Build Madness

Chapter 341 It's All Big Business (adding more rewards for 'Doug33')

Buying an aircraft carrier is not a big deal.

In the past two years, Huaxia Enterprises has bought at least three aircraft carriers.

A Wagran that cost 10 million Franklin but was seized by Turkmenistan.

A Minx bought from Nanbangzi for more than three million yuan.

A Kiev bought from Ice Bear for an unknown amount of money.

To buy so many aircraft carriers, if there is no design drawing, even with the support of advanced shipyards, it is almost impossible to dismantle and study them.

And remove the important equipment, it is a pile of scrap iron.

Therefore, Huaxia enterprises buy aircraft carriers mainly for building the main park.

The current international scrap iron price is US$100, and there is a vague trend of a big price reduction. A 35,000-ton aircraft carrier can cost US$3.5 million at most, or about 28 million red notes.

Therefore, the value created by using an aircraft carrier to build a theme park can almost be multiplied by ten times, or even dozens of times!

Originally, Ge Xiaotian was not interested in this thing, but during this time, he has been harassed by the spam of Ice Bear Navy's big sales, and now he can almost memorize the data of the aircraft carriers sent by the other party.

As the saying goes, rich people play like rich people.

Recalling that when Mr. Horton met, the other party stared at Mi-26's small eyes, he knew that the other party's heart was moved!

Men like big ones!

The richer you are, the more you like bigger...

As for whether it is legal to sell these things.

This year, a private enterprise obtained a special vehicle qualification certificate and will soon sell its armored vehicles to the United Nations.

Besides, he is not going to do it in China.

Go to Amur, discuss with the other party, rent a beach in the name of an offshore company, build a dock, blacksmith shop...

from now on!

Renovate aircraft carriers, recover satellites, dismantle h submarines...

Well, it was because of this stalk that Ge Xiaocai asked the other party if he wanted to buy an aircraft carrier.

By the time.

According to the market and the cost of aircraft carrier transformation theme park, list the table for customers.

Then Tiancheng gave a slight discount and launched a one-stop service, purchasing agent, decoration, door-to-door delivery, three-year warranty, and also helping to operate the main park!

At present, the aircraft carrier needs about one billion yuan to renovate, but Tiancheng is engaged in this project...

The profit margin is a bit unimaginable!

The transport helicopter can also be transformed into a luxurious private aircraft, including a caravan for transporting armored vehicles...

Anyway, there are civilian versions of these.

Overall, a great deal!

Perhaps, it can also break the myth that Mr. Niu can exchange canned food for a plane and earn 100 million by hand!

As for what kind of theme park and luxurious private room it will be transformed into, it depends on what the customer wants.

If it really doesn't work, Tiancheng Real Estate will launch several sets of 'decoration plan for aircraft carrier' and 'decoration plan for transport helicopter', providing entertainment equipment, door-to-door maintenance services, and Tianwei security services...

You can even build a large tugboat to help the aircraft carrier amusement park move...

Ma Dan, this has not rushed out of Dongshan yet, and my family has entered the international market ahead of schedule, a bit floating!

Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered the exclamation of an old senior when chatting with him: The size of the stall is the size of the business. When you become a trillion-level helm, you will find that you can earn hundreds of millions inadvertently...


the other side.

Mr. Horton's heart is already in a mess.

After watching the competition and knowing the strength of Tianwei, he suddenly lost his enthusiasm for the security industry, even black boxing, he was not very interested.

This is an indescribable, inexplicable feeling...

Look at what they are doing!

Look at what you are doing!

Logically speaking, Franklin's assets of 7.8 billion are considered small and powerful in North America.

Having been in business for so many years, there must be no lack of connections, courage, experience, and vision.

But precisely because of the above, he suddenly discovered that after working hard for most of his life, he was not as good as a young man!

Horton sighed silently.

Of course, he also suspected that the other party was a descendant of a billionaire, but after a brief contact, the momentum, vision, gaze, manner, conversation, and all the odds and ends that happened before and after the meeting...

The other party was obviously fishing!

In other words, use martial arts competitions to catch customers!

Whoever comes, cheats who!

Do not agree?

He still has lingering fears about that dead fish eye just now...

As for the aircraft carrier?

Go to hell!

Horton stood up, ready to leave.


Ge Xiaotian has already taken the notebook that Brother Hao helped retrieve from the Mi-26, opened the page, and logged in to the email.

Sure enough, wow...

The Ice Bear Navy's "Aircraft Carrier Promotion" must be issued every day, "buy one get one free, spit blood and jump off the building price!" ’ Wait, it comes into view.

Well, translated, it probably means this.

A dozen or so letters!

Why did Mao Zi follow him?

It's a long story...

N years ago, Nan Bangzi cheated Maozi, and then Maozi sold an aircraft carrier to cheat Nan Bangzi.

N years ago, the third brother cheated Maozi. It is said that he used the collapsed 10 billion rubles to repay the 10 billion Franklin loan. At that time, 10 billion rubles was equivalent to several million Franklins.

N years ago...

N years ago...

Regardless of the grievances and grievances in the past, in short, Maozi's reputation in the weapon market is now rotten.

Coupled with European and American sanctions, basically no one dares to buy.

in addition……

Tiancheng contracted the farm in Amur, entrusted a local company to act as the agent of "Legend of Ula", invested in satellite projects, purchased tanks and planes...

If the other party gets some information about the Tiancheng One Card, I believe that in Mao Zi's eyes, he really belongs to a rich man who is stupid and has a lot of money.

With such a master who is willing to spend money, why should Mao Zi go to the international market to sell one by one?


