Build Madness

Chapter 382 Old Shen and his wife


In an old house in a village in a certain city.

Shen Zhipeng and a capable middle-aged man were sitting side by side, with a phone beside them.

In the home theater opposite, the opera "Two Wolf Mountain" is playing.

In the picture, Mr. Yang makes the father-in-law exhausted and fights alone...

The middle-aged man opened the five-star Moutai and poured himself a drink. "This guy surnamed Ge is indeed a talent. The business philosophy of your Jifu Chamber of Commerce has always been at the forefront of China, and he can actually launch a new model."

"I didn't understand until now what he was preparing for the past six months."

Shen Zhipeng lit a cigarette and let out a long breath, "Form a chamber of commerce, establish a VIP level, distribute the stalls in the mall, and then get the VIP membership fee to repay the members of the chamber of commerce.

Can't make the product you want? Tiancheng helped introduce technology.

Can't make it? Tiancheng helped to improve the technology.

Not many? Tiancheng helped invest in equipment.

In order to achieve local production and local sales, with a large number of fashionable, high-quality and low-cost products, combined with express logistics, we will defeat merchants that rely mainly on reselling and importing, such as the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce...

Defeat competitors, and then launch a one-card, bind customer groups, and stabilize chamber of commerce members.

In this way, his shopping malls are rented out, and members can also earn money, playing wherever they go, and growing rapidly like a snowball.

Therefore, Tiancheng Plaza does not need to attract investment, it only needs to notify the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and naturally there will be people scrambling to settle in.

Moreover, due to different membership levels and different treatment, some people will take the initiative to spend money to recharge VIP. "

After listening to the explanation, the middle-aged man nodded and sipped his drink again, "The VIP recharge money is all spent on technology, and his plaza is given away according to the membership level. Isn't it a loss of money?"

"I have calculated carefully, and the average loss per seat is 50 million."

"Fifteen cities in Dongshan, more than 20 squares... Hehe!"

"No, he's not losing money! Land is acquired at a low price, supporting facilities first, and when the square is on fire, housing prices will naturally rise. The pre-sales of Xingyue Bay and Canal CBD in Xiangxian County are just demonstrations made by Tiancheng to attract, publicize, and let people accept Tian Cheng, support Tian Cheng. His reputation has spread, and now he sells existing houses instead. Not only can he make a lot of money, but he can also make friends with leaders in various places.

But the loss is only temporary, the house is sold, the number of nearby residents increases, and the shops donated to members are almost due, and they will continue to collect rent..."

After Shen Zhipeng finished speaking, he picked up the wine bottle, gurgled, and exhaled, "What the hell, I don't know what's going on in that guy's mind. Just trying to figure it out makes me feel... tired!"

"Don't be cowardly!"

"What's even more nonsense is that last month I refused the release of Tianyu's three films. I thought it would hit them. I didn't expect that Ge's surnamed Ge secretly set up more than a thousand benefiting activity centers in Dongshan, and directly robbed the Jifu merchants. More than half of the market for the film and television industry of the League. In the past, residents of towns and villages went to the county to watch movies, but now the tickets are cheap there, and souvenirs are sold there.

"When the novelty wears off, it will improve."

"Yeah, once the freshness wears off, Dongshan Fifteen City just happened to be completed, and the Xingyuewan system spread to the counties and districts below." After Shen Zhipeng finished speaking, his eyes were red, "You said, he is a poor boy from the countryside. , why are there so many tricks?"


The middle-aged man thought for a moment, "How about I help you?"

"Forget it, the last time you and I went to Xiaoqingshan to look for the bastard Shen Wen, not only was he humiliated by that guy with the militia, but he was also punished. Don't get involved in this matter in the future. Come, come, drink, drink, today we The two brothers just chattered and complained. If I told Zhong Xiaoxiao these things, the woman might do something if she got angry."

"I heard that the surname Ge is related to Mr. Wan?"

"I don't know. It is rumored that he went to the capital to watch the flag-raising ceremony, and spent a long time with Mr. Wan in the hotel. If there is any relationship, it is a backstage that is harder than Mr. Zhu. We can't mess around. Business wars are business wars. Under the rules, playing There is nothing wrong with some conventional means, if... He Shun should eat peanuts."

The middle-aged man filled the wine for the two of them and raised the glasses, "How are you going to break the situation?"

"Integrate downstream industries, just like Tiancheng, realize large-scale centralized mass production, reduce transportation, manufacturing, and procurement costs, and then combine the shopping cards and membership cards that you already have into one, and launch the 'Silver Card'."

"Don't imitate too much. Although I have only met that guy once, I feel that the other party's work is not so simple."

"I feel that Tiancheng's all-in-one card model is fully mature, otherwise, what else can it do?"

Shen Zhipeng shook his head, "Besides, the main battlefield of the two sides is the construction industry, whether it is a bank card or a one-card card, in order to sell the property more smoothly. The Jifu Chamber of Commerce plans to allocate 2 billion to Dongshan Jianlian. Where will Tiancheng be in the future? Get the land, and we will build communities wherever we are.”

"I heard that building materials have skyrocketed recently. I'm afraid your plan won't work?"

"It's just a future plan. At present, we have joined forces with several other developers and decided to confront Tiancheng head-on in Zaoshi New City, to see how much they have!"

