Build Madness

Chapter 397 Longtian Science and Technology Press Conference


This was the first thought of all the audience, and then more words came to mind, concise, light, fashionable, healthy, advanced...

Journalists want to step up to take more photos, technology company representatives want to step up to distinguish the real from the fake...

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

Even the ocean bosses who had contacted SG in advance were inexplicably excited at the moment.


"No, you have to understand, they were just excited for a while. When they calm down and return to their respective countries, there may be another report. Fortunately, I asked Lao Wang to stuff more red envelopes and dealt with it early. It was useless for Huaxia Name, but SG."

"I'm afraid of imitation."

"Combine integrated circuits, various components, batteries, and heat sinks together. If there is no graphene thermal film for auxiliary cooling (all smartphones currently have it) and VC coolant, no one can make a laptop like ours. It’s as thin and light as it is. Moreover, the battery mixed with graphene is also the key, I hope someone imitates it, so we can sell graphene..."

"Anyway, did we send it?"

"I will definitely post it, but this is just the beginning..."


Five minutes later, the crazy foreigners sat back to their seats under the command of Tianwei.



Fierce applause sounded again, and lasted for a long time.

The faces of the three superiors were full of pride, and their hands were almost swollen from clapping.

At the same time, fifty SG desktops were brought onto the stage.

Wang Laoliu caressed the transparent glass plate next to him, and there were halos of light on it, which quickly condensed into four large characters:

"SG is pre-installed with the 'Longtian System', which is a 'simple system' developed based on Linux. The intention is to allow SG users to find their own comfortable nest in the heavy life. Here, you don't need to pick up the mouse, just need to Randomly push, or randomly point, or randomly sweep, or randomly grab..."

Large-screen rotation play operation mode, application software, audio player, download platform...

In the end, more than a dozen softwares that were opened at the same time were automatically arranged on the computer screen without mouse operation...

Then switch back and forth under finger operation, and finally disappear again.

at this time.

The lights around the venue were turned off, it was quiet for a while, and a quiet and cold music suddenly sounded in my ears.

In the picture, a huge castle is displayed in front of everyone.

Subsequently, the field of view is locked on the back of a game character.

A few black-clothed monsters appeared in front of them, with pairs of scarlet eyes exposed from the hood. They bared their teeth and claws, screaming and pounced on the game character.


After screaming, the game character turns and runs.


The voice resounding through the soul seemed to be able to synchronize the heartbeat, even Ge Xiaotian felt the tension.

The game characters fled quickly on the ancient city wall, and the black-clothed monster chased after them.

Suddenly, a box appeared in front of him.

Wang Laoliu presses the ← key, then the → key, or space to jump, ↓ to slide the shovel...


Game characters run faster.

Suddenly, the screen stopped abruptly, the ghost music disappeared, and a rhythmic ancient battle song sounded...

The screen jumps and enters the game CG.


A fiery giant sword that covered the sky and the sun slashed down, and the earth was torn apart.

The giant screen shook, and the senses from the mortal perspective made the audience subconsciously avoid it.

"Are you desperate?"

A man in a gorgeous robe, holding a flaming giant sword, stood proudly in the air.

On the ground, a strong man in armor with a two-meter-long shield on his shoulders and a dog-tooth sword in his hand stood in the raging fire, staring at the man in the air.

"Never admit defeat!"


Swords collide, sparks shine...

"SG, Realize your dream!"

Fifty desktop computers, thirty notebooks, the screen freezes at the same time...


In addition to being amazing, it is still amazing.

In the end, the audience was dumbfounded.

"Mom, I saw God!" A certain female reporter cried bitterly while covering her face.

The ocean boss went out to smoke a cigarette, and just came back to see this scene, "Brother, the entrustment you are looking for is too fake, right?"

"No, I'm also a little confused." Ge Xiaotian suspected that Lao Wang stuffed too many red envelopes.

After the demonstration, Pharaoh strode to the middle of the stage, "No matter how much you see and talk, it's better to go on stage and experience it. I invite Gaotong manufacturers, Broadcom manufacturers, and Sanxing manufacturers... to come on stage and allow you to use the detection equipment you carry with you. Software, tools, analysis of SG."


The crowd that had just calmed down fell into the boiling sea again.

Demonstration is not real, but if it can be confirmed...

Many reporters have already taken out their mobile phones and made calls on the spot...

However, it is indeed like what Ge Xiaotian said: this is just the beginning.

"shit, this main frequency..."

"dual core?"

"Is this the server?"

"The SSD actually belongs to our family? Is it so sharp?"

"Impossible! It violates Moore's Law!"

Faced with the test over and over again, and the parameters displayed on the screen, the manufacturer's representative could not believe it, and touched the main box in unison, and then was kicked off the stage by Tianwei.

