Build Madness

Chapter 392


Dongshan Jianlian Headquarters.

"Wenwen, from now on, you will be the owner of this place!"

Shen Zhipeng patted the thick and elegant leather chair, walked to the desk and touched the wooden grain, feeling infinitely emotional in his heart, "I have never used such a luxurious thing!" '

But Shen Wen, who was 'invited' back, looked at all this indifferently, "Where is my mother?"

"She has more important things to do." Shen Zhipeng pulled out a few documents, "You have always wanted to do something for the family, and now the opportunity has come, why? Are you unhappy?"

"You kicked my mother out and put me here, what's the difference?"

"Wenwen, you have grown up, there are some's time to tell you."

Shen Zhipeng lit a cigarette, sighed and said: "Everything in our family came from your grandfather. When you won the second construction of Dongshan, there were more than a dozen construction companies in Dongshan, and almost no money was spent."

"Are you finally willing to say it?" The corners of Shen Wen's mouth curled up, his face full of ridicule.

"In the past, I was worried that our family would be implicated, so I tried every means to evade this bomb, so..."

"So you secretly divorced, made a fake marriage certificate and put it at home to fool me, and then took my mother as the top of the pot and put the shares in her. You are like a puppeteer, remotely controlling all this, and you are alone? Wait for something to happen , she goes in, you watch?"

Shen Zhipeng loosened his tie, sighed, and looked directly at Shen Wen, "We are all for you. According to the plan, the Jifu Chamber of Commerce will continue to inject capital into Dongshan Jianlian, and use the fragmented equity of the members over there to continuously reduce the shareholding here. When the time is right, members of the business alliance will collectively transfer to Dongshan Jianlian, and our old Shen family will monopolize the Jifu business alliance and completely break away from this old house that may collapse at any time. You are my son, and mine is yours, including Jifu. Government and Business Alliance."

"Hehe!" Shen Wen continued to laugh, "Please worry about it."

Shen Zhipeng didn't take it seriously, and unfolded the document he had just drawn out, "It's different now. Once the bad debts were settled in previous years, Dongshan Jianlian belongs to our family, and there is no unstable factor. As for the Jifu Chamber of Commerce, although I wrote off the bad debts, Some personal shares are used for charity, but our family does own 60% of the shares and two-thirds of the voting rights."

"Let's take a look first?" After Shen Zhipeng finished speaking, he tapped the paper in his hand.

Shen Wen glanced indifferently, saw the share transaction information on it, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, "You?"

"From now on, Dongshan Jianlian and Jifu Chamber of Commerce are yours."

Shen Zhipeng couldn't help touching the back of Shen Wen's head, "It's like when I was a child, I'll give you whatever you like."

"..." Shen Wen's expression froze, and he didn't dodge.

"It's just that your mother and I need to deal with some dangerous things in the past. We don't have so much time to accompany you, and we can't let you touch them."

Shen Wen was silent for a long time, "But, my mother..."

"You have a half-sister who will be flying back from North America next week. What you heard was your mother and uncle talking about her."

Shen Wen's expression changed, as if he was thinking about something.

Shen Zhipeng rubbed the back of his head again, punched in the document package, and took out the contract signed with Lao Hong, "Also, I bought you a heavy transport plane, which can be used as a business jet after modification. Let's find Ge to bring it back tomorrow." !"

" this Mi Er Liu?"


"Worth 12 million Franklin, a big guy who is hard to buy if you have a network?!"


Since Shen Wen liked military affairs since he was a child, Shen Zhipeng knew about 'Mi Er Liu' long ago.

For example, a certain country bought twenty and how much it cost.

For example, how many companies are going to sell in a certain country, and what is the lowest price.

According to the model, six million Franklins are already outrageously low.

This is the largest transport aircraft in the world. Except for the transactions in the past few years, there are almost no sellers below 12 million Franklin.

Get it and earn half of it!

It is precisely because of this that after chatting with the surname Ge and knowing the price, he bought it without hesitation.

And looking at Shen Wen, who had changed his indifferent expression before, couldn't help shouting, and his face was full of excitement, several images suddenly appeared in Shen Zhipeng's mind involuntarily.

A four-year-old kid was giggling non-stop while holding a wooden gun.

