Build Madness

Chapter 383 This Spectacular...

Hotel office.

Mr. Yu and the leader of Shaobaitou each held a copy of the materials and looked through them carefully.

Standing in front of the small blackboard, Ge Xiao made a mark on the planning map of the Canal Development Zone and explained:

"Tianrong Ventures invested 117 companies, including:

Two medical and health companies, settled in the commercial street of District D, Xiangxian County.

Forty-five companies in information transmission, computer services, and software industries have settled in the Silicon Valley module of Canal CBD.

Two mechanical and electrical companies have settled in the Tiancheng Automobile Factory Industrial Park.

There are seven light industry food companies, located in the south of the Small Commodity Market.

Eleven companies in financial trust management and financial services have settled in the Canal CBD financial module.

Thirteen education and resident service companies have settled in Xingyuewan Business District, Jishi City.

Six tourism and leisure companies have settled in the UFO Sports Center Business District and the X-shaped ICBC Building.

A comprehensive chain retail...

Five technical monitoring and technical services...


It's almost half past eleven in the evening, so we can wait until tomorrow to discuss this matter.

But this trip to the capital has been very fruitful. Today's arrival is only the vanguard, and there will be more tomorrow morning.

If it is arranged in advance and the scope of publicity is expanded by taking the opportunity, not only can overall development be coordinated, but also "business introduction" can be realized to achieve the "butterfly effect" and bring more enterprises.

It's just that what makes Ge Xiaotian a little uncomfortable is that the higher-ups seem to have a little opinion on him, Ge Baiyi.

After working hard for half a year, I didn't even give him anything.

Of course, attitude is definitely no problem.

Some time ago, the upsurge of study and investigation was launched, and now there are so many awards for its own employees, it is short of directly showing that Tiancheng is a private enterprise.

To put it bluntly, the target of the 'above' is not Tian Cheng, but him.

Thinking of Mr. Yu buying a small certificate, Ge Xiaotian suspected that he had encountered the routine of "singing the red face and singing the bad face". Anyway, he really didn't know who the "singing the bad face" was...

At the end of the explanation, Mr. Yu put down the materials in his hand, got up and pulled out the chair, "Well, very good, very good, this is the end of today's meeting."

"Huh? Leader, this is just the beginning. We have to talk about support, discounts and so on. They come all the way to start a business. We can't..."

"This is a matter for the leaders of Jishi City, as long as I know it." Mr. Yu said, walked out of the office leisurely, and then accelerated and went straight to the restaurant.

I prepared materials last night and forgot to eat. Catch a flight this morning, so I didn't have time to eat. I reported to work at noon and missed dinner. Running over to grab a meal... He waited until half past eleven.

"What's the matter?" Ge Xiaotian looked at Shaobaitou.

The latter took a sip of tea and answered irrelevant questions, "My God, the Canal Development Zone is getting a bit aggressive these days, it's best to keep it steady and settle down, just like putting grain in a sack and squatting down to get more. "

"Leader, we at Tiancheng have always been doing things in a 'going together like a tiger, working together to create benefits', everything can be reckless, if you can't be reckless, continue recklessly in another direction, you can't stop at all."

"This is not a non-stop problem, but... your project has been completed before my materials have been approved. If this matter spreads, even if Bureau Sun is transferred, he will probably be punished. Some people are optimistic about Tian Cheng, so naturally There are also people who are jealous, so we have to guard against it."

"Understood, so I moved to Jinxiuchuan in the third season, and prepared for the Zaoshi New City by the way, allowing time for the development of the Canal Development Zone."

"It's good if you can understand!" The leader of Shaobaitou nodded, "As for the arrangement of the enterprise, you Tiancheng will deal with it in your own way first, and I will ask the relevant departments to recruit a batch of foreign enterprises later."

After finishing speaking, the leader of Shaobaitou was about to leave, when he turned around, he suddenly saw a red circle drawn on the planning map near the ancient town of the canal on the north side of the national highway, "What is this? You Tiancheng has been acquiring land on the south side of the national highway , why did you go to the north side?"

