Build Madness

Chapter 346 Comrade Ge Feng's Big Order

Along the Songjiang River, Shanglala Hotel.

Comrade Ge Feng's mouth twitched, wanting to pull out the belt.

But public places are still so high-end...

on purpose!

Absolutely on purpose!

With a solemn expression, Ge Xiaotian respectfully invited his father to take a seat, and motioned to the five waiters and a manager waiting in the outsourcing room, "Let me have a pot of good tea first!"

"Good sir!"

Together with Comrade Ge Feng, there were three tall brothers, carrying a bulging backpack. They were supposed to play mahjong tonight, but unfortunately they failed to do so.

Ask Lao Wu to take Dao Erseng Er, and these three brothers to open another private room. Ge Xiaotian looked at Comrade Ge Feng, "What? Didn't take it?"

"Your second uncle and old comrade-in-arms know you, do you think they can not give it?"

"Hey, why didn't you recognize it just now?"

"The streets are full of hair like yours..." Comrade Ge Feng rolled his eyes, took out the blueprint from his satchel, "Help me for reference!"


"Yo, quite proud!"

"No, no, no!" Ge Xiaotian recalled the time when he came back to discuss the drawings of the Nanwa Garment Factory with his father. With a little nostalgia, he unfolded the sketch, "A hundred acres is a bit small. But, why is it on the east side? Take Is it not good on both sides of Zhongbu Street? Or the west bank of Songjiang.”

"You think I'm Tiancheng, rich and powerful, with 500,000 acres, I borrowed 20 million and signed a progress contract, so I can barely win it!"

"We take the land naturally, as long as it is the cheapest, if I..." Ge Xiaotian flipped through the map of Ice City, and had another time and space as a reference. He must know which one will get up first and which one will get up first, but since When you come back, you have to do something different, "Go north, go north, go north!"

"Outside the way?"



"No! It's the northeast corner!" Ge Xiaotian marked a point on the map, which happened to be the intersection of Hulan River and Songjiang River.

"So far?" Ge Feng measured it, "It's more than twenty miles away from the city!"

"My fleet will be here from Amurton soon!"


"A pure ethanol brewery, a cryogenic storage tank processing plant, a liquid oxygen company, a shipyard, a Sancha Wuling assembly plant, a Tiange Tian moving car production chain, a Tiancheng commercial center, and an entertainment center..."

Investing in gas turbines, Ge Xiaotian almost took the wrong path. He didn't wake up suddenly until he cooperated with the Horton Group.

It is not technology that restricts the development of pure ethanol engines. This thing was created as early as the beginning of the 19th century.

The reason why the piston internal combustion engine has not been replaced is because of the cost of materials, and the second is because of the grain output!

There were no GMOs in those days, and there were no composite materials.

It is different now, the food crisis has been suspended, and new composite materials are emerging one after another.

Therefore, what gas turbines lack is not manufacturing capacity, but... new energy gas stations!

Think about it, if Tiancheng mass-produces gas turbines, where will people go to refuel?

Lay liquid oxygen and ethanol across the country?

Grab the business of two barrels of oil?

What a joke.

Therefore, the gas turbine + corresponding fuel oil is produced and sold by Tiancheng itself, creating a monopoly at the beginning.

But after spending so much money, the engine is almost mature, so it can't be discarded, right?

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian decided to invest in Heilong, and then pull a few big shots into the car!

In the early stage, super heavy industrial equipment was produced, exported to the international market, and the image brand of Heilong was built, which became the pillar of alternative economy.

Then release the Tianba series and continue to export!

Where to export?

Didn't you see that the system is all listed? There are 233 unknown players, there will always be someone in need.

Help them lay gas stations, help them get rid of oil troubles...

Of course, Tianba is positioned as a high-end car in the early stage, and it is entirely possible to lay a few special gas stations in other parts of China, which are called: construction machinery special, VIP special supply.

