Build Madness

Chapter 389 Parents Return

I wish all readers a happy new year, good luck, good luck and prosperity in the new year!

Also, sorry, the last chapter was blocked, and it is estimated to be released tomorrow.


The distant Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

In early June, the freezing period in the northern seas has not yet ended.

The warm current from the southern Pacific Ocean meets the cold northern current where the Heilong River enters the sea, forming a dense fog area covering thousands of miles.

The seawater with a surface salinity as high as 30% carries two-foot-thick ice floes that are almost insoluble all year round. Under the agitation of turbulent currents generated by the alternation of cold and warm, they will hit the dark reef for a while, and then disappear in the In the vast field of vision.

Suddenly, there were bursts of strange cries like ghosts crying in the dense fog.

A few sea lions who climbed ashore stared at the huge stone gate in front of them with bright eyes.

At this moment, several two-legged monsters cast a large net on several strange buildings nearby...

Immediately afterwards, the stone gate moved sideways with a bang, and a bald monk ran out laughing.


Accompanied by the dull bell, in the dense fog that filled the sky, one after another, sixty-meter-long leading warships slowly slipped into the sea from countless magnificent buildings...

And near the Shimen, a huge ship three times the size of the leading warship is slowly taking shape...



Shen Family Courtyard.

"Shen Zhipeng, are you crazy? Spend 50 million yuan from Ge to buy an ugly transport plane?" Zhong Xiaoxiao glared angrily, looking in disbelief at the man sitting on the sofa and smoking a cigarette calmly.

The latter shook his head and sighed, "You don't understand, this transport plane is worth 100 million yuan, and ordinary people can't buy it even if they have money."

"You bought it, you are awesome, but what's the use of buying it? Is it like the one with the surname Ge, ostentatious all day long?"

"I have this plan."

Zhong Xiaoxiao exploded in anger, "What did you say?!"

"Buy it for 50 million yuan, renovate it after renovation, and you will definitely not lose money if you mortgage it out." Shen Zhipeng stood up, walked to the door of the house, and sighed: "I have been dormant for more than ten years, and now I open my eyes to see the world, and suddenly I find that everything is wrong." become so strange."

"Have you ever met him?" Zhong Xiaoxiao frowned, and said softly, "Old Shen, don't believe his nonsense, look at our son who hasn't come home, and listen to how many people are there in Dongshan Said: No one can trust Ge Baiyi!"

"It's because people who can't make money are jealous, and people who make money are busy doing business with him, so how can they have time to comment?"

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. If you go out with such a big transport plane..."

"Who said I opened it?"

Shen Zhipeng turned around and opened the safe, and took out many contracts, "I used to be timid and scrupulous, and didn't let Shen Wen participate in any business affairs of the company, but now I have settled all the bad debts my father owed secretly, and from now on we will start the business with dignity. The person surnamed Ge has an invisible rich grandpa, we are not bad at writing, there is an invisible rich father, his grandpa is dead, but I am still alive, let’s see who can beat the other this time!"


"And, Xiaoxiao, times have changed, we must learn to change."

Shen Zhipeng threw away the cigarette butt and lit another one, "You should remember the business war in the Central Plains, the Erqi business district, the replacement of old and new models, how many businesses and enterprises have been eliminated? The surname Ge has gone so far, and the facts have proved that he is correct. If Dongshan Fifteen City Landing, I am afraid it will be another super business war...Compared with the Tiancheng model, we are indeed behind, time waits for no one, we can't make mistakes anymore, we can't rest on our laurels, we must be brave in innovation, dare to try, while we are not old, Help Wenwen!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Shen Wen is like me, handsome. If the plan goes well, maybe our real estate and business alliances don't need to find a spokesperson... Make him the second Ge Baiyi, no, it's Shen Ten billion!"

"The one surnamed Ge is indeed a contagious lunatic, you actually plan to use our son as a weapon?"

"You don't understand, this is called celebrity effect! If you do more charity and become a star enterprise, what about being high-profile? Everything is at ease." Shen Zhipeng's eyes wandered, "You know, seeing Ge sitting there, I seem to be watching To Shen Wen."


"Let Lao Qin's daughter come back, it's time for this farce to end."

Zhong Xiaoxiao froze, "You know?"