"Congratulations in advance for your great victory!" The middle-aged man raised his wine glass.


Just as Shen Zhipeng was about to drink it, the cell phone next to him rang.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, it's not good. The lady boss brought someone to trip up the Tiancheng transportation team, but they were locked into a pigsty by the nearby villagers..."

"You silly bitch!" Shen Zhipeng dropped his wine glass directly.

The middle-aged man quickly pressed his shoulders, "Hold on, everything will be happy at home!"

Shen Zhipeng took a deep breath, "Is Tiancheng's transportation team so easy to snatch? The last batch of snatchers either ate peanuts or squatted behind bars, but the nearby villagers who caught them got a road for free. Now Maybe there are many villagers squatting secretly along the way, hoping that someone will snatch Tiancheng's vehicle, this silly girl..."

"No, Boss, it's okay. Maybe the villagers were too excited, and the lady boss was arrested before she could do anything."



After being stopped by Mr. Yu, Ge Xiaotian shrugged, knowing that the other party was for his own good.

With so many people brought back from the capital, it wasn't just one or two leaders who offended them, maybe someone in Beihe wanted to mess with him.

After thinking about it carefully, he called Li Ge, the chief supervisor of the Ministry of Transportation.

Strange to say, Li Ge, the chief supervisor, didn't know about the robbery of his own team, but it was Mao from the logistics department who got the news first.

This new supervisor, who used to be his own personal driver, is a bit dereliction of duty!


"How's it going over there?"

"What did you say?"

"Our team was robbed."

"Oh!" Brother Li's voice suppressed a smile came from the phone, "Boss, it should be the villagers who called Da Mao, saying that our car team was robbed."


"Zhong Xiaoxiao wanted to make trouble, but before she could do anything, the villagers who had been watching them for a long time made dumplings and put them in a pigsty. I was just transferred to the Ministry of Transportation as a supervisor, and the villagers didn't know me. Repair the road, stop the convoy from leaving, and quickly contact the big boss who used to run around with the goods and met them, Da Mao..."


This is... the villagers started early.

Ge Xiaotian was immediately amused, "Repair, it must be repaired, and by the way, bring a cart of strawberries to the village... No, the strawberries were bought by Chen Feng, from Beihe?"


"Build a road and donate an activity center for the benefit of the people! It's too far away from our bus system. I'll ask Lao Qin to go and have a look later, and help build a consignment system for agricultural products first."

"Good boss."

Putting down the phone, the party just ended, and countless people cheered loudly...

It's so lively!

After Ge Xiaotian sighed, he understood in his heart that Shen Zhipeng and his wife finally couldn't bear the pressure and started to fight!

Look up at the bright night sky...

"The mountain rain is about to come and the wind fills the building. If you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Get him!"

"Who are you messing with?" Mr. Yu walked up with a blank expression, "Be more honest with me in the future, next step, be a Huaxia-level outstanding youth!"

"Eh... the judges came out?" Ge Xiaotian was very pleasantly surprised, but he remembered that the leader of the Shaobaitou University helped submit the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths" last time.

"It's not you, it's your subordinates. There are labor models, labor medals, outstanding youths, red-banner bearers, pioneers... It's a pity that you don't have a union naturally, otherwise you can get a few more awards."

"Without me?"

"Without you!"


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, looked up to the sky and sighed, "I am not interested in money anymore, only fame can move my heart."

"Hehe, why don't you just give yourself to the promising young people in Gejia Village like the Gejiacun Film Festival."

"That commercial flattery, how can it compare with the great glory."

"The consciousness is quite high!" Mr. Yu said, taking out a certificate of award from the document bag.

"Haha... I want to fight for the great motherland for the rest of my life!"

"I just bought it for 50 cents from a nearby bookstore and wrote it myself."



"How can it be!"

"Look at the reluctance on your face."

"How is it possible? I'm so happy...haha!"

Ge Xiaotian tried his best to recall the matter of Zhong Xiaoxiao being imprisoned in the pigsty, showing a sincere smile.

Mr. Yu nodded and followed the guiding service personnel to the southern half of the X-shaped ICBC Building in the Canal Development Zone, a large hotel consisting of two buildings.

While waiting for the guests to take their seats, the two came to an office chatting awkwardly.

Shaobai has been waiting for a long time.

During this time, it was not easy for this great leader.

As early as around May 1st, the follow-up impact of Mr. Zhu's inspection began to erupt.

learn, visit...

Leaders from all over the world joined hands and contacted Tiancheng to attract investment.

Ge Xiaotian took the opportunity to run to the capital, but his subordinates declined with help, and he calmed down only now.


Director Sun went to Nanhe to take up his post, and the news that Xiaolan, a general of Tiancheng, accompanied him with one billion yuan was exposed!

If Tian Cheng can't be recruited, many people start to think about the young old team.

It seems that as long as one is transferred, hundreds of millions of funds can be attracted...

Now that people don't dig the sky, it's even more distressing to have less gray hair.

"Good leadership!"


The three people sat down in a zigzag shape, and Ge Xiaotian took out the plan that the planning department had made for Dongshan Silicon Valley and Dongshan Financial Street, and spent a day and night, according to the temporary deployment made by the newly invested capital entrepreneurs, and reported the results of this time.

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