capture is required.

The tracker is set on the key part of the moving object, and the position of the tracker is captured by a special system, and then the three-dimensional space coordinates are obtained through computer processing, and then the animation is produced.

In another time and space, this technology is not difficult, but in this time and space...

Let the Science and Technology Research and Development Department do it first.


After a busy day, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help sighing again: Science and technology are really the primary productive forces!

Early the next morning.

Just getting up and going to Yun County to see the so-called Siberian training camp players, Brother Hao called.

"Boss, when are you coming?"

"Eat breakfast, about an hour!"

"When you come more majestic!"


"Damn it, the person who brought the boxer to the match is a rich man in North America, Franklin with a family fortune of 600 to 700 million!"


"Really! This North American guy is still a bit arrogant. When we met yesterday at noon, he shook hands and ignored me. When we arrived at the hotel, he hated this and that. He bossed me around wherever he went, as if he was superior!"

"What do you do at home?"

"Same as Tianwei, security property."

"North American security?" Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of the Blackwater mercenaries. "No wonder they came to fight with them. I guess they want to find our people and plan to hire or poach them!"

"Huh? Someone who poached us?"

"Since the opponent has black boxing players, there will definitely be business in this area!" Ge Xiaotian didn't intend to let his strong men and monks do illegal things, "Okay, I get it, you will arrange this match in an open place later , Make room again!"


Putting down his phone, Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, ran to the UFO Stadium, and found that all the dozen or so teams had gone out to play friendly matches and exhibition matches.

In desperation, Mi-26 was recruited, flew into Tiancheng headquarters in Daqingshan, and twenty heavy cavalry were summoned at the main base.

All 195+, each arm is as thick as a thigh!

If the weather is warm, one person should wear a small camouflage vest, and then go to the barber shop to have a steel brush cut.

After that, I rushed into Li's Garment Factory, ordered military combat pants, and selected Luxi Yellow Cattle's special combat rubber boots...

Twenty people are going to that stop...

Each person comes with an army green red star octagonal hat!

Powerful and domineering, fierce and scary!


Ge Xiaotian looked in the mirror, forgetting about himself.

He was already handsome, so he didn't need to be tidied up.


The game was scheduled for six o'clock in the evening, the sky was dark, the street lights were on, and against the colorful projection of the Shisuo landmark, the small county town felt a little bit like a corner of a metropolis.

After two days of publicity, people in the nearby area heard that there were North American masters coming to compete, and they all rushed over.

As the saying goes, insiders look at the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

The old martial artist naturally knew that all the contestants in Tiancheng had real skills, but the audience didn't think so.

After fighting for two days, no one was injured, and no one was bruised and swollen. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a juggling show.

Therefore, there are real players joining today, and the audience is looking forward to it.

As for Mr. Horton from North America, this club has completely lost interest in martial arts competitions.

He saw Tang Sen's introduction on the official forum of Legend of the Dragon before, and he thought that the other party was from the Siberian training camp like his general 'Tomahawk'.

However, after meeting the real person, Tomahawk directly shook his head and denied: I don't know!

"This is Huaxia, remember, don't hit the opponent hard, let's leave after knocking out the opponent!"

"Good boss!"

"Huh!" Mr. Horton breathed out, and just about to complain about the local environment, he suddenly saw three giant Macs flying slowly in the shape of a character in the hazy night...

Hoo hoo...

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