How much risk you take and how much money you make depends on whether you dare to do it!

Ge Xiaotian will definitely dare to do it, but he needs some insurance.

He casually listed Comrade Ge Feng's investment plan worth 'two billion', "Father, these are not yours."


"Your is, University Town! In the early stage, I plan to open a Heilong Branch of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. The main majors are: Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing and Automation, Material Forming and Control Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Process Technology, Automotive Service Engineering, Industrial Design, remote control, electrical automation, automobile application, marine engineering, mechatronics, welding technology, logistics equipment... a total of 30 majors, and I will apply for the qualification to run a school after the project is confirmed. Before the school is established, you need to do it nearby. Four communities, I guarantee you will make a lot of money!"

Comrade Ge Feng knew that the second child was rich, so he squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, "You can't become a 'city'!"

"I didn't want it to become a city either!" Ge Xiaotian walked north along the Songjiang River, "In fact, my favorite is Jiamu City, and then connects to the Heilong River and arrives at Hailanpao, the capital of Amur Prefecture. After the two routes are connected, Export machinery, food, clothing, daily necessities, import self-grown grain, etc. It is a pity that the exit of the Heilong River is detoured to the northern end, otherwise it can be connected to Vladivostok and Qinggang.”

"What are you doing so complicated?"

"Transport cement raw materials, stone sand, iron ore!"

"..." Comrade Ge Feng couldn't help kicking, "Can you still be a little bit promising? Import these?"

"I'll give you an analysis. Years ago, Dongshan Cement had an ordinary grade of 360 per ton, but now it's 420!"

"It's cheaper than here, four hundred and eighty here!"

"I feel that it will not fall in the future. Urban construction, highways, roads and bridges, and other industries need it. Maybe it will reach seven or eight hundred in three or four years!"

"Although I also feel that it will rise, but it's not as outrageous as you said?"

"Hehe, maybe it will be even more outrageous, break one thousand, break one thousand five, or even two thousand!"

Comrade Ge Feng frowned and said nothing.

"Father, I set up a 4,000-ton/day super cement plant, in order to avoid being caught by others when the price skyrockets, including steel bars, if worthless raw materials are shipped in from Siberia..."


"Of course, we have also developed dozens of special cements. Importing worthless raw materials and exporting finished products can immediately increase the price by hundreds or even thousands of times. This is money!"

"Where do you get so much technology?"

"Poaching, didn't you see how many foreign companies want to sue me?"

"Dogs can't change eating shit. They still behave like a ruffian before. How many times have I told you to build a house steadily. Why do you do so much?"

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "The stage is as big as the heart. My goal is: the stars and the sea!"

"..." Ge Feng also ordered one, curled his lips, full of sour taste, "It's really amazing!"

"What you said, you don't care!"

"you have not married!"


Ge Xiaotian put away the documents on the table, "The most important thing is that I invested in Dongshan... 15 + 3 (two county-level cities, Xucheng) + 4 (Yun County) + 1 (Bianzhou), and then count the investment in Ji City, Jifu, Daqingshan, almost 30 projects. During this period of time, we are having trouble with Dongshan Jianlian. If the news spreads, the prices of steel, cement, etc. will skyrocket. If we do not prepare in advance, there are nine out of ten It’s over. However, if you produce cement in Amur and import it to the country, it’s not as good as importing raw materials, processing it in the country and exporting it, and you get more things.”

"Opening a factory on other people's land is the same as opening a factory in the motherland?"

"Then the project of our university town is finalized!"

"Well, I'll talk to you over there later."

"By the way, Dad, aren't you surprised that your son is so awesome?"

"got used to!"


Ge Xiaotian picked up his bag, picked up the roast chicken on the dining table and left, "Mom, I'll come and see you next time!"

"It's so late, where are you going?"

"Fly to Amur at twelve o'clock, waiting to sign the contract over there!"

"Why is the contract so urgent?"

"Satellite launch!"


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