Build Madness

Chapter 388 Ge Xiaotian:? ? ?

As shown in the information, Shen Zhipeng was low-key and forbearable. Even if he was greedy for a business plane, he shook his head and refused without hesitation.

"Sorry, I can't afford it even if it's cheap."

"Don't take it seriously, just kidding."

Undeterred, Ge Xiaotian picked up the orange juice and shook the goblet, "Old Shen, as the leading brother of Dongshan Construction Industry, it must have been twenty years since Dongshan Jianlian was reorganized?"

"Yeah, I plan to have an anniversary celebration in mid-October this year."

"Huh? Coincidentally, I also plan to have an anniversary celebration in October." After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he felt emotional, "Time flies like a fleeting horse. I didn't expect that it would be a year soon after Tian Cheng walked out of Ge's Village."


"What have I done this year? It seems to be very little, but it also seems to be a lot. I donated more than 200 primary schools, thousands of benefiting activity centers, a nursing home... and renovated 120,000 farm buildings. It has paved nearly 10,000 miles of non-level rural roads, supported 50,000 workers, paid more than 2 billion in taxes, promoted the development of three counties and one district, helped Ji City complete the sports center, and helped Dongshan share 500 million yuan in taxes. More than 20 cities will soon make profits after being discharged from the army... There are also public transportation, shipping, agricultural trade, breeding, and planting, leading six or seven surrounding villages and towns to make a fortune together... Hey? Old Shen, what have you done? "


Seeing his silence, Ge Xiaotian put down his orange juice, smoked his cigar, and muttered to himself, "Yes, we are different."

"Thoughts are different, situations are different, goals are different, and levels are different... Different ways don't conspire with each other, let's go!"

Shen Zhipeng looked up at the opened hatch and the howling wind, his face turned pale in a flash.

"Oh, I forgot!" Ge Xiaotian shook his head slightly, "Let's go after landing."


"Old Shen, people's eyes are black, but their hearts are red. Sometimes when their eyes are red, their hearts turn black. If you snatch my transport team, forget it this time, and there will be another time..."

Ge Xiaotian took out a stack of documents with scribbled signatures from his file bag, "We are all businessmen, and we should all know that the rich list can't be taken seriously. Statistics are running around all over China, and some invisible rich people will always be missed, such as Worth close to tens of billions, but the company does not have too much debt, does not go public, only distributes dividends, and he hides behind the scenes in another company."

Shen Zhipeng's breath was stagnant, and he looked at the paper intently.

Ge Xiaotian flipped through it randomly, "However, although this big boss hides it very well, the shares in subsidiaries held by his cousins, cousins, and some relatives can be traded independently."

Shen Zhipeng's face turned even paler, "This is?"

"Twenty years since Dongshan established the alliance, there is a super business alliance in the sky, but it has not given Dongshan any return. Why can Tiancheng easily launch a card to fight against shopping cards? Why can Tiancheng successfully invest in fifteen cities and get a lot of support? Why do I Can I get your company's share information? As a business person, we can't just be scheming and desperately trying to make money, but also contribute more to Huaxia and Dongshan..."

Shen Zhipeng stretched out his trembling fingers, trying to take the document, but finally withdrew his hand, his forehead was sweating, and his breathing was quite heavy.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the orange juice, looked at the cloudy liquid inside, and said no more.

Before the team was robbed, because he couldn't figure out who meant it, he made two-handed preparations.

One is to prevent the transport team from being attacked again, and the other is to speculate that Shen Zhipeng will pay a visit.

Meeting each other today is considered a coincidence and expected.

What I just said, the first few sentences must be false.

Winning the Fifteen Cities relied on funds and the Xingyue Bay system.

The launch of the all-in-one card has not solved the follow-up troubles, such as blocking some people's money.

As for the information on Dongshan Jianlian shares, this is the result of the investigation by the Ministry of Intelligence, but the format and paper have been adjusted.

