Build Madness

Chapter 391

The roof of the X-shaped ICBC Building.

The lights are on, and the night is dim.

The players fought in the heavy metal symphony, and the cheerleaders cheered to the rhythm...

Three small dishes, two meat dishes, and a bottle of white wine.

Ge Xiaotian temporarily put aside the spectacle, and exchanged cups with Qin Ming, chatting about trifles, old stores, and Qin Heiya's expansion...

The atmosphere is strong, the more you drink, the more excited you are, two more bottles!

for a long time.

Lao Qin put down his wine glass and pondered for a moment, "Brother, although Brother Qin's business is not big, but thanks to your blessing, he is now worth tens of millions. If we have any difficulties, just tell us and don't hide it from your heart. Anyway, we have a lot of people, let's get together Members can always tide over difficulties."


Ge Xiaotian collected himself, thinking he had heard it wrong, "What?"

"Huh..." Lao Qin breathed out alcohol, "You didn't go online?"

"I've been so busy recently that I don't even have time to eat, so I don't have time to surf the Internet."

"Now forums, movie sites, and entertainment sites are all discussing Tianyu, saying that those two films are really popular, and they have earned nearly 5 billion box office at home and abroad, but they will build three ancient cities, prepare thousands of war horses, and hire tens of thousands of people. Famous actors, built more than 1,000 benefiting activity centers, and built three large-scale IMAX theaters... After deducting the investment and sharing, I lost more than one billion."


Ge Xiaotian is fascinated. Except for the recycled second-hand projection equipment, Limin Activity Center spends no money at all. War horses, actors, ancient cities... do they need money?

IMax theaters do cost money, but compared with the box office, two or three billion yuan is a fraction.

By the way, Tiancheng and Tianyu are not listed companies, so they don't need to disclose their finances, and Dao Erseng Er covers the logistics... Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, they really lost it!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lao Qin shook his head and sighed,

"There are still three months left before the peak battle of Shenlong Legend - Attacking the Sand. As the number of simultaneous online players exceeds 700,000, regions are opened one after another. Twenty-eight servers are almost full, and one pays 40 million... Seeing The college entrance examination is coming to an end, and the summer vacation is coming, I'm afraid it will break one million, so why don't you pay two billion!"

Two billion?

Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly, and instantly remembered the matter of asking Gao Song to purchase five billion machines for Tiancheng.

It seems that the guy still has money on hand!

This legend is not that legend, and the popularity is like the statistics of relevant departments in China. One out of every three netizens is playing legend.

And what is the most profitable thing about this time and space dragon legend?

Not a point card for chronic consumption, but fashion, hair dyeing, titles, leisure props, loudspeakers...

And IP derivatives, forum advertising space, forum VIP dress-up, graphic live broadcast room, live broadcast room debut animation, live broadcast room tipping, team chat room, chat room title... voice chat software, chat software VIP, offline travel, etc. .

It can almost be said that driven by the 40 million rewards for each server, the influx of players has brought a series of industries to Tianyu, and also allowed Tianyu to earn another game of the same time and space in more than three months. three years of money.

It’s just that in order to facilitate the sale of the scratch card version, the promotion of the game version of the card, and the distribution of various physical items, Tianyu International has set up “sun companies” in major cities in China and overseas to be responsible for operating servers corresponding to the regions. Due to the lack of centralized taxation, No one can see the business situation.

It is estimated that the local leaders will also think that Tianyu is at a loss...

Could it be that this is the main reason why Shaobaito let Tian Cheng 'stable'?

Afraid that my stride is too big, the game will collapse, and I will be targeted by jealous people, so I will take the opportunity to make a move?

That's why they agreed to develop Jinxiuchuan, prepare for Zaoshi New City, and wait for Dongshan Fifteen City's funds to come back, and prepare more money in advance, so as to deal with the upcoming "loss"?


Ge Xiaotian felt that he was thinking too much.

Seeing that he still didn't speak, Lao Qin was even more sure of his guess, "Brother, it's not easy to buy a few transport planes from Bingxiong. Each of them is worth hundreds of millions. It's a pity to sell half of them. Brother Qin has five million here. You go first." Take it and use it."


Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to refuse, a group of people walked out from the stairs in the distance.

There are the old man of the paper industry, the boss of Wanshi, the Qinggang Auto Trade Ocean boss who attended the party the day before yesterday and has not yet left, a group of old men from Daliuzhuang, Yang Lin, the representative of the Southeast North Auto Trade City, and the permanent director of the Chamber of Commerce...

