Build Madness

Chapter 345 Accompany Mom to Buy, Buy, Buy

During the phone call, Lao Wu had already driven the Grand Cherokee into the urban area.

Ge Xiaotian finished talking with Comrade Ge Feng, and decided not to disturb his old man to discuss business.

"I'll go find my mother, let's talk after you're done!"


After hanging up the phone, Ge Xiaotian asked his mother for an address, and told Lao Wu.

The car turned a few intersections, quickly entered a busy area, and finally parked in a parking lot near Zhongbu Street.

Central Avenue is the most famous commercial pedestrian street in Ice City. It starts from the Songjiang River in the north and connects to the Flood Control Square in the south. Yu Dong.

At the same time, it is also the first commercial pedestrian street in China.

In terms of business, in addition to various western restaurants and cafes, there are also many commemorative bookstores, gift shops, home textiles, foreign trade products, jewelry and woodware, etc.

The value of the land on both sides of this street must be the highest in the province. Even if you only take 50 mu, you can still earn a lot of money.

As for whether Comrade Ge Feng will take it, let him go, just be happy.

Ge Xiaotian walked to a small park by the Songjiang River, and easily found his mother.

I haven't seen you for two months, and my mental head is much better than before.

He spent most of his life working in the field from dawn to dusk, and Comrade Ge Feng was not at home, so he carried everything by himself. When he just crossed the road, he had crow's feet in the corners of his eyes.

As early as the beginning of the year, Ge Xiaotian felt that his father would not work with him.

I just entrusted a few aunts and aunts in advance, and instilled some things in my mother from time to time, such as men who have money will learn to be bad, and Lao Ge talking about business outside...

Although my mother is illiterate, her knowledge is not bad.

Especially after personally experiencing the changes in Sancha Township, and witnessing the "hundreds of millions" that her second son asked her to count, plus the rumors about him and Qi Feifei circulating in the village during that time, it is estimated that what kind of species is it? With what kind of father, I will come to cook with Comrade Ge Feng after the next year...

There are strong men and peasant women, so there is no chance for her old man to intervene.

A few aunts and aunts in the village played with my mother for a period of time at public expense, met a few 'locals', and then returned to their hometown one after another.

The two aunts who are shopping with her now are 'locals', and their husbands are strong men who work with Ge Feng.

After the service is done, the salary and bonus will be taken together. If the service is not good, go back to Sister Xiu's pigpen to dig out dung.

The only trouble is, the 'native' must have a northeast accent...

"Son, why are you here?"

Hearing the greeting, Ge Xiaotian had the urge to cover his face and cry and laugh. His mother was completely distracted, and stepped forward to hold his arm, "Mom, can we learn some Mandarin?"

"Oh, this nagging... I can't change it." The mother also smiled, and patted her son's arm, "Hurry up and say hello to your two aunts! When I am old, I often bring me some melons and fruits from my hometown Special product, some time ago I also made a big ginseng!"

"Hello, Auntie!"

Aunt: "..."

The scene is a little awkward, but it's not a big problem.

Ge Xiaotian looked at the handbags in the hands of the three people, they looked quite upscale, "What did you buy?"

"Silk gauze scarves, give them to Xiuxiu later." My mother brightened the gift box, "There are also cosmetics bought for Sanni, they are not too small, and they should be cleaned up with 'pancreas' to rub their faces all day long. I won’t be able to get married in the future!”

"Hey, do you have mine?"

"You're not short of money, so buy what you need!"

"Eccentric!" Ge Xiaotian curled his lips.

"You, grab everything!" My mother cheerfully took out a small cigarette-sized whisk tied with a red string from her pocket. Safety!"

"Hey, the little things are quite exquisite! Thank you, Mom!" You are really talking about the Northeast, Ge Xiaotian complained, while hanging on his neck happily, saying, what does Taibai Jinxing do?

"You have to wear it well, don't lose it! In the past few years, I have been traveling here and there, burning incense and paying tribute. Now that you have become better, maybe some god helped you. Believe it or not, This heart must be sincere!"

"..." I was hacked back!