"I knew it from the beginning." Shen Zhipeng showed an inexplicable smile.


June 5th.

Shen Zhipeng was on the news.

Dongshan Radio reported almost all day long.

Spend 200 million to establish a student foundation, serve as the chairman of Dongshan Jianlian, serve as the chairman of the Jifu Chamber of Commerce, and integrate enterprises from all over the company...

Once the news came out, it caused a sensation across the country...


The former Grand Canal Hotel is now the Guyue Canal Store.

"This guy hides quite deeply." Watching the TV news, Comrade Ge Feng held the teacup in amazement.

Ge Xiaotian grinned, "I seem to have caused a big trouble for myself."

"Yo, are you still afraid?"

"No, it's just that the opponents we are facing are different. In the past, Dongshan Jianlian and Jifu Business Alliance were like a mess of loose sand. Tian Cheng could break them one by one, or push them all at once. But now, it has become a piece of bread. I am Eat it, or knead it, knead it, throw it away?"

"This describes..."

"Father, how long will you be back?"

"We'll go back after your little sister finishes her exam."

"Little sister is going too?"

"I haven't asked yet, wait until the exam is over."

"Let's go, let's take you to experience your son's mount."


"Let's go, helicopter!"


"Shall I send you one?"

"I can't afford it!"


Ge Xiaotian asked Pang, the boss of the paper industry, the boss of Wanshi, the boss of Horton North America, and the boss of Qinggang Ocean...

In the end, none of them were sold, and they were not given away for nothing.

In desperation, I had to hand it over to the logistics express company.

As for when Comrade Ge Feng will come back...

I arrived at Jifu with my mother last night, and then stayed in this hotel that is relatively close to the school, so that I can take care of my younger sister for the college entrance examination.

We had dinner together at noon, and in the afternoon, my mother accompanied my younger sister to the examination room, so he chatted with Comrade Ge Feng.

The Ice City investment plan is still being deployed, the three rivers are thawing, and the route system is also under discussion. The overall start, or construction, needs to wait until August...

You and I talked to each other until five o'clock in the afternoon, when my mother and younger sister returned.

In the millennium, filling out the volunteers has to be done before the results are released. The last time I asked the school guard about my little girl's situation, Ge Xiaotian already knew which school and major to apply for.

Huaxia University of Science and Technology, Computer Science and Technology Software Engineering.

Unlike the Beijing Science and Technology University that went to the capital to recruit before, the Huaxia University of Science and Technology is located in Jiangbeihefu on the south side of Dongshan Province.

But another time-space girl filled in the application form Ge Wangwang's alma mater, Ocean University, and was successfully admitted.

This made Ge Xiaotian a little uncertain.

But he was very open-minded. Like Ge Wangwang, his younger sister had absolutely nothing to say about her studies. Although she couldn't be the number one scholar, she was very accurate about herself.

Now that you have applied for the exam, you must have full confidence.

Walking to the living room, the back kitchen delivered meals.

Mom looked around, "Why hasn't your brother come back yet?"

"No, he went to play in South Vietnam."


"No, he went to South Vietnam to run business."

"What business?"

"Selling records, I've always made money. If I make this trip, I won't have to worry about food and drink for the rest of my life."

"The army is in chaos, why did you let him run there?"

"Nanyue is fine, don't worry mom, my brother will be back soon..."

Before Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he took out his buzzing mobile phone, looked at the number, "Hello? Brother Qin!"

"Are you free? Have a drink!"

"no problem!"

Lao Qin has looked for him four or five times, and has never had time to get together. Today, he had dinner with his family at noon, and it was just a light meal in the evening. Later, the younger sister will go to the "school" to review her homework. Ge Xiaotian got up immediately, "Mom and Dad, I'm going out eat."

"Are you going to the company dormitory at night, or come here?"

"Go find your daughter-in-law!"

"Then you go." My mother narrowed her eyes with a smile, "By the way, when will you get married?"

"Let's talk about it in two years. I'm still young."

"It's not too young, it's already twenty years old."


‘Ding, congratulations, you have activated the unknown wonder. '

Hearing the prompt, Ge Xiaotian walked out of the hotel and opened the system panel.

After the golden light shines, the progress bar is cleared, and a...

"I'm going, why is it a big chimney?!"

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