Wang Laoliu appeared in front of the big screen with a smile on his face, without explaining, but went to the next link.

"Based on the powerful chip, we developed separately:

SG personal terminal (smart card),

SG health detection terminal (heartbeat, running, exercise),

Longtian software platform,

Longtian router,

Longtian charging treasure (by BYD cooperation),

Longtian special earphones (Weicheng Goertek cooperation, Longtian independent development partner),

Longtian Driving Computer (Wanshi Financial Technology Cooperation),

Longtian electronic anti-theft,

Longtian monitoring system,

Long Tian..."

Along with the explanation, many electronic components are displayed on the big screen, as well as some optoelectronic devices, optoelectronic products, optoelectronic technology, and some research results in the field of aerospace (provided by Nine Institutes.)

The overwhelmed products almost blinded everyone, causing sensation again and again...

The news that the reporters sent out in advance has also begun to be publicized on a small scale around the world.

The time came to 11:58 p.m. without knowing it.

Those who didn't know thought that the press conference was coming to an end, and prepared to leave with emotion in their hearts, and even some reporters put away their equipment.

But insiders and industry peers clearly know that the critical moment has come!

Wang Laoliu walked back to the rostrum and switched the background of the big screen.

Three scientific researchers in white coats carried metal boxes locked on their wrists, stepped onto the stage under the protection of more than 20 heavenly guards, and displayed three boxes of chips.

The screen flashed, and it also showed an enlarged version of a nearly transparent integrated circuit, with specifications, performance, parameters...

"How can it be?"

"No, you got it wrong!"

"120 nanometers?"

"Shet! Can one go wrong on such occasions?"

"Oh God, what a perfect launch, how did this happen?"

Wang Laoliu shook his head with a smile, and looked at the big screen that entered the countdown.

"Now at 23:59 on June 9th, please allow me to count down and explain to everyone."




"Welcome to the new era, everyone!"

The screen picture was fragmented, and soon put together with many colors.

"You are not mistaken, the manufacturing process it uses is indeed 120 nanometers, not 50 nanometers, 20 nanometers, or even 10 nanometers that everyone speculates based on performance and Moore's Law."

"As for why it is 120 nanometers, I am also very helpless, because we cannot get more advanced lithography machines."

"However, fortunately, God is fair!"

"In an accidental experiment, our technical experts discovered a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial composed of carbon atoms with sp hybridized orbitals to form a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. We call it: graphene."

"We have discovered the integer quantum Hall effect in the single-layer and double-layer graphene systems, and the quantum Hall effect at room temperature, which breaks the 'thermodynamic fluctuations do not allow any two-dimensional crystal to exist at a finite temperature' The theory, or in other words, negates the theory that 'perfect two-dimensional structures cannot exist stably at non-absolute zero'."

"Graphene has..."

"It can be applied in thousands of industries and fields, and trigger a new 'industrial revolution'."

"If a pure graphene chip can be made, its speed will be millions or even tens of millions of times that of existing computers..."

"Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, we can only replace silicon circuits with a small amount of graphene..."

"But it is undeniable that only the first generation of graphene chips has surpassed the performance of existing servers by ten times and computers by a hundred times."

"Thank God!"

Wang Laoliu closed his eyes and held his head up, as if bathing in holy light.

for a long time.

"In the future, we no longer need to pursue the limit of lithography machines. We only need to find a way to replace silicon chips with graphene, and we can easily surpass existing computers."

"Optoelectronic computers, biological computers, and quantum computers are feasible in theory, but difficult in practice, and graphene computers..."

Facing the 30 notebooks and 50 desktops placed around the stage, Wang Laoliu said, "It's ready for mass production!"

Although the reporters didn't understand what graphene is, but they experienced the magic of graphene chips firsthand, so they didn't care about being reserved. They grabbed the microphone in their hands, shouldered the camera on their shoulders, rushed to the stage, and blocked it through the sky guard... …

"Mr. Wang, how much is this computer?"

"Mr. Wang, do you sell graphene?"

"President Wang..."

However, the delegation of technology companies who stayed in the VIP area were all petrified.


Everyone has made it!


What to block? !


Wang Laoliu tapped the microphone, "Thank God, I am here with you today, the first batch of SG will be launched in September, and these 80 PCs... the highest price will win!"

"As for graphene...please get in touch privately."

"In addition, the component factories and contractors that I have contacted in private before, please move to the office to discuss the expansion of SG's production."


Representatives of North American Gaotong, Intel, Xilinx, Texas Instruments, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. looked at Sanxing Electronics, North American Broadcom, and UMC stupidly, and left the big team.


Ocean boss: "Are we trying to drive them apart?"

"You think too much, it's just that people are cheated first and foremost, the earlier you go, the harder you cheat."

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