A five-year-old kid was jumping up and down with a newly bought model ship.

A six-year-old kid is cheering happily with a toy altar.

A seven-year-old boy squinted his eyes with a smile while holding a spear comparable to his height.

an eight year old...

How many years?

Seems like ten, seems like teens, never again.

And today, it all came back.

Thanks to the surname Ge!

"Dad, where's my mother? Let's drive the plane back together?"

"She's in the company next door."

"The Jifu Chamber of Commerce has moved here?"

"No, it's a newly established network service company."

Shen Zhipeng touched the file bag and took out three car keys, "It's all yours, whichever car you want to drive, and I will take the co-pilot from now on."


Shen Wen couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his arms to hug the chubby black-faced man who was half a head shorter than himself, "Dad, I'm sorry."

"Hehe!" Shen Zhipeng patted his back, "I'm old, it's time to rest, but you are my pride, we can't be worse than Ge!"


"Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

Shen Zhipeng put his arms around Shen Wen's shoulders, "Go, let's see how the battle is going."

"My mother is playing a game?"


"What are you doing?"

"Invade the backstage of the card."


"Our family is much earlier than Tiancheng in terms of Internet. After Dongshan Jianlian and Jifu Chamber of Commerce were reorganized, this sector was merged, and I spent money to invite a group of well-known hackers from North America and Europe."

As Shen Zhipeng said, he entered the new company with Shen Wen.

"First select some negative news about Ge Baiyi from the Internet, and carry out a large-scale hype. After attracting the attention of Tianyu's network security personnel, then try to attack the Shenlong Legend server, and then move to Tiancheng's official website to create a superficial phenomenon. It overwhelmed the one-card server and added varying amounts of virtual red banknotes to many cardholders."

"Increasing unequal amounts? Isn't it destroying? How slow is that?"

"Not too late, we have some data..." Shen Zhipeng and Zhong Xiaoxiao blinked and smiled triumphantly, the latter was more motivated, "Before, there were many one-card users who came to our mall to buy and asked if they could use it. In order to study the one-card system , we took the opportunity to write down the customer information and the one-card code, and then went to the location of these customers to carry out some small activities in the name of Tiancheng. Propaganda, you can't talk nonsense, you can only pull relatives and friends, this is a hidden reward, otherwise you will be disqualified. In this way, we have obtained the card information of more than 300,000 people. As long as we can break through the background of the card, the false data made in advance Import, let these customers increase their deposits by hundreds or thousands of yuan... Then, these customers will think that Tiancheng's hidden rewards are real. Even if Tianrong does not go bankrupt, it will bear billions of dollars in debt... Moreover, these people are all relatives and friends, and Tianrong is justified."

"This...isn't this too powerful?" Shen Wen was stunned.

Shen Zhipeng smiled confidently, "If we paid attention to the Internet a few years ago, there is no such thing as Tianyu now."

He talked to Ge Baiyi about losing money in the game on the plane before, and recalling the expression on the other side, he felt that there was something here.

Come back and check, then go to the Internet cafe to have a look, and then go shopping on the street...

Software services, advertising platforms, offline industries...

The VIP of two yuan a month, countless people do it as they say.

Tens of thousands of advertising space per month, so many software, so many pages... It is impossible to rent out.

Especially those figurines, warriors slashing monsters, Taoist priests swinging swords, mages raising staffs, half-orcs roaring, dragon gods biting... Each five yuan is more popular than toys.

There are also key chains, photo stickers, murals, cards, clothing, book covers, daily necessities, and various tattoo stickers made with game marks...

It's as if the whole world has been taken over by something from the Fama continent...

Game loses money?

I'm afraid I'm going to make that guy the richest man!

However, since he decided to support Shen Wen as a leader, Shen Zhipeng was also happy to see people spreading the news that Ge Baiyi had lost money.

Only by attacking the opponent's reputation, one will ebb and the other will rise and fall, can Shen Wen become the iconic figure of Dongshan.

And the first step is to let the surname Ge really lose money.

Of course, attacking the one-card database is an illegal act, and our own side must not intervene, and we don't have that ability. Instead, we invite hackers from North America and Europe to do it.

