Build Madness

Chapter 398 Summer Storm

China time: 1 am on June 10.

North American time: 12 noon on June 9th.

In just one or two hours, the Longtian SG press conference spread throughout the scientific and technological circles.

Many bigwigs in the industry thought this was an interesting design concept innovation, but with the advent of graphene chips, everyone was not calm.

In the known periodic table of elements, there are many III-V valence compounds that can be applied in the field of electronics, such as germanium, copper oxide, and gallium arsenide.

Taking germanium as an example, the turn-on voltage of germanium is only 0.1V, while the turn-on voltage of silicon needs 0.5V. In terms of power consumption, the latter is far inferior to the former.

However, the raw materials of semiconductor integrated circuits have been updated several times, and finally monocrystalline silicon has become the mainstream base layer.


Because silicon is second only to oxygen in the number of surface elements, if you grab a handful of sand, it will be full of silicon...

It can be said that it is abundant in quantity, easy to mine, concentrated in resources, cheap in cost, and almost inexhaustible.

As a result, methods to create defect-free crystals have taken decades.

In order to increase the number of transistors per unit area and strengthen the integrated circuit manufacturing process, the Science and Technology Alliance has invested trillions of Franklins to improve the technology of lithography machines.

Because of this, all kinds of possible threats are blocked, such as the prohibition of sending high-tech electronic equipment and high-tech science and technology to China...

But today, everything has changed.

Graphene comes from carbon.

Draw a line with a pencil, maybe you can pull out several layers of graphene...

Although the amount of carbon in the parent star is only one-thousandth of that of silicon, the performance of graphene chips is nearly a hundred times that of silicon-based chips. This is still the first generation of chips. The future... I can't imagine!

After all, the parent star life forms are carbon-based, and perhaps biotechnology is about to usher in a major breakthrough...

If the performance of graphene is really as stated in the press conference, this will be a technological revolution for all mankind!

And strengthening the lithography machine technology is completely meaningless.

it's like...

We used to run in the desert, who runs slowly and who runs fast depends entirely on the car-making technology.

We have technology and a factory, but we don’t tell you, and we don’t help you produce. We only sell your substandard products at a high price, and you will never be able to outrun us.

And now it becomes:

We drive sports cars in the desert, but you drive a classic car on the highway...

120nm process?

Last year was very advanced, but the first half of this year was so-so. After June, the Technology Alliance has entered the 90-nanometer era.

However, the graphene chip made by the 120nm process has nearly a hundred times the performance of the silicon-based chip made by the 90nm process...

In other words, the speed of a classic car on the highway is nearly a hundred times that of a sports car in the desert...

It's not about the car anymore, it's about the road.

The wafer material has to be changed, graphene is used instead of monocrystalline silicon...

Carefully read the content of the press conference of Longtian Science and Technology, all major scientific research institutes, research departments, and technology companies have fallen into madness.


UFO Stadium.

‘This game, it’s a bit big! '

‘Forget it, it’s none of my business to be a bastard if you have money? '

Watching Lao Wang lead the representatives of North American Broadcom, Sanxing Electronics and other manufacturers into the back of the stage, Ge Xiaotian's legs were weak, he leaned on the wall of the passage, and slipped into another office quietly.

Pick up the official encrypted satellite phone and contact Director Sun who is still in North America.

"Is the money all in place?"

"It's, it's in place, boss." The other side was very excited, crying even at his age.

"The box office was divided into 300 million Franklin and 200 million euros. In addition, the above 1 billion Franklin and Lao Sun were loaned through nine high-interest mortgages. Including our old capital, this is 15 billion red notes."

"I understand the boss, I will issue a military order!"

"Need not."

Ge Xiaotian took out the cigarette tremblingly, and flicked the lighter for a long time, but the staff next to him couldn't stand it, and helped him light it.

Take a deep breath, "After finishing this vote, I will keep your children and grandchildren safe."

"Thank you boss! Don't worry, I am absolutely sure, if I don't fish it ten times and a hundred times, I will jump into the Pacific Ocean myself."

"No, it's a big deal to start all over again. Come on! Finish it early, and I will mention you as the chairman of the new company when I come back!"

"Thank you boss...haha, it's lowered! Damn, it's lowered in an instant!"


Ge Xiaotian shook his little paw, and dropped the satellite phone on the table.

His face was cloudy and sunny for a long time, he put on the headset and looked at more than a dozen monitors.

Due to technical limitations, graphene cannot replace silicon at this stage.

The reason why people are so crazy comes from the stimulation of new things.

When I calm down, I find that the purification of graphene is as difficult as ever, and everything will return to 'yesterday'.

This is also the reason why Ge Xiaotian called Lao Wang "Wang Zha".

That guy wants to deceive the whole world, and he will definitely be the public enemy of the technology industry in the future.


The emergence of graphene will definitely induce "fake technological change" and affect many technology stocks that have been devastated by the Internet crisis.

