Build Madness

Chapter 396 The birth of SG

On the night of June 8th.

Ge Wangwang, who led the funeral team to expand business in South Vietnam and almost lost contact, appeared in the Unnamed Hotel in the X-shaped building of the Canal Development Zone, wearing a rivet leather jacket and hip-hop sunglasses, like a big star.

Arrived at the hotel hairdressing center on the first floor, took off the earrings and lip studs, re-dyed the hair, put on ordinary clothes, stepped into the box like a good baby, and was questioned by his parents.

Afterwards, the family of five got together to have a lively meal.

Ge Sanni officially announced her farewell to her high school career, with an estimated score of 710, it seems that she is bound to be admitted to Huaxia Science and Technology University.

For this reason, Ge Xiaotian contacted the school's admissions office in Dongshan Jifu on the spot:

"Hi teacher, I'm Dongshan Tiancheng Ge Xiaotian."

He was not affected by public opinion at all, and seemed to be quite familiar with him, "Mr. Ge, I have already contacted your sister. As long as the scores are good, I will definitely admit the best ones. However, in terms of major selection, our school leaders think that Ge Sanni More suitable for mathematical physics."

Hearing that the other party's voice was middle-aged and elderly, Ge Xiaotian sat up straight consciously, and replied seriously:

"It depends on her hobbies. Teacher, in order to express my gratitude to your school, I decided to take Tiancheng executives to your school to study and communicate, and to see if there are any suitable investment projects."

"Mr. Ge, there's no need for that. Our school is already on holiday, and teachers and students are not at school..."

Can this be the master?

Ge Xiaotian didn't bother to think about whether it was really a holiday, "It's okay, let's go around, rejuvenate the country through science and education, and donate a few teaching buildings by the way to contribute to the development of Huaxia."

"Don't worry about it. In this way, when the notice is issued, I will personally send it to Tiancheng Office in Canal CBD. You don't need to worry about it."

"Why don't we come out for a drink or two?"

"No, sorry, I'm very busy here, so I can't leave."

"Then I'll go find you?"


"I'll go with Lao Wang, oh, Dragon King's sixth son, a master of science and technology!"



The next morning, Ge Xiaotian sent his father, mother, younger sister, and more than 20 employee daughters who had taken the college entrance examination to the plane to Amur in the name of exchange students. When they returned to the Canal Development Zone in the afternoon, Longtian Technology Co., Ltd. The limited company has one more general.

No, it's five members.

"It seems that when my little sister starts school, I have to go there."

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and the University of Science and Technology can be called a high-tech talent incubator. Ge Xiaotian didn't want to recruit too many people, but spent money and engaged in cooperative research to see if he could invest in a spherical radio telescope project with an aperture of hundreds of meters , used to attract talents from the world's top astrophysics department, and to excavate various galaxies and planets.

Think about the richest man in Beijing who called me to give me a license plate before, he has a planet named after him, maybe we can...

Ge Xiaotian galaxies, Ge Xiaotian stars, Ge Xiaotian planets...

Or, list your own company name...

Thinking wildly, the Tiger Head Benz team arrived at the UFO Stadium.

Today, Longtian Technology Co., Ltd. held a press conference, involving many products, technologies, and projects.

This is a big news that is destined to cause a sensation all over the world.

In addition to the three superior leaders, nine institutes, Mr. Yu, and Shaobaitou leaders, there were countless seniors in the scientific and technological circles, news media at home and abroad, and representatives of high-tech enterprises at home and abroad.

For example, North American Gaotong, Broadcom, Intel, Xilinx, Texas Instruments, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, Sanxing Electronics...

There is no doubt that Wang Laoliu is the protagonist today.

Have such a big reputation?

If the nine satellites hadn't been signed, maybe no one would have come, if the cooperation projects hadn't been signed with Tiancheng's many companies, maybe no one would have paid attention to it, if there hadn't been a crazy box, maybe no one would have known about Wang Laoliu, if he hadn't gone to the capital, maybe...

In short, without what if, Wang Laoliu already has a place in the world.

Coupled with self-developed and designed integrated circuits...

Some people came to inquire about the news, some came to see the jokes, anyway, that's how they came.

Ge Xiaotian didn't take another tua that could make a sensation in the world, but rushed to the parking lot in a low-key ride with a tiger head.


That car can only breathe fire, and without careful observation, it is difficult to discover its connotation.

The tua is different, because of the layout of the gas turbine, the overall shape is a bit... strange.

It is estimated that this is also the main reason why the capital does not want it.


Step into the UFO gym.

Tianyu is responsible for the stage layout of the press conference. The southwest, west, and northwest belong to the fan-shaped audience stands.

Correspondingly, the basketball court is wrapped by three graphene films that resemble iMax screens, with a small LED display screen and dozens of projection devices on the top, and a tempered glass floor on the bottom.