My family is responsible for distributing the news of Ge Baiyi's loss of money. Although there are only tens of millions of people who use computers, tens of millions of people know that once it spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, and the public opinion it arouses is considered small...

Shen Zhipeng took his son for a stroll around the Internet company, "How about it? Do you want to become a man surpassing Ge Baiyi?"

"Yeah!" Shen Wen gritted his teeth, "I have long disliked him. Last time in the hotel, he treated me like a kid!"

"I've already looked back for you!"


Shen Zhipeng chuckled, without explaining, walked to a work station, and looked at the content that the employees quickly copied, pasted, and sent.

'Ge Baiyi is desperate, and sells the heavy transport aircraft in half! '

'shock! It turns out that this model is worth 150 million! '

‘The third brother just bought two Franklins with a total value of 40 million! '

‘I’m in Neobras Farm right now, surrounded by barren land, I’ll bet that Ge Baiyi will lose money in farming! '

'On whether Ge Baiyi can pay nearly two billion rewards for Legend of the Dragon! '

‘The Myth of Dongshan ends here, who will be the next one? ! '

There is an optical fiber access port in the leisure and entertainment area. After receiving a call from Takamatsu, Ge Xiaotian asked someone to fetch an SG laptop computer, and logged in to forums, chat rooms, and video websites to browse around...

Then it was discovered that almost all content was promoting 'he is going to finish'.

I'll go, as for what?

If I don't sell it, I will really lose money!

"Brother Ge!"

The Sino-Ocean boss of Qinggang Automobile Trading Co., Ltd. dragged a chair and sat beside him, "We are all businessmen. It's normal to borrow money and borrow money. It doesn't matter about face or face. We have been together for so long. Although we don't talk much, we still lose our temper. Especially engaged in auto trade, this made me feel for the first time that making money is so simple and so happy, instead of being boring and boring on the sea..."

"I understand, brother. Back then, you were the most forthright in Dongshan. You didn't do auto trade, but you won more than 30 exhibition halls in one go. Later, whenever our chamber of commerce has something to do in Jiaodong, you always rush to the front... "

The ocean boss patted someone on the shoulder heavily, grabbed the remaining half bottle of five-star Moutai, "Talking too much hurts feelings, everything is in the wine."

Gudong Gudong...

After it was done, the nearly two-meter-tall Jiaodong man pursed his lips and smiled, "I've stayed here for three days, and I still have something to do over there. I'll raise two billion for you later."

Ge Xiaotian quickly pulled him back, looked around at the people who were pulling out their cards and touching their phones, "Old brothers, I'm really rich!"

"Don't lose face and suffer." Qian Dabao put a card on the table, "10 million, mine, remember to make up the alchemy furnace for me."

Then he took out another card, "Let's Liu Machinery take it easy first, the funds plus Tiancheng's investment, Sancha Wuling's profit, and a part of the loan, one billion."

Then take out five cards again...

Before he could speak, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, who was invited by the manager of the hotel next door, arrived.

Mr. Wang is very ostentatious, accompanied by bodyguards, followed closely by the accountant, holding a check at hand.

"Hahaha, so lively?"

"Huh? Old Wang?"

Except for the participant, Boss Wanshi, who knew the inside story, everyone else, including the old Pang of the paper industry, frowned.

Familiarity returns to familiarity, but people discuss things among themselves, and outsiders join in...

Qian Dabao picked up his chair...

"Boss Ge, good evening!" Wang Laoliu pretended to say hello, and sat down on his own.

Ge Xiaotian laughed happily, "Liu Liu, what did you call me just now?"

Wang Laoliu got up quickly, and stood aside squarely, "Hello, chairman!"

Old Pang of the paper industry: "???"

Ocean boss: "???"

The rest and others: "???"

"I said, I really have money, but I'm just going to spend it on the richest man..."


After being silent for a long time, the big boss of Yuanyang looked up to the sky and sighed: "This is more pretending... It hurts feelings too much, let's break up!"



"Bah!" Qian Dabao nodded, "Remember my alchemy furnace!"


The old Pang of the paper industry was about to step into the elevator when he suddenly thought of something, "By the way, don't send me soap anymore, I feel like throwing up when I smell that smell!"

Everyone: "???"

The next moment, hula la all dodged...

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