"Oh, the city compound I built for you!"

Ge Xiaotian suddenly regained his energy, and pulled out the renderings from his laptop, "The building in your urban area has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is dilapidated. Our place is a 'Cultural Tourism Sports Technology City', and the whole thing does not match, so, Opposite the Lotus Sports Center, I built a sci-fi-style building with stereoscopic projections, named: Canal Base Center, which means: overall planning, command, and core!"

"No, when did I say that I want to move there?" The young white-headed leader was a little confused.

"Do you need to say it? Not only do you not need to say it, you don't even need to decide whether to move it or not. Let's build it first, and it won't cost you a penny."

Shaobaitou: "..."

Ge Xiaotian didn't say a word, Lao Shen and his wife sharpened their knives and prepared to attack, Tian Cheng would definitely launch an offensive.

The garden area located in the downtown area of ​​Jizhou has been pre-sold, and the construction period is two years. Now the price of building materials has skyrocketed. If the shutdown must be overdue, Lao Shen is likely to use reasons such as 'He Shun's contract is invalid' or 'Wei Changfeng's contract is invalid' , return the pre-sale money, and wait for the land to increase in value.

This is also the main reason why Lao Shen dared to take over from Wei Changfeng.

What Tiancheng has to do now is to shrink the land in the garden area worth 200 million yuan.

Of course, Jishi is not Xiangxian, how to operate requires some technical content.


the next day.

Jishi Railway Station.

Before dawn, countless tourist civilizations arrived at the square in front of the station one after another.

The staff unfolded the banner and began to welcome the applicants and entrepreneurs who came from the capital.

At the same time, countless young people rushed here with big bags and small bags...

Chatted for a long time at the banquet last night, and didn't end until three o'clock in the morning.

Ge Xiaotian slept until dawn, and when he walked out of the hotel, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

The outside was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the unicorn on fire turned into a sky filled with fireworks, making the atmosphere even more festive.

In Tiancheng Plaza, new employees become old employees, warmly greet every classmate, senior, and teacher who they know or don’t know, and get acquainted quickly.

The organizer of this job fair is not Tiancheng, but Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce.

Hundreds of enterprises, under the leadership of large enterprises such as Sun Paper, Wanshi Financial Technology, Longtian Technology Co., Ltd., Du Niang, Qinggang Ocean Shipping Auto Trade City, etc., have set up small blue-top tents one after another. On the side, it shows: Tiancheng's close partner, the treatment and promotion system are the same.

Ge Xiaotian looked at it for a long time, and opened the door of the minivan that had been waiting for a long time.

Old Hong didn't know that Chen Feng had found a refrigerated truck, and with a salary of 500,000 yuan in his heart, he happily drove the small bread, and pulled the big boss to the apron.

After boarding the plane, Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to let the modified commercial Mi-26 fly directly to the north, for fear of passing through Nanwa. The old man saw Chen Feng's many refrigerated trucks loaded with strawberries, so he pulled them over on the spot. Instead, he detoured to Wen County and came to The land of trailers.

Compared with the upstart Sancha Township, which is rich and wealthy and spends money to renovate it if it doesn’t please the eye, there is a lot less “illusory color” here, a little more plain and unpretentious, and it tends to look more like a slightly developed township in this era.

According to the information I checked when I came here, there are currently more than 200 private enterprises in the town of trailers, and there are more than 100 enterprises with their own production workshops and storage facilities.

The overall output of trailers accounts for about one-third of China, and its business scope covers China, North America, Ice Bear, Southeast Asia and other regions.

The initial stage of the town of trailers is similar to the previous Daliuzhuang.

From electrical welding agricultural machinery maintenance, to large-scale mechanical assembly imitation, and now to the production of special vehicles, it has formed its own brand.

Since he couldn't remember the information about another time and space Da Liu Zhuang, Ge Xiaotian was a little uncertain whether Da Liu and the others would join here in the end, or go to dig a hole with Qi Ye, or go abroad...

In short, those few are by no means mediocre.

There was no ground support below, and the Mi-26 hovered in the air, observed for a while, found a vast open space, and landed slowly with a loud whirring sound.