Hard work pays off, this business is really going to be successful!

Ge Xiaotian swaggered and put the computer screen in front of Horton, and then dialed the unique number in the email in front of him.

Switch to Ice Bear language.

"God, are you Mr. Ge?"

"It is estimated that you have memorized all my phone numbers and the company's phone number by heart?"

The other party didn't answer, but replied politely: "Just wait a moment, our general will be here soon!"

Holden next to him was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Do you still understand Ice Bear Language?"

Ge Xiaotian quickly switched to American English, "What did you say?"

"Do you understand Ice Bear Language?"

"Small idea!" Hearing the noise on the phone, Ge Xiaotian switched the language system again.

"Hey, brother, you finally remembered me!"

Who the hell is your brother? Ge Xiaotian is very wary of this group of rich men who are brothers. Look at the quotation of the aircraft carrier in the email.

The models that were scrapped in the 1950s cost him six million Franklins!

In the 1970s and 1980s, the number of old guys who were about to be unable to run exceeded ten million.

Aircraft carriers under construction and semi-finished aircraft carriers are cheaper, but they are useful for buying them.

"Mr. General, I don't know how much is the New Rossis located in the Far East Shipyard?" (274 meters, 50,000 tons)

"This one? Brand new!"

"Mr. General, you should know that I have always been generous, and I like to go straight when I do business. I believe that Ice Bear also has this style, so I have always had a good impression of you!" Smiling slightly, "I have money!"


"This single aircraft carrier is just the beginning, so I hope our cooperation can also have a good start. I believe you also hope the same?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge, we are very sincere, and our reputation far surpasses that of Amur!"

Go to hell!

Ge Xiaotian put down his cigar and adjusted the marketing data in the email, "In this case, let's talk about the New Rossis frankly!"

"no problem!"

"As far as I know, Nan Bangzi spent 30 million Franklins in the early years to buy two of this model, including thirty Yak 38 vertical lift fighters, and two complete T80s! Let's combine the money for the fighters with the complete version Tank money removed..."

"Damn! Mr. Ge, since you know about this, you should understand that they are a group of robbers!"

"No, no, they are them and have nothing to do with me. I just want to find a comparison, find out the market price, and talk about our business openly and honestly."

"It's not fair!"

"Yes, I don't want the newly purchased aircraft carrier to be tampered with because of unfairness!"


"50,000 tons of New Rossis, I feel that 8 million is enough!"

"Mr. Ge, you are clearly robbing!"

"I'm just quoting a price. You can counter the price. By the way, we will discuss it internally. Anyway, I will buy it in the future! Well, buy a lot!!!"


"Okay, Mr. General, you are busy with business, so I won't bother you. Let's meet and talk in a few days!"

Bingxiong Haijun must know about the invitation letter, so he was not surprised when he heard that he was going to go there, and he didn't say anything more.

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone, and looked at Mr. Horton who still didn't recover.

Buying an aircraft carrier does not necessarily sell it to this guy. There are many rich people in the world, especially those oil tycoons in the west who build houses with gold bricks. The correct posture of the aircraft carrier...

It is estimated that they will rush to ask for it!

As for the purpose of making this call...

He wanted to prove: look, it's just an aircraft carrier, and it can be done for you in minutes!

Bull or not?

Ge Xiaotian took out a pen and paper and put it between the two of them, "How is it? We've made contact, do you want one?"


I didn't say anything, you just got in touch...

Holden had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was speechless.

"Don't worry, you have listened to the price, I will never cheat you, no middle price difference!" Ge Xiaotian flattened the paper and wrote quickly, "As a leader in the security industry, we must have something that can stand on the table, right? For example, we , In fact, there are not only four Mi-26s, but also 20 T80s, and 20 fast armored vehicles. This is our signature in the security industry! Don’t you think so?”

"Yes!" Horton has already lost his eyes...

God, this guy even has tanks...!

Who is this? (He didn't know it was an empty shell)

"To be honest, due to equipment and technology, the Mi-26 is more expensive than the aircraft carrier, at least 50 million Franklin started! And the aircraft carrier, 50,000 tons, I can help you lower the price to 8 million, think about it, how appropriate! Go back, set up a main theme park, train your company's security personnel with military quality, publish newspapers and news, and your company's business can be multiplied several times in a short time..."


Ge Xiaotian saw that the other party didn't speak, and was a little surprised, "What? Could it be that... you plan to buy Mi-26? This is easy to handle, I have it in stock, and I can also provide you with a pilot instructor. How much did we just say? Fifty million Franklin, Well, I’m at a loss, I’ll sell you! However, there is one that is borrowed, and you can only choose one of three, among them, one is for firefighting, one is for medical treatment, and one is for transportation..."

Hearing this, Mr. Horton suddenly got up and ran away...

"Hello? Brother, don't go, let's talk if we have something to say! Damn it, stop him!!!"

And just woke up, walked into the hotel to look for his classmate Tomahawk, saw this scene, raised his hands, and lowered, "Don't hit me!"


Did Tang Sen hit this guy on the head?


after a long time.

Mr. Horton sat side by side with Tomahawk, surrounded by 195+ strong men.

"I'm a reasonable person!" Ge Xiaotian sighed, "As the saying goes in China, there is no righteousness in buying and selling. If you don't buy a plane or an aircraft carrier, we don't have to run away, right? Let's talk about the international security package. Sample?"


Let’s count this as an additional change, there are two changes in the afternoon or evening, and I will remember the dozens of changes owed to the soon as possible... um... I don’t feel guilty!

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