The main tone of dark blue is matched with dark black style, supplemented by rotating nebula, the vast universe, full of futuristic sense of technology everywhere.

Off the stage, nearly 50 news media are debugging their equipment.

In the VIP area, many overseas friends have already taken their seats, and the superiors, Mr. Yu, and Shao Baitou are whispering to each other.

Seeing someone appear, the Huaxia reporter rushed up first.

"Mr. Ge, may I ask if Tianrong Finance really appeared..."

"Sorry, today is the home of Longtian Technology. For the future of China and the rise of the motherland, please don't interview me, and please respect Mr. Wang."


With a serious face, Ge Xiaotian refused the interview righteously, and quickly found his seat.

It is quite far away from the leadership seat, and there are paper industry boss Pang, Wanshi Boss and others nearby.

"Brother, I guess it will take some time today." The ocean boss, who still hadn't left, patted the back of the chair from behind.

"Be patient and let it go, it's better to smoke less." Ge Xiaotian said, looking back, happened to see Qi Feifei hugging Pangxiu's arm and whispering.

"Xiuxiu, come, sit here with me."

"No, we'll leave early and go to the sauna. Huihui and the others are waiting outside (five little girls)."

"I..." Ge Xiaotian almost said that I would go too, but after thinking about it, they are all women, why are you a big man, acting like Elder Tang strayed into Pansi Cave?



Maybe it's really possible to make a movie with this kind of theme, let's be the leading role!

Ge Xiaotian glared at the complacent Qi Feifei with a smirk, turned around and exchanged places with Brother Hao, and sat next to the ocean boss.

"Brother, how is the real estate market in Jiaodong this year?"

"Qinggang and Tobacco Market are good, don't you have projects there?"

"I want to throw you some business. You push it from the east, and I run it from the west. We will join forces in Weicheng. We will finish it within three years and move to Jiangnan."

The boss of Sino-Ocean thought carefully for a moment, then shook his head, "Every business is like a mountain. I haven't even figured out the auto trade, and I don't have so much energy to get involved in real estate. Forget it, you arrange a few directors of the subsidiaries, and I will introduce them to the local area. It should be more suitable than me."

"Okay." Ge Xiaotian took out a stack of documents from the document bag, "Then let's talk about another business."


"I have a fleet in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk..."


The ocean boss who had just taken a sip of water to moisten his throat sprayed it directly, and it just happened to spray on the bald head of Brother Hao who was sitting in front of the exchange seat...

"Sorry sorry, brother."

The latter rolled his eyes, his face full of resentment, "I shouldn't have changed seats."

Ge Xiaotian took out a tissue from the file bag and pasted it on Brother Hao's forehead, and continued to explain to the ocean boss:

"It's a transport fleet, but the style is special."

"What's special?"

"It's all wooden boats."

The ocean boss was slightly stunned, "Sea ship?"

"Well, crossing the Pacific is no problem."


"Mr. Yu helped me apply for offshore trade. Ice Bear's side is not a problem, but to get to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, I need to cross the waters of Washima Island. Please help me arrange it."

"It's a trivial matter. It's just that the wooden boat... is a bit unreliable. Can it really withstand strong winds and waves? There are frequent storms over there..."

"Your iron-clad ship is falling apart, but my wooden boat is fine."

"Okay." The ocean boss is quite addicted to cigarettes. He subconsciously took out his cigarette and found that he couldn't smoke. He picked up the water glass again, "What are you transporting?"

"Sandstone, aggregate, volcanic rock..."


Brother Hao touched his bald head and got up, and changed seats silently with Heihu who was sitting on the other side, not paying attention to the situation here.

The two brothers have a bit of a grudge.

The last time Brother Hao raided the Jiangnan newspaper office overnight, he was stopped by Heihu on the way. The latter is not an honest person, and his brain is flexible. The big boss said, don’t care if you are a general or not. To show your loyalty, start the excavator and bring all the troops. ...

It is said that Brother Hao sat in the bucket and listened to lullabies all night.

Ge Xiaotian had nothing to do with this group of teasers, sighed, and continued to discuss with the ocean boss.

"There is my large shipyard where the Black Dragon River enters the sea. In the future, it will also be a cargo transfer station. It will not only connect Amur-Niobras, but also connect to the free trade zone in the north-Magadan. Small and medium-sized ships are used for inland water transport. , super large, more than 2,000 tons are used for oceangoing."

"Only 2,000 tons? 20,000 tons for ten ships, and 200,000 tons for a hundred ships. Instead of using wooden boats, it is better to build a huge ship."

"A huge ship costs billions of dollars, and my ship... well, there is the second largest gathering of yellow people in the north. They help build it at a low price. They don't need money, they just need to eat. You said to use this kind of ship How suitable is the ship for transportation?"


The ocean boss was silent for a moment, then nodded, "That's fine, I'll go and have a look when I have time, and get the certificates by the way."

"When I'm done here, I'll call you in advance when I go."

