Build Madness

Chapter 339: Ge Baiyi Appears!

Yun County is only forty or fifty miles away from Sancha Township.

In order to connect medical aid, fire rescue and other systems, the designer of Shisuo Landmark even planned to build a parking apron on the roof of the building.

It's a pity that the Mi-26 is too big, and it is inconvenient to go upstairs and downstairs, so we had to plan a multi-functional apron in the park square on the east side.

When not in use, roller skating and various promotional activities are held, and when in use, quickly move the venue and direct the landing.

During this period of time, in order to train pilots, the Mi-26 has been shown frequently. Even if the local residents have not been to Xiaoqingshan, almost all of them have seen this thing.

Therefore, seeing the three planes appearing at the same time, after a brief commotion, a picture emerged in the minds of all the people.

China One News: I wish the old man inspected Dongshan.

Background: A row of aircraft hanging tanks...

Thinking of the foreigners who came to challenge, people suddenly realized.

Ge Baiyi is here to show off!

in the crowd.

"Teacher, go to the store and get the ancestral suona that is my master!"

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Look at that foreign devil with his nostrils up in the air. Boss Ge will definitely give him a blow. He's old and not talented. He wants to boost his momentum for our own people!"

"..." "Master, forget it!"


"Okay, I'll go, I'll go!"

"You have to take it within two minutes, or you will be expelled from the school! By the way, bring the gongs, drums, clappers and sheng, and call your brothers and sisters!"



Hoo hoo...

on the helicopter.

This time the pilots were all veterans and no goose landing was required.

Ge Xiaotian calmly turned on the pager and notified the ground command:

"For background music preparation, just use that one: Go time-Mark Petrie!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Report: The all-round sound system installed around the square has been debugged!"

"Report: Music ready!"

"Very good!" Ge Xiaotian adjusted the channel, "After No. 01 lands, No. 02 and No. 03 hover, turn on the high-altitude searchlights!"

"02 Received!" "03 Received!"

"After getting off the plane, twenty heavy guards lined up in an arc three meters away from me, with two high-altitude searchlights shining behind them. They followed the team and slowly moved forward. They were not allowed to cross the body!"


"Warrigood! Dog dog!"

Ge Xiaotian was wearing a pure black Tang suit with a red dragon pattern embroidered on his chest. He stepped on old cloth shoes in the capital, caressed his slippery head, which had stubble shaved by the way, and gathered the momentum of two big bosses tempered by time and space. He moved to the cabin door, He took off his sunglasses coolly, and walked down the modified airstair step by step...

‘Would you like to wave your hand? '

'Well, forget it! '


The lights come on and all eyes are on...

Bang Bang!

Twenty heavy guards kicked their combat boots, swaggered, followed closely behind...

On the helicopter, Gao Song, who was in charge of the command, couldn't help but waved his fist, "It's so exciting! Music!"

"Received, received!" An excited roar came from the communicator.

The scene is extremely shocking, far surpassing any blockbuster in history.

The atmosphere was so intense that the audience couldn't help but hold their breath.

The momentum is extremely domineering, and those who are close to the plane can't help but take a few steps back...

'Hmph! '

Ge Xiaotian is also very energetic!

Faced with countless gazes, there was no tension in my heart.

This fan is what I want!

North American rich?


"Hot hot hot..."

Go time-Mark Petrie sounded at the right time, with a strong rhythm and full of movement, matching the scene, unparalleled...


at this time!


A pair of clappers and suona...

The most murderous song of the 98 version of the Water Margin, Wang Jin beats Gao Qiu!

And, still directly enter the Gao Dynasty...

The voice is like a demon, penetrating the soul, instantly covering up the passionate BGM...

Ge Xiaotian paused, dumbfounded...

'Why is this? '


the other side.

Mr. Horton in North America has his own private helicopter, but the size...

Not as good as a cabinet!

As a non-military enthusiast, I was shocked when I saw the giants in the air arranged in a zigzag shape.