Shen Zhipeng was silent for a long time, picked up the orange juice and gulped it down, "What does Mr. Yu mean?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to answer these words, ambiguous words are tantamount to scaring, but lying will cause trouble, "Be a good person!"

"Well, I understand!" Shen Zhipeng seemed to be enlightened, his whole spirit changed, no longer so deep, but... open-minded, cheerful, and positive.

Ge Xiaotian was relieved that as long as he got rid of the miser's thinking, he could sell the business machine, "Old Shen, times have changed, and some things cannot rest on their laurels."

"It's like Ge Baiyi in Dongshan. Half a year ago, I was definitely not as rich as you, but at the New Year's Eve party, I announced that I would return 10 billion to my hometown, so I am more famous than you."

"I was engaged in Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, and the pre-sales sold Ge billions. Seeing big projects and local support, everyone knows that I have money. Even if I don't have 10 billion, I can afford to lose money, so no one Worried that it would be unfinished, I rushed to buy them all.”

"I'm building Canal City. Everyone sees that Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County is so popular. I'm really rich. I'm even more fortunate, and everyone rushes to settle in."

"I am engaged in Jinxiuchuan, and my strength has become stronger. Everyone rushes to come to school."

"Everything is rapidly becoming bigger and stronger, and the high-achieving students in the capital will naturally rush to work..."

Shen Zhipeng was thoughtful, picked up the cup, and savored it carefully, "With a high-profile and reassuring, create wealth that is several times your own."

"Huh? Yes!" Ge Xiaotian secretly increased the turnover rate of business machines to 50%, "It's like when I play a game and promise a bonus for attacking sand. Everyone knows that I have 10 billion. If I lose money, I will come to play! , this money is like snowballing, making crazy money..."

"Pfft..." Hearing this, Shen Zhipeng spurted out a mouthful of orange juice, and said in surprise, "The game, you're not at a loss?"

Seeing the hellish expression on the other side, Ge Xiaotian opened his mouth, almost swearing, you are such a big boss, you think I'm a loser?

No, if the profitability of Legend of the Dragon was not announced, few people would be able to calculate the money-absorbing power of online games these days.

"Look? This is the gap!" Ge Xiaotian spread his hands, "You are old, and your thinking can't keep up. If you talk about new things, you won't understand!"

"..." Shen Zhipeng was speechless.

Ge Xiaotian leaned over and pulled out a black, thirteen-inch iron plate from the bottom of the coffee table, only half a finger thick.

Uncover it gently, and the SG logo on the back of the screen, keyboard, and cover will light up at the same time.

Shen Zhipeng's eyes widened suddenly.

This is the graphene chip laptop that Daoyi assembled with his bare hands after Wang Laoliu of Longtian Technology purchased various accessories last month.

Well, it's not Shi Guangji, the brand just uses the abbreviation of time.

Since the hardware adopts international standards, it is not possible to use the self-developed stand-alone version of Shenlong. SG can only pre-install the semi-finished system previously developed based on Linux. The overall style is similar to Mountain Lion OS X, and gesture operations can be completed through the touchpad.

For example, drag the mouse to the gallery without pressing down. Double-click with one finger to display the picture immediately. Gently swipe with two fingers on the touchpad to switch pictures. Spread the two fingers on the touchpad to zoom in on the picture. Push up with your fingers to switch programs, and grab with four fingers to display the main page of the computer.

Metal shell, soft and high-definition screen, keyboard with phantom color, sci-fi level operation mode... It's full of biggies!

Look at old classmate Shen, his eyes are straight.

"Oh, old Shen, you really can't keep up with the times!" Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed.

To engage in such luxury is not to burn money, but to promote graphene computers.

The number is very small, only one hundred units, and it must not be sold casually, but should be used with luxury goods such as vehicles and airplanes as a symbol to enhance the image.

Such as RV office, business machine office, cafe office, beach leisure player...