No need to be notified, the whole town knew that Ge Baiyi was coming!

On the last day of the exchange meeting, the entrepreneurs who were supposed to leave watched this scene in shock.

Ge Xiaotian stood on the boarding ladder that automatically extended to the ground, waved to the crowd below, and walked down with high spirits, meeting several old acquaintances who said goodbye in advance last night.

Let's be polite, get to know each other, and everyone enters the industrial park together.

He came here just to help town the place, to show the relationship between the town of trailers and Tiancheng. However, seeing the special equipment production workshop, Ge Xiaotian remembered the 'systematic steam-powered vehicle' that his family was transforming.

Take the time to find Lao Hong.

"The two steam ramming machines that were transported to the automobile factory first, have you completed the transformation?"

"It's not that easy. Although they are all cars, their driving methods and overall layout are quite different. Many structures need to be adjusted, or even recast and replaced. I have been back for so long, and I haven't even done a good job in the differential box and transmission."

"so tough?"

"Think about it, is it possible to change the small four-wheel into a sprinkler?"

"Yes! Don't we have a lot of water trucks with four-wheel trailers on our construction site?"

"No, why are you so arrogant? I'm just making a metaphor!"

"The analogy you made is wrong, and it must be corrected."

"What I mean is, the steam locomotive is too big, we replace it with a relatively petite gas turbine, the transmission does not match, and the drive axle needs to be greatly changed. It is better to redesign the engineering car according to the gas turbine. And, at high altitude and low air pressure In the region, steam vehicles have far more advantages than internal combustion engines, and we will work in Siberia, where oil, coal, and natural gas are abundant, and we can adjust the combustion method to burn heavy oil, so there is no need for us to change it.”

"All right!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't really want to change all the steam engines into gas turbines. As the saying goes, if a system is produced, it must be a high-quality product. The first kind of machinery that can be used in practice must not be too bad in quality.

The reason for the change is to avoid checking the environmental protection and see if it can be used in Huaxia.

Now that we are encountering technical difficulties, it is better to manufacture than to transform, so we will keep the system steam car and manufacture the gas turbine engineering car.


After having a meal in the hometown of trailers, Ge Xiaotian took Dao Er and flew directly to Zaoshi Xincheng.

Strictly speaking, Tian Cheng belonged to joining later.

As early as a long time ago, leader Xue Da contacted many developers in Dongshan to jointly be responsible for the construction of the new urban area.

As a result, work has begun on the new urban planning area.

Arriving in the sky above Nansi Lake, you can see a long dragon that is more than ten miles long, driving out from Zaoshi Station, connecting to the construction site of the new city, and looping back and forth...

There are four-wheel tractors for transporting cement, large four-wheel trailers for transporting sand, and many crawler tractors...

None of these are my own.

Our own transportation team is at the Nansihu Wharf, all of which are completely different, with more than 300 vehicles.

The cinder road that the leader Xue Da helped build in the past has been crushed into two 'road ditches' that almost buried the wheels.

Running this kind of road with the rear eight wheels is too harmful to the car, and the four is not like Pishi Naizao, so it is perfect for tossing.

After two months, the planning area of ​​the new city is like a large-scale "archaeological site", with various foundation pits, various soil mounds, various supports, and various workers' homes...

According to the rough count of the banner slogan, at least seven developers came,

Passing through the planning area, on the embankment of the Panlong River in the north, dozens of large excavators with a self-weight of 100 tons sprayed with Tiancheng are slowly withdrawing...

On the south bank of the Panlong River, a huge monster covered by a dust net gradually took shape.

Up to 100 meters, about one mile long, and about seventy meters wide...

The nine culverts are majestic and majestic, and the stone pillar reliefs are exquisite. The giant tortoise on the left is carrying a strange snake, and the tortoise on the right is carrying a huge monument. The sky is collapsing, and it's hard to hurt him!


Sitting in the helicopter, Ge Xiaotian put down the binoculars, rubbed his eyes, and watched again, "Why is this Dongshan South Gate a bit like a bridge?"

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