Build Madness

Chapter 381 Chen Feng's Caravan

"Tua is a company project, not your personal belongings. Use it for a bet, empty-handed white wolf?"

"Boss, let's have a game, give me a chance to turn things around! Now I have nothing, eat in the cafeteria, live in the dormitory, wear work clothes when I go out, take the bus for a long trip..." Lao Hong began to cry poorly.

"I'll go, big supervisor, single dormitory, company-provided car, whatever you want to eat, well-dressed..." Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "This is such a good treatment, you really don't know how lucky you are!"

"But I want to buy something I want, otherwise, how can I have the enthusiasm." The corners of Lao Hong's mouth slightly curled up, but his face was full of bitterness, "Here we come, we are about to be hooked!" '


Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, as his own lucky general, Lao Hong had indeed been a bit miserable in the past six months, so he should be given some pocket money.

Forget it, just give it a round.

However, before he could speak, Lao Hong saw that the boss was silent, and continued to throw the bait, gritted his teeth and said, "I will add my salary for the second half of the year!"

"All right, all right!" Now that he decided to give away a game, Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to think about the bet, "Say, what bet?"

"I bet Chen Feng will never succeed in this business!" Lao Hong already knew what Chen Feng was here for, so with this bet, he was sure to win.

Ge Xiaotian was immediately amused, "Nonsense! There aren't that many refrigerated trucks in Dongshan, so what does he use to transport them? Okay, you won, and I'll ask the finance department to pay you back your salary later."

"No, one yard is equal to one yard, we have to wait for the result!" Old Hong rubbed his hands holding the winning ticket, "For fairness and justice!"

"You're not ashamed!" Ge Xiaotian scolded with a smile, and didn't take this matter to heart. He looked at the time and said, "Let's go and watch the show."

"Okay!" Old Hong was elated, and couldn't help asking, "How much is my half-year salary?"

"Five hundred thousand!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

With his hands behind his back, Lao Hong walked in a figure-of-eight gait, "I'll drive tua over tomorrow morning, and let's go for a run in the town of trailers."

"No, let Mr. Yu send it to the capital."

Tua is different from Tianba. According to the previously established manufacturing plan, it is an extended special tram, which is classified as a medium-sized bus, has a yellow card, and requires an A1 driver's license.

There was a shortage of old drivers at home, so Ge ​​Xiaotian didn't want to sit on that big guy, "You inform the ground staff that the Mi-26 converted into a business jet will be ready tomorrow."



"It was not enough to boast about being dirty in the past, but now there is no limit to debauchery."

"The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day."

On the way back to Liang County, Chen Feng couldn't stop thinking, "The whole afternoon, Lao Wei didn't see any popularity, so let's take it lightly."

"You should learn from Ge Laoer to deal with He Shun. In winter, use an icebreaker to cut through the ice of the canal, and use a tower crane to play with a big pendulum!"

"I'll go, can the tower crane play like this?"

"I heard that he even played bungee jumping."

"Hiss... you can't accept it!" Chen Feng's back felt chills, he subconsciously looked behind him, and when he turned his head, he suddenly caught a glimpse of some event in the distance from the corner of his eyes, "This is... a boxing shop?"

"Yes, at the end of last month, they held the third Huaxia Trailer Exchange Conference. Since the township was just transformed into a town, the higher-ups gave great support, and many big bosses came from all over China."

"Go, go and have a look!"

After getting out of the car and walking for a certain distance, Chen Feng stopped suddenly, stared at the distance and asked in surprise, "Where are there so many refrigerators?"

"Yeah, it's really strange, it seems that there is no refrigeration equipment here." Chen Ergou was also very puzzled.

"Mr. Chen!"

Chen Feng was considered the number one entrepreneur in Liang County, and the steward who stayed at the trailer factory saw his arrival and rushed to greet him.

The two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while.

"I don't know these cars?"

"Oh, it's not summer yet. A few big bosses from the south joined a group to transport a batch of fruit to the north. They heard that we are holding a trailer exchange meeting here, so they set up a meeting point and took a two-day rest along the way. "

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to say something, the phone rang.

Looking at the number, it turned out to be the big boss of Xiangjiang who was going to buy strawberries.

"Brother, I'm coming!"

"Have you arrived at Jifu?"

"Yeah, come and find me!"

"Okay, wait, I'll arrange someone to pick you up right away..."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he motioned to Chen Ergou, "Quickly, contact your Faxiao, and before Ge Laoer can react, get all the eight-ripe strawberries!"

