Build Madness

Chapter 347 Foreign Internet Cafe Business

One o'clock in the morning on April 21st.

Amur Airport, which was specially opened for Tiancheng in advance, was brightly lit, as bright as day.

Mr. Governor and many generals came to the scene in person, waiting for the only plane to land.

For safety, a circle of air cushions, discarded tires, and thick sand speed bumps were built around the runway.

In order to pay attention, the disembarkation gate is full of local people holding flowers, as well as countless little princesses in swan costumes...

In addition, there are bands, salutes, champagne, colored balls in the distance...

Ordinary rich people don't enjoy this kind of treatment at all, but who let the comers save Amur!

At least, the unemployment rate is close to zero, and the economic growth has almost doubled. Although no taxes have been received, and millions of acres of wasteland have been subsidized, everything is just the beginning.

Everyone believes that the future will be even better!

"I'm coming!"



In a business machine.

While the stewardess was stunned, Ge Xiaotian ate the roast chicken that came out of Shangla Lashun, drank two cans of Bingcheng specialty beer, and burped, "It's almost here?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge!"

The manpower is short, the mouth is soft, and the red envelopes are accepted, but the treatment is not the same, all the way.

Ge Xiaotian felt a little tired, "This chicken, you can't eat too much, hiccup..."

"Are you uncomfortable? How about I rub it for you?"

"Hi... No need, I'll just get off the plane and move around!"

The service attitude is really good, but unfortunately, the plane is too small, except for office breaks, there is not even a bed, so you can only sit.

Ge Xiaotian complained secretly, then turned his head and looked out the window.

On the pitch-dark ground, two dotted small cities are separated by a slightly reflective thick ink long dragon. The south is the Heihe River, and the north should be...

"I thought Amur was huge!"

"The scale is not bad, I heard it is very developed!"

"Hehe, you may not believe it, 40% of them don't have enough to eat, and 30% of them are unemployed."

"Really? Aren't they going to fight?"

"Maozi is more united!" Ge Xiaotian patted and flipped through the ice bear customs and etiquette guide that came out of Shanglala, "I'll send you off!"

"Thank you Mr. Ge!"

After a while, the business jet landed smoothly.

It is not a large passenger plane, and there is no need for a terminal building. After the trolley is set up, the cabin door opens, and the howling cold wind blows in.

Ge Xiaotian jumped up and down twice, trying to suppress the hiccup.

Then he found that the group of people below were all dancing...

Dancing with flowers, screaming...

bang bang bang...

More than 20 salutes were fired, and countless balloons were launched into the sky...

The stewardess who followed was dumbfounded again.

"what happened?"

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "Because, I'm here!"


Walking down the passenger elevator, Mr. Governor opened his hands and hugged him directly.

"My dear friend, welcome to Amur!"

Just watched the custom of ice bears, Ge Xiaotian was a little confused as to how to answer it, in a daze, the other party's big furry face stuck up...

Surprised, the hiccups are gone.

click click click...

There are constant flashes of light all around, and there are even many domestic and foreign reporters...

Look at this formation!

Tut tut!

After sighing, Ge Xiaotian and Mr. Governor walked across the red carpet amidst cheers and flowers, and shook hands with local officials and generals at all levels.

After half an hour of tossing around, I got into the slightly dilapidated welcome car.

"Mr. Ge, your ice bear language is really good!"

"Hehe, is that right? You might not believe it!"


"It only took me half a year to learn it!"

Mr. Governor was stunned and gave a thumbs up, "You are such a genius!"


"Haha, let's have a few more drinks tonight."

Mr. Governor said, and patted the armrest of the seat, "Unfortunately, the wheels of my father's car have been frozen off again, otherwise Mr. Ge can experience some heroic treatment tonight!"

"You are too polite!" Ge Xiaotian quickly declined.

Your old man's favorite car is probably an open top, sitting in the compartment in the middle of the night in the cold weather, I am afraid that he will be frozen into Santa Claus with white beard and hair.


Mr. Governor sighed all the way, and the convoy stopped in front of an old-fashioned hotel with relief sculptures and a battle helmet dome.

The local celebrities and prominent families will hold a short but grand welcome party for him.

After a hundred years, the ice bear has gone from the tsar to the hairy bear, and now it is almost equivalent to crossing four different social systems, cleaning it over and over again. In the far east, there are no celebrities. It is estimated that they are either big landlords or emerging capitalists. .

Thinking of emerging capitalists, Ge Xiaotian is more interested in the few lucky people who are quickly promoted to the Minister of Ice Bear's Far East Army and important officials in the state capital than launching satellites.

Since the disintegration of Mao Xiong, Ice Xiong began to support a group of new family business groups.

But in the aftermath, these classes and groups became parasites and almost sucked up the ice bear's fresh blood.

The new leader is expected to support a group of rookie companies and replace those old capitalists who can't pay decent wages.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian suspected that the lucky families who were promoted to chief executives, or rookie companies, nine out of ten belonged to heavy industry, military industry, aerospace industry, or even... technology companies!

Back in the day, Maozi was able to compete head-to-head with North America, and his family background was not ordinary.

Even though there has been no development in the past few years, and many good things have been sold by Ice Bear, the core technology should be retained.

The newly appointed leader wants to support these rookies to enter the field, so why should he have to provide some technology?

Otherwise, how to defeat those old players?