Lin Yang's grandson, Yang Dingfeng's grandson, Yang Lin spoke first, "Don't worry, President, I've raised two hundred million for you!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Lao Pang stretched out his finger, "You can borrow 300 million."

The boss of everything is even better, "Recently, the shares have skyrocketed..."

Ocean boss: "Tell me, do you want red bills or US dollars? Give me the number, and I will transfer it to you immediately when I get back."


Ge Xiaotian looked around at the partners who showed their true feelings and extended a helping hand one after another. He was moved but also a little dumbfounded.

He picked up Lao Qin's cigarette and lit one, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, "You have no confidence in this president!"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the hotel manager, "Go, invite the leader of the ICBC next door, please be polite, he has been promoted to the vice president of Dongshan ICBC."

"Good boss."

When the manager left, the group of people looked at me and I looked at you, all a little puzzled...

There was a long silence.

The ocean boss couldn't help asking: "Brother Ge, can we take out a loan?"

Professional old Pang shook his head, "If there are too many, the interest is not a decimal, so let's make up for it?"

"Yes! It will be no problem to deal with it for half a year." Boss Wanshi agreed.

"Don't worry!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his legs in a steady manner, "We'll talk about it when the leaders of ICBC come!"

Boss Ben still has in the bank...

While thinking about it, the newly promoted vice president walked out of the elevator with a happy face and walked quickly.

While walking, he said pleasantly: "Brother Ge, I called the head office on the way here, three billion, what a joke!"


The partners sitting around all showed a clear look.

Ge Xiaotian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

I really want to pretend, but you lend me a loan as soon as you ask...



Dao Er told himself before that the family is separated.

Starting from last month, if subsidiaries or others do not know about the independent companies that belong to Tiancheng Holdings, the funds will be deposited in their respective corporate accounts in other banks, and will no longer be pooled with Tiancheng.

Even if the leaders of ICBC can check the accounts across banks, it is almost impossible to calculate Tiancheng's financial situation without knowing which are Tiancheng's industries.

The box office share, overseas game income, and Horton Group commissions are split and operated through offshore companies, and deposited in Swiss National Bank in batches, and then injected into Longtian Technology together with the funds from Wanshi Financial Technology and Nine Institutes. Upgrade assets, invest in satellites...then it will be impossible to find out.

The all-in-one card is supervised by the Bank of China, and the previously withdrawn 4.8 billion has restrictions on the use of it, except for investing in real estate, buying and selling bonds, buying and selling stocks, and mortgage loans. It is neither Tianrong's nor Tiancheng's. The former belongs to management, while the latter belongs to being invested. However, the rate of return on investment is determined by Tiancheng.

That is to say, after the separation, Tian Cheng not only had no money, but also owed a huge debt...

This leader really came to lend money!

The vice president was very active. He took off the pen from his coat pocket, pushed away the bowl and chopsticks, and spread the folder in front of him.

"Brother Ge, don't be embarrassed. Our family members know about our family affairs. Anyway, there are no outsiders present. Tianrong has used up 4.8 billion in the card funds here. It seems that we will attack the sand in September, but Tianyu has lost money. In the future, we will invest in IMAX theaters and Dongshan 15th City. The 3 billion yuan will be used for emergencies first, and there is no rush to pay it back. Although there is interest, we can use the rent of the ICBC building to pay for it. Three to five years is not a problem, ten to eight years It’s not too long, so there’s no need to sell heavy transport aircraft in half.”


"Sign it, Brother Ge!"


Ge Xiaotian held the vice president's hands, "Leader, thank you!"

"Well, you're welcome."

"Excuse me!"

"It should be!"

"Go back!"


Ge Xiaotian put away the folder and looked at the hotel manager, "How did you do it? The wrong person was invited!"


"I'll ask you to invite Wang Laoliu from the company next door, Longtian Technology, Mr. Wang!"

"Oh, yes!" The hotel manager slapped his forehead, and said with trepidation: "I'm sorry for the leader, I'm sorry for the boss, it was my mistake in work."

Leader of ICBC: "..."

A circle of partners: "..."


In the silence, Ge Xiaotian's cell phone rang.

Look at the number, Tianyu Takamatsu.

"What's wrong?"

"Boss, our game forums, entertainment websites, and other movie websites are almost blown up."


"It's said that you have nowhere to go, and started to sell business jets and helicopters at half price, intending to sell everything and save Tian Cheng, who is heavily in debt."


"The big boss from Xishan called and made it clear that buying a business jet helicopter is to support his second brother Dongshan and prevent you from going bankrupt..."


"In addition, the LLL who gave us 20 million and asked to let go of the level limit... Boss, ask us again if we can sell the game."


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