Build Madness

Chapter 340 Competition Tianwei International Business

As the game approached, the audience grew larger and larger.

Watch for free!

Open competition!

Think about those fifty tickets with a unit price of 10,000 yuan...

Absolutely earned it!

Moreover, for some reason in the past two days, the ticket price has skyrocketed. So far, it has been fired to 25,000!

God damn Ge Erhei!

That's half a house!

And now, we can also enjoy such treatment!

As a result, one spread to ten, ten spread to a hundred, and it coincided with off-duty time, the park square was quickly overcrowded.

It seems that if you don't come, you are stupid, and you have lost half of your house...

When there are too many people, the scene becomes chaotic.

The security officer is dispatched...

Xingyue Bay Tianwei dispatched...

Mi-26 No. 01 took off again, followed by No. 02 and No. 03, hovering at the outermost periphery, illuminating the entire square...

at the same time.

The host is in place.

The referee is in place.

The radio is also ready.

"Dear folks, fellow viewers and friends, welcome to watch the Martial Arts Contest · Open Tournament..."

"The two contestants in this competition are Tang~~sen from Tianwei Security!!!"

"From a professional boxer in North America, the undefeated king who has won 143 games in a row, fight~~axe!!!"

"The players on both sides are warming up intensely. Let us first understand some statistics of the two..."

a long time.


The master who served as the referee introduced the rules to Tang Sen and Tomahawk. In the end, each of them punched the two of them staggering...

"Remember, don't challenge my bottom line!"

Tomahawk: ...

Tang Sen: One of our own! Can you take it easy!

"The game, officially begins!"


Being punched by the old monk, the huge force made Tomahawk a little dazed, and he bumped fists with Tang Sen in a daze, feeling that his whole body was not well.

No wonder!

No wonder half of the top ten in the black boxing rankings are from China!

"Hey, brother, cheer up, or I'll let you know what cruelty is today!" Tang Sen waved his fist lightly and touched the opponent's glove.

He wants to be lazy today and doesn't want to go to the construction site...

Fist and fist collided, awakening the battle axe from contemplation, relying on years of accumulated experience to slightly back and kick sideways.

However, he also kept some strength.

Just now the boss's attitude changed and he was asked to play more.


I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to North America!

The boss said that the bald young man looked at him like he was looking at a dead person!


In simple thinking, the fists and feet of the two sides touched again, making a muffled sound.

The battle ax retracted his right leg and moved his slightly numb ankle.

So strong!

After going through so many life-and-death battles, he could clearly feel the opponent's reaction speed, power-generating skills, and his own hidden explosive power.

Could it be...

He really came from the Siberian training camp?

Not the one that was destroyed, but some other deserted island? !

The battle ax retreated slightly, secretly accumulating power, twisting his left foot, twisting his waist and abdomen, and swinging his right leg...

side kick (head),

side kick (waist),

Side kick (knee)!

The moment his right foot hit the ground, he drove his left fist and went straight to the opponent's chest...

Bang bang bang...boom!

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing, and it took less than a second, and it was done in one go, with offense and defense...


Take it!

The Huaxia man in front of him actually took over his nirvana completely!

Not only that, the other party has not moved from the beginning to the present!

"Hiss..." Tomahawk sucked in a breath of cold air, his back felt chilly, and even had a creepy feeling.

But Tang Sen grinned, showing his white teeth, "Hey, weak chicken, use some strength, haven't you eaten?!"

Black boxing players are bloody, practice hard all the year round, have a depressed temper, and are easily irritable.

Tomahawk thinks that he is not weak, even if he meets the strongest player today, he dares to challenge him.

Just now the boss ordered his subordinates to be merciful, but now that the opponent is so powerful...


Tomahawk decided to go all out!

Straight punches, swing punches, sweeps, vertical chops, knee bumps...

Tang Sen didn't despise the opponent on purpose, but aroused the opponent's fighting spirit.

Otherwise, how to play the game both wonderfully and for a long time?


Tang Sen forgot one thing!

His previous opponents were either heavy cavalry of the same level or higher-level monks.

The strength of both sides is tyrannical. In order to relieve the force, the body will subconsciously follow the moves and swing back and forth.

Sometimes it seems dangerous, but in fact there is no contact.

Sometimes it seems that you are in the palm of your hand, but in fact you don't use much force.

Sometimes it sounds like a bang, but it's actually a little tricky.

While fighting with the tomahawk, he chose to resist. From a distance, the opponent looked like he was hitting a wooden stake, without any visual impact.

Moreover, Tomahawk is black boxing, not a professional player. The goal of fighting is to quickly knock down the opponent, and the training is explosive power. Ten seconds, dozens of seconds, at most two or three minutes to end the match.

Now unable to cause substantial damage to Tang Sen, after three rounds of wonderful eruptions, he stopped panting and switched from offense to defense.