Of course, this is just speculation.

I have to go back and sort out my thoughts, and take my time.


Entering the hotel, the grand welcome party officially begins.

Mr. Governor, on behalf of Amur, welcomed Ge Moumou's arrival, and called on the employees at all levels present and the "big capitalists" in the Far East to actively respond to the call for common development and build a better homeland together!

very nice!

Ge Xiaotian did not announce on the spot that he would invest in a local city, Neobras, as soon as he heard the name, he knew that it was not a good place. After finishing the satellite project, he went to investigate the terrain.

Tell the rich and powerful about the beauty of Hailanpao, the vastness of the Heilong River, and the wealth of Siberia...

Going back to sleep, it was already dawn when I opened my eyes.

After breakfast, Ge Xiaotian refused the waiter's request to accompany him, and took Dao Erseng Er out of the hotel.

The extreme north is indeed not suitable for human habitation. It is still four or five degrees below zero as it approaches May.

The street is deserted, with snow piled up on both sides of the road, and few shops on both sides are open.

According to the information provided by Lao Yang, the three of them came to the street where the state capital was located, looked left and right, and soon saw the signs of bars and Internet cafes.

Maozi carries big guys with him, and if he wants to own them legally, he not only needs to identify whether he is mentally normal, but also needs to be tested.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian had nothing to cowardly. He ignored the blonde girls who rushed out of the bar and greeted them enthusiastically, and turned around and walked into the Internet cafe next to him, which seemed safer.

Pushing the door open, the smoke filled the air, and a smell of nicotine mixed with alcohol rushed into the nostrils.

"Fuck, this Internet cafe has to be closed!"

Hearing the bluff, the old man who was dozing in a folding chair in the distance, stared at him, looked over, and immediately smiled, "Hey, my god, are you here?"

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian wandered around, more than two hundred machines, all cutting legends.

This is the largest Internet cafe in the Far East of Bingxiong. In the past, this honor belonged to the computer room of Amur University, with 100 sets.


"How many houses?"

"Eleven Internet cafes with the theme of Ula Legend, three Internet cafes with the Internet as the main theme, and twenty comprehensive Internet cafes."

"Build a few more themed Internet cafes, and it's best to increase to fifty before October!"

"The main Internet cafes can only play Legends and surf the Internet. I am worried that customers will not be able to keep up."

"There is a kart racing game in the back, absolutely no problem!"

All of Amur's computers come from the Huaxia second-hand computer market, or the computer rooms of various schools.

The graphics card is a little behind, the memory is basically eliminated, and the hard disk is just a little bit, disassembled, repaired, repaired, repaired, and matched according to performance and configuration, arranged in order from low to high.

Internet cafe with low configuration, also known as "chat bar", equipped with a better display screen, high-end decoration and high-end atmosphere, coffee, drinks, pastries, and some elegant music playing in the lobby, only chatting... According to The domestic price is 10 red notes for an hour.

Internet cafes with mid-to-low configuration, also known as "Ula legend themed Internet cafes".

The hard disk is limited, so it can't fit too many games. Plug-ins and software basically only optimize legends, so playing legends here is definitely not a problem... According to the domestic price, 5 red notes an hour!

Mid-to-high-end configuration, that is, "comprehensive service Internet cafe", can play most of the games on the market, the screen is the same as that of "chat bar", occasionally crashes, blue screen... According to the domestic price, 10 red notes an hour.

High-end area...

It’s no different from mid-to-high-end ones, just adding a ‘diskless workstation’, generally no crashes and blue screens, and the price is 20 red notes…

This year, domestic computers have developed rapidly, and many machines have been phased out one after another in the market. My own Internet cafes in China are also undergoing upgrades. When there are more second-hand goods there, the performance will be improved a lot, and the price will have to be raised.

And after this period of experimentation, although Bingxiong does not have optical fiber, the network is still stable. Ge Xiaotian means that after replacing the hardware of the antique machine, all Internet cafes will use "diskless workstations" in the future to reduce costs again...

Of course, you have to cultivate Maozi's habit of playing games and the culture of going to Internet cafes to make it a fashion!

Throughout the year, most of the time is ice and snow, why stay at home? Come to my Internet cafe to 'open black'!

Or make a publicity...

‘Summer is coming, Tiancheng Mine has been working hard for five months, and it’s been half a year of relaxing in bars! '

Well, it's not very smooth in Huaxia, but it's catchy in Bingxiong...

Lao Yang doesn't understand computers, and he doesn't know someone's crooked intestines. Anyway, whoever dares to make trouble, just beat him up. It really doesn't work. If you don't get a job, you can't make money. Just play around!

Now that I heard that a new game is about to be launched, I quickly patted my chest, "Don't worry, before October, I will ask the agent to prepare enough funds to purchase our cost-effective machines!"

"Well, that's good!" Ge Xiaotian walked around to the counter and looked at the account book, "By the way, talk to the agent and spread the domestic one-card, just as a vehicle for recording work points and online consumption."

"I'll ask later, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Okay, I'll go to Neobras to have a look!" Ge Xiaotian planned to go out after finishing speaking, opened the door, moved in his heart, looked back at the computer desk with only ashtrays and vodka on it, and felt that it was missing order something.

Smoking, drinking, staying up late, hacking legends...


How can I forget instant noodles, ham sausage, and soapy happy water!

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