Ge Xiaotian snapped his fingers (the butler in the distance secretly turned off the button), the soothing music in the hall was turned off, and the finger tapped on the top of the keyboard, and the small LED lights with music symbols played music.

"Don't say that there are many obstacles in the green mountains, the wind can be strong and strong, and the white clouds can express love even when they cross the mountains..."

The singing is pure, like a small bridge and flowing water.

The melody is elegant and comes with surround sound effect.

The sound quality is excellent, comparable to a large professional stereo.

No matter how steady Shen Zhipeng was, he couldn't help reaching out and touching the black computer case.

'I'm not afraid that you won't be able to move, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to walk. This wave is stable! '

With a sense of comfort, Ge Xiaotian lay lazily on the leather sofa, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled, "Don't move, enjoy!"

Shen Zhipeng snapped his fingers, followed suit, squinted his eyes, and lay down slowly...

for a long time.


The business jet lands.

Ge Xiaotian lifted the towel quilt on his body, got up and stretched himself, and glanced at Shen Zhipeng who was asleep.

"It's the stop!"

"Oh?" The latter opened his eyes, his expression was a little unclear, and he didn't know what to say, "Not to mention, in just ten minutes, the tiredness accumulated over decades has been swept away."


Ge Xiaotian secretly laughed. His old father had stayed in Dongshan No. 2 Construction all his life. How could the old Shen family easily integrate such a large enterprise, together with construction companies from all over the world, into Dongshan Jianlian?


Shen Zhipeng did not dare to stay in Dongshan Jianlian, most of the reasons stem from this.

Explain it to him today, and make more contributions later, which is equivalent to: hearing the Tao in the morning and dying in the evening.

Got it!

However, in another time and space, when Ge Xiaotian was engaged in projects in Dongshan, he had indeed only heard of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce, but not the Dongshan Jianlian. Maybe it really disappeared.

Of course, doing so would not count as helping the enemy...

Mr. Yu said: As a leading company, not only should we clear ourselves, but we must also lead the corporate atmosphere!

I want everyone to contribute more!

Ge Xiaotian thinks he understands very well, and he has made a lot of contributions, so what about being high-profile?

Well, from now on, he will be high-key, and we will be low-key...

After getting off the plane, Ge Xiaotian pointed to two heavy transport planes in the distance, and said:

"How about it? Have a fight?"


"Six million Franklins!" Ge Xiaotian didn't want much, and he could earn at most one million apiece.

After buying this thing, he is a real uncle, if he doesn't take good care of him, his life will be in danger.

I didn't notice it before, but some time ago, I doubled my expenses, and three heavy transport planes burned 100 million in a month!

Ge Xiaotian was shocked on the spot.

Especially the one that was rented out before, and now I plan to return it.

Hurry up and throw out this group of uncles, whoever wants it will want it.

Is Shen Zhipeng rich?

There must be. Hidden rich people. If they are high-profile, they are even more powerful than real rich people. At least the people on the list have debts, but he doesn't have much.

However, buy-for-buy does not include modifications, maintenance, personnel...

"Old Hong, take Boss Shen to sign the contract."


Getting a big deal done, especially when the other party was a competitor, made Ge Xiaotian very happy.

Stepping into the Canal CBD Tiancheng Office, I met the manager of the Propaganda Department + External Relations Department who hurried over.

"Boss, I'm looking for you."

"What's wrong?"

"Look at this notice from Ice Bear."

Ge Xiaotian took it curiously, and looked through it carefully.

With the end of the dispute in the west, Ice Bear deeply realized the importance of new equipment and accelerated the replacement of old equipment again.

Ice Bear even "generously" expressed that he was willing to give third brother a large iron lump for free!

Well, I remember that this is a real thing, and I really gave it away.

As for the small transport aircraft order worth 3 million Franklins submitted by Tiancheng before, the price was not changed, and it was replaced with five medium-sized multi-purpose transport aircraft worth 50 million Franklins that had just been retired.


Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian's face turned green with fright, "I just sold one, and five more?!"

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