"Also, second child, our family doesn't lack anything now. Your dad can just do a small project to save some pension funds, which is also very good! You, don't just think about making money, accept it when you see it!"

"I know I know!"

"I've heard that Boss Chen, who was against Tian Cheng, was almost killed with a gun. Many people said that you did it, and the high-level prosecutors have gone. We can't do anything black!"

"What are you thinking, Mom, I donated 200 million around half a year ago, so there's nothing wrong with it!" Ge Xiaotian said, and took his mother to a jewelry and gold jewelry antique shop, "Come on, come in and have a look." Look!"

With the strengthening of opening up, the gold market is gradually relaxing. Gold jewelry that was banned in the past and only dared to be sold secretly can now be displayed in the open.

Years ago, I wanted to get one for my mother, but it was recycled, and I just made it up today.

Women like shiny things!

Ge Xiaotian wandered around in the store, motioning to the waiter to take out the big gold chain with the thickness of a thumb, and put it directly around his mother's neck, "Check out!"

"You bastard, you're prodigal again!" My mother just thought it was a joke, and cursed with a smile, planning to take it down.

However, Ge Xiaotian had already picked up another golden ring that looked like a finger wrench, grabbed his wrist, and helped him put it on, "Check out!"


"By the way, take out those three big gold bracelets!"

"Also, come with a set of ingot earrings!"

"Well, the gold inlaid jade hairpin next to it is not bad!"

"Hey, this golden dragon head and wooden walking stick match each other, it looks quite similar, I want it!"

"This jade pendant...I want a 50% discount!"

"Beads are okay, let's get a string!"

Ge Xiaotian picked more than a dozen items in a row, and suddenly remembered the plot of Liang Kun’s mother being beaten in Gudao. It’s not safe these days.

No, I have to arrange a few more 'locals' to go shopping together later.

"Mom, wear it first, when you get tired of it, throw it to me, and I'll give you a new one!"

"You brat, isn't it enviable for me to wear so many!" Mom wanted to pick it off wholeheartedly.

Ge Xiaotian pressed his arm, "What are you going to do, let's go, let's go shopping, it's getting warmer, change into some beautiful clothes, in the future, if you go shopping with Sanni and your daughter-in-law, maybe people will think it's Where are the three sisters!"

"Tch~~~look at your rambling mouth!"

"Just wear it. You are Dongshan Ge Baiyi's biological mother. If you wear too shabby, people will say that I am not filial in the future! We do business here, and we only care about this reputation. If it stinks, don't say that we are in Jishi. The enterprises in Xiangxian County will lose money, maybe Xiaoqingshan will be destroyed, and our village will follow us, what will we do after we lose our business? What do people say? Right?"

My mother was a little confused, "Is it true that I am an important person?"

"That's it, the richer you look, the better your son's reputation will be, and the more prosperous our family's business will be in the future!"


While coaxing his mother, Lao Wu also negotiated the price with the owner of the jewelry store, saving him 20,000 yuan.

Pay and leave...

On the street, Ge Xiaotian held his head high to the tourists who stopped to watch, and put his arms around his mother, "Oh my god, be confident, our family is rich!"

"I'm afraid of being robbed!"

"Our family's security business has gone to North America, how can you still lack bodyguards?"

"Really? Where did you find so many Lianjiazi?"

"It's not like you don't know, there are a lot of martial arts practitioners in our hometown! Old boxers, old gunners... By the way, the old lady in the east of our village is also a master at darts. The security guards are all learning. Within ten meters, they are better than Xiao Biubiu. Works!"

"You, you have been tossing around since you were a child!" The mother raised her hand with a smile, and wanted to pat her son's face, but she seemed to find that the wrist was a little heavy. "My dear son, let's take it off! Mom is so tired!"

"Wear it!" Ge Xiaotian took out the golden dragon head wooden walking stick, "Use this when you're tired, and put on the gold inlaid jade hairpin, tsk tsk... this is what you want!"

"Why did I just follow the money-scattering boy!"

