Build Madness

Chapter 390 The Third Wonder and Qualification

Drawing lessons from the south gate of Dongshan Mountain, Ge Xiaotian adjusted several angles to observe the chimney.

It is very long and thick, and the smallest footprint of the base far exceeds that of the divine tower, reaching 500 meters x 500 meters, which is equivalent to more than 370 acres.

A little scary!

And according to the minimum height that can be adjusted by the system, it is a full 268 meters!

This made Ge Xiaotian give up the idea of ​​taking down the drawing, like an underground silo, and determined that it was a ground structure.

Such a height is not the highest in the world.

However, even if Tian Cheng raised his aptitude to the first level, he still couldn't build this thing.

Before, he thought that the 200-meter building height limit (industrial and civil) and the 240-meter structure height limit (chimneys, dams) were sufficient to handle all current businesses.

Unexpectedly, a 268 suddenly jumped out.

"This requires special qualifications!"

The first level and the special level are completely two concepts.

The former only needs to complete a few construction projects with more than 25 floors, more than 100 meters, more than 30,000 square meters, a single span of more than 30 meters, a construction area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, and a single contract of more than 100 million yuan. There are technical and management personnel at all levels, the company's capital and net assets are more than 60 million yuan, and the three-year income is 200 million yuan. There are corresponding construction machinery, which is OK.

As for the special grade, in addition to the above requirements, it is also necessary to increase the registered capital of the enterprise to 300 million, the net assets to 360 million, the business tax to more than 50 million, and the bank credit line to be no less than 500 million.

There should be no problem with these items. If you write off the 1.4 billion loan later, and let Tianyu make up 5 billion machinery for Tiancheng Construction Company, you can completely increase the registered capital to 1 billion.

For a construction company, its own influence affects the projects that can be undertaken. For example, if the registered capital is only 100 million, it can only undertake projects of less than 600 million.

And if it is raised to 10 billion, it will be able to undertake projects of less than 60 billion...

Solve the financial problem, and the rest is personnel.

Chief engineer Liang and Professor Hu are the treasures of the town. The former is a super-level super-killer, and the latter is also a pillar.

For others, currently there are no construction engineers, and only fifty project managers are needed, as well as corresponding architects, senior accountants or certified public accountant financial managers.

Up to now, Director Sun can't stand it anymore, but after the downstream enterprises are thin, just like Xu Ling said, they need a subordinate department or a new high-level enterprise.

You can let Lao Sun lead the finances to form the "Tiancheng Holdings Group", which is responsible for handling the finances of all branches, subsidiaries, and holding companies. There is no need for operations, and it is enough to speculate in stocks occasionally, settle accounts, and establish a good relationship with the leaders.

The next step is the most important requirement for special qualifications.

Technological advancement level!

First, enterprise technology centers above the provincial level are needed.

Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute and Tiancheng Road and Bridge Design and Research Institute also need to inject capital and upgrade their grades, and give Tiancheng Architects 0.5% of their total turnover for scientific research.

Second, it is necessary to have 3 patents related to engineering construction that can promote technological progress of the enterprise, and a total of 8 valid patents, including one invention.

At that time, steel structure technology patents and material technology patents can be used to deal with it.

The third is that the enterprise has established an internal LAN or management information platform to realize the network communication of internal office, information release and data exchange. It has also opened an external website, uses the project management information system and personnel management system, and has engineering design related software. File management, design document management.

This is Tian Cheng's strong point.

Accounting computerization, customized ERP management system, independently developed staff promotion system, several original 3D drawing software, and GIS geographic information system developed based on GLONASS, including urban information, land management, planning evaluation, natural resources and more.

These days, as a private contractor, if you don’t launch a few satellites, buy a few hardware and software companies, and recruit a group of senior technicians, you really can’t make a big deal…

‘I am indeed a genius of prophecy! '

Ge Xiaotian sighed secretly, reviewing the fourth requirement of super qualification in the technical field.

Need to win the China-level Science and Technology Progress Award, or have edited the China Standards for engineering construction.

This can be regarded as Tiancheng's strong point.

For example, the carbonized fiber technology sold to Baosteel, the strengthened FRP technology that is going to be given to the glass king, and the graphene purification technology that is going to fool people...

The rest... gone!

Applying for qualifications is easy to say and difficult to say. As long as you are familiar with the process and prepare "extraordinarily complete", even excess materials and resources, you can pass it almost at one time. Links, even a year or two can not get the certificate.