There are such monsters in the world?

"What plane is this? It's terrible!"

Black boxer Tomahawk, his pupils shrunk, "Boss, it's Mi-26!"

"Huh?" Horton was a little puzzled when he noticed the strangeness in his subordinates, "You seem to be very scared?"

"It brought back some bad memories!"


"Back then, a young Ice Bear was caught in the training camp and was accidentally seen by a Yakut hunter. The Ice Bear dispatched two of these helicopters and a Ka-52..."

Speaking of this, Tomahawk's voice trembled a little, "We thought they would use Ka-52 to attack our fortifications, and then the main force was roped down from Mi-26, and we all prepared counterattack missiles..."


"It never occurred to me that Ice Bear used two Mi-26s to pour...a fuel rain, at least forty tons!"


"Then, the Ka-52 plowed the ground, fired up all the ammunition, and they left..."

"Not saving people?"

"Is there still salvation?"

"Then how did you survive?"

"Thank God, I'm about to graduate, I got my exit permit, prepared a snowmobile, and escaped early... After running for a long time, I looked back at the No. 2 training camp, it was like a flaming demon cave..."


After hearing the story, Mr. Horton was shocked.

This Chinese company can actually buy three of these planes...

However, Tian Cheng...has never heard of it!

He knew about Tianyu International, but he didn't know about Tiancheng.

(The translation of the company name is different. Tianyu is the pinyin acronym TY, while Tiancheng is misrepresented as natural, abbreviated as NT. In China, if you don’t know Tiancheng, you will probably think that Tianyu Group and Tiancheng Real Estate are two A boss, not to mention foreign countries, this is also a way for Ge Xiaotian to hide his strength in the future, push all his subordinates to the front desk, and show his face occasionally...)

Isn't that just a house builder?

In North America, even the most powerful real estate developers failed to make it into the top 500, let alone Chinese real estate developers?

Could it be...

What's the difference?

Cranky, the leader of the monster has landed.

The lights are dazzling, a bald head...

"Oh my God, that's so cool!!!"

"Shet, his bodyguard?!"

"Man! very man! They are thugs!!!"

The BGM suddenly sounded...

The BGM stopped abruptly...

The only thing left in the audience was the exciting suona sound...

Mr. Horton's scalp was numb, and he couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps that suddenly appeared on his arms.

"Oh, hell!"


Although the plan has changed, it is not a big problem!

Ge Xiaotian was expressionless, his eyelids were slightly closed, and he looked at the rich man in North America in front of him with eyes like he was about to kill a fish or a chicken.

He should be in his 30s or 40s, pampered and well-fed, with a bit of a fat body, so the estimate is not accurate.

Wearing mid-to-high-end luxury goods, sprayed with a little perfume, the tie is fake, and the leather shoes are old...

But he dressed neatly, had no beard on his chin, and was clean behind his ears, so he could be considered a decent person.

Being sized up like this, Horton shuddered, stepped back a little, and immediately stretched out his right hand, "Hello, hello!"

"My surname is Ge!" Ge Xiaotian didn't say his name, so the other party would say 'xiaotian'.

"Mr. Ge!"

"What's your last name?"

"Horton Perez!"

"Hmm!" Ge Xiaotian looked sideways at today's protagonist, the Tomahawk in the information.

The height is close to two meters, and the figure...

Europeans and Americans do have an inherent advantage in muscle, and they are even stronger than heavy riders!

Just don't know what about nerve reflex arcs and bone density.

After saying hello, Ge Xiaotian didn't stay any longer, and led a group of strong men who were not weaker than the protagonist of the opponent, and went straight to the rest area of ​​his home.

Tang Sen has already put on the protective gear and gloves, and for the next game...

"Boss, is it one punch or two punches?"

"If you plan to go back to the construction site to hold the steel bars as soon as possible, then you can punch it. If you want to rest more, then you can do whatever you want."

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