"Hey? That's right!" Ge Xiaotian signaled to Seng Er, and brought the document bag containing the sixty-six red envelopes. Just as he was about to let his mother spread it, he suddenly remembered that this was an illegal act, "Forget it, let my mother go. Add some beautiful and luxurious clothes for you!"

"Don't go, don't go, the mall is too expensive, the material is the same as that used by Xiao Li's garment factory, our tens of dollars, but here it costs three to four hundred! Expensive is expensive, and it's okay to look good, and you can show your arms. The legs are short and short, they are too dark!"

"You thought you were shopping for vegetables? You just need to dress comfortably, let's buy normal styles!"

"Oh? This is the wrong way!"

Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian stopped being a monster, but seriously helped his mother choose a few clothes that matched her body shape and skin color, and some cosmetics.

Temperament needs to be cultivated. If you want to build a Duobao old lady, you will have a long way to go...

Wandering around until eight o'clock in the evening, the number of pedestrians on the road did not decrease.

Generally speaking, the shops in Bingcheng will close at about four or five o'clock, but the Central Street can be open until nine thirty in the evening.

Back in the parking lot, Old Wu looked for a car again. It was a Passat. Looking at the interior, it should be a luxury model.

The driver is his younger brother, who also runs a taxi.

These days, the industry does make money.

"Mom, where does my dad eat?"

"Go straight south along this road, the Songjiang Hotel is diagonally opposite the Shangla-la."

"Well, Old Wu, go straight to Shangela and have a supper."

"You child, even if you have money, you can't spend it like this!"

"Our family also has a hotel. You went there a few years ago, and now there are nearly ten seats. Next quarter, another fifteen will be opened. Let's learn!"

"Can a company as big as others compare?"

"Hey, Shanglala may not be as old as me!"

"What? He is a billionaire boss!"

"That's assets, divided among dozens of people, and bank loans! And, even if you don't count bank loans, let them add up to calculate the total assets... Half a month ago, we were indeed richer than us, but today we can't do it!"


Ge Xiaotian didn't elaborate, "Mom, you just need to know that our family's money can fill a train!"

Mom suddenly fell silent for a long time, then asked softly, "Has your brother ever returned home?"

"Go back a few times, don't you leave school for an internship? I made some investments for him, and I will urge him to find me a sister-in-law and give birth to a nephew as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry about it!" Ge Xiaotian almost forgot, arranged The intelligence officer who was looking for his sister-in-law in Qinggang, did that kid take the money and run away, or did he not find it?

My mother was stunned, touched the corners of her eyes, and cried, "These days have changed so much, I feel like I'm dreaming all day long, and I dare not stay in our village, for fear that one day I wake up and you will become that idiot again... ..."

"..." Ge Xiaotian pulled out a piece of paper, "The days are getting better and better, so don't think about it! Let's go, let's go to Shanglala, we'll have a good meal today!"

My mother moved down and sighed, "You and your brother too, I don't know what kind of enmity you two had in your previous life! When you were young, since you were one or two years old, your kid loves to cry and make trouble, no matter how coaxed you are, but, As soon as I hit your elder brother, you stopped crying, and smiled like 'Gee'!"


"Forget it, since you grew up, your brothers have been fighting back and forth, and it hasn't stopped!"


"Usually, I wouldn't dare to put you two together at all. One is at your grandma's house, and the other is with me. Now that I've finally grown up, I'm considered sensible!"


"Second brother, although your brother is smart, he is nothing... How should I put it, he is different from you, he can live a stable life, let alone do business, even if he is promising, he is still a 'worker' , you don’t want to invest in him, just help him contact some computer research unit and let him go in as a 'worker'."

"It's okay, he's almost becoming a singer!"


"With me here, how can he be hungry?" Ge Xiaotian closed the car door, and was just about to take his mother into Shangla-La, when he turned around, he happened to see Comrade Ge Feng accompanied by several middle-aged men at the hotel gate opposite. come out...

The other side also noticed him.

No, I saw my mother wearing gold and jade and leaning on a walking stick...

Brand new pearls and gold jewelry all over the body, radiant with flashing neon lights...

Comrade Ge Feng: "..."

A group of local leaders: "..."

The concierge who came out to greet him: "..."

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