"The road is too far, just mature at six or seven!"

"There are so many refrigerated trucks, no matter how mature it is, it's all covered!"

Before the words were finished, Chen Feng's cell phone rang again. The president of Wajima so-and-so bought oranges!


It was eight o'clock in the evening.

Tiancheng Square is full of singing and dancing.

There are many empty strawberry trays in front of the auditorium, and the local leaders...

Have you eaten?

Looking at the bear biscuit packaging bag on the ground, Ge Xiaotian suddenly understood something.

Taking out the mobile phone and preparing to inform the Propaganda Department to order some snacks, the second uncle who is in charge of the animal and plant breeding base in Huanggang, Nanwa, called.

"Oh my god, just now a big boss bought all our strawberries for this season!"


"Not only strawberries, but also all summer oranges."

"Where is the big boss?"

"He didn't show up, so he paid a 20 million deposit first."

"So happy?" Ge Xiaotian was a little unbelievable, ordinary people can't afford so much money, "By the way, how much can I pay?"

"If you don't pay for it, you will earn twice as much as selling it to us locally!"


After hanging up the phone, Ge Xiaotian was so blessed that he suddenly thought of Chen Feng, who was going to deliver the pre-cooling materials to Guangzhou.

More than one hundred refrigerated trucks.

The price of Dongshan's building materials has skyrocketed. He is a construction worker, so what needs to be pre-cooled and shipped to the south?

I used to patronize the other party to put on the booster, but I didn't think about it at all, but now looking back...

'Could it be this Hubi who bought all the strawberries and summer oranges that I was about to lose money? '

'But what luck does he have? '

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and found a seat to sit down.

At this time, several entrepreneurs from the town of trailers came up, "Mr. Ge?"

"Huh? Oh, is today's show okay?"

"Very good! However, there are a few distinguished guests in the company who need to accompany them. We can only come here today. Please bear with us."

"It's okay, business is important." Ge Xiaotian got up and saw him off, "Don't worry, I will definitely go there tomorrow."

When the other party left, Lao Hong proudly held the strawberry tray, "Boss, try it?"

"Such a big one?"

"Yes, tender and juicy, delicious and sweet in shape, fragrant and crisp."

"Where's Xia Cheng?"

"It's even more delicious than this, but it's a pity that there are too few preparations today, so I robbed them all."


It was impossible for Chen Feng to smash these fruits into his hands foolishly.

Unless a refrigerated fleet is found.

But Dongshan really doesn't have that many... no, just because Dongshan doesn't have them, doesn't mean there aren't any outside the province.

With the arrival of summer, refrigerated trucks are needed to transport fruits from the south to the north. If you happen to meet a returning convoy...

That's not enough either.

Scattered and scattered, at most a dozen or twenty vehicles were encountered.


The 3rd exchange meeting of Huaxia Trailer Township, if the vegetable, melon and fruit refrigerated trucks returning from Beidi, the capital, and the grasslands, come here to repair the North China expressway network that has been completed one after another in the past six months...

"This old guy's luck is really..."

Ge Xiaotian summoned Dao Er, "Is Chen Feng really lucky to be old?"

"This thing varies from person to person. When you are in a good mood, you can see what you like. When you are in a bad mood, you can see what you don't like. As the saying goes, people who love to laugh will have good luck..."

"Look at Lao Hong, he is also smiling, how is his luck?"

"It's been very good all the time. We have counted Tian Cheng, besides you, he is the luckiest."

"You may not know, but he lost his salary in the second half of the year!"

"Huh?" Dao Er blinked, "Then he must have made a bet with you!"


Didi, Da Mao called.

"What's wrong?"

"Second brother, just now, our team was robbed!"

"Are you kidding me, I'm in the car..." Ge Xiaotian suddenly remembered, not to mention the darkness around Jishi City, there are not even people out to hang out, but the outside is not so peaceful.


"The junction of Decheng and Beihe is a batch of light steel shipped from Baosteel."

Ge Xiaotian called Lao Hong to prepare the transport plane, and informed Li Long and Li Hu to transfer the Tianwei. Just as he was about to get up and leave, Mr. Yu also put down his mobile phone and said in a deep voice: "As I said before, you will be honest with me. Stay in the canal development zone, you can't go anywhere!"

Sorry, it's snowing here today, I'm a bit busy at work, let's make it up later at night.

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