There are nine other schools that have the same idea, otherwise why would they lend money to my family...

How to operate it depends on the follow-up impact. Anyway, Lao Sun has practiced in the stock market for a long time in advance, and now he has some experience.

Everything is dominated by himself, he doesn't need to have all kinds of tricks like a stock king, he just needs to play a few games in a regular manner.

You don’t need to be too harsh, just make a few bucks and sneak away quickly...


on the monitor screen.

Wang Laoliu sat in the conference room with representatives of North American Broadcom, Sanxing Electronics and other manufacturers.

At the beginning, we must not talk about graphene, but the OEM qualification of SG series products.

For example: We are going to produce millions of laptops, how many LCD screens, how many sets of electronic devices are needed...

For example: Our official website opened a pre-sale column, and within half an hour, we received 50,000 orders from all over the world...

For example: we will accelerate the application of graphene in other fields, do you want to introduce technology? This is the design plan, and this is the related data...

Everything looks true except for the first example.

There are many smart people in the world.

When Ge Xiaotian does things, he always imagines that the other party is infinitely smarter than himself, so everything depends on his actual words.

But it seems that there are more 'fools' in the world.

For example, the third brother really accepted the gift from the ice bear, and happily won the free version of "Aircraft".

For example, Lao Wang received a call from the North American Pingguo official, and the other party asked about the price, and took away 100 grams of graphene in an instant...

This matter cannot be faked, and the representatives of the manufacturer gathered in the conference room all recognized who the other party was.

Almost instantly, call and call, talk about the price of the light price...

On the other side, many technology stocks fell by the limit instantly...

Through the window of the office, Ge Xiaotian even saw the Nine Institutes and the three superiors walk out of the UFO gymnasium tremblingly while making a phone call while leaning on the wall...

"Let the storm come harder!"


the next day.

The graphene affair continued to ferment, almost to the point of boiling.

Sanxing Electronics, which won 200 grams of graphene, was the first to confirm the scientific research results of Longtian, and listed more detailed characteristics of graphene.

Immediately afterwards, North American Broadcom, which won 150 grams of graphene, announced the internal structure of graphene, thereby announcing the many applications of graphene in biotechnology...

Afterwards, UMC, which bought a graphene wafer, successfully produced the first graphene chip of the North American Science and Technology Alliance, with performance two hundred times that of a silicon-based chip of the same design!

Everything is moving rapidly toward the good.

the third day.

Graphene concept stocks were born, and the rise was gratifying, which shocked countless people's eyes...

five days later.

North American Pingguo, which took away 100 grams of graphene, put forward the concept of "digital hub", and announced the successful development of iTunes and ipod, and began to lay exclusive stores in prime locations.

All designs have the same goal as the SG series, causing more people to speculate on graphene, and PC seems to have really entered a new era.

At the same time, the second batch of customers, mainly Microsoft, arrived in Dongshan and took away a kilogram of graphene.

Immediately afterwards, the research laboratories of the first batch of customers announced a new round of experimental data:

Theoretical Young's modulus up to 1.0TPa,

The carrier mobility at room temperature is about 15000cm2/(V s), 10 times higher than that of silicon materials, and more than twice that of indium antimonide, the material with the highest known carrier mobility.

The thermal conductivity of pure defect-free single-layer graphene is as high as 5300W/mK, which is the carbon material with the highest thermal conductivity so far, higher than single-walled carbon nanotubes (3500W/mK) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (3000W/mK),

The absorption rate is about 2.3% in a wide wavelength range, and it looks almost transparent, with super hydrophobicity and super lipophilicity,

The implantation of carboxyl ions can make the surface of the graphene material have active functional groups, thereby greatly improving the cell and biological reactivity of the material,

The structure of graphene is very stable, the carbon-carbon bond is only 1.42…

ten days later.

Wafers with silicon, germanium, GaAs, InP, and GaN as substrate materials have ceased production, and many manufacturers have turned to research on graphene wafers.

For this reason, Mr. Wang sent 100 kilograms of graphene to the old customer service for free.

This fully proves that Longtian Technology has the ability to mass-produce graphene, and major research institutes once again increase research funding to speed up the research progress of graphene...

Half a month later, the technology and equipment linked to the lithography machine will be greatly reduced in price.

From the previous 100 million units to 10 million units, the North American xx Semiconductor Company and the Netherlands xx Lithography Machine Company... declared bankruptcy one after another.

An offshore company announced to take over the order, but it caused countless ridicules...

And the funds for investing in chip factories have also been reduced from tens of billions to hundreds of millions.

For a time, countless "sighted people" who were optimistic about the graphene market joined this emerging industry one after another.

As a result, graphene underwear, graphene masks, graphene dentures, and even graphene floor tiles began to appear on the market...

June 25th.

Mr. Wang announced to the outside world that Longtian Technology's graphene purification technology has made a major breakthrough, achieving a production of 100kg/day, and the external sales price has been reduced from 1 million/gram to 100,000/gram.