"no problem!"

The displacement of ancient warships is calculated according to "material". For example, 300 materials are equivalent to 100 tons of displacement and 50 tons of load. 6000 materials are equivalent to 2000 tons of displacement and 1000 tons of load. goods.

However, under the premise of installing steam turbines, except for the weird treasure ship, this is already the limit, otherwise the speed will drop from 8 knots to 5 knots.

Slow is a bit slower, and the carrying capacity is indeed a little less, but we can use giant sails to save fuel, use the number of ships to make up the carrying capacity, or add tugboats to increase the speed...

The only trouble is that hundreds, or even thousands of warships are afraid of passing through the waters of Wa Island...

Don't be so whizzing, a few guide eggs come over and burn them for me.

Ge Xiaotian sighed sadly, feeling that he still needs to buy a few super big iron lumps from Bingxiong to escort him.

By the way, there are also ground effect aircraft.

Although it has no combat power, it can hit...

Remote control, several tanks of liquid oxygen and pure ethanol...

"It's weird, ever since I smashed my small four-wheeler with an excavator, I found that I am a bit violent..."

Ocean boss: "..."

After chatting for a long time, the press conference is ready.

Not long after, Mr. Wang, who was covered in a white coat and lined with a black suit, strode onto the stage with his head held high.

It seems to have been specially styled, with gray temples, short hair standing tall, paired with reflective glasses, and a curved electronic watch... It really looks like a high-tech doctor.

"Welcome all the guests..."

Longtian Science and Technology Co., Ltd. has no background, but has nine supports. The origin of Longtian was advanced to the 1980s. It belongs to the first batch of private enterprises of scientific research nature and has many software and hardware achievements. For example, in the early 1980s, it independently developed a medium-sized Computer (without display screen, no operating system, the kind that uses paper tape), self-developed PC terminal in the mid-1980s, Chinese language programming and input method with independent intellectual property rights, many technologies that have not yet registered patents, software and hardware design plan……

Lao Wang's personal resume is indeed like the plot of the "Crazy Box" movie, but he used the money to invest in this unknown, depleted and extremely down-to-earth technology company, and proposed many golden ideas, tried to develop various new technology products, and continued Once it is realized, and then relying on its own eloquence, it will recruit many high-tech talents and bring in a lot of business...

This is a very inspirational story, which will be translated into dozens of languages ​​in the future and shipped to all over the world in the form of books for sale.

After telling the story of Longtian and himself, Wang Laoliu turned his wrist and tapped the black textured electronic screen lightly. The screen behind him lit up, and the light and shadow overlapped, showing the SG notebook.

At the same time, 30 staff carried metal boxes and walked onto the stage in a neat line, and arranged 30 SG notebooks around the reporter area to form an arc.

Afterwards, the SG logo lights up, the keyboard symbols light up, and the promotional videos shot in advance are played on standby...

A general manager of a company is handling work, with his fingers flying, occasionally wiping the touchpad, and completely giving up the mouse during the whole process.

"Simple, fast and effective is our aim."

Kacha Kacha Kacha...

Countless journalists pressed the shutter and recorded these strange operation methods.

Then the pictures flowed, on the noisy construction site, several technicians held the school team drawings in SG notebooks, from early morning to noon, to afternoon, to evening, to late night, to the next morning

The battery life prompt in the upper right corner of the computer, from 100 to 90, to 80, to 70, to 60...

"Strong, long-lasting, and durable, that's what we pride ourselves on."

The next moment, in the bustling metropolis, more than a dozen business people in suits and black silk uniforms appeared in the cafe with heavy notebooks in their hands. Afterwards, a young, beautiful and energetic fashionable woman in white overalls held coffee in one hand and Holding the SG laptop in his hand, he sat down in the seat wearing earphones amidst many surprised, amazed, and envious eyes.

The ancient war that has been taken off the shelves overseas is being played on the screen. The picture is clear and the color is bright...

Then the screen turned and switched to the perspective of a fashionable woman, as if witnessing an ancient battle.

"Fashion, lightness and authenticity are our philosophy."

Suddenly, exciting music sounded, XBA champion team, K.O champion Tyson, unknown football team, all wearing strange watches, running, jumping, beating...

On the watch display, several icons flash, each followed by a string of numbers

Step count, heart rate, exercise time, calorie burn value...

Immediately afterwards, on the screen of the SG laptop computer, the Bluetooth symbol lit up, and a series of more detailed calculation forms popped up...

"Vigor, advancement and health are our hallmarks!"


"SG, redefine personal PC!"

The 20-minute display ended, and the entire press conference was silent.

Lao Wang clasped his hands tightly and placed them in front of him, his face full of fighting spirit.

next moment.

hula la...

"My God!"



Many reporters beat their chests, roared to the sky, or raised their fists, and some even wanted to rush to the stage...

And the representatives of many technology manufacturers in the back also squeezed forward one after another...

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