Starting from the third-level aptitude, Tian Cheng made preparations in advance, instead of cramming temporarily, basically there was no problem.

"In other words, Tian Cheng has raised his aptitude to the first level, and then he can apply for the special level, but he needs some manipulations to win a big prize!"

After pondering for a long time, Ge Xiaotian stuffed the handwritten paper into the file bag, and looked at the big chimney again.

But here comes the question, why did I build this thing?

Look at the base, it's not a brick kiln, it's not a gray kiln, it's not a power plant, it's just bare stone steps.

And inside the chimney...

Calling up the plane plan, Ge Xiaotian found that the inside was actually solid!

A pillar of support? !

Large lightning rod?

Or a signal tower?

According to the level of technology, it cannot be the latter two.

"I've been working so hard for a long time, but I want to build something that looks useless..."

Ge Xiaotian called up the drawing and tried to modify it.

Wonders, like buildings, can be adjusted and changed in appearance within a limited size.

Such as stretching, thickening, and painting...

After some manipulations, Ge Xiaotian found that the originally straight chimney was bent by him, a bit like a leaning tower, but the greater the inclination, the more resources will be consumed, the longer the construction period and the shorter the lifespan.

This is definitely the first time this has happened!

Ge Xiaotian's heart moved, he dragged the top to stretch and twist to the sides, and rotated the whole body a few more times...

"Fuck, this..."

Looking at the big chimney that turned into a twist, Ge Xiaotian was stunned, "It's a bit like plasticine."

Partially enlarged, gently scratched...

"Sure enough, it's just a piece of plasticine, just an architectural form."

Ge Xiaotian's curiosity exploded, he got on the bun headed to the Canal Development Zone, closed his eyes, and carved the big chimney into an egg according to the system restrictions.

Well, this is the root carving technique that I learned all afternoon when I visited the third uncle in the old brick kiln in Nanwa.

Make it more complicated...

Duck eggs, goose eggs and the like are also fine, the other three uncles did not teach.


Looking at the system list, the big chimney has become a bigger egg, and the resources have been multiplied by five times. Originally, it was possible to build the fourth or even the fifth wonder, but now it can't even build an egg.

However, the interior can be hollowed out...

"Boss, we're here!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian was just about to continue trying, when he heard the doorman calling from the part-time driver, looking out the window, Lao Qin was squatting at the gate of the Tiancheng office in Canal CBD, smoking, "I'm sorry, let's go back to work quickly."

"Good boss."

After getting out of the car, Lao Qin came up, "I thought you were here when I saw the business plane coming back."

"No, Sanni took the college entrance examination. My parents came back and sat in the city for a while." Ge Xiaotian took out his pocket and found that he rarely brought cigarettes since he collected the boxes of cigars that Lao Hong privately stored. "Why didn't you go in?" ?”

"Come out and get some air."

"Come on, go to the ICBC Building next door and take a look at my new hotel."

"I went there the day before yesterday, and it was very good."

"I haven't chosen a name yet, can you help me think about it?"

"I don't have that ability, you make your own decision."

The two chatted, and entered the hotel through the south gate of the X-shaped ICBC building. Ge Xiaotian called the lobby manager, "Is the roof cleaned up?"

"Okay, boss, special passages, special elevators, three types of sports and leisure venues..."

"Well, let's recruit a few DJ players from Tianyu, a team from Tiancheng Sports, and a cheerleading squad. Tonight, I'll have a chat with you President Qin."

"Then you look at the menu?"

"Good wine and good meat, but it can be served for two people, and then two bastards are stewed. If the taste is not as good as that of the food stall master, then you..." Ge Xiaotian nodded and walked into the elevator with Lao Qin without looking back.

"The taste of food stalls is different from that of regular hotels. You ask those chefs so much..."

"What's special, Dongshan's characteristics, no matter at home or abroad, as long as you come here, you can eat Dongshan all over!"

"Then you might as well give it a five-star Dongshan."

"No star rating, it's my Lao Ge's private hotel. From now on, only employees, friends, and distinguished guests will be entertained. Scattered customers will also be accepted, but reservations are required."


"The nearby Guyue Hotel is enough, three-star, four-star, five-star, and other catering groups will be invited in the future. If my hotel does too well, it will definitely affect their business and hinder the progress of investment promotion."

"Then you still do it?"