And remind the public that graphene is expensive and currently impossible to use in underwear, hoods, dentures, flooring...

Research materials are exhausted, a new batch of customers is born, and graphene is on sale...

Time to enter July.

On the 10th, the technological revolution known as the 69 storm was terminated by North American Gaotong.

Facts have proved: this thing is really difficult to adjust!

Almost at the same time, UMC announced that it would suspend the research and development progress of graphene chips, and Sanxing Electronics held a press conference to confirm the difficulty of graphene purification...

In the afternoon of that day, the graphene concept stocks plummeted, and the technology stocks that had originally fallen by the limit bottomed out. Countless bankrupt semiconductor tycoons yelled at each other, and the directors of two lithography machine manufacturers hugged their heads in pain.

Longtian Technology fell into a storm of public opinion.

However, Mr. Wang, who has been keeping silent all this time, publicly accused North American hackers of cooperating to break into the internal network of Longtian Enterprise and steal some core secrets...

On the 11th, the world hacker war broke out.

A certain hacker company hired by Lao Shen, who was trying to attack the server of the card, was scared and quit the industry.

The Red Eagle Alliance hastily responded to the battle, but under the enemy on all sides, they retreated steadily and finally disappeared.

On the 15th, Longtian couldn't bear the pressure brought by the hackers, and announced the sale of the graphene purification method, and held a public auction in Dongshan UFO Gymnasium.

As soon as the news came out, the graphene concept stocks with the limit of the limit skyrocketed, and the technology stocks with gratifying gains plummeted again...

Numerous old semiconductor manufacturers that have been devastated, most of them were wiped out in an instant...

As for lithography machine manufacturers, only one survived, and they still belonged to the former mid-stream enterprises.

On the 20th, many technology manufacturers jointly made a move, making the auction almost cold, and took away more than a dozen graphene purification solutions at ultra-low prices ranging from tens of millions.

As a result, the market value of Longtian Technology exceeded 50 billion, and Mr. Wang became the richest man. (Three parties hold shares, Lao Wang only has 30%.)

But three days later...

"He's a liar!"

"The villain who deceived the world!"

"Prohibit Longtian Technology from selling any products in our country!"

"It is forbidden to sell any high-tech and high-tech electronic equipment to Longtian Technology!"


For this reason, Mr. Wang had no choice but to hold a press conference:

"Affected by hackers, my company's secrets were stolen, graphene research materials were deleted, backup data were severely damaged, hundreds of billions of research funds were directly lost, and the company suffered serious losses. The plan to launch the SG series products was canceled and entered the navigation industry instead. lingering for breath..."

"But our company did not deceive the scientific and technological community. Graphene is real, and its characteristics are the same as all the information released by our company. It is indeed the main material that triggers the technological revolution."

"However, we were ruined by your hackers!"

During the press conference, Pharaoh was inexplicably sad and angry, wiped his tears, and displayed 100 tons of graphene worth 100 billion red notes. (actual value of 10 billion red notes)

"We reached mass production standards...but everything just fell apart."

"Here, we decided to sell the final purification technology, and all the equipment for mass production of graphene, as well as the 100 tons of graphene, only 100 Franklin per gram..."

At the same time, a funny movie that took place in Thailand, starring Shuai Bo, Bao Bao, and A Zheng, with the main line of robbing graphene purification technology, was released!

Five days later, Longtian Technology, which sold its properties and failed to save the loss, officially declared bankruptcy, and many projects were taken over by Wanshi Financial Technology...

69 Storm follow-up.

It was rumored that someone was at the Tiancheng construction site and saw the weather-beaten Old Wang moving bricks.

In free time, the expression of eating steamed buns and pickling vegetables... is endlessly memorable.

And this photo also won a world-class award!

Who is to blame?


But it is true!

He was nominated by Nobel Prize and won the award properly, but he was definitely not the Chinese person.

It has almost gone back nearly ten years, lost tens of trillions of North American technology alliances, and collectively fell into silence...

And a certain young man who was worried and hid in the canal development zone, and kept a close eye on all the developments of the 69 storm through news and newspapers, walked out of the hotel for the first time after holding back for two months.

"I'm white, and I'm even more handsome!"

The Tiancheng executives who welcomed the big boss to leave the customs, including Director Sun who returned from North America, Teddy who participated in the Prairie Rally, and the senior leader from Jishi, collectively uttered 'boo'.

"Notify the boss of Wanshi that we are going to hold a smart card designed by Laolongtian Technology Company and developed by Wanshi Financial Technology Group. There is also a red envelope of 100 million yuan. It's time to surprise Lao Shen."

"By the way, leader, let's talk inside? I plan to invest in a canal bridge, free of charge! In addition, I will donate a few big~~ roads to our hometown, and rebuild all the villages and towns in Jishi... Hey? Leader? What's wrong with you? Hold on! Take a deep breath... wait, I have medicine in my bag!"

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