Bull's eye to bull's eye, the two of them snorted, snorted, and provoked, jumping around in circles, neither of them making a move...

off the field.

"what happened?"

"It's different from what's shown on TV!"

"That's right, master Daoist is fine. Yesterday afternoon, Tang Sen and Li Sen fought each other for four full rounds!"

"Is this foreigner fake?"

"Huh? Wait, I'll go to the Internet cafe nearby to look up the foreigner's profile."

a little.

"Damn it, I didn't find it!"

"Isn't this the actor Ge Baiyi invited?"

"Fake match?"

"Fake match!"

"It's no wonder it looks good, it turns fake match!"

"We don't want to watch fake games!!!"



Sitting in the auditorium, Ge Xiaotian opened the system map, looked at the Kolyma 3 base, thinking about how to storm the resources of the strong man after arriving in Siberia tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and heard the shouts in the distance, a little inexplicable.

What fake match?

He is a black fist that can instantly kill professional players, okay?

Shuai Bo, who presided over the game, hurried up, "Boss, I figured it out. Some people felt that this duel was not as exciting as our previous games, so they checked the Tomahawk on the Internet... But they couldn't find it!"

"Nonsense, black boxer, how can the information be made public? The data we got was from North America, and the rich players of Legend of the Dragon helped to collect it!"

"But... the audience doesn't think so, they suspect that Tomahawk is an actor we invited!"


I let my subordinates play fake matches, you think it looks good!

Now I agree to play real matches with dangerous people, but you think it's fake? !

"Boss, what should I do?"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, then looked at the field, the two of them went around, it was really boring, "Let Tang Sen end the game and go back to the construction site to work!"

"do not fight?"

"Hmm... change to a group of lightweight (champion swordsmen), let the folks see another fast-flowing style of play!"


Shuai Bo got the order, ran back to the arena, and communicated with the referee master...

"Tang Sen, it's time for you to go back to the construction site!"

"What?!" Tang Sen suddenly showed a bitter face.

Tomahawk couldn't understand the Chinese language, and was a little confused when he heard the words: "What?"

Before he finished speaking, a heavy fist hit his chest.

The battle ax raised his arm to block...


The burly figure jumped over the guardrail and flew out of the competition field...

Crowd: Sure enough, it is a fake match! After calling for a long time, this is true!

Horton was also stunned to see Tomahawk being KO'd.

What kind of strength is this?

Tomahawk is a billion-level bargaining chip that he spent tens of millions to cultivate!

Thinking of this, Horton got up and walked towards the bald young man sitting in a daze in the auditorium.

"Mr. Ge?"


"I don't know if you are a boxer, can you?"

"Sorry! We only play regular professional games." Ge Xiaotian smiled for the first time. If the other party asks for it, his family has business.

"I can pay! Twenty million Franklin!"

"Do you think I'm short of money?"

"I can provide international security services for your company!"

"Hehe, I also have a security company!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, motioning the opponent to look at the twenty heavy riders behind him, "All of them are not inferior to Tang Sen on the field. sky!"


"And, they also have some unique skills, such as darts, lockpicking... No, it's starvation. They don't eat or drink for a week, and they can still maintain their peak state!"


While the two were chatting, the second game also started amid the cheers of the audience.

Two speed champion swordsmen, fist to fist, leg to leg, crackling like whips...

Seeing this scene and thinking about the bald youth's introduction, Holden almost wondered if he had come to a magical country!


She is a magical country in her own right!

Ge Xiaotian took the Cuban cigar that Gao Song helped to light, motioned for Horton to bring one, and then walked towards the Guyue Hotel next to the park square.

"As the saying goes, you are a guest from afar. We are in the same security industry. We can learn from each other, supervise each other, and cooperate with each other!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Horton praised the heavy cavalry without hesitation, "They are so cool and brutal! I like it!"

"Want to?"


"Tianwei Property is at your service!

Currently available:

International A package, hiring 1,000 black iron-level security guards, only 3 million Franklins per year! (strong man)

International Package B, employing 1,000 Bronze-level security guards outside, only needs 10 million Franklins per year. (Ordinary arms)!

International C package... silver-level security, only 20 million Franklins per year. (elite infantry, elite archers)

International D level...50 million. (Elite Archers, Champion Swordsmen, Heavy Cavalry)

International custom-made packages, each diamond-level security guard, only five million Franklin! (monk)"

"???" Mr. Horton was a little confused, what am I doing? Am I not a security guard? Why am I moved?

"However, the scope of our Tianwei Security Company's external employment business is limited to legal projects!" Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers, "Of course, because it is legal, we can also provide second-hand for your company for a fee... No, it is a brand new heavy-duty transport helicopter, New all-weather combat uniforms, bulletproof and explosion-proof helmets and other security equipment and machinery, the price is fair, and there are many discounts, not only delivery to the door, but also a three-year warranty!"

"..." Mr. Horton was completely dumbfounded. Why do I feel that your business is bigger than mine?

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