"The Canal Development Zone has just started. There are six or seven office buildings and nearly one million square meters of shops. Even if I recruit so many new employees and new companies from the capital, it will not be filled for a while. Instead of leaving it empty, it is better to build a big one. The ultra-high-end hotel can not only enhance the image, but also show that the whole building is in use.”

"What about after that?"

"When the sports center is completed, it will be the center of the sports industry in the Canal Development Zone. Teams, reporters, and foreign guests will stay here... don't worry!"

"Haha, this is where the two of us throw our temper, you can take it easy!"

Ge Xiaotian also grinned and stepped onto the roof.

On the right is half a football field, on the left there are two basketball courts, in the front there are stands, a leisure area, a small band stage, and a dining area, surrounded by protective nets, neon lights, and projection equipment...

"How about it?"

"Hmm..." Lao Qin closed his eyes and fantasized, "It reminds me of the popular XBA league."

"It's not a competition venue, it's just a sports and entertainment area. It's a place for hotel customers to spend their evenings." Ge Xiaotian pulled out the rocking chair, followed the waiter who came up with the two, and helped hold up the parasol.

The setting sun is setting in the west, the slanting light is shining, the neon lights and the shadows of billboards are intertwined and changing, and the canal passes straight in the distance. Although there are few high-rise buildings around, they set off the emerging small cities, giving the whole a hazy and retro feeling...

The two reclined in the rocking chair, leisurely and leisurely, silent for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the lemonade, "Is your daughter back?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Old Qin was very surprised.

"I discovered it during the investigation of Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao. I felt it was inconvenient to meddle in your private affairs before, so I didn't say anything."

"I haven't left over there yet, I'll be there next week." Old Qin suddenly sighed, "I've been living for twenty years in vain."

"Yes, it's better than nothing!"

"I used to think she didn't exist, but now... I haven't figured out how to face her."

"It's okay to treat Shen Wen the same way, it's no big deal."

"Twenty years, I have never seen her..."

"She only hates Zhong Xiaoxiao." Ge Xiaotian picked up Lao Qin's cigarette and lit one, "Simple love is pure love, treat it with heart."

Old Qin was stunned, picked up the wine bottle, and filled two cups, "I never thought that you would have such insights at such a young age."

"After a lot of experience, you will naturally understand."

"Hey, is it possible that you are still an old monster who has lived for a thousand years?"

"Am I wrong?"


Ge Xiaotian sat up and glanced at the newspaper that Lao Qin was carrying with him, "The excavation of the ancient ruins deep in Daqing Mountain is over?"

"Yes, I found the capital of Jiuli, and there are many sculptures of Chi You."

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian unfolded the newspaper, and a burly ancient warrior with horned helmet, beard and red eyebrows, beard and hair appeared in front of his eyes, "This is?"

"Some people say that Chi You is just a title, representing the tribal chief, while others say that Chi You refers to a single person. The picture in the newspaper is one of the images restored by the Institute of Archaeology and the Institute of Humanities based on many sculptured faces. Forums and chat rooms are now talking about this thing."

‘Ding, do you want to record this image and fine-tune it based on the limited literature? '


Ge Xiaotian glanced at the system page, and found that the egg-shaped chimney had turned into a lifelike God of War. The face was a little different from that of the newspaper, more majestic and illusory.

It's just that after taking a look at it and closing it, it seems that it will soon forget its appearance, leaving only the overall impression.


Ge Xiaotian turned off the system, recalled it, turned on the system again, took a closer look, and then turned off the system...

After several experiments, this is indeed the case.

Can't even remember what he looks like!


"What's wrong?"

"Old Qin, have you ever met someone's face that you clearly remember, but you forget in the blink of an eye?"

"Yes, the face of the public. After seeing it, when you turn around, you will only have the impression of this person. Even if you get along with each other day and night, you may not be able to remember his face after being separated for a long time."

Lao Qin thought about it, "We are too busy, we think too much, and many memories are blurred. Just like my grandma, who has been together for decades, I am very impressed, and I can recognize it by looking at her back. But after ten years of leaving , but I only remember her general outline. In terms of details, I clearly have them, but I can’t express them, let alone describe them, or even think of her specific appearance. Only when I look at the portrait will I suddenly understand. And some friends who have been separated for a long time , even if we haven’t seen each other for a month or two, it’s hard to describe his face, we can only tell some deep memories, such as the size of the mouth, the size of the nose, the thickness of the eyebrows, and to portray it, you need a professional.”


Ge Xiaotian blinked, turned on the system, turned off the system.

It seems so, and it seems not so...

Is